Store four Own Ice For Next Winter. Do you know that the nights are getting cold now? Do you know that the water may freeze any day? Do you know that next summer will be as warm as the ice is cold, and that if you use foresight and present energy you can have some of the frigidity to dilute the extreme heat to live able temperature? This is about your last chance to build an ice house. Build it.! (Jet it started to day, and have it ready for the first ice. as the first may be also the last. Just recall how you longed for a cool/ drink last summer and make up your mind that next j vear you are going to have the j comforts of life that cost as little as ice. Why, in the Bible times the loaves and fishes were pro vided and man supplied the bas ket in which to gather the frag ments. So today the ice is given us, we but furnish the receptical. Take advantage of the ice. Your milk and butter are bet ter for having ice. You can get a greater price for them, both be-1 cause of improved quality and j better shipping. There are a dcz- ( en reasons for having ice—each ! better than the other. Now, as to how t6 build an ice house. I suggest that you look up Mr. Scott's artic'e of about a year ago on the subject. If you j cannot do this, just build a double J or treble wall house, fill it in be-1 tween with sawdust, or any other j good non-conductor of heat and cold, make double doors far enough apart to close one before. opening the other, have plenty of sawdust to put between the' ice and over it, ar.d 10, there is! your ice house! If it is impossible for you to do even this, have you not a clay bank into which you can delve and board up an underground room? If you cannot do as you J. P. HINES, | THE LADIES STORE, j Everything in Ready-to-Wear ladies' misses and children's Suits and Coats, Dress Goods, Shoes, Hoisery and Underwear. Everything new in Millinery to please any lady or child of any age. I have with me an ex perienced trimmer of Baltimore, Md., to wait on you. And I re x quest that you give my line a look before you make your purchases. I J. P. HINES, Pilot Mountain, N. C. INSURANCE WE WRITE ALL FORMS AND KINDS. Galloway & Jenkins Co. WACHOVIA BANK BUILDING, WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. RAY JOHNSON, Secretary and Treasuer and General Manager. This beauti- JpF tul and prac- ( /$Qk tical dress (IJtaMy that sells lor ujill $1 for only ISO (Mml j CENTS n Exactly as illustrated- Positively a $1 value at any store in the country. Noth ing cheap about it, but the price. Made of excellent quality dark blue Linene— Collar, Cuffs, Front, Belt and Pocket tastily trimmed in contrasting, striped fan cy material. Elastic waistband. Full regula tion size and length. In misses' sizes, 14,16 and 18. In women's sizes, 84 to 44. You can't afford to let this genuine bargain slip by , you. Order today, stating size. This dress is only one of the 1000 real bargain* described in the big, new illustrated cata logue of the 140 sc, 10c, 25c From this book you can supply the needs of your family with boot goods at cheapest prices. I Write For v Free Catalogue Prompt and accurate service. All ordero filled within twen ty-four hours. If you have not already received one, write for this valuable book today* It's FREE. Address— S. H. KRESS & CO.. ROANOKE. VA. I would like, just do the best you ! can, but have an ice house of! I some kind, sort, or condition j ! ready for the cold day. I And if you can. have it near 'the house and not a quarter of j a mile awav, —Exchange. THE DANBURY REPORTER Running The Paper. Creedmore News. Everybody thinks he can run a newspaper better than the be nighted souls who have been placed by Providence in that un enviable position. Maybe its because the editor's faults are glaring ones—out in the open in black and white, or, possibly, it is just a queer quirk of hu man nature and the jobs so easy, anyway. Running the paper is a sort of side line with lots of people. They offer advice in their spare moments with the j same spirit as they play golf or pinochle. One would have the editor a militant suffragist, another demands that he rail against woman voting. The pro hibitionists can't see how any decent person can be for the regulated saloons and accuse him of selling out to the liquor in terests if he takes that side, ! while the "wets" say he is being intimidated by tha churches and ruled by the "drys" if he is opposed to the saloon. The Democrats say the paper is a "dirty rag'' if the editor is Re publican in his sympathies, and the Republicans stop their sub ! soriptions if he comes out for a , Democrat. If the editor is for anything the antia condemn him and vice versa. If he takes a stand he is trying to dictate to to the community. If doesn't take a stand, he is a molly coddle and jellyfish. He is a crank, a reformer, a fanatic, a four flusher, a crook, disturber of the peace or junt a plain idiot, according as he meets with the dssires of his subscribers or goes against them. And there you are. The average man never thinks of the toil, down-right, soul-sweat 'ing toil, it takes to get out a ! paper. He never thinks of the i worries,the trials, the tribulations i every editor must undergo. Some ,of them are so unappreciative of jits efforts to boost their town | and make money for them that they won't even contribute the price of a subscription. .Tust re ' member this. The editor apart i from the perfectly laudable de | sire to make a decent living for I himself and his family, had only j the good of the community at j heart. If he disagrees with you | on any subject political, moral or | educational, you and not he may be wrong. Get Rid of Those Poisons In Your System. j You will find Dr. King's New Life Pills a most satisfactory laxative in releasing the poisons from your system. Accumulat -1 ed waste and poisons cause man- | fold ailments unless released. Dizziness, spots before the eyes, blackness and miserable feeling generally are indication that you need Dr. Kings New Life Pills. Take a dose tonight and you will experience grateful relief by morning. 25c. Some Conundrums. To what flower does the school boy look forward during the afternoon? Four o'clock. What tune makes everybody glad? Fortune. Why ought Ireland to be rich? Because its capitol is Dublin. Why is U the gayest letter in the alphabet? Because it is al ways in fun. Why is an orange like a church steeple? Because we have a peel from it. What insect does the black • smith manufacture? He makes the fire fiv. What is most like half a cheese? The other half. What does a ball do when it stops roolling? Stands £ till and looks round. What is the difference between an engine driver and a school master? One minds the train, and the other trains the mind. How can you spell potatoes with only the letter "o"? Put 8 o's (potatoes). Why do schoolboys talk least L ———____________ Westbrook Drug and Floral Company,V r wnTor istß ' Mail us your orders for drugs and we will do the rest. If we haven't got what you want we will take pleasure in getting it for you. When in our city call around to see us, we are always glad to see you and you will always find us at your service. Our Ice Cream and Soda Water is the best that can be had. nOK OH! AND FLORAL C GMFANI Opposite Post Office. \VINSTON=SALEM, N. C. Phone 278. Post Office Box 566. i M J I f —— - g STAR WOOD HEATERS [ > Prices $1.50 to $3.00. | r w - I § HOT BLAST HEATERS 1 J | Prices $10.50 to $15.00. g THE MONITOR RADIATOR I | Prices $50.00 to $75.00 j 05 O f § You will probably need a heater or stove soon and £ I P* g we have all kinds at prices to suit you v g ■ ' . ; BROWN-ROGERS CO., 1 i 'The Farmer's Friends." M | Opposite New Postoffice. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. in February? Because it is the shortest month. Why is using slang like an ill fitting coat? Because it is a bad habir. What old colony is still called a recent discovery? Newfound land. Cold Weather Specials I Nine Hundred yards colored Outings, lOc. values 6 l-2c. yard. Six hundred yards Fleeced Drilling lOc. values Bc. yard. $1 25 Cotton Blankets, 97 cents. $1.50 Cotton Blankets, $1.20. $2.00 Wool Knap Blankets, $1.69. $2.75 Wool Knap Blankets, $2.19. Shore Mercantile Co., KING, N. C. P. S.--Our Furniture Department is complete at Money Saving Prices. What grows the less tired the more it works? A carriage wheel. Why is a good tailor making a coat like the letter "f"? Because 1 he makes it fit.

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