DANBURY REPORTER IOLUME XLIV. EE* TOWI OFFICERS ayor J. N. Young and the *iewly Elected Commis sioners At Walnut Cove Take Charge. ASS MEETING SOON L To Devise Ways and Means For B Improving High School Facili- ties—Steve Hester Probably V- Captured —Various Other News tad Personal Items. Walnut Cove, N. 0., May 10.— The new town officers, Mayor J. N. Young; Commissioners E. 0. Creakman, K. A. Johnson, S. H. Stewart and W. L. Nelson, were inauguarated Monday even ing with suitable ceremony, to succeed ex-mayor 0. N. Petree and ex-commissioners W. F. Bowles, W. G. Dodson and A. J. Barker, who were not candi dates for re-election. The old officers in charge of the town's affairs for the past year by hav ing had cement sidewalks placed along Main street have no doubt shown more progress in their | wprk than any of their predeces- j sj -s along this line. Under the administration of Mr. S. C. Rier- J '• son a great deal of good work' was done in the grading of the! streets. It now remains for the' present administration to at-1 tempt some improvement for the! continued advancement of the town's interests. We await with keen anticipation the pleas ure of the present board and feel sure that Mayor Tobe Young i will not keep us waiting long i before he starts something. News has reached here this Jweek of the capture of a man euppoeed to be Steve Hester at Martinsville, Va., Monday. Hes ter is said to W a desperate ehsracter and is charged with various crimes in several differ ent sections of the country. • His home until a few years ago was a few miles south of here and his relatives still reside at the old homestead. During the many robberies committed at this place two years ago Hester ' was strongly suspicioned and several efforts were made to capture him but without result. I It seems that the most of his criminal depredations have been committed in the state of Texas where he will be carried for trial. A mass meeting of the citizens will be held the latter part of the week for the purpose of ef fecting some plan whereby the high school building may be en larged sufficiently to accom modate the students seeking ad mission to the school each year. • Last year the state appropria tion was reduced presumably on account of the inadequacy of building and unless some immediate, steps are taken it is probable that the entire appro priation will be taken from the . district. The board of education ' at a recent meeting agreed to put up funds equal to half the •taiount donated by the patrons imltlTf 1 * 1 * dtatriet and some mans Hfttttr %filr "lifci mmMsr At this time a bond issue appears I to be the only solution of the problem and this method will doubtless be adopted and an election called for the purpose of voting the bonds. An election of this kind was held here last summer but was defeated by a big majority. It is thought that: sentiment concerning the issue has changed considerably since; that time. Owing to the continued dry weatler the tobacco crop in this section will be considerably de creased. Dealers are selling very little guano and farmers have assumed an ar of uneasi ness regarding the unfavorable season. Nevertheless a good rain, which is almost sure to come, even ten days from now will bring great changes. We have always noticed that the rain al ways comes just a few days be fore it is too late to raise a crop and the farmer who keeps culti vating and plowing and con serves the moisture of his fields has nothing to fear from a much longer drought than this has been. Mr. T. P. Bailey today sold i his cafe and confection store to j Mr. J. E. James, who has moved] i the fixtures to the building for- I merly occupied by the bowling j alley. Mr. James will open his I store and cafe the latter part of I the week. Mr. Bailey has not] I decided upon his future occupa-1 : tion. Elder J. A. Fagg requests that we announce that Mr. Matt Mabe will be baptised next Sun day morning at nine o'clock at Red Shoals ford near Meadows. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fulton and Miss Sallie Eulton spent Tuesday in Winston-Salem. Messrs. Sanders Rierson, Paul Taylor, J. C. Joyce, C. E. Davis and Geo. L. Jarvis went to the the Primitive Baptist association at Bassett. Va., Sunday. The trip which was mostly over a rough mountain road was made in a Ford without so much as a puncture. Mr. C. J. Tinsley, represent ing the Simmons Hardware Co., spent Monday in town. Messrs. Cary L. Carroll and Jno. L. Christian, of Winston- Salem, were business visitors here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Fair, Elder J. A. Fajg, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Morefield and Miss Bes sie Morefield attended the Primi tive baptist association at Bas sett, Va., Sunday. Mr. Roy L, Vaughn, of Roan oke, spent Monday and Tuesday with relatives here. Mr. S. H. Stewart went to King Saturday, returning Mon day. A great many Coveites attend ed the* county commencement and educational rally at Danbury Saturday. They were highly pleased with the splendid exer cises of the day and it is hoped | that this will become an annual event. Mr. R. R. Rogers, formerly cashier of the Bank of Stokes County at this place, but who now holds a responsible position with « w#U known Arm in N jr [toil DANBURY, N. C., WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1916 WHEAT ANO TOBACCO i Both Promise To Be Short This Season On Ac count Of Dry Weather. jWHEAT IS "HEADING" I ! Soma Fields B*in; Plowed Up and Planted In Corn —Water-, ing the Tobacco Plants. Farmers who have been here | recently from nearly every section of the county report that to bacco plants are very scarce and it is generally predicted that even if it should rain soon there will not be more than a half, crop of tobacco planted. The wheat crop is also being seriously injured by the dry weather. It is "heading" be fore it gets high enough. Some of the wheat on som? farm 3 has been turned under and the land : planted to corn. Many farmers are making a desperate effort to save their tobacco plants iby watering the beds and the method is proving , very succ2«»ful. County Commissioners Meet Friday and Saturday The Stokes Board of County i j Commissioners will meet herej j Friday and Saturday in special! session for the purpose of making j settlement of the past year's tax j money with the Sheriff and j county Treasurer. town shakipg hands with old acquaintances. Mr. E W. Carroll, of Mizpah, was here on business Monday. Mr. Carroll reports that tobacco plants are somewhat scarce in his immediate section. Mr. T. H. Gerry has recently returned from a business trip to Chicago, 111. Mr. John G. Fulton left today for Yadkin county in the interest of the Stokes Grocery Co. Mr. Dolph Slate, a prominent citizen of King, was in town a short while Monday enroute home from Dennis. Mr. M. T. Chilton, of Danbury, spent a day here last week on business. It is learned that a deal has been made for the sale of thd machinery of the Dry Prizery property. It is probable that after the machinery has been removed that the building will be used for a furniture plant. Mr. P. W. Gunter left this week with his family for Mt. Airy where he has accepted a position. His barber shop here has been placed in the hands of his son. Dewey. Mr. E. D. Matthews, of Stone ville, the popular book-keepr of the new warehouse last year, | was a visitor here Sunday and Monday. Miss Beulah Sheppard, of Sandy Ridge, spent a few hours in town Sunday afternoon. Miss Jettie More field, who holds a position, in High Point, was here a short while Monday enroute from the association at IMSML Jmmi Pr , Jj 'J THE COMMENCEMENT i i i Teachers, Pupils, Corn Club , Boys and Others Spend | ] Profitable and Pleas- !' ant Dav. ! AT DANBURY, MAY 6!' . j ' _ Splendid Addresses By Prof. T. E. Brown, Prof. Z. H. Dixon j' I and Miss Grace Shaffer—Cer- j, tificates and Prizes Delivered To Seventh Orade Pupils— , Dinner Served By Domestic l Science Class—Large Attend ance. i The County Commencement held in Danbury Saturday was ( well attended by the teachers, | pupils and others. The exercises ( were held in the court house and , the auditorium of the building ( was taxed to accommodate J the , j large audience. I The principal feature oftfthe , exercises of the forenoon were | the addresses delivered by Prof. , T. E. Brown, of Raleigh, and ( j Miss Grace Shaffer, of Greens- ' boro. The former is manager of the Bjys' Corn Club of North Carolina, and the subject of his address was "Education and the Purposes of the Boys' and Girls' | Demonstration Clubs." Miss 1 Shaffer, who is assistantsuperin f tendent of Home Economics for j the State, spoke from the sub j ject of "The Demand for Train ing in Home Economics and j What It Will Mean To Our 1 'Girls." Both addresses were I highly entertaining and instruc- 1 tive, and will no doubt prove an 1 inspiration to many of the boys and girls who were present. 1 Immediately following the ad dresses lunch was served the speakers and others in the vesti bule of the court room by the Domestic Science Class of the Danbury public school. In addition to the large number of teachers and pupils in attend ance on the commencement there were seventy or more of the county's Corn Club boys present, and at one o'clock the entire body assembled in the grove at the M. E. church and forming a process ion marched to the court house. The Corn Club boys -were led by County Demonstrator W. P. Holt who carried a huge stalk of corn, and all of the boys were attired in overalls and wore broad-brimmed straw hats. At 2 o'clock the audience again assembled in the court room when an address on education was delivered by Prof. Z. H. Dixon, principal of the graded school at Elkin. Prof. Dixon is among the leading educators of the State and is an entertaining speaker. His remarks were listened to with cbscst attention and were thoroughly enjoyed by the large audience. His advice to the young men and young women was good, to say the least. | Following the address Miss Bemice Woodruff recited "Mam my's Little Boy," and it is safe to say that no feature of the commencement was more thoroughly enjoyed. , The last number on the pro |tam (was the delivering of pruea j and certificates to eighty-one high school students of the coun ty who finished the seventh grade this year, this being done in a mo3t appropriate manner by Prof. Dixon and Supt. of Schools Smith. At intervals during the day's exercises the audience sang a number of patriotic airs, "Ameri ca," "The Old North State," etc., with Miss Mary Taylor presiding at the organ which had been provided for the occasion. Several instrumental selections were also rendered by Miss Taylor during the day, adding much to the enjoyment of the audience. At the close of the com mencement, in a short speech of thanks those who had I assisted U2in the'lfday's exercises, Supt. of Schools Smith said that while this was the county's first commencement he was very much gratified at the large attendance and the interest shown and that next year it was % hoped to have a commencement that would be at least the equal of that of any county in the State. THE CORN CLUB BOYS Being Looked After Closely By County Demonstrator and Good Results Are Ex pected. County Demonstrator W, P. Holt spent the past week in Meadows, Sauratown and Dan bury townships looking after the work of the Boys' Corn Club and other demonstration work, and conducting spraying demonstrations. The club boys are very en thusiastic over the preparation of their prize acre plots and are working hard. With fair seasons these hun dreds of boys in Stokes are go ing to accomplish something in the way of corn-growing. The demonstrator is looking after the work carefully and giving the boys full instructions and ex cellent results are expected. STOKES JURORS. Drawn To Serve At Next Term of Federal Court In Greensboro. Among the jurors drawn for the June term of United States court, at Greensboro, we note the following from Stokes: Charles G. Huff, Walnut Cove; James W. Jones, Pinnacle; Jas. H. Nelson, Danbury; William R. Petree, Germanton; N. A. Mar tin, Danbury, and E. J. Grogan, Ayersville. Carried lo Hospital. Mrs. C. H. Sheppard, of Sandy Ridge Route 1, was carried to St. Leo's hospital in Greensboro Sunday where &he underwent an operation on Monday. At this writing Mrs. Sheppard is getting along nicely. She was accom panied to the hospitsl by Dr. C, M. Martin, of Danbury, and het daughter, Miss Beulah Shep • *• I Itr ; .j! i FT • . ... .• Jr. A . No. 2,302 : TELEPHONE NEWS L r Danbury - Piedmont Springs i Line To Be Built This Week. i| | BY THE BIG CREEK CO. Quickstep Lines Being Put In Ciood Condition —Excellent Ser vice Now Given By the V arious Companies. The telephone line between Danbury and Piedmont Springs. | which has recently been in bad condition, will be rebuilt at once by the Big Creek Telephone Co. Mr. Dixie Nunn, manager for this company, was here today for purpose of letting the con tract for the work. Other lines of this company around Danbury will be repaired. Mr. H. C. 0. Hall, manager of the Danbury division of the Quick Step Telephone Co., was here today with a force of men putting in new poles and other wise repairing the lines of that company. coming into Danbury. It is gratifying to see that the officials of all of the telephone companies whose lines reach Danbury are taking greater in terest in them and giving the public good service. Revival In Progress. A series of revival meetings were started in the Danbury M. E. church Sunday night. Evange list W. L. Dawson, of Guilford College, is assisting Pastor 0. P. Routh in the meetings. Mr. * Dawson is accompanied by Mr. Newsom, who is director of the . choir. i Services are announced for > each morning at 10 o'clock and 8 o'clock at night and will con . tinue for probably a week or * mor& Card of Thanks. e e Editor Danbury Reporter: .. Please allow me to extend through the columns of your paper my sincere thanks to my many friends in Stokes and surrounding counties, in North t Carolina and Virginia, for their t cordial support in the contest. To one and all I hereby return grateful acknowledgement r LOTTIE TILLEY, 9 Smith. N. C. e I; Mr. Mis Bennett 111. '• Mr. Rufus Bennett, a good •- citizen of the Capella section, is '• critically ill with pneumonia and '• a message yesterday stated that very little hope for his recovery was entertained. , Marriage Here Monday. 0 Mr. D. A. Walker and Miss o Anna Cates. of Belews Creek, n were married in Danbury Mon -8 day evening by Justice N. A. * Martin. The young couple were i- accompanied by a number of '• their friends. r

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