XUV. NUPQVE LETTER "pmmiAiry Christmas :e Practically Assured: " PER SUPPER JAN. 1 ctaool Literary Society En ins The Orientals To B&nqiiet Dec. 30— Other s Of Our County Town. lut Cove, Dec. 20.— The C. Literary Society of the t.i Ichool, aided by the music A Tharsday night gave an inment and recital in the auditorium, which was largely attended. This is the-first session held by the society dur ing thi term and the program wa* wt II delivered and thorough ly enjoyed. On .Wednesday night preceding thw event Miss Fannie yR. Lsvvis. instructor of music, delightfully entertained her class, h the faculty and a~ few invited f guests m her class room B ,from 7:00 to 9:30 p. m. .g --.. A community Christmas Jfree - seems now practically adHftred, and the event Vttill lake dBK-at • ..the v.rehouse On A lundajfc'. flight next at 7:00. Decoratiqgijl'dr thy tree have been secareC and ths tree will be planted Sglitfoay. A (Hiding display of electricity illuminate both the tree and'] ihe budding. Presents fjijjigm *qfmvry r;aiurt: will •€rn pi cuKily jf&ex ptc.ed that a large cTo\fcdjnUft*j land. Messrs. li. L. JW. Fast, Ceo. Adams undotheA .proßiinent*' figures are on .m Committee of arrangements. : ?]sl - Local Mhsons together with I #' •fififhber wf their friends • will A*i*rticipa£e in on oyster slipper] ffijpn'dav night Jan. 1 atthe'J.net 1 lall. This -is the first social' k'jMß prepared by the local • '"ciiitarnitMirin"" their re'orgarnz-1 atipo here more than a year axo, •during which time the lodge has steadily grown. This first get- ; "'ting-together on the New Year is looked jforyard to with jnter-! est! ' *' The Orjqntala members? of Walnut, Dove Council 'No. 2(1, will hold their annual banquet, on Saturday night, Dec. 30. Fifch■ member will be allowed the priv-! f ilege of inviting oqp guest and l v, ith' aIT the old mernoers and i the score, recently ejected to this ' ' degree about oneßundred ori mors will.be present.* , Misses Marip»Moore and Mqssj ■Gilliam, the two popular teach-j " ers of Tuttle school, were # in j •* town Friday. They will- give in ; entertainment at their school! house on Thurs&Jgnight of this i weeK- and also a wating contest vPt the close of thenfr&wcises. A feature of the £hte?tamment will f be # an educational address .by our. esteetaed- townsman, Hon. Geo.tji, Jar vis. Mr/ Chas. M. Ball, accompani ed by Mr--' Adkins, both of lit. Airjy were here Tuesd&y. These gentlemen will condpct an auc tion sale of jpeyeral' town lots and sipall farms for Mr. C. M. Jones here on -Dec. 27. They expect* to have a brass band for the occasion as . well as other attractions. , Mr. J. Will East return£d ( Monday from *a three days trip" to»the southern part of the state. Mr. C. B. 'Voss l«3t wqek Jhoved from his home near here Jo Winston-Salem where, he, has Accepted a position with the'K. • J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. ' MrtJ. S. E. - Redman is this vteek moving to Winston-Salem where she will maße her home in the.futuhe. , • • , ' ' ' -__ ■ - , (jusrSj; Conference ' Oanliury, Den. 30. THe'first quarterly conference! of the m, fc. ;dhurch of this ! • trict beJbeld at the Methoaistemirch on Saturday mid Sunday DeAiO-Sl. Quarterly Conference at Wal nut Cove will be held at Stokes birg M. E."church on Jan. Jst.„ Ex-Sheriff W.' C. Slate will begin a tax-abllecting round of th#» county oft llondhy, Jan. l||h. AppointtftentiL win appear li nekt w'eek'e Rtjporter. '4lt 7 ■ ;4' J MEETfeO|TOMORROW. ■ The Members Will Danbury s and Prizes Wilße Award ed the WinAftT^ Tomorrow, TforWy, Dec. 21st, is the day for the meeting of the members of the j Stokes County.Corn Club; The reports of the nllmbers >'of the Corn Club will be,made r public and prizes will be awarded the winners. There will also be several addresses delivered, and , it is expedled that there will be > a good attendance notwithstand « ing the cold weather. . Meeting Of Music Club. - The Etude Music Club spent 1 quite a pleasant evening with the ■ Misses Taylor Friday evening, ; Dec. 15th. ! Liszt; was the compter studied, and, after the reports of the Secretary and Treasurer the fol ' lowinteprogram was rendered: i Liszflfc> Epoch—Miss Mary Joyce. ' * Piano solo—O, Thou Sublime Sweet Evening Star—Wagnar '(Lfrzt. Miss Mary Taylor. L \;Vocal solo—Some Day When ' You Are Mine, Miss Mary Joyc*. ' l Piano duet —Rhapsody March— LHilt, Misses Mary and Luna Liszt's Eventful 1 .Qgnttflood, Thurnmn Martin. : |'j3BM's Great Brcadtu, Miss this program there was! 'A, rehearsal oT the sacVed concert! Program wAich is to be rendered \ TtW Presbyterian church Satur- Dec. 23 rd. hot ehocolate and V^ l were then Bervr( f. fplisees Agnes Martin and JM&t Joyce and Spottswood were appointed to arrange ' tMiirOgram next meeting! ,wfpWr-'teili be held with the! Misses Joyce, Friday evening, j December 29th. ■ | Mmd Grows, j In response to the' appeal for; funds for a cork leg for Mr. Tom I i Lawson in the Reporter, two, ! weeks ago the contribution- is as] given below: | Mfrs. of Hawger Limbs, slo.oo' Danbury Sunday School, 2.10. Ladies Prayermeeting,' X3O, I A friend from Winston, *L .50 |. Rev. O. P. Routh, j Mr. R. P. Joyce, • tOO Mr. B. F. Jester, * f. > .50 ! Mr. T. W. Flegiiiig. : ..50 i Mr. f. E.. Petree, a 51.00 i j Rev. C: H. Hutcherson, Mr. Gaither Davis, .50 j " Jim Flinchum, .50 J. P. Covipgton, 1.00, " Fate Campbell, .25 j 4" CaißJiay. l.« 0 Collection taken by Mr. Weston in -Presbyterian church# » 3^611 Mr. N. O. Petree, : *g 3.00 " J. R. Nehl, Jfit- 2.00 Sheriff Christian," 1 100 # » * Total, *. • $32.26 If those of ft>u who kftidly contributed jould only see Mr. 'Larson's race beam when I tell him what been i 1 put in the bank you wpuld feel •Aore than paid for jpu l ' liberality. ■\ Jaura, *7 (MRS.J J.^SPOIKTAYLOR.^ • 1 * A \ | : Box iujiper. GerfeantQß.-ftDec.- 195* A box I 9Uvtm at Chailfn's schoollWg# *w4Bnesday nigh ß ,. Dec. 27v. ilf he given. for an enßvclopidkk, aLi (MRS.) » j. MarrJS^iXicen§^. |. Since lasMMue of the Report# the R^rtiP'' df Deeds, has issiietl bofr two marrtage liceßees, aPfollows: f y ' Dr. C. C. Kefger tp Miss Maud m Roy Bennett to Miss Min rye Marshall. > . ' mail csrrter.tf at hi? home n#r - town. Ir is * 6# DANBURY, N. C., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER . ; THE PENSION CHECKS ' I * : -l ' Senf To Old Confederate • Veterans of Stokes Coun ty Saturday. 5 SEVEN HAVE DIED |No Birst Or Second qlass , Pensioners In County—Only [ One Third-Class But there Are Eighty-Flye Fourth Class and Eighty-Two Widows of Soldiers. The pension checks sent out by the State for the old Confederate veterans were received here Friday night for the Stokes veter ans and were forwarded to the - soldiers Saturday morning by 1 Clerk of the Court Chilton. The total amount of the checks sent out was $5. 39". 00, and the money coming, at this season of the 1 year acts as a Christmas pres ent to the old fellows. There are now eighty-six ex- Confederate veterans on the pension roll in StokeS, seven 1 having died since lßst December. There are eighty-two widows of soldiers in the county. Th#e of these have died since limt year. * All of the pensioners in Stokr* 1 • are of the fourth-class exhept one, Mr. Moses Lawson, of Dan bury Rouie 1. and he comes on i d:.*r the third-class, 'ffce foUrfn , class soldiers receive $32.00 a i vear ana the third-class $4§.00. ! The widows of soldiers get $32,. (the same as fourth-class soldieri.! j The soldiers who have died: since last year arc as follow#!| J. F. Atkinson, of VVestSeld; 1 William l'ullin, of Campbell;, 'John Bennett, of Dillard; A. J %| ! Collins, of Wostrteld: VV'iUiamJ 1 Doggins, of Red Shoals; W. H.i Gentry,of Walnut Cove; and Sam ;uel Williams, of Brown Moun tain. I The widows who have died j recently are Mesdumes Marion ' Darnell, of Pinnacle; Jennette i-Hicks, of Wilson's Store! an!' I Amanda Nelson, of Walnut Cove. • " There were a few checks for ; soldiers and widows which could I not be sent out on account of the: kfact that their owners have moved j ]ahd their present addresses are] [unknown. Those who fail to, I get their checks should notify 1 , Clerk of Superior court M. ,T. \ j Chilton. 'Stakes Boj Joins i ll.j. Marine ( Mr, Gorrell Mabe, the 18-: sw». of County Conti Rufus P. Mabe, os, ! Digihßry Route 1, recently eif llhtetf|tt fhe UwfS. Marine corps for and is stationed at P r Hmi To r t W,-S. C.. wherelHMp imining, He will be Jhe battle ships soonl^^^K Mr. in the navy was to his 'parents. He Went to Winston-Saldm next heard from was at. r#t ,Royal. The young fnan grejg,-. a large crop of tobacco and has written- his •'fathjMthave it sold £. Drove. Bf jlock-^| i* bruupttt to I>ttnbttr| smn I main here, for One vmH sto'ck will he; brougliTM (liltou* of -Buffalo (Ih| adL Op ; pago isaue! . \ ' Mr. Tandy C. Wbii^fl has recently bp«p luj trouble with a smallJtatflj j I.'ike'f hospital i andha«ej^| ; men TO «$ The Furniture-Making Plant At Sandy Ridge .Can't Get Timber To Run b' On. i' * v MR. CLARK INJURED Has All the Fingers of His Right Hand Cut off In Plaining Mill) —Other News of Sandy Ridge. Sandy Ridge, N. C., Dec. 18.— Mr. Johnnie Clark had the mis i fortune to lose the fingers of his ! right hand in a plaining machine while working in W. T. Shelton's i furniture factory here Monday. He has worked in the factory 18 i years, and has never received a ; single wound. He expefeted to stop work in the factory on i Monday evening. This is a fact that shows us that shows us that it is never too late to receive in jury. eutn at the last hour. The i factory w running full blast now hut Mr. Shelton expects to close I down permanently after Christ- j 1 mas, owing to the 'scarcity ofj s timber in this section, ; Messrs. B. F, Jester and T. W. i Fleming, who are teaching school, rjiere, will leave for their homes! ; fn .. Yadkin county Saturday, i where they will spend the hoii-; davs With their parents. School '■will open again on Jan. 2. .j Mr. F. L* Webb visited his sis- 1 tor, Mrs. I odsoii. of Prestonyiile,; I Sundjiy. i Tvlßsrs. Gentry Dillon and j j Harmon Maxey yisjted Mr. Carl j Mabe Sunddy v > When A Che# fastas WrongJ j' Jf the tbbacco chewer is evet just right physically, which is a; matter of same doubt in a scien-1 i tifc view, ifrto when his tobacco j Ukesonan unusually delicious! flavor that liners to rejoice him | after the cud AM been ejected. I | But look outf when the first) ) morning ehetf does not taste right. That warning that things are going t wrong that day so far bodily lightness and ) vigor gfejconcerned. Every to i becco'chewtr has an unfailing ' ghuge or thermometer, or, what | ever you want to call it, on his i physical condition. If his tobac ! co tastes right all's wyell with the world, and a cheerful man is on the job. If it tastes' wrong, there'll be a dismal d^iy. ■ One of the most distinguished of Gtillipolis men oice told us that his early morning chew, tak '*en before, breakfast,., was the most 'setgual pleasure • that came to him. T We retnem ■ ber a blessed old man, long since •™tken to the saints, vjfco dearly lotted his chewing toiacco. We have seen him get j® on a bitter ly cold morning unheated room, reach for his plug and his • knife, and cut of&Lchew before put his bare legs into his un ,[derclothes or his tronsers. It ' made a deep impression on us. Gallipolis Tribute. ! Ccmmitleesin The UjH Cost ol Paper. As thaSesult of several con ferences isld during the news paper institute at Chapel Hill b»t week,> committees were ap- Io go to Washington to fore the federal trade m and to seek legisla- Congress to take nold J th cost of print paper! The federal trade t >n begins its bearings' ber 12 and newspaper I is from various parts ountry are to press the' » full investigation ofj f paper upon it, anu toi Hsome method of having the ■ . Sheriff HP-for This lowiajiip I Hp (jtmpbeU. of Dan- HNworn in as Deputy Bt Dknbury tOwn*hfp a . Fsittcj. ■«*- jsdor tor, 'Sf'Ttort -i i J BEP " Hp BATTLE ERQURD "My Chas. M. S ted man In-' Bill In Congress 4 1p Make . It * a National Military Park. * The past week Maj. Chas. ,'*M> Stedqa*> a "bill in Congress to make Guilfopd Battle Groupd, near ? Greensboro, a national military park. " ■*, If the bill jwaaeS it icorohabje that the government will spend coiißi.imaute'u)o&ey. there and make Guilford'Battle Ground a beautiful spot. \ „ V v » Christmas Recital fly. Etude Music Club -Jhe following program, will w* rendered by the Music Club, of Dan bury, at the Christ mas recital in tne Presbyterian .church Jhere Saturday • night. Will hp nh admission fee and the public is cordially invited: Message; Organ Solo, 0 Thou Sifblime! ! Sweet Evhnin'g Star, Wsgner | Liszt, Miss' Mary Taylor. Vocal Soto, Christmas-Moan " Hath Dawned Again, Wooler, j >i i.--a Joyce. | Readgtg, The Merry Music of i Christmas, Miss Nell Joyce. Anthem, Star of Peace, Parker, ■ file Ciuo. i Menret in O, ( Beethovea. Organ Duet, ) Miserere from Hi 'Frovatore, 1 . Verdi, Misses Nell Joyce ai\i Mary i i i'a.v lor. • . I Chorus, Brightest and Best, I $ Harding. i Reading, The- Legend of St. ' Nicholos, Faulkner, Spottswood I Tav lor. j Vocu! Solo. The Angel's Song, I Braga, Miss MarjrJoyce. } Organ Solo, Nocturne Op. .9 j No. 2, Chopin, Miss Mary.Taylor, j Vocal Solo, Selected, Miss Grace Taylor. j Silent Night,Gruber,Quintette. Misses Mary Joyce, Mary Taylor, Messrs. C. W. Ervin, Roy King and John Taylor. One-Cent Postage. ' • ' For Drop Tellers! One-cent postage lor local first' class deliveries and a zone system of rates for second class matter, which is expected to greatly ln prease tl e charges for magazines and oth' r periodicals having a nation-w ide circulation, are pto» vided for in the annual postoffice, appropriation bill aa virtually! completed in ©wpmittee, says a mess dispatch frorrt Washington. The measure carryihg appropria-. tions totaling aboutfcs327.ooo,ooo probably will be reputed to the Houde next week. . , Undfit the one-cent iioMage provision the rate on letters to[d other mail matter of the first clato* when deposited in any postoffice or branch postoffice c r letter box or postoffice Jin the delivery dis trict for delivery within the lim its of the postoffice, city or rural delivery district, will be cut in half. "i The zone prop-sued for handling newspapers and magazines, which now pay a flat rate of one cent a pound, is regarded as one of the most radical changes in postage rates in years. It divid es the country into eight zones with rales chargable ranging from one cent for 300 mile? to six cents for 1.800 miles or more, j The hulk of oailv newspapers. I the committee believes, will not : be affected, because they do not j circulate beyend a 300-mile rad ius. jMr. F. L tore's Horses j Both Filled fly Train Two nice horses owned by Mr. Frank L.Moore, of Smith. Stokes county, wfere killed by a train Thursday night near, Winston- Sslem. Mr. Moorqhad gone,to a 10im| o No. %33 V 3.000,000 ' POIfIUS « « ♦ t*» — r~~ . t - - This Is Estimate Placed Qa the Amount pt Tobacco - r r PKICBS .sgyy The Avwwe Price For PHt YV*#tk* On Winston Market Was Sf&'liL —Walhwt Oevf Mai*ct Equally As We* v 4 f ' i * Jl Information -sent out frgax' J Winston-Salem is that the mm-;- housemen there* basing * tbeir* estimates on the statements ef * the farmerTof the various loeaM • ties/are of the opinion that tM" more, at least not much mooe, than 3,000,000 pounds will lb sold after Christmas. Juat when or at what rate this part will be sold, will' depend upon the way the price holds'jip**. and the condition of the Weatißra.* If the weather is good "and w • prices continue as high' »as tfcwr v Are. Uje bulk of this remaining:'' tobacjifo will likelyjbe aold c'urfaft,, Jnougjry. If the %eatftlr is not i i favorable and the prices are all off, the sales will probablytte stretched out for dbme titn£ gfe i the farmers are in better shape now than they have bean befpre *' and ar» in position ihit they tie * no* have to sell. , •' , Up to rh"»pre«'-it* Winston- V !S'a:-.-i)» ui.c t tt has'soid 15,Q01,2?7. i pounds of the weed. »/>■' * } During the past week # the . - i average was the highest, -with i only one exception, i during the fall, in-Ante of. the j tact that the market nad ah un- 4 usually large amount Of inferior • grades of tobacco for sale, the • . average for the week havfng been . $19.12 a hundred pounds .on the.' -1 752,854 pounds sold; the totP.T*-\-. 1 penditure for this being sl4#,- " 081.71. : The number of poinds and the average price on the - Walnut | Jove market could not be learned bfit prices there were said to he * | good. T;' . News si ling Route 2. • King Route 2, Dec. 18.—The past week' has given us slot jof cola snowy weather and the | farmers have enjoyed killing i the:r fine porkers weigl ing from 3CJ) to 500 poupds. Mr. C. C. Boyles of Pinnacle Route 2 killed , a fine porker that weightd 5® pounds. Mr. N. I. Boyles of King* Route 2 has accepted a rfsponsi-' ble position with the Southern Express Co. at Ureerpboto. f * The Oak GVove school is pro-' 1 * gressing nicMy under the man jagement of Miss Ora Futoas i principal and Miss Agnes Pul , j liam assistant. % '-• j The citizens of Yadkin, town- , , ship are highly pleased over tlw • i moveugents of the nev&herif • i, And Register of Deeds. ,' 4 Rev, Mr. Burchett of Willia#* : b'Sto ' filled his regular appofntfc ; j npAnt at Mt. Olive Saturday anjp Sunday. [! V SCRIBBLER. . WEEKLY in , • j; R*vi«tßm,mf -1! Complaint Has Been Piled - | j Wnh the Attorney Oenprsl t. Regardingthc Exhorbitgnt I Prices of Printing Papefc • v The weekly newspapers of'* 4 - - L North Carolina are having a J hard time tiwse days ' keeping + their headpfcjove water," 6n ac count ot the exhorhitdnt pi ices being charged by the manu facturers for printing p a per. The North Carolina publilnCrs have recently filed a complaint j'with tho Attorney General re -1 garding tbigaexcessive prie s of paper, andwftare faking that , the papqr , Thereis, at the wm&Uttmdl a . moveWhnt on foot by.flfce pub-, } lis hers tp eeUggtirb* #«phr mill ...