' BILLS PASSED AND BILLS NOT PASSED Newspaper Correspondent I'ro- pares List Of Most Important Acts Passed Upon By Last (Jeneral Assembly. The following list of general legislation passing and failing to to pass v,*'is p!*"paivd by . ! jlost, or • of the n 'W-I'.iper n: n t"porti' c the pio• etlir rs -f tie Asst n ' ■ : A!d! il 1 f- - >"*..• «:: - ! .'.il em , . 1.1*,. h\\a; : . • r • il !-v tIX ol t'-tee i nt p.-:- v.' -i O'l S. .- 1 ' line A i' ' -ii i*- He of ;•'!ii,-'-i.V.-'fill in bo i ' rmam-r.t improve merits ; s r ate charitable and educational ir.s: i 11inns. * Vote to bun !ii railroard thru \' northwestern section ot North Carolina to Tennt !•>. e or Virginia, and also provided to construction of several branch lines tocetinect with the main line. Authorized the establishing •( an additional training school for boys, similar to Jackson Training school, to be located in eastern North Carolina. Passed the revenue act, v.itli a provision exempting foreign stocks from taxation. Refused to increase the income tax ra'e. Passed the machinery act which carries out the revenue act and provides for revaluation of real property thi:* year, but tin* values io be us- d for the year 1021. The county boards are to ' have charge and the state won i 'have an>thing to do with the pmperf) values. Also provides that tuxes are due in Oat.ibvr: and a discount of one-half of one per cent is allowed in October and November; the amount is net in December and January and one-half per cent per month can be levied during the months of * February, March and April. The discounts and penalties apply , only by order of the county com missioners. Authorized the governor to ap point a boat commission to investi gate fully the question of water transportation in this slate and report to the governor, who may * call a special session to consider the report. Passing a bill authorizing a commission of seven men to study the question of "John Smith," tenant farmer, and report to the next session of the legislature what plan the state should pur sue to help him; also to study group settlements. Made the state laws"conform'" to the Volstead act. Passed a law, effective .July 1, requiring all automobiles to"stop, look and listen'' before crossing a railroad track at grade. Applies in cities and towns also, except where gates and watchmen are » provided. Took off the surcharge on Pull man tickets; but the railroads claim the law won't stand in i Vight of court decisions. I (lave state highway commission p enlarged powers in dealing with I the grade creasing abolition so far as state highways are con cerned. Made it a misdemeanor for a man to "peep" into a room oc cupied by a woman. Provided for registering title to automobiles, and enacted provis ions for making theft of automo , «t.'Jeß less attractive. ' Empowered the Corporation * Commission to employ a man or men to handle complaints as to movements of less than carload freight. Submitted a constitutional amendment limit the amount of bonds the state can issue, based upon 7 A per cent of the amount of real and personal property in the counties. Set up a state sinking fund from tlie general fund to retire bond issues now outstanding. Minuted the llfuKv ••:d •il • •'io ■> i !, :!. i eea • U m-« • I t!i • out* ai; !ii ;? pi Ce-3 .> • '.•ill. I' 1 red • • ,: i. : . .:i 1 "i ind •-.t'u r (k-i ■; !•!, '!'! . • M ihl a l,!i« i i . . ..ig «>f tiie .Mat •. Iv'uuire 1 tlv.it Supreme « •>rt reports and reprints thereoi be published in full. Unacted a more drastic fire escape law with especial refer ence to public buildings,theaters, and buildings more than three stories high. Enlarged the definitions in the Blue Sky law so as to make it more effective. I Placed Morris plan and other industrial banks under super . i vision of the corporation com mission and allowed them to establish branches. Abolished the criminal insane department of the state peniten tiary and provided i'or treatment of the whites at linliegh hospital and the negroes at (*.,1 lsboro, (lave power companies th" right of eminent domain so the\ •in go into court find disn .se of the claims of a lessu r power si'", but not io apply to existing cot ton tnilis. i ive state institutions the right of * minent domain in regard to needed land for expansion. I Passed the "age of consent" ,bil|. Tightened the laws with re irard to marriage, especially under It! years of age. j K iacted the mothers aid bill. ' with an appropriation of $50,000 I to be supplemented by the coun ties participating. | Submitted to the voters in the next general election the question 'of creating a state loan fund of 1 $-.000,000 to enable veterans of | the world war to acquire homes and farms. Submitted a constitutional amendment to increase the limit of mortgage exemption of homes 1 from $3,000 to SB,OOO, and provide that half the mortgage and half | the value of property is exempt ; from taxation, if interest rate | doesn't exceed five and one-half per cent. Placed the state sanitorium for treatment of tuberculosis at Sanatorium under a separate board of trustees. Increased the board of trustees of Agricultural and Engineering college at Ralaigh to 50. Provided for uniformity of automobile lice'nse taxes through out the state. Continued the participation of the state in the fight against tubercular cattle, and appropriat ed $20,000 to supplement a like sum from the federal govern ment. Postponed until May 1 the levying of tax penalties for the year 1022 on county taxes. Amended the general hospital act to provide for 30-year bonds, and giving more powers. Enacted certain general laws amending present acta and in some cases enacted new legisla tion with regard to counties, THE DANBURY REPORTER. cities and towns. Reorganized the fisheries com mission, increasing number to 11 men and gave $500,000 to open inlets, aid in oyster culture and to stock game fish in streams. I Authorized th-> attorney gener al to proceed in the C. F. and Y. V. dismembern Tit matter i'O. lK PI;o; ; >.•;(•: i !. \ Ki! (JKI •: !( gu' •I . . 1 • K! i . I M I i. i. ■ I'L • U ii• • ■ .. ii H and 11 ; •.• ■ i !' int«_T l>: • . u!nr s;:h 1 .! I it* i• i •• ■••• aI! V. tu i.'» to ci, > a li.-ii' .>i Refused to j• • i in? fucks tu C UT. mirr.irs *!' st*" automobiles approaching f rom r. :tr. Failed to enact new plumbing regulations. | Regulation arid supervision 1 f i pool rooms. i Statewide game laws. I Fixing uniform salaries and I fees in all counties. To prohibit the "harrowing" details of electrocutions. To take over and operate the ' state fair at Raleigh. To provide for medical school |to give the complete four year j course. Refused to exempt county fairs ! . i trom local and county taxation. I Would not prohibit banks in this stuto operating branch banks. Toestabii-.il a department of' c mimerce and industry. To reorganize the state depart i nu'nts in accordance with th-. i plan of State Auditor D.irham • (This matter was not carefull. j considered, but more will come of it later, i i Refused to enact a garnishee, law. ! Killed an effort to prevent j giving of so many woitliltrs checks. Refused to establish any now judges or create additional dis tricts and redistrict the state. Failed to create a state bank- j ing department under a separate commissioner of banking Left the Snipman department of Labor and Printing intact. Killed an etFort to allow corpo rations to borrow money at more j than six per cent by issuing | bonds. j Did not tamper with the di | vorce laws. Refused to interfere with the p?nsion plan for judges. Ftiled to enact legislation to permit several contractors to sue the state on contracts. Failed to oass act regarding through east and west passenger] train service. Honor Roll For Moore's School Below is a list of those who have made an average of from 00 to 100 the sth month of school: 4th grade—Quincy Rhodes. Marvin Rhodes, Lola Smith, Booker Snider, Blanche Woods, Daniel Woods, Harrie Nelson, sth grade—Forest Spencer, Lucy Spencer, Rosa Rhodes, Lucile Moore. Dulsie Moore. Lennice Hawkins. Claude Moore, Linzy Hawkins. 6th grade—Carl Spencer. Troy Shelton, Roy Shelton, Powell Hawkins, Inez Hawkins. 7th grade—Earl Moore, Waf ford Spencer, Carlos Priddy, Rubie Shelton, Eunice Hawkins. FOR SALE 1 One sawmill, borer and engine 16 H. P. Just overhauled. The engine as good as new. Everything ready to run. Wili sell at n low price. If interested see " T / t 1 / i", 1 t x- * 9 '" •« i ft K L ,\i : y u 1 '* • v • s\ 1 v * \Ji. S ii * « i,' r t: \*, ' v r .. » • r f' ■ • •• > v •, t iiiiii ■• ' .«. v • I ' ;■ ' v v ;•» /> > »»• •-* '' •* A ««A lb v. | *L"V i.. I '' Ji . \ V 4 !i-„ i C Your Dollar Goes the Fartherest. I handle a full line of general merchandise and at the right price. I carry a full stock of shipped feeds at the lowest possible price. I ;>lso have the agencv for the famous Netzow Piano in any style. If you are in the market for a piano write me for prices. Yours for service, J. 1:. WARD, Sandy Ridge, N. C. 21fb }w * \ Grind Your Own i Com And Grain And Make Your Own Feed 5 .a a Saw Your Own Wood Jr With Our STOVER SAW FRAME It Will Pay You To Get OurJPrices On Feed Mills Corn Mills Saw Frames Saws Gasolene Engines Kerosene Engines Fuel Oil Engines Pumps, Tanks and Water Systems Pipeless Furnaces. Wire and Wiring Materials. Galvanized Pipe and Fittings. Lighting Plants for Country Homes and Villages. Write or come to see us when in Winston=Salem. THE MOTOR COMPANY Next to The Zinzendorf Hotel, WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. [ The little daughter of Rev., i-.ri | Mrs. !). V. Howell, who has been ; ll for several days with ((pneumonia, jis inipprovinfj, we are pleased to , learn. r > 2ME XXO $ Frequent & & * £« Y y vv • Hi • v ..„ > ,' , ft , • t 1 ..m . 1. » T» J r[ !' a i'. r " " J • ■■■ i.* ' 7 r .-s*:& 8 . 's. | 11 1 |i m £yi .i • Jilf# | 2 I -Jaiaill X4 l! U L.--- :• fli. .. -AJ -i.vi &li 3 j f, 4 and took il for a licad.'ic!ii\ f.nu WA •v! the re!i :f was very quick, ;«nl p* jifKj ii w;.s r.o Ion;; 131 i..»re Iliad M j anothir headache. Mnw i just L,« vf'j keep ine Kl.ielc-l)rau;;ht. mid pr rfij don't let uiybvlS act i" that m rj coud.t.ou." C Thedford's Black- Draught (X Jrq (purely vegetable) has been \2 found to relieve constipation, and by stimulating t'te action of pa t!:c Wer, when ills torpid, lu!ps jjrl lJ to drive ri,.ny poisons oi l of lAjJ T?] your system. Biliousness, r« iindigf'ition, headache, and W y siniil.ir troubles arc oilen |M i i relieved in this way. Il is the PT f{ natural way. Be natural! 'iry j; 1 iM j '.ioid everywhere. (A