BOOKS WILL CLOSE ON U iU'ST 15 Co-Operative Association Nov. Making Last Drive For Mem bers Before Open in v. Oi' Mar- I- ets. The last call f*r members, marking the last opportunity to join with the Tobacco Growers' Co-operative Association, will reach the Eastern » arolina farm ers this .week at -2 mass meetings to l>e held throughout the Eastern belt. Kentuckians, Virginians and N «rth '.irlinians, vetaran cam-, paigners, fresh from their suc-j cessful drive in South Carolina, who leit 70 percent of that State's tobacco signed up with the big Cooperative, will make the final drive through Eastern Carolina. C. E. Marvin. stock man, tobacco grower and mem fc?r of the Hurley Pool, with W. D. Hill, of Halifax county, Va.. will reach the growers of Apex,' Fuquay Springs, Zebulon, Wen-J dell, Bailey. Nashville. Battle boro, Scotland and Littleton this week. Senator J. A. Brown, director of the Association from Chad bourn, will tell why hundreds of S >uth Carolina farmers who wished to "wait and see" were begging for admission to the Marketing Association, after the first day of auction sales. Senator Brown and E. T. Bon The Progressive Farmer The Danbury Reporter Both Papers One Year For $2.00 By special arrangement with the Progressive Farmer we are enabled for a limited time tosend that well known farm paper and the Reporter both one year for $2.00. The regular price of the papers is $2.50. If you are taking either or both papers you can have either or both extended a year from the time you are now paid up to. Don't fail to take advantage of this offer and save that much money. DANBURY REPORTER, Danbury, N. C. CUT OUT AND MAIL THIS COUPON DANBURY REPORTER, DANBURY, N. C. Enclosed find $2.00 for Progressive Farmer and the Danbury Reporter both one year. NAME ADDRESS Please say whether or not you are already getting either paper. In case you are the sub= scription will be extended from the time it is already paid for. durant. veteran campaigners of Virginia, are scheduled to speak at Smithfield. Finetops and Snow Hill this week, and will address mass meetings in Ayden on Thursday, Lagrange on Friday land Vanceboro Saturday. I tt. J. Works, of_ Kentucky, a j tobacco grower from the Burley District will speak to the Eastern I Carolina farmers at Washington, | Hobersonville and Williamson, and will complete his tour with : meetings at Windsor on Thurs jday, at Colerain and Merry Hill jon Friday and HarrelUville on !Saturday. I The membership books of the ' Tobacco J rowers' Co-operative Association will close on Tuesday, August 15th with the opening of the auction market. TOBACCO TWICE AS HIGH AS LAST YEAR Increase In Price Is Largely At tributed To Farmers' Co-Op erative Marketing Associa j tion—Many New Members. I With the opening sales at Mullir.s, S. C., bringing an aver j age of from 16 to 19 cents, ac ' | cording to estimates of the first j day's is very generally conceded that the organization of 1 the tobacco farmers for Co operative Marketing has been : immediately successful in boost ing price of their product. In South Carolina, as in Ken tucky, the growers received THE DAN BIIRY REPORTER. double the price which was given them on last year's opening i markets, and thousands of farm lers who sold tobacco from five to ten cents in 1921 are now rejoic ing that losses ha\e been chang led to profits. This increase is : largely attributed to the Tobacco . Growers Cooperative Association. Over 3.000 new members from the South Carolina belt joined the Tobacco Growers' Cooperative Association during the July cam j paign, according to the count of ! contracts made at Haleigh head 'quarters on August Ist, Over jrtOO new members joined tie 1 association on July 31, the last , day of the drive in South Caro lina. j The directors of the big co -operative freely predict that ;r ! will net its members higher 1 prices than those who sell upon the auction floors can average through the season. Telegrams reaching Raleigh | headquaters from M. O. Wilson, secretary of the Association, and other officials of the organized growers who were present at the opening of the auction sales this week, state that prospects are very bright for the association members. Mr. J. E. Dalton, of Pine Hall, among the crowd in Danbury Monday at the mettings of the county com j missioners anil the Board of Educa tion. Mr. Dalton reports that the hail | damaged tobacco in his section iv , -iderahly last week. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of decrees of the Superior Court of Stokes county, N. C., rendered on the 10th day of Oct.. 15)04, the 22nd day of Nov.. 1004, and the 11th day of Feb., 1905, respectively, in the special proceeding entitled "I. M. Gordon. Administrator of Wm. D. Hawkins, against VV. •lohn Hawkins and others," it being No. 318 of the Special Proceedings Docket of Stokes county, all of which p'oceedirgs are recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Stokes county, in Record of Orders and Decrees No. G, pages -0 to 30. both inclusive, to which reference is hereunto made, the undersigned will expose to public sale, to the highest bidder, upon the terms set forth below, at the court house door in Danbury, Stokes county. N. C., Monday. Sept. 4th, 1922, at the hour of one o'clock, p. m.. the following lands formerly belonging to Wm. D. Hawkins, in Stokes county: FIRST TRACT: Beginning at a red oak now down, in the edge of an old field, the northeast corner of the sur vey, then south on the old line, one hundred and sixtv-six poles to a white oak, thence south, sixty-six degrees west, sixteen poles to a post oak on the south side of the Mt. Airy road, Thomas Harbour's corner, now claimed by Peter D. Watkins, thence northwest with the different courses of said road, two hund red seventy-three poles to a post oak. on the south side of said road, now down, the said Harb our's corner,and its original corn er. thence east one hundred and twenty-two poles to the begin ning, containing one hundred acres, more or less." See Book No. 27, page 182, Register's office of Stokes county, N. C. SECOND TRACT: ' 'Beginning at a small post oak. corner of Steele's lot, running south, S chains and 40 links to a white oak near a branch, thence south 44 degrees east. 0 chains and 10 links to a dugwood on the side of a road, thence down the old road as it meanders, 331 chains to a stake in the old line, thence east on said line. 17 chains! to pointers at Ugly branch, thence up said branch as it meanders, 27 chains to a locust m a side of a branch, where a small drain empties in, thence up said small branch as it meanders 20a chains to the fork of two branches, thence north 111 chains to pointers, at the chest nut ridge road, thencp down said road as it meanders 29 A chains to the beginning, containing 85'. acres, more or less. Being a part of the Winston Carter tract of land." See deed Book No. 35, pages 432, 433 and 434, Register's office of Stokes county. Saving and excepting 9 1-10 acres, oIT the last named boundary, sold by W. I). Hawkins to A. B. Steele. The above lands were allotted in the above named proceeding to the minor children of Wm. D. Hawkins, during their minority, all of whom are now of full age, and the homestead right termi nated. The above lands will be sold for assets to pay debts, for one half cash, and the other half on a credit of four months, with bond and approved security for the deferred payment, bearing six per cent interest from the day of This July 26th, 1922. I. M. GORDON. Adminstrator. N. O. Petree, Atty. for Admr. 26jy4w NOTICE. Having duly qualified as execu tor of the last will and testament of Mrs. Mary A.Bennett, deceas ed, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against said deceased, to present them to the undersigned, for payment, duly authenticated, on or by the first day of August, 1923, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate are respect fully requested to make immedi ate payment to me. This July 20th, 1922. R. W. HILL, Executor. P.O. Pinnacle. N.C. R. 2. N. O. Petree, Atty. for Ex'r. FOR SALE—A fine tobacco farm, one mile of Meadows, 499-10 acres, one five-room house and other improvements. Will sell for $2,000.00. Write or see W. L. YOUNG. I2j>3m Stoneville, N. C. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER DEED IN TRUST. By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to me bv H. A. Blair and wife Nellie Blair on the loth day of October. 1921. to secure the payment of a certain jsum of money, and default hav | ing been made in the payment of ! the same, at the request of the holder of the note secured by the said deed of trust, I will sell for cash to the highest bidder at I public auction, on the premises in I the town of Danbury, N. C., j Stokes county, on Saturday, | September 2, 1922, at the hour •of one o'clock, P. M., H. A. ! Blair's and wife, Nellie Blair's 'entire undivided interest, right 'arid title in and to the following j described real estate: Beginning at the Southeast corner of shop lot thence about four chains to Joyce's line, thenee east on his line about eighty-one feet to the line which is called the Baptist Church Lot, thence south on the iine of said lot to Main Street, thence west along Main Street, | feet to rhe beginning, ! including dwelling house, this lot deeded by Nancy Manuel, deed bearing date April. 1, 1899, recorded in Book 41, Page 115, in the office of Register of Deeds of Stokes county. North Caro lina. Also see will and testament of R. H. R. Blair recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Stokes county, North Carolina. The deed of trust above refered to is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Stokes county. North Carolina, in Book 66. page 422. This July 31, 1922. J. W. HALL, Trustee. Notice To Creditors. State of North Carolina, Forsyth County. In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk. Dan River Brick Co. vs. Shale Pavingbrick & Fireproof ing Co. NOTICE. Ti the Creditors ol' the Shale Pavingbrick & Fire Proofing Co. You will take notice that pur suant to an order entered in the above entitled cause by His Honor Wm. F. Harding, Judge presiding at May term 1922, of the Superior Court of Forysth county, you are hereby notified to present to the undersigned as Receiver at his office No. l! 05 in theO'hanlon Building in the city of Winston-Salem. N. C.. on or before August 7th, 1922, your claim, debt, or demand against Shale Paving Brick & Fire Proof ing Company duly verified, at which time and place a hearing will be had relative to the allow ance on such claims against said estate. You are further notified that in the event you fail to present your claim and having same allowed, you will be barred from participating in the assets of said corporation. This July 6th. 1922. W. H. BECKERDITE, Receiver Shale Paving Brick & Fire Proofing Co. SIOO REWARD, SIOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly influenced by constitutional conditions re quires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System thereby destroying the foundation of the disuase, giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in the curative powers of Hall's Catarrh Medicine that they otl'er One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send fcr list of testimonials. Address F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo/). Sold by all Druggist. 7 ; ">o 2 NOTICE. The Board of County Commis jsioners or Stokes county will stll | $15.1(00 6 per cent. Road and ■ Bridge Bonds of said county, ! dated May 1, 1922, and maturing Mav 1. 1937, at the court house in Danbury. N. C., at noon, August 15. 1922. Signed: N. E. WALL. Clerk oi Board. Farm For Sale. 150 acres, highly improved, level, I plenty timber. On this farm is an u • room house, big feed barn, 4 tobacco , barns, pack houee, tobacco sticks 'and flues, light system- Eighty acres in cultivation, 21' acres in clover and I alfalfa. Located in special school j district, quarter nnie of school, ;ihd | church, soil road, 3 1-2 miles Walnut I Cove. This farm is to b» sold at , once. Terms ar extremely liberal and possession cm be had early in fall, ll" you want one of the best i farms in Stokes county at a low fig j ure, with terms that please, write BOX (ili. tf WAI.XIT COVE, N. C. ' Having duly qualified as adminH ' tratrix of the estate of Mrs. Dolly Hole, deceased, late of Stokes county, i N. C., all persons owing said estate j are hereby requested to come forward j and make immediate payment of the ' same, and all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby noti fied to present the same duly authen ticated to the undersigned for pay ment on or before the 15th day of June, 1923, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Walnut Cove, N. C., June 12, 1922. MRS. SUSAX V. FLINCHUM, Adm'x of Mrs. Dolly Hole, deceased. J. D. Humphreys, Att'y for adm'x. NOTICE. Having qualified as executor of the last will and testament of J. P. Covington, deceased, notice is here by given to all persons holding claims against the estate of the said J. P. Covington, to present them to the undersigned for payment, duly au thenticated, on or by the 20th day of May, 1923, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate, an? respectfully requested to make im mediate payment to me. E. A. COVINGTON, Executor. P. O. Pilot Mt., N. C., Route 1. Sale Of Real Estate. North Carolina, Stokes County. In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk. W. \\. Powell, administrator of Joseph I'owull, deceased, Against Martha Ann Fulp, widow; John Powell, Nannie Marie, and husband, Henry Macie. Walter Powell. T. 11. liertvy, guardian of Untie Powell; Henry Powell. Helen Met ice widow; l-aura Johnson and husband. Dump Johnson, Stat y Powell, \V. \Y. Powell, Claud Powell, Luther Pow ell and christian name unknown, King, heirs-at-law of Joseph Powell. NOTICE OF SALE. I nder and by virtue of an order of the Superior court of Stokes county, made in the special proceeding en titled W*. \V. Powell, administrator of Joseph Powell, deceased, against Martha Ann Fulp. and others, upon the special proceedings docket of the said court, I, \V. \V. Powell, adminis trator, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, upon the premises in Sauratown township, Stokes county, N. C., on— SATURDAY. AUGUST 12th, 1922, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following lots in the town of Walnut Cove, N. C.: Ixjts Nos. 35, 30, 37, 3S and 39 on a plat or map made by C. B. Bryant, I civil engineer, recorded in the office of Register of Deeds of Stokes county N. C., in Book No. 53, page 509. W. W. POWELL, Administrator of Joseph Powell, deed. This Bth day of July, 1922. J. W. Hall, Atty for Admr . ■ Farm For Lease Or* Sale. i Come down and see 155 acre farm with good buildings, etc. |J- M. Field, Climax. N. C., will lease or sell to the right man. , Not much mohey needed if you I can make a living and money out of a good tobacco farm. "Fine chance for a young married man to get a start." Yours very truly, J. M. FIELD. # ————— To Magistrates. Blank warrants, with jtidg- ' ment, bill of costs, etc.. comnlete Printed and for sale at 5 cents each, or ;>o cents per dozen. Sent by mail to anv address, DAN'BUUY KLPORTER. ' Dunttury, N, C.