a—— 'f ■ m, ■■!!! . c—• • - irr n • • - —* FEDERAL OFFICERS VISIT STOKES St;-? Is Captured Near Walnut Cove—Three Men A: rested. .■ V:..! i' , : : \ • \V. T. "i her at'd ! . i *v i'luv 1 ; a vi.- 'l I-i.-l v vk and «'.•■.!01.1 .1 ! a lilotliaiit i... ry near ha!' " A O'.siiit 11 ■ was a .i desi I'm;. .".;, The i.tli . - .!ii llot :na\ a"t'i I e Winsto ■: .1 MiMla! says that .. • same ot! • • -. warn tiny pu hp train at Walnut Cove, saw >•••!'.• :. proos on *i: ■ vat' il!i suspicion* .'t'-r l'aiTU:'..t a::-! after kee| «!•••? >'• w it.ii on them they dis.-overed the in u'.i s».o; !• .• •. li.'.i r-.! t, . Win-t.'.:-V.'. • , the negri es . •• .v off the -U>; i-. o'.is ! alld 11 .e ;i t "■ t • . u a:: i i. •.! ". 'he .vriHMXTMKXT.-i or mi: if iNiii iiY t iru rrr. rou MKTIKMMS r 11. J. J. KAL) I .rst Sunday, 21 a. l I .. .. ii. . .r.-t Sun lay, 7p. .. I• :.y. ( ond Sunday, 1: ; . :a., I I I *. I . S i-onil Sunday, •" ; ! , Vale' .mi. -'•vi>nl Sun.].;;, 7 r.:.. ]V.:: ;ry. .'hinl Sunday, . ! ... I);in° '..ry. Third Sunday J m., i>avis' i'ltirth Sunday Union I! ". !■ iurth Sunday, 7 p. m., Danhury. Th. public i- iia.-t ■ i-.iially inviu 1. I _«— -——— j | %\ rr\4 9 jl i "| sj! IST 0 -Off 5 A »", ' *Ar*C t\ J O *H «If* #tH Ti *ft | Hit AIOjUCbSnC iaillsU I 11 . J±.. . 1 & ■ . AlNi);: , _ ..; | ■J. j A'l7V/ f B'-> i m » i %i ;~\ a S TT3 rM3 *-1 X A 1 J h,** A &C"k m /\ IMI g 1 ilc liHiioui V KciiOriei I I I Both Papers One Year For $2.00 8 H J *XFciv,tZ r \,-.rz?s*.n |i&y special arrangement with the Progressive \ Farmer we are enabled for a limited time tosend that well known farm paper and the Reporter both one year for $2.00. Tne regular price of the papers is $2.50. If you are taking either or both papers you I can have either or both extended a year from the time you are now paid up to. Don't fail to take advantage of this offer and save that much money. DANBURY REPORTER, Danbury, N. C. CUT OUT AND MAIL THIS COUPON I DANBURY REPORTER, DANBURY, N. C. Enclosed find $2.00 for Progressive Farmer and the Danbury Reporter both one year. NAME Please say whether or not you are already getting either paper. In case you are the sub= I scription will be extended from the time it is already paid for. v / ;MRS. ROBERTSON vVASSt RrRiSED i AT THE RESULT 1 ■ Esteemed Lynchburg' Resident Declares Tan lac the Mo 4 Wonderful Medicine Site Has Ever Seen —Gives Details Of Her Case. j • \ knew- how I .r!Ti"vd he-| f >v ! : nally f-.u'id n lief liy taking j T .nla. ." -aid Mrs. A. S. ttobertsotl. ; ." 7 Thirt -enth street, Lynchburg, Va. j 1 "1 v. .is ti rrildy v.vik and nervous! ' •■■id f.«r three soli.; months was tor- j alaii'St col ati'.l.v l-y a throii- j :: \ hf'.dai h.'. My stomach was so j ha iiy itit i f order that many I | la.r :y . i'i.-h ain • i'.->•! .if fond. A' > • ni'. ; I wntild ri 1! aid t•-» a " for I ; h>and when in ■ aitur .-an-.e t J !• i.'.. .■' wan than when ! went :•> ,i, .\.."hinK .-ee;.;.'il to ileii llio a '! :t i f. It that ! won!.l not n • .. h"!'i .''i . . ii'it.r. fo.' . ! I';. • y I:'.;. !' 'ih.-'ll i •' 'lll ' : ;; ,;■: : tiie way ! !•.:: ui to im . .el i!y .. :::. htne. ! an) • -v •; • of ev. ry . a.' of .h-e . ... ■i ,i ! i- and nc.." f 't 1> tt'.r .a .; .' . I wish . i "'v eoui.l kfow ; •" „■ .••• .. heti. i KXiJCI Ti'irs NOTIt'K. • ' uter '!' ;h" .'a-: will and ! a ..•IS , . ; .:*r estati ai'.' i'..-v • i y requested to t'ottsc forward and • .. ■ diute ! nyinent of the same .: a I' • iv ..i:-j - claims ajain.-l s . an her. i'.v ne;i:ied to *>r»— . • ■ i\::y autiv. nC ateii f.. • THE DANBURY REPORTER May. • »i" *iii« notice will 1> !>!.■ ui'-' ilr i«i ;!u'ir rci'ovory. ! rir.r.aclc, N. > M :.v 5, J. i;. STONE, tiinr i'f ii cit Spaiiiitour, tic, '.I. I). Hum; ■ :-. \t: y for- Ex. NOTICE >r KE-SAEE 0! iviCAi. EAi.iTE. I Nor! h Carolina. Stokes County. in Superior Court. Helore the Clerk. !I\ H. Wilson. C. li. Wilson et al. \'S. :C. F. Wilson. J. T. Wilson et al. ! NOTK'K OF RE-SALE OF UFA I. ESTATE. Under anil by \irtue of an >;•- ■dor of t hi- Superior court, made in the special proceedings :.s 'above fin it Km!. wherein it an jpearing that an advance bid o." j live per ceni. had luen placed ■ llie laud herein described. t!'. 'said W. U. lladget l, Commit sioner, will on— The I.lth da;, of May. 15)22. at J .iVI.H-ii. !>. m.. i.i the preit. - s\-s ■!' the Lite W. J. Wilson. J-'. of St i.'i ■ • .uvi y. North Cai''- !i• l\'i* for sale t» the hights bids.' r, >' i the following term ; : ir.r-fiiun ii ca.-o when sale is confirmed, remainder 1, 2. ano y- :n. e :i1 pa; u\ :its w it'i in tlie following tract of • iv.'i. c 'naming acres, mor ■ • |. -s. ,-s survey ii and plot; : i v .).)!) .MvA.vi', ■ irxeyor,, o.i Ocioher 12. I l .'-!, this being ivk'l o"' {•:•.■ W. J. Wilson. Jr., hem phae adjoining the lands of O.S Wallers. J. S. Flinchum and others. This land lays well, is fine to bacco land, and se\cral acres f extra tine Mi adow. No im provenieiits. This April 12»». 1P22. W. It. HADGETT. Commissioni. r. U. 111 IIMMIMII—.I n>m 111 l|l|l«ll'«» The Stiu'.rt I'liti'r; ris.' thru a full crop of fruit for that county is ivhv an assure.l f:'.. t, so far a* c"i! uvalher anil frosl au> concern ■I. litis will '.h l }vi''l ncvs to the pro»il>> >•!' tlii.-. section simv a jroml j.nrt of tho apples usi'il in this country coac from Patrick county. aOTK E i'U MhVRESiDE.YfS State of North Carolina, Stokes County. In the Superior Court. Eel ore the Clerk. I. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANTS. Calvin 11. Simmons, Otelia J. , Johnson and husband E. A. Johnson, i'laintilVs Against . J. Cicero Simmon.', James S. Simmons, Gertrude Simmons. s D-"lhy Simmon-, and Roland . Simmons. Defend:'. Us. In the above intitled cattle, it appearing lo the court, upon ■ ilidavit likd. th:*t the defen dants, J. Cicero Sim i ms. James S. Simmons. Gerliaue Simmon;-, •'o.'oliiv Simmon-, and K land . Simmons, are all non-residents ••f the State of North Carolina. . i!id can ai'ir fine diligence. he found within l! 1" State of : North Carolina, and are neces-, c sary parli..-' to this action, ii l>e ■ ing a proceeding lor the sale •• • ihi 1 iii Big Omk township. ,• Stokes cou.it,\ N.C.. lot No.4i, , in the partition of the lands of I Joel T. Simmons, liiiea-v tor . partition among C.e heir.—at !. .v of v'al\ in Simmons, de it is or! red by the court that publication oi notice bo made ''>]• four sueces-dve wei-ks in the :):• ill>t:ry llepm tiT. a newspapi'i • j>ublishel in Stot.e> couiu.'. North Carolina, notifying al! i f saiii defendants toai.it ai' al ihe oflice of the Clerk of 'he Super ior Court of Stokes count v. N. C. in Dar.iiury. n »:• bv the ./day of May. and answer r d.-mur to t ie I'etition on !';!e ■* .r sail! oilico in '.his ause: and |;k t the said d f.-n iants take no j t ice that if they fail to appear 3 net iii'.i , ■ or by . • -,I S ay M May, . . ': i* ri'liet 8 ; i':y ' for in said j ti• !«■ »n will 8' , : ■,' ' , 0 ;in 'iuti! day i Ao»-d. 1H22. a J. s'.scf;. 1 C!v"k S . rior ». u.ri. S N. i \ I'iii.e, Att y t u* 1! 11 s. I NOTICE or UE-VAEE 01 |i REAL ESTATE. !' liy virtue of a decree of the S ;perior court of Stokes county. N. rtiideied on the lith day i of February, 1i)22. in the special [proceedings, entitled "W. L. | Smith and others against Tonza j Smith," appointing the under signed a commissioner, 1 will ex pose to public sale, upon the premises in Stokes county, in Yadkin township, to the highest bidder, upon the terms herein after set forth, on— | SATURDAY. MAY 27. 1922. | at the hour of one o'clock, .p. m., | the following described tract of ; land: i "Beginning at a black gum, i Gentry's corner, runs East on i his line 12 1-2 chains to a stake, , continuing East, in all, 2G 1-2 I chains to a stake in the edge of ' the meadow, thence South, 4 de grees East, on the line of lot No. 2, 30 chains to pointers in the old line. West on Boyles' line. 11 chains to a black oak, Ge 's corner, thence North, 35 decrees West, on his line, 38 chains cros sing the creek to the beginning, containing 55 1-2 acres, more or less." f- Being lot No. 1, in the parti- I tion of the lands of John C. Til- I lotson, deceased, assigned to I Melissa A. Smith. Saving and excepting from | said boundaries, about 15 acres ' sold off of same to Wilmeta ; Smith. Said lands will l'e sold as a whole and in twb separate ■ tracts, to see in which way it will bring the most money. Terms of sale : One-third cash, one-third on a credit of twelve months, and the other one-third on a credit of two years, with bond and approved security for deferred payments, bearing six per cent, interest from day of sale, with privelege to the purchaser to pay all cash if he so desires. This 15th day of April, 1922. C. K. BOYLES, Commissioner. N. O. Petree, Attorney. 19april4w i 1 Mr. .John M. Taylor, ef Winston • Salem, accompanied by a bevy of the n ! liv i i"i y • immisoiin .• i yeimg Indies, c . spent Sunday here, the young ladies li ■ making a trip to the mountain to f f gather wild (lowers. NOTICE or SALE or REAL ] ESTATE. • lly virtue of n decree of the;. ! Superior court or St ke> »ntit v, North Carolina, rendered in the • special proceeding oi' tne under-j . signed. as plaint ill*, ami Hugh I .Tuttie and others, defendants, 0 on the 24th day ot" April, lt>22. t • I ill sell at the late residence ol" i • K. L. Tuttle, decease'!, mi Stokes i county, near Friendship Baptist 1 church. i'ii — ' SATI "DAY, .U'NE :5. 1922. ! ' at tl;e hour ef tv > o\ ! >.in.. 'at iu;!/lie auction to tin i ighest , •. bidder for e;.sh. two tracts ot , ■ 1 uid foiT.ii't!,v be!>nj-\:nj ,i! F. t ■ • L. ruti:.', do. ea.-v-i-. 10-\vii: i FIRST ili.C. 1 • 1 1 i:» ginning at a p >.» »ak on j the N' (til si.iv 1 ot i !•. v ••'.•inaii- | , ton road, in F. H. IV-tr.line. , :i:k! runs Nov' h. 7t> di gr. •. s e .st, . f m a tew line, (t'.iv.iv.-rly .i. i ..Waller Tut tie's li no > .">.70 c: auis ( . to a:i i.' M» slake on t'u Soy.i'i f side oi' .-ai ! road, litem . S- itii. 2'l ti;'. "'s Has*.. •• chains t t '• *1 I ' ' J » f * ii l t.'f i\. (■•>! K I »»; 'v. 1 . j \ A. Baker's tobacco bar.". in said , • Baki .'"s lii:.-, thence his , . I line, e.2«! chains t> a n - : '•!.. u>! ! 1 . forneri. i:i F. H. Pel.v.'s line, .. ~ . , , 1 11hence .so:'iii on jiis >ti;*. i..> , i 'chains to the oegii:;, a.'. cur taining .'5 1-4 acres, ; tore or icss." See deed from Nam--.* .J. I ''.utile to K. L. To'tle, |J. No. 12. page RegisK r's • oi ' l Stokes county. SECOND TRAi T: "Beginning at ;i stone. corner' 1 of lot No.running North i de grees Hast. 1(> chains and ! links ; to a black gum. tN-n North . ;■«» 1-2 degree* We; 11 chains an i .#> links to a j' : •. '! North, Mi de/rc..- \U 7 1-2 ' '. « !Mii to piii.'.u V, '■l'.'ii >o;u'! ' .v'l .'J-4 (i.'tri'i-es vi i !. 1!-2 I'lis. : . ti a st'»;ie at the then j Snath, Id l-{ . • V.'e.-l. ■ i . .i:d s and 17 lirks > a stone, then South 60 1-2 ■!. ;■ I'iri East c!ia - :rs ami 97 li i! - to i he he -1 •rmuinjf, c.ntaini: .'52 7 1-iUit acres. moi\' ;• jess," Ueiiio' lot No, 4, in the pariiti.in ot ii - e ! j lauds of Mrs. Nancy .J. Tti'tU itk uas.-d. 'I lie reius for the yt ;.r ' 1!»22 v. ill ji'o wiih !!i;* land. This 21th day of April. 1 «>22. i >irs. Keltic L. Tiiule Murray. 1 1 : Executrix of F. Tuttle. dci'ti., ;: X. O. I'etiee, A'.t'y for Ex. 2Gapr4\v i ADMINISTRATOirS NOTICE. 1 | Mav'n-r d-.ily i|ua!ilied a ; adi'iini---! " j trator of the estate of J. A. Arnold,! " ' deceased, late of Slok. s county, N. l " all persons ov-injr said est.c.e an ; • reiiuested to come forward and el- j 1 tie same, and til persons holding; claims against saiil estate are iiereiiy notiiieii to present the same to the un- ! duly authenticated, fur J payment en or before the sth day of j ' May, li' 23, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. I live in Stokes county but my postoflk'o ' addres:; is Nettle Ridge, Va. It. F. I). 1 N'o. 1, !iox No. 10. ; This May 1, 1!»22. - JENNIE ARNOLD. Administratrix of .1. A. Arnold, deed. J. D. Humphreys, Att'y for Adm'x. I Notice To Creditors. 5 Having duly qualified as executor of the last will and testament of Mrs. Laura S. MeKinnej*, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against her estate to present them to me for payment, duly authenticated, on or by the first day of April, 1'.)23, or this notice wll be pleaded in bar of i their recovery. All persons indebted |to said estate are respectfully re -1 quested to make immediate payment 8 to me. 1 J. P. LYNCH, Executor, P. O.: Pilot Mt, N. C., Route 1. a N. 0. Petree, Att'y for Executor, e 1 NOTICE. 1 Having duly qualified as ad f ministrator of the estate of J. r Will East, deceased, this is to 0 notify all persons having claims j against the estate of the said , deceased to present them to me 1 duly authenticated for payment on or before the 21st, day of April, 1923, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery, and all persons indebted to '• the said estate are hereby notifi ed to make immediate payment to me. This April 21, 1922, J. 11. voss. Admr. P. 0.: Walnut Cove. N. C. Mr. Andrew 11. .'it.vce, who recently underwent an operation for appendi citis at Henderson, N. l ~ arrived at his home hre I bursday 11 > spend a few weeks recuperating. Notice Of Change In Mizpah Precinct. State of North Carolina, Stokes County. NOTICE TO THE I'l'liLlC. The Board of Elections oi Stokes county have hy order duly made d'etacheil the terri tory incimled within the follow in;,'' described boundaries from lioylt s' Precinct and attachetl the sanv to Mi:nah I'ivcinct, tlie said territory being so chit!i.u.'di i-; (lesci'iiied as tollows: Beginning at tiie Dan river road, at the late residence ol L. .1. Kiser. and runs thence West to a 'orauch leading into Brushy For!; creek, tlience with said creek, a> it nu-amlers. to Town Fork creek, thence with Town i ork .i\ >'k, :>s il mee.mlers, to the Mcadnvs township line, thence witii said township line, i . the Dan ri'ier road near \V. W. Fergu-ott'-. thence with said ivad. as ii nieandvt's. io the place of beginning. Tin' registrar ;tt Boyl.-s* Pre cinct is directed to properly transfer all iegaiiy registered names of pt'iv-"ii> on his regis tration • looks who live Within above boundary to the registrar of ?Ii:-'.;;ah Precinct to the eiv.i thai they may i»e 11u 1> register ed in Mizpah Precinct. it is further ordered by the s;;i.i Board that J. 11. Coving ton be. and lie is hei'ebv appoint ."i as ;i judge of the election for Boyies precinct, tt l take the ; kice of l). \ . Carroll, who was transferred. This Mac 1. !!k?2. S. P. CHRISTIAN. Chin. «srl. Elections. Stokes Co. !>. If. I \UTEU. Son o' uy oi said Board. :'n:av ' .v NOTICE OF S M.K OF HEAL ESTATE. By virtue oi ;t difr'e «>1 the Superior court of Stakes county, ''eildered by A. .5. Fio/g. C. S. ('., in the >pecial proceedings en titled "(i'eoi'L r e MatUii l vs. .fa!t!"s Manuel et al." appointing the undersigned i' commissioner to make sale of the hereinafter de scribed lamls. I will sell to th»> highest bidder for utsli iit the court house door in the town of Danbury, N. ('., on— MONDAY. JCNE :>. 1922. at the hour of one o'clock, P. M.. the following described lands, to-wit: A certain tract of land, lying and being in Stokes county, N. C.. adjoining at present the lands of Dr. J. W. Neal, Posey Bowman, John Neal and others, ami bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a post oak. old corner, runs South on the old j line, crossing a branch. 12 1-2 chains to pointers, thence West on the old liedman line, cross ing a branch and passing the jold corner, 18 chains to pointers, thence North passing the old post oak corner 12 chains to a [hickory stump, thence East on William Neal's line 18 chains to the beginning, containing 22 acres more or less, and lving on the waters of Zilpha' Island creek, it being the same land that was conveyed by John Neal and wife to Manuel by deed bearing date of Feb. 16, 1884, recorded in the office of the* Re gister of Deeds of Stokes county, N. C., in Book No. 26, Page 337. 1 his land is sold tor partition, and the sale is subject to the confirmation of the court This May 1, 1922. J. D. HUMPHREYS, Commissioner. NOTICE. Having duly qualified as ex ecutors of the last will and tes tament of A. C. Savage, dee'd, notice is hereby given to all per sons holding claims against the estate of said A. C. Savage to present them to the undersigned for payment, duly authenticated on or by the first dav of May 1923, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery All persons indebted to said estate are respectfully requested to make immediate payment to us. W. G. SAVAGE, Executor, P. O. Progress, N. C. S. C. WESTMORELAND, Executor, nt r, p 'nnacle, N. C. N. 0. Petree, Att'y for Ex's.

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