LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Luthi r Baker. of the king section, was bitten l>y a madilog last wee'i and left immediately for Raleigh to take the Pa«teur treatment. M iss.'s iKathryn and Marga- ; r't Hutcherson. Annie and EJizabetn | Fulton, iif Walnut Cove, and Lli?.a- I eth Sparser, of Greensboro, pa'-l j'anbury a short visit yesterday. A car load of drain pipe for use hi t'H l construction of the Dniibur.'- ..-miliar road h.-'s just been receiv I." ork on ;iii-' road is moving along : a good pace. Mr. Thomas Spencer, of Campbell, j who operates a saw mill at his home . if. Campbell. will put in niedern mr- | v .'.-y for manufacturing finished j 1. liln i- of all kinds. .1 'hn Boron. Jr., of Walnut '■ ove, hits a.vij'te.! a position with the en gineering forces of the State High way Commission and has liven a signed to work in Alleghany county/ j near Stiarta. • Judge \V. V. Hartman. of "h" eity i court ai Winston-Salem, was at Pied mont Springs several days the pa -t week taking a vacation. Judge Mar.- | man practiced law in Danbury f r ;. I year or more some years since. Mr. Peter A. Uorrell, proprietor of , Gorrell's Warehouse, who is spend ing some time with his family at Piedmont Springs, is much improved ■ in health. He is regaining his voice tapidly. Pr,,f. J. T. Smith has sold hi-'- ni home in King to Pr. Rupert Helsa beck. who will remove to King in the near future. It was not learned as t i what Prof. Smith's plans are for the future. Prof. I. \V. Griffin. of Raleigh, who connected with the State Board of Kducation, spent a day or two he!\- at the county summer school this week giving the teachers some valu able pointers. Mr. and Mrs. George Webster, of Li sburg. Flu., who have been spend ing several weeks at Piedmont Springs, left Monday for Washing ton and Philadelphia, where Mr. Webster goes on a business mission. 1!" is a native of Stokes county and - cashier of the State Malik at Ix-es burg. The probability is that Stiki s will have more automobiles than ever if tobacco sells as well as it should thi f:.il. An automobile dealer who visi le! Danbury Monday stated that lv had seen twenty-three farmers tn.u day who promised to buy ctus from hi'ii in the fall if tobacco prices wi re g» .d. :r-Lillian Sta-. k. of Monroe, who has been the guest of Miss Thelma Neal, at Walnut Cove, visited Dan- I .ivy Sunday, accompanied by Mi.-s N'e.il and Mr. Paul Fulton, of Walnut Cove. Miss Stack is a daughter of Mr. A. M. Stack, a former resident of Dar.hury. Mr. Stack was recently nominated for Judge of the Superior court in his district on the Demo cratic ticket. Mr. Chalmers Glenn, of Winston- Salem. .was a Danbury visitor ye.-- t-rday. Mr. Glenn was accompanied by his mother, who is the widow of the late Governor R. B. Glenn. Mrs. Glenn resided here with her husband when he first began the practice of law in Stokes. This was her first visit to Danbury in thirty-seven years. It is announced by Supt. of School? J. C. Carson that the high schools of the county will open on Sept. 11th. the public schools opening on Oct. Pth. Mr. Carson is of the opinion that this year there will be enough teachers who have met all the re quirements of attending samm.T schools, etc., to fill the schools without using any teachers who have not met the requirements. A great many of the schools have already secured their teachers. The prospect for good attendance and efficient schools was never better than at present. This week marks the close of the Stokes summer school, which has been in session here since July 17th. 1 »anlniry people have enjoyed having the large number of teachers here and their presence will be greatly missed after Friday of this week. There is no doubt that they have been greatly benefitted by the able and patient instruction received at the hands of Prof. C. L. Weathers, Miss Nannie Pigg and Miss Grace Tay'.or, the faculty of the summer school. A number of social affairs have been given in honor of the instructors and teachers since they have been here, which have been enjoyed by both the school and the town people alike. Mcsdanus N. A. Martin a*ri W. E.' Joyce spent Thursday i:i Winston- j Salem. Mr. W. M. Woods, of Sandy Ridge ; Route 1, was hire on business yes terday. Miss Agnes Dodson, of Winston- Salem, is the guest of Miss Mary i Martin. I Miss Ruth Fads will leave Friday for Mt. ' oghan. S. where she will teach piano in the high school. Jerry Mabc. a hard-working farnn r ,of Peter's Creek township, had the I misfoitune to lose a barn of tobacco by fire Friday afternoon. Miss Virginia Galloway, of Green - horn, has been visiting the family of j Mr. il. M. Joyce here for several I day s. Harry H. Leake Weds Miss Elsie Sprinkle Winston-Salem Route 7, Aug. 25. A very pretty wedding occurred | Thursday evening at 7::5l o'clock at j;he home of Mr. and Airs. John 11. j Sprinkle, near Bethania, when their eldest daughter, Miss Klsie, became (the bride of Mr. Harry 11. Leake, of . Danbury. I (in arriving the guests wen re j •••ivid bv Mrs. Carl Hine and Miss , i'va Sprinkle. i Preceding the ceremony Miss All It? Speas sang sweetly, "() Promise Me." As Miss F.thel Sprinkle, sister |• f the bride, began the Bridal chorus fnmi Lohengrin, litt!«• Miss Francis j Sprinkle, in a frilly frock of while ! organdy, came in bearing the ring jin the heart of a rose. She made i her way to an improvised altar. A i double archway of white entwined with jessamine and clematis. The arch was reinforced by tiny spoke* | from which glowed a mellow lighi | from many candles. On either side i stood a white pedestal bearing a tall I brass candlestick with lighted taper*. NY :: came the bride and groom who were met at the altar by the bride's pastor. Rev. J. W. Vestal, before whom were spoken the sacred vows which unitid them in holy wedlock. The bride wa • a picture of love ' lines.- in a gown entraine of duch , ess satin and pearls with bridal j r oil caught in coronet fashion with I 'range blossoms. She carried a shower hotjuet of Bride's roses. • Following the ceremony, a salad a"d ice course was served by Misse Grace McColbim, l.illio Sprink'e, i Loui.-e Holland, and Re. hi 1 Speas. . I After a trip to Baltimore, W'ash j ington ana other points north. Mr. [and Mrs. Leake wil! be at home in j Banbury, where the groom is assis - 'jar: cashier of the Bank of Stokes i amy. The hrid* wore a going ■ away gown t midnight blue canton ' crepe trimmed in steel cut beads with accessories in mode. Mrs. Leak is a pcpola* young wo ■ man. having been a very efficient i teacher in the State, after having • been educated at Guilfoid College. I Harrisonburg, Va., Normal College j and the University of California. Fred Shore has bought his Dry , goods, shoes, hosiery, r irons beds and mat= i tresses, springs, furni= ture stoves, ranges, ; pillows and rugs. At the lowest cash 'I ! prices and got all the discount the Factory I would stand. i Now if you want to J stretch your dollars s j | come to the Big Store • that buys right and I Sells For Less. II ■ SHORE MERCANTILE CO., Inc. i The Big Store, > KINO, - N. C. THE DANBURY REPORTER. J. T. SMITH WILL GO I' TO CALIFORNIA j Rumor Says iload Will He Huilt 1 To Pilot Mountain and Hotel, Will Bv Erected Near the Pin- j nacle On the Mountain. i j King, Aug. -8, —Rupert Helsa beck has purchased from Prof.j J. T. Smith his nice residence on West Main Street. Dr. Helsa- ■ beck will move his family here. Prof. Smith will remove his family to California. ivlr. Luther Laker, a well-to-do 1 planter, who resides two miles east of King, was bitten by a rabid dog last Thursday and left I Friday morning for Raleigh i where he will take the pasteur ; treatment. Mrs. lJr. B. T. Bitting, of Oklahoma, is spending several i weeks with relatives near here, i i Mrs. N. O. Tuttle left Friday i for her home at Suffolk. Va.,! after a visit of several weeks I with relatives here. A rumor is current here that a company has purchased the ! Pilot mountain and will build an | improved road from Pinnacle to the mountain, develop the moun- j ! tain and build a large hotel, i Big preparations are L.-'ing made for the Stokes County Fair which will take place October 18, 19. -'O, -21 ajd :12. Mrs. P. J. Ounter is very sick . at her home on Main Street. The King Baptist Sunday School and the Trinity Sunday School teams will play a game of base ball here next Saturday. , Messrs. T. F. and Herman Newsum attended the Sprinkle Reunion in Yadkin county Satur-. day. They report a fine time. : Two hundred and fifty people : ! were present and a fine dinner i was served. This reunion will bs i held at Mr. Ellis Long's in Fur ; syth county next yeah The King Tigers lost to Pin ; nacle in a game of base ball Sat | urday. Thfe score stood nine to j four. | Mr. G. M. Allen's mule ran ! away with him on the street here Saturday afternoon. He ran against a telegraph pole and tore, I loose fr.im the buggy: fortunate-, ly. neither Mr. Allen or the mule i were hurt, the buggy wns only . | ?lightly damaged, while the har | ness was torn up. I The first carload of brick for Drs. Stone and Helsabeck's new drug store arrived today. Work | will 1 i commenced at once. The Right Way to Buy Roofing fX)VIE in and let us figufe with you the cost of a first-class roof. Because of their honest quality and rich appear-. $ iT\ce you would like to have a Bird s Roof* Nlav be that Bird's Roof won't cost nearly as * 3 much as vou think, because we can tell you just the right Bird's Roof to use for your particular * building. Our advice won't cost you a nickel. We are j willing to spend the time to show you why a , Bird's Roof will make good for you just as it ha? . for others. Whether you need Birds Paroid, Birds Shingle Design Roofing, Bird s Plain Slate-Surfaced, Bird s Granitized Roofings, or Birds Twin Shingles, we will show you how little it will cost to do youf 1 roofing right now* I w.CErt«wJ«4tm)E^wjpou. 4s>'* tfhere Mercant>d. The Big Store. KING, N. C. THE THEATRE A CERTAINTY Half the $5.(100 Capital Sub scrihfd lJuildinu To Ke Erected At Once. Danbury's academy of music, show-house, play-house or lhealH, whichever you choose to call it, is a certainity. At a mass meet ing held in the court house Mon day night, citizens, ladies and gentlemen, subscribed nearly half the allotted capital for the enterprise. It is proposed to erect a $5,000 building, equipped with modern fixtures and appointments, and I the enterprise is deemed not only a great thing for this section from an educational and enter tainment standpoint, but the promoters believe it will pay well financially. Odel!-'ones and X. E. Pepperwere appointed a committee to solicit further stock subscriptions, the shares tn be issued in denomina tion of .S-5 each. It will be the policy to enlist as many small , stockholders as possible through out Dant'ury and liter's Creek townships, the territory intended to 'be principally served. It is expected that the building will be built by early fall. Sale Of Property By N. & W. Railway. The N. A. W. Railway Co. will soil al their freight station at Walnut C ove, N. (.. on SEPT. 2S, 1« »2. .it 10 o'clock, A. M„ one boiler plttcvd on the railway company's premise* !>> John K. Smith, owned by Crawford Mill Supply Co., of Winston-Salem. X. C. S.-.id party failed to remove the boiler from company's preiwi'is and »aid -ale is made to conform w:t!t t!ie law - of the State of North Caro lina. W. |\ \\ HEELF.It. Aceni. | ;?dauji'4\v I iTT-r OK L-TMAVKI). J From Piedmont Springs small ' black and white spotted Shetland pony. Reward lor information j or return. MRS. A. E. HOLTOW GOOD USED INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS FORSALE All in excellent mechanical r * condition. EASY TERMS STANDARD MOTOR COMPANY, North Main St., Winston-Salem, N'.C. For Sale. 181-acre farm, seven miles of Ashboro, one mile from National Highway, good tobacco and grain land, good buildings, including three new tobacco barns and new four-room tenant house. Fine orch ards, well watered and timbered. Full possession at once. If interested write or come to see N. E. RANKIN, Greensboro. N. C., R. F. D. 4. 30aup3w Notice Of Sale Of Valuable Real Estate. The cndersiprned heirs at law and devisees under the will, >r Laura S. McKinnev, will on SATURDAY, T!"!Li 23rd DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1922, - o'clock, P. M. t olter for sale at PUBLIC AUCTION t.> the higrhest biuder, on the premises, a tract of land consisting of 178.8 acres and known as the "Old home place of Laura McKinney Pinch (lut Creek ;ind Mt adt.w branch, adjoining the lands of S. P. Christian, L. L. Nunn and others. Terms of sale one third cash and balance 12 and 24 months time. This is a very desirable farm and any person interested in the purchase of a good farm will do well to attend this sale. This August 21st, 1922. HATTIE LAWSON, LUERETTA HARVEY, RUSA COOK. McMichael. Johnson & McMichael, Attys. VVinston-Salem, N. C. ACARDFROMFAGG To mv many friends I take great pleasure in announcing that I will again during the coming tobacco season be connected with PEPPER S WAREHOUSE, WINSTON-SALEM, where I will be better prepared to serve and help my friends than ever before. With Tom Pepper, Joe Joyce and myself following every sale you can feel assured that no tobacco will be overlooked and you will get the TOP OF IHE MARKKT for every pile sold with us. Nobody can sell tobacco higher than we can. Bring us your first load and be convinced. Sincerely, ' J. A. FAGG. 16augtf

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