VOLUME XLIII. THE GOVERNOR ISSUES PROCLAMATIOM] November Is Set Aside As the ' Moonlight School ; Month-A Strong Appeal To the Teachers and Other Citizens of the State. V»"HI;I;I:AS there are in North J Carolina 132.001! white men and women, boys and girls, over 10 years ol age whc» cannot read and write an 01 my greater in num ber than was sent by North Caro lina to the service of the Confed erate States- and 1-1 per cent, of the white voters are reported in the concensus as illiterate, the State in this particular standing practically at the bottom of the roll of States: and WHEREAS it is largely because they lacked opportunity, largely because they "had no chance,'' that these people, brothers and sisters of ours, are illiterate today growing up as they did in the years of war and reconstruction, and the years of poverty that fol lowed. before the State had pro vided adequate schools or thoro ughly realized its duty to pro vide facilities whereby everv child may "burgeon out all there is within him:" and WHEREAS the State has now come to a poignant realization of its duty not only to provide schools for the boys and girls of today, but also to open the doors ol knowledge, of hope and oppor tunity for all who were neglected in her days of poverty: and Wll ERE AS, while our illiterate I Farmers Warehouse Th C GOVV C1 1 S j | "ALL THE TIME" J | Headquarters For Stokes Tobacco Farmers Who Want The Highest • 1 Prices and Best Accommodations. § iTO OUR MANY FRIENDS IN STOKES : 2 Our market will be in full swing within a few days now and we are expecting you to come to see us. We are 9 expecting you simply for the reasons that we believe that you know that we have two of the best ,| g | jted warehouses £ in the state, two exceptional good auctioneers, accommodations for you and your stock unsurpassed b> an> £ house, an efficient force to handle your tobacco, and finally because # J The Gorrell boys will get you MORE MONEY for your tobacco than any other warehouse J anywhere can get for you. # J We have been in the warehouse business all our life-long enough to have learnedwhat tobacco is and the S 5 highest price each buyer will pay for each grade. It is our business to make every pile bring the high f'2 ur ®' and # • thiswedo Do you know that the highest price paid for a pile of tobacco on the Winston market tart.year J • was paid in Farmers Warehouse and that a Stokes man was the grower.-* Do you know that we got m • the tobacco that was grown on one acre in 1013, this being by far the highest price ever paidl on j wmarlket for the j • yield from one acre? Do you know that the highest average ever made by a Winston warehouse on a day s sale £ • was made by Qorrells, the average being $23.06 ? We mention these facts merely to prove to you that the CJOR X • RELLS SELL IT HIGHER. • f Now as for the coming year. We know it is going to take harder work than ever to sell this crop. The to -2 bacco trade is not in as as we had hoped it to be. Therefore, it s imperative on your part.to.sell • Z with men who have been selling Stokes tobacco for years. Our experience is worth something to you. We have • Z been selling Stokes tobacco so long that we know it as few others do. W , # We trust you will bring us your first load, and we feel sure we will get you prices that cannot be touched by £ • any other house. We will have a first sale every day after Oct. Ist--and you won t have to wait until late in the g • day to sell. Come to see us. We will expect you. # • Your friends, m | THE GORRELL BOYS. I Z FIRST SALE DAYS FOR OCTOBER— FARMERS—Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays. " " " . " QORRELLS'—Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays. * THE DANBURY REPORTER ! people as a whole have bravely and perseveringly acheived use fulness. success, good citizenship and high character, despite their, terrible handicap, we but feel how infinitely greater would have been their achievements, how in finitely richer their contribution j to the life of our Commonwealth had they but had the keys of, learning in their hands:"and while, our State, through patient strug- ■ gle, has won its way out toward prosperity and civic progress we ■ should make all our people edu cated: and I WHEREAS, through the "Moon ' I light School," as we are assured 51 by the experience of Kentucky 1 and by the experience of numer • ous counties of own State, the - method is at hand, as outlined by ■ i the Superintendent of Public In - j struction and the State Commit >' tee on Community Service, where s by we may carry the immeas urable benefits of education to all v i who were neglected or neglectful f in their youth: 9 Now, THEREFORE, I, Locke '• Craig, Governor of North Caro f Una, do issue this my proclama " tion to designate the month of d e ( Continued on page 8.) DANBURY, N. C., OCTOBER 13, I^ls GOOD ROADS 10 STOKES Forsyth Highways Touch * Our Line At Several Places Now. Winston-Salem, Oct. 12. —' Countv Highway Engineer I). W. 1 Harmon states that this county ? has made every provision pos- * sible for reaching Stokes county 'with good roads during the pres- 1 ent vear. He ca'led attention to the fact 1 that the road from Tobaccoville to the Stokes line has been built this year with the exception of j half a mile of the road that was built last year. The Geimanton road has been j | built from Dave James' place to j j the Stokes county line, a distance ! of 5 miles. The Pine Hall road has been [ built for a distance of 1-2 miles ■ to the Stokes county line. • | The lied Bank road has been j ; built direct to the Stokes county . ' line, a distance of 2 1-2 miles. I "The only road planned to the * 1 Stokes county line that has net - been built is the Denn's to Fulp - road," said Mr. Harmon, "and ' that has heretofore been delayed 1 ' bv the difficulty in securing the and the opposition e of the railroad to the routa select ed by the countv authorities. Mr. Harmon also stated that f 1 the stretch of concrete road on ~ the Bethania road by the Reynolda estate is about half PRISONERS IN JAIL Quite a Number Awaiting Trial At the October 25 Term of Court. About t?n prisoners are in jail awaiting a hearing at the next term of criminal court, Oct. 2.1, charged as follows: Arthur Woods, hauling whis key. Phoenix Ciinard, house break ing. Houston Pegram, store break- i ing. I i Tom Williams, resisting of -1 ficer. j Alex Mitchell, col., attempted ! rape. John Petree, col., drawing gun on conductor. Excel Mason, col.. riding freight car. Dick Williams, too much whis l key in his possession. | Sidney Love, shooting, i Many others are arraigned for , trial, but who are out on baP. '■ Mr. Alex Rodgers, one of : Peters Creek's thriftiest citizens, j passed through luesday on his 1 way home from market where 1 he sold 1200 pounds of tobacco s ■ at an average of 15 cents. •jcompleted. He stated that il the weather remains good now\ t' that it will be only a question ol 11 a very short time before the 2 i magnificent highway is complet ed. NEWS or KING ROUTE 2. I Crops All Gathered—Fox j Hunting'ln Order-Sunday | Schools Grow ing Cold, i King Route 2, Oct. 11. The farmers of this section have finished gathering their crops except the corn crop. We are sorry to learn that Mr. ; Bob Bowman's little daughter is • seriously ill with typhoid fever. ! During the wet weather the | farmers have sold a lot of tobac .co and they say prices are low. They say President Wilson is neglecting the tobacco market ; on account of his wedding. On account of the wet weather 1 tjiere has not been any wheat sown in this section, and but r ' little plowing done. The little folks are very proud. ,as the public schools opened Monday morning. We guess the rabbits are ripe, 1 as a big frost visited our section last Sunday morning, j. Fox hunting has got to be th* go in this section. Last Sundaj g morning a large crowd ol men and boys in the mountair having a fine race, the dogs bark O .11 ing, the men hollering and th( fox calling on his legs to carrj his body to safety. People are making efforts foi ,f a great county fair, e; The Sunday Schools are grow t- ing cold as usual. Some of then are talking of having a Christ No. 2,271 QUARTERLY CONFERENCE ' Session of M. E. CEiurch Will Be Held At Snow Hill Church Saturday and Sunday--Appointments At Other Churches. The (quarterly Conference of itheM. K. church for Danbury circuit will be held at Snow Hill church on Saturday and Sunday, Oct. l(Ith and 17th. Services will be held Saturday morning at 11 o'clock, Saturday night and Sunday morning at 11 ' o'clock. Presiding Klder J. H. : Sprinkle, of Mt. Airy, will pre side at the conference, assisted ■ by Pastor O. P. Routh. t Elder Sprinkle will preach at t the following other places while ; in the county : , I"ni n Hill church. Tnursday 3 night, Oct. 14th. Yade Mecum church, Friday, , Oct. 15th, at 11 o'clock and at night. " Dan bury church, Sunday night, Oct. 17th. e The public is cordially invited* v to come out to all of the services. if n mas tree for Christmas and they are growing so cold they don't have enough in attendance to 6 drag the bush to the house to y hang the presents on. Some one says it takes praying people to )r have a Sunday School, and that has gone out in this country with the exception of what little the preacher prays and there has m : got to be money at the end of t- | that to make it interesting.