TERRIFIC STORM AT WILSON, N. C. One Person Killed and Forty Or More In jured—Property Was Damaged Also. Wilson. N. C.. March 7.- Cut ting a clean swath four hundred feet wide for a stretch of many mile*. a tornado at 0;:>0 this morning killed one person, in jured two score or more, and destroyed property t > (he value of more than $50,000. near Evansdale. eight mdes east of Wilson. The only death was that of Azula HauU, tit pro school teach er. who was struck iv dying iOf ' CIGARETTES of Turkish arid Domestic tobaccos—blended Lour Pricua 11 T- : - ) #OYST£/?/?£FLECTS /V ' S > TRAOP MARK REGISTERED F.S.ROYSTER GUANO COMPANY Norfolk, Va Richmond, Va Lynchburg, Va Tarboro, N. C. Charlotte, N. C. Washington, N.C. Columbia, S. C. Spartanburg, S.C. Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ga Columbus,Ga Montgomery, Ala Birmingham, Ala Baltimore, Md Toledo, Ohio timber as she made her w«v to 1 her school. Many of the injured brought to the hospital in W i~.tr. On the Woodarrt plan'anon. 11 of nine membt-rs a> : »" ' were injured. A nejr • •' was picked up in 1 li-* *-t • hurled sixtN teet ;m a stream of win. >. -vh •• ■ almost drowni-ii • ' i rescued. The storm wis . i. •• 1 ever visited on tin* - e o ' ing the SPICE or t:I • MI a half th it it l.is: l. i " the destruction wi« • i r«l t Trees were ui>ro.tr. o w *. tu> . were vvr« ci;ed. ius or ■:!. . •' THE DANBURY REPORTER I Augusta, (*a., March 7. —The! | corrected list of the persons who i were killed in the storm at War renville is as follows: Kred Hoover, age 12; Dollie Mitchum, age 8: Mrs. Dollie B»ni. a«e 19; Theodore Wood. a>te 2; Lucius Wood, age2-\ years. Bt-sides the above dead, the following are not expected to live; Mrs. Henry Wood, mother i>i Tneodore Wood, who was \tiled, and Henry Clark, an empl >ye of the Warren Manu t i lining (.'tun any. They are n: h n till 1 Aiken hospital. Five .fhi'.s who are s riouslv hurt, triough expected to recover, are !>.) m tli ■ Aiken hospital. There .ire i-ixP-t'n other residents of \\ uivitviile who ree.'ived treat- ' ment for cuts, bruises and other minor injuries, some of whom are believed to have been intern ally injured from falling timber. Five Deaths In Georgia. Augusta, March 7. Five deaths appeared tonight to be the total of fatalities in the tornado whih parly today ravaged the mill villages near here in Ci ?orgia and in South Carolina. The storm centered, according to reports received here at Warren ville, S. C , where in addition to the live persons kill.d, a number were injured. The nearly Caro lina towns of l.angley and «ran iteville reported n.> casualties, hut accounts of extensive de si ruction from all three place 'brought out numerous instances of hairbreatii escape?. In Warrenville. where 2~> houses in the southeastern section T i>t' the village were demolislv-d, ! the homeless uninjured itnmcdi- I atelv set about the work of |j rescue, guiiied through the blind- f, ' 9 I!-.-.: run in the darkness >'V cru-s s /. rhi !p. Many sa ; .l they had J *n I'.-' ;i . I>\ ihe rumbling j f t •' st..nu r.v.d t' •• iivr.d ling 'J i t ir houses iiist in time t n. g J '.l* r. - tceof Mr and Mrs * ! li; . iti i • t, \\ as demo ifht djj • v • • t 'or the n but th» v and I 1 r ti\e .'li'ldreii 're not in- jj .. d. i'ne \t urine-', of the 1 .. .»*:i rliildivn. Mi ...it " a few I •: ■ suit, was 1 .-d under 1 :»;>• " •■! w! k'h was 1 ft in tact J :i*e i hig ■ chi. ;i e >op Mid laughed gleefully when tak. n - fmm ac »m fur; able '•;> a rescuer, . CI. f.irniti:re and wreck age generally werj scattered over the g! -1 .Utl.l a:. iin tree tops by the win.!, which, with whim sical generosity. loft a large minor wiliiout a crack under the del'ris hi a house and moved a j sniiiil corrugated ii on lire house a l.ondivl ards without di-'turb -1 i ir.g the le ives ot a huge oak tree which sheltered it. The small 1 hand re ! in the center of the , building al.-o remained undisturb ' ed. -• r. n:- ii- •' t\ ins:. Macon, i i., March 7. Streams throughout rtiiddlo ''.orgia are still out of ;iicir bank ; as a result of iast m.iit's rainfall of 7..'i7 inches. Tie O.'kmulgee river iiere was fi-et above the llood i stage, standing at -'..7 feet to night, and the Oconee river at Milledgeville registered feet, a rise of 11.2 feet in the former I and 2U.4 feet in the latter since yesterday. A further rise is i indicated from the up-stream Hood. The Ueorgia Railroad will not be able to operate a train between i Macon and Milledgeville for two |or three days, it is announced, i because of washouts at Browns j bottom, where a trestle is gone j and 450 feet of roadbed washed !out. Other damage is reported i j near Mogul. ISud Washouts. The Southwestern division of the Central of Georgia Railroad > had a bad washout at Powers yille, near here, which lied up late tonight traffic until 7 o'clock 1 this morning. I Ford For Sale. I have a good Ford touring car well j I worth $150.00. I will sell it right or swap for t» cheaper one for the differ ence. Address W. J. SAPP, Imch2w KING, N. C. Russell's Studio of Photography "Portraits of Quality" 413 N. Liberty St., Winston-Salem, N. C. fi ' ),loto^ra P' ie( ' 00 your It V *f* V Are You Satisfied ? If Not—Try POWELL'S for Cleaning and Dyeing Our modern dry cleaning plant is one the largest and best equipped in North Carolina. "Wi; SPI;vJIAL!£H" In Ladies' work and all styles of pleating. We absolutely remove all odor of gasoline. I;\"erts have chargeour dvdng department. MA I'S R: NOV ATI: I>. Mail orders receive our prompt attention. POWELL'S 2i? West l"oi-riJi Street Phone .ifs-s w INSTON-SALOL N. C. rcemmuntotrwlauuiiiii.iß n IIMK • awn. wnwri j vjnviuyaaianah miiin.ii «■ ■■ ir \*r iram ||| fj W inston-Salem, = N. Carolina. We Have a Big Supply of Plant Bed Cloth Which We Are Selling at Low Prices! I liny any quantity >»;> wish we have :tn unlimited amount on lianti :ir.:l th*.» prit-e is exceptionally low. A> a spi'i'ijil (oaJirro v ••'no \\o .-»r»* i>iitM>ra«J of tiii:> cloth at a t liti- thai is I>« . special at, ya r it, 3C. Other grades at, yard, 4c, 4 I*2, and He. We Prepay Postage on Alail Orders. Why you ask your painter I7OR the same reason that you ask financial * advice of your banker. Confidence, built on years of service and experience, has made the painter an authority on paint and varnish needs. He alone is fitted to give you advice on color effects and surface protection. His knowledge is at your service. His business is to serve We are painters."We know every angle of the painting business.' It would pay you to con sult one of us— on your part, of course. W. E. JOYCE, Painter, Danbury, N. C.