Greensboro Warehouses Open Early In Sept. Greensboro, Aug. s.—The local warehouses of the Tri-State To bacco Growers' Cooperative Marketing association will open earlv in September, according to John YV. King, director for the eleventh district of the associa tion. Mr. King says that the opening of the warehouses here rests in large measure with the opening of the markets in Win ston-Salem and Danville, as it is Great Opportunity For Boys and Girls E. F. Mumford, a successful school man with years of experience, wants boys and girls to attend the Liberty-Piedmont Insti tute at Wallburg, N. C. Here you will get excellent training under qualified teachers and be prepared to enter college with credit. Everything will be done for best interest of the pupils. Write:-- E. F. MUMFORD, 26jy3w Wallburg, N. C. i ;|j THE UNIVERSAL CAR Cars, Tractors, Trucks and Genuine Ford Parts For Sale. Time can be arranged on part of payments with approved Security. Sheets Motor Co., Walnut Cove, N. C. Authorized Ford Dealers. BANK ° P KING King, N. G. Resources $ I 75,000.00 Safe, Conservative, Progressive. Interest Paid on Time Certificates. Nice Check Books Furnished Free. IT. GRABS, Pres. T. S. PEIRff, Cashier. planned to have the warehouses here opened at the same time as as the markets in those cities begin business. Both warehouses of the Greens boro Tobacco Warehouse corpora tion have been taken over by the co-operative people and will be operated by them this fall. WANTED —Man with car to sell best low-priced Cord Tires made. SIOO.OO per week and expenses. Graham Tire Co., 3281 Canal, Benton Harbor, Mich. THE DANBURY REPORTER. Announcement. To the Voters Of Stokes County : At the earnest solicitation of my friemls, with which I thoroughly coincide, I hereby announce myself as an independent candidate for Sheriff. H. 1). TURPIX. FOR SALE A good farm in Randolph county, four miles east of As'nboro, on erood road, one mile of Cedar Falls Cotton Mill. (Tood terms to a good man. If interested write or see me. C. M. FERRIE, sjy4w Ashboro, N. C. FOR SALE —1,000 acres of fine farm land six miles from High Point, N. C., on sand-clay | road. Some of these farms have ; fine houses, barns, etc. Cut in j acreage to suit purchaser. Also have some fine tobacco land. Apply to Mrs. Nancy F. Arm strong, High Point. N. C.. R. F. D. No. 3. Phone 908. 28jne6t Money to loan on real estate; long terms, easy payments. CHAS. H. REDDING. Ashboro, N. C. 2a4t Randolph County. FOR SALE—Farm eix hundred yards of Guilford College. W. E. BALLINGER, 2ast Guilford College, N. C. HEMSTITCHING AND PICOT ing attachment, works on any machine, easily adjusted. Price $2.00, full instructions and samples. Marsh Bros., Wil. mington, 0. 2ast FOR SALE—Pretty white comb honey, ten pound pails, parcel post 27 cent per pound. Special prices in case lots. W. G. BELL. It Pilot Mountain, N. C. JOHN D. PERRY, Eyesight Specialist. Prices reasonable. Elmont Theatre Building, Winston-Salem, N. C. DR. F. N. TOMLINSON, Dentist Winston-Salem, N. C. Offices 220-224, Gilmer Building. Hours, 8:30 a. m. to 5 p. m. Phones: Office 1022 Residence 1984-J I JOHN D. HUMPHREYS, Attorney-at-Law, DANBL'RY, N. C. Prompt attention to all bueineei entrusted. Will practice in all State oourts DR. H. G. HARDING, Dentist. KING, N. C. Office hours: 9to 12 and Ito 5 J. W. HALL, Attorney-at-Law, DANBURY, N. C. Prompt attention to all business entrusted. Will practice in all courts, DR. R. D. TUTTLE Dentist Office Over Fairview Drug Store OFFICE HOURS: 9 to 1 and 2 to 5 Winston-Salem. N. C. '4. Residence phone No. 819 W Office " " 2535 W. DR. ERNEST M. GRIFFIN, Physician and Surgeon, Office practice a specialty in difficult and complicated diseases. Thirty years successful experience. KING., N. C. Up-to-date Drujr Store. Calls Atten ded at Any Distance. 28june-lw » Blank Deeds, Blank Deeds In Trust and Blank Chattel Mortgages For Sale. Deeds 50c. per dozen, deeds in trusts 50c. per dozen, chatte mortgages 25c. per dozen. Send us your order. We pay postage on all blanks. DANBURY REPORTER, Dan bury, N. C. Sale Of Real Estate. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Stokes county, North Carolina, rendered in the case of Carrie >oode, and others against Cornelia Kimbrough and others, the undersigned commis sioners will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in the town of Danburv, N. C.. on Mondav, Sept. the Ith, 1!>22, at the hour of two o'clock p. m., a certain tract or lot land in Stokes county, at the town of Germanton, bounded and described as follows: "On Buffalo Creek, containing 140 poles, adjoining lots of the town of ''ermanton, and bounded as follows to wit: —Beginning at a stake the south corner of Isaac Golding lot, running south 42 degrees east 4 chains and 25 "links to the middle of Buffalo Creek, thence down said creek, north. 48 degrees east 1 chain and 30 links to C. H. Nelson's corner, north on his line .'i chains and 50 links to a stake, north 4- degrees west 2 chains and 22 links to a staki, said Nelson's and Bitting's corn er, south 48 degrees west, with Isaac Golding's lots 2 chains and 25 links to the beginning." This Julv *J6th. 1922. J. I). HUMPHREYS, and N. O. PETREE, Commissioners. New Fall Dress Goods Now Arriving THE BOYLES CO., \ , (Incorporated.) King. N. C. Most Anything You Need. To The Tobacco Growers of Stokes County: About your tobacco: Your crop of tobacco is your livelihood. Into it you put your thought, your energy, and your money. Out of it you expect a fair return for a year's industry. But you may be overtaken by the most terrible of all calamities that visit a farming community; a hailstorm, with a raking fire of hail bullets that will cut down a field of growing tobacco in half a minute. You cannot prevent hail, but you can protect yourself against loss by a hail Insurance Policy in the Hartford Fire Insurance Com pany, which has transacted an insurance business, honorably, for more than a hundred years. The "Hartford's" reputation and tradi tions are its most valuable assets and forbid sharp practice. The "Hartford" has ample financial resources. It is just as important that you should insure your tobacco against loss from hail destruction as from loss by fire destruction after it is cut, by means of a policy issued bv an agent that has the best interests of his customers ever in mind. Are not these good rea sons for insuring your tobacco in the "Hartford"? Don't delay. Insure today. We will also write fire insurance in Stokes county. You can't afford not to have your buildings insured against fire. See:— H. H. LEAKE, E. P. PEPPER, Agents, Danbury, - N. Car. Georgia Tobacco Brings 65c. Pound Macon, Ga.. Auk. 3. Satis factory prices were paid today, the second day of the' Georgia tobacco markets, according to reports from different bu\ing centers. Hundreds of buyers are bidding for the offerings of growers. At Tifton. more than 100,000 pounds were sold at an average of 30 cents, top prices being 05 cents a pound. Highest price paid at Abbeville was 32 j cents, two big lots being sold at' that figure, and another for 2i> cents. At Hazlehurst 10,000 pounds were sold, the prices, ranging from 10 to 44 centf. Buyers said that the grade and quality is better than last year at all points, hence better prices. Ml M 5 A I ® w @ ®S m FAITH builds a bridge from this world to * the next" the final tribute to those who fertjd passed over is in the hands of loving friends. (SSj In that time of greatest sorrow, you receive from the funeral director assistance requiring high professional skill and the use of facilities iS§7( and equipment far more varied and complete fiw than you may have previously realized. Yet the spiritual necessities of this hour tran- Ecend the technical. His deepest concern is ta vJW give toeach detail that touch of thoughtfulnesa which makes every act jn additional IS*-*?! fib exprcssiga of > our fajllu re»BCC6 §§ andlove: M ISI 6 W STOKES HARDWARE 8 FURNITURE COMPANY. Walnut Cove, N. C. Colhif Crotl. tfFatlh Gnihit Rnr Jtv. AJtiiCer number rlr-.ei (. >f»\righu 1 V 122 C C.Co. Tom Pepper Back From Tobacco .Markets J. ft. Pepper. of i *>;>«• watv liouse at V. ha* just re turned frnn a visit to i|„- tuba-oo markets in eastern North 1 irolitia mii! South i aniliin. II • ret- v- that the crop down there ivnerally | poor and is short, hut that ;>r s are MTV high. iß'inir from tv > to three times as high as last year's prices. I For instan -e. he staled t lint yr-.des ! that brought 2 cents last M .IS n are bringing t' to > cent* now ami tl'os" in th«* S2o rlas- are now (-'"■o t> 'it is the opinion of Mr. I*. ;>pii- that iour crop here will sell ,\\e 1 Mr. .1. H. Nelson, of ](anbury Route jl, who wax a visitor hen Monday, leports that the toha'vo ir-p ir. hi* i section of the liuek island hills is probably the sweetest ami best for a number of year*. This section always produces a iim rop and whei other ' section grow it good they have extra ' good tobacco.