m . 810 VALUES IN USED CARS. Wo liuve tho Kivatest v.-iriet.v of used ears ami trucks in tiie State. A FEW SPECIALS: FORI) TOURING CAR 1918 Model .« 150.00 FORO TOURING NEW (Starter) 150.00 FORI) ROADSTER 1921 350.00 CHEVROLET 1-90 TOURING 300.00 CHEVROLET 4-90 ROADSTER 285.00 CHEVROLET LIGHT DELIVERY 500.00 DODGE COMMERCIAL CAR 800.00 EI.CAR TOURING 400.00 ONE-TON CHEVROLET TRUCK 350.00 ONE-TON INTERNATIONAL 4*0.00 TERMS IF DKSIIiED. UNIVERSAL ADTO COMPANY, Inc. Corner Liberty & 3rd Sts., Winston-Salem. N. C. Distributors,- Chevrolet-Jewett-Paige. !*BANKTKING"! I King:, N. C. | ! Resources $175,000.00 j ! ♦ Safe, Conservative, Progressive, f I-- - | (Interest Paid on Time Certificates. I Nice Check Books Furnished Free. | :j |V, I, GRABS, Fres, I, S, PETREE, Cashier. j Last Round For the Coi!ec= tion of 1921 Taxes. I will meet the tax-payers cf Stokes connty at the following: times and places for the purpose of collecting the balance of the taxes for the year 1921 : Walnut Cove, Pine Hall, Dillard, T. J. Gann's Store, Sandy Ridge, Grogan's Store, Lawsonville, Walter Mabe's Store, W. A. Nelson's Store, Sanders Hart's Store, Francisco, ~7Vright's Store, Hunter's Store, Westfield, £*Ezra Jessup's Store, K J. O .Pyrtle's Store, "Jesse Pyrtle*!? Store, Moore's Springs, D. C. Taylor's Store, Capella, Mountain View, Germanton, King, Pinnacle, The taxes for 1921 are long; past due but I am , making this round for the convenience of those who have not paid. This is the last round and as -'oon as it is completed I will put the books in the I hands of the deputies, and cost will be added, so T I hope the people will meet me on this round and kVuy up. May 1, All day. May 2, All day. May 3, 9t012a. m. May 3, Ito4p. m. May 4, All day. May 5, 9to 12a.m. May 5, Ito4p. m. May 6, 9t012a. m. May 8, 9t012a. m, May 8, Ito4p. m. May 9, 9t012a. m. May 9, Ito4p. m. May 10, 9 to 12 a. m. May 10, Ito 4 p.m. May 11, 9 to 12 a. in. May 11, Ito 4 p.m. May 12, 9 to 12 a. m. May 12, Ito4p. m. May 13, 9 to 12 a. m. May 13, Ito 4 p.m. May 15, 9 to 12 a. m. May 16, All day. May 17, All day. H. D. TURPIN, Sheriff of Stokes County. THE DANBURY REPORTER i DeVoe's Weather Forecasts For May I Ist to 2nd, pleasant. On the j 3rd a storm will ndvance from 1 the Missouri valley, traveling | southeastward. 4th to sth, warm er; showers. othto7th, pleasant. Bth, a storm will advance from the Missouri valley. 9th to 10th. I cloudy with ihowers, 11th to 1-th, cooler, with northwest winds. Kith, a hot wave will advance from the Missouri valley, moving southeastward. The 114 th and 15th will he hot and sultry. On the Kith a storm will | form over the Mississippi valley. _ 17th to 18th, th'jnder storms, i 19th, a storm will form over the States and move northward. 20th to -Ist, thunder storms. -2nd, a hot wave over the Mis- II souri valley, moving southeast ward. 23rd to 24th, hot and I 'sultry. 25th to 26th, violent j thunder storms. 27th, hot wave, i 28th to 2. f )th, sultry and cloudy. t| Thunder storms on the 30th and j 31st. WINSTON-SALEM, N.C 315 N. Main Street, f Portraits and Com=; y ji | mercisi Photographs- m j Kodak films develops; •| * ed free. \ Prints only k each. i I • 19apl4t 1 ( j Si-EE;-. .j co,MKORT ' 1 SAFETY. konomv j With &n*iia *L SIOUXCJ/JC/C. J New models, new improvements, new reduced prices (t_n.uu.-i) | Indian Motorcycle Sales Co.. 1 634 North Trade St.. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. ] J ANNOUNCEMENT. I , , I hereby announce myself a randi- i date for Register of Deeds of Stokes county, subject to the action of the Republican convention. Respect fulyy, 12aprl\v J. R. UOWEN. NOTICE ! Buy your FERTILIZER while you can get a good price: 8-2-2 at $2.60 per bag, CASH when loaded. JAMES BROS., | Germanton, N. C. 1 3aprC\v Farm For Lease Or Sale. | Comedown and see 155 acre! farm with pood buildings, etc. J. M. Field. Climax. N. C., will! lease or sell to the rijarht man. Not much money needed if you can make a living and money out of a good tobacco farm. "Fine chance for a young married man to get a start." Yours very truly, J. M. FIELD. 4 Some Of the Ways Auto Accidents Happen There is always a reason for every I automobile accident. The insurance ' depaitnietit at lialeigh furnishes a list of (h«. causes of motor accide nts that covers practically all of them. Here is how they happen : Can less diving. Skidding. Bucking without givirg signal. Jav w.i'kinjr, h'. ! paying in the streets. Bralvs not working. Mc hiinical d.Tcets in engine, j Moving from curl) without giving ; | signal. Turning without giving signal. ! Driving 011 wrong side of street. ' Driving without lights. Parking too close to the tracks. ' Horses left unguarded. One auto trying to pass another, j I'ailing to stop at signal. Auto passing street car while it is ! discharging passengers. failing to stop at railroad cros sings. The s."ei dway ends at the cemetery gate. Announcement. Having filed my notice as a candi- j date for the nomination for the State Senate fm- the 2:1 rd Senatorial Dis trict of Surry and Stokes counties, on the Remiblican ticket, to the Stale | Hoard of Elections to lie voted on in | the state primary election to lie held j 1 on the third day of June,lll:22, I there ' I fore ask for the support of the in o- ( pie of Surry and Stokes counties in ; said ek\t !•>!-,. E. !.. HAYMOBE. i Grind Your Own And Make Your Own Feed , ~.A *S a w Your Our STOVER SAW FRAME It Will Pay You To Get Our Prices On Feed Mills Corn Mills Saw Frames Saws Gasolene Engines Kerosene Engines Fuel Oil Engines Pumps, Tanks and Water Systems Pipeless Furnaces. Wire and Wiring Materials. Galvanized Pipe and Fittings. Lighting Plants for Country Homes and Villages. .■nMiaiinaanwiimißiii ■■■■■■■iiiiaii Bin ■ i N ■■■ i I ■■■■!■ w ma MMWBOTVMW Write or come to see us when in Winston=Salem. THE MOTOR COMPANY Next to The Zinzendorf Hotel, WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. i Law Requires Autos To Stop At Crossing's iikh nond, Va., May Drivers of ! automobiles and other vehicles using the public highways of Virginia must | conic to full stop before crossing any | main line railway track under a law • recently - nutted by the General As ! sembly of Virginia, j The law provides that drivers of .all vehicles 011 approaching any grade i crossing of a main line railway ; track outside an incorporated town must stop not less than ten feet nor | more than 100 feet from the nearest i rail. A penalty of ten dollars for | eacii volation is provided in the act. Advocates of this act pointed out | that its enforcement would greatly re- I ducc the number of grade crossing 'accidents. By enacting this law the ! irginia solons have given legal ef | feet to the admonitions which rail ways have for many years dsplayed on their crossing signs, urging I drivers of vehicles to "stop, look and I listen." Blank Deeds, Blank Deeds In Trust! and Blank Chattel Mortgages For Sale. Deeds 50c. per dozen, deeds in trusts 50c. per dozen, chattel mortgages 25c. per dozen. Send j us your order. We pay postage I on all blanlo. DANBURY REPORTER, Dan bury, N. C. | Mr. and .Airs. A. J. Fngfj a;-; , - ipancd their daughter, Miss Kv.n, .back to school at Wallhura rfatu."i:iy (and spent the day in Winston-S ■ •:» with relatives. SIOO REWARD, SIOO. The readers of ihis paper will he pleased to learn that there is at I least one dreaded diweass that j science has been able to cure iti | all its stages and that is catarrh. , Catarrh being greatly influenced by constitutional conditions re quires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is takeu internally and nets through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Svsteni thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith iu the curative powers of Hall's Catarrh Medicine tlu-.t they o'l'er One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send fcr list of testimonials. Address F .J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo,O. Sold by all Druggist, 75c. 2 Chickens and Eggs Wanted. We will pay highest cash prices. Wire us for prices. OWENS FRUIT & PRODUCE COMTY. ■ TAMI'A, FLA. sapr4vv For Sale. Pair .voting mules, new I'iano Hinder, IVKI cov.s, tv. o horse A bargain in buyer. THUS. J. EAST. lomav2w Walnut Cove, N.