Volume L. STOKES HIGHWAY COMMISSI TO BUILD MORE IADS Five Projects Ordered Surveyed and Built As Fast As Funds Become Available—Tractors Taken Off Maintenance Work and Put On Con struction—Other Orders Made. At the r»cent meeting of the 1 t Stokes Highway Commission here it was ordered that surveys * be made and estimates of the cost of construction be prepared for each of the following named roads, and that they be built, in the order mentioned below, as fa9t as funds for their construc tion become available: 1. Clemmons' Ford bridge to Buck kland bridge, in Peter's Creek township. 2. Dry Springs road, in Yad kin township. 3. Oak Ridge church to Drew Priddy's. in Snow Creek and Danbury townships. 4. Hartman's store east to connect with Dillard - Sandv Ridge road, in Danbury and Beaver Island townships. 5. Camrbell postoffice west to connect with State highway near Francisco, in Peter's Creek and Big Creek townships. Another important order of the highway commission made at ( last meeting was that all tractors. 1 which have heretofore been en gaged in maintenance work, be | put on construction work for ' thirty days, and that they be assigned to the following roads during that period: Two Best tractors on road from Holland's lumber yard neari Meadows to Fulcher's ford bridge. Two Best tractors on road from Oak Ridge to Lackey's store. One Holt tractor on road from , Clemmons' ford bridge to Buck Island bridge. One Monarch tractor to remain ; on Lynchburg road. An order was made by the highway commission that the road from Lackey's store to Oak Ridge church be soiled bv con tractor Jess Bennett at the price of 35 cents per yard. Road from J. A.Wall's to Vade Mecum M. E. church was declar ed a public road, but route is not to be changed from old road bed. Runners were ordered placed on the Clemmons' ford riyer bridge. I | Calendar For Civil Term Stokes Court i The calendar for the summer j term of Stokes Superior court! r ' 1 has been prepared and will an- j pear in next issue of this paper. | This term of court is for the J trial of criminal cases only and will continue for one week. The trial docket contains 19 case?, while there are forty cases on the motion docket- The calen dar is more lengthy than usual. Robt. CaHwell. of Madison, was a Danbury visitor Fridaj. MANY PEOPLE AT BIRTHDAY DINNER Three Hundred Friends Of C. C. Boyles Take Part—Mrs. F. L. Fowler To Undergo Seri ous Operation—King News. King Route 2, June 10.—Mrs. F. L. Fowler was carried to Martin's hospital in Mt. Airy the past week where she will under go a very serious operation, it is learned. However, her physicians think she will soon recover, while her many friends hope to have her back home sound and well before many days. The many friends of Mr. C. C. Boyles tendered him a surprise birthday dinner last Sunday, | more than 300 people being in at i tendance. The table on which the ! many good things to eat were served was more than 100 feet I long. Mr. Boyles was more than 1 pleased to see so many of his i good friends from the different ' communities present. In appreci ation of the nice dinner given him Mr. Boy le9 ordered several gallons of ice cream for desert. Each and every one seemed to | thoroughly enjoy the occasion Farmers of the King section I are about through planting to j bac co. The people have a large crop of the weed in this community. Messrs Harry Davis and Albert Ciwyn, of Winston-Salem, were visitors in this section in the interest of the Piedmont Warehouse. They state that a | large crop of tobacco has been planted and that it is in good condition. R. K. Long and his partner. Bill King, want a shower as the creeks are getting too clear j and fish are not biting. SCRIBBLER. Automobiles To Be Sold Here Soon Five automobiles, four| Fords | and one Buick, are advertised to j be sold at Danbury right soon, ! all of them having been seized ; by officers while in the act of' hauling whiskey. A Buick and j one Ford, seized by Federal: agents, will be sold next Saturday, | June 16th, one Ford, also captur-1 ed by Federal agents, will be I sold on June 27th, one Ford captured by Sheriff Dunlap and others will be sold July 2nd, and one Ford captured by Federal Agents will be sold July 7th. Mr. and Mrs. J. Spot Taylor, Miss Luna Taylor and Mr. Shelley Betra visited Pine Hurst and Southern Pines the past week. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday, June 13, 1923 STOKES PRISONER MAKES HIS ESCAPE William Johnson Feigns Illness anil Takes Advantage Of Being Left Unguarded—His Wife Evades Arrest. William Johnson, a young white man serving a term of four months on the roads in Stokes for hauling whiskey, made his escape here Friday and has not been heard of since. Last week Johnson appeared to be sick with something like ap pendicitis. He was taken to a Winston-Salem hospital on Thurs day and an examination showed that he did not have appendicitis. He was brought back to th& jail but wa9 not locked up as he con tinued to appear sick, and on Friday he walked off. going in the direction of his home near Philpot, Va. Johnson's wife has been spend ing some time here visiting him since he has been on the road and last week a warrant was issued for her on the charge of stealing clothing from the family of Sheriff J. F. Dunlap. She left here a few days since for the home of her sister in Rock ingham county and Sheriff Dun lap and Robert Taylor, in com pany with a Deputy Sheriff cfj Rockingham county, went after her Saturday. While the Rock-' ingham Deputy was in the house, waiting for the woman to change her clothing, she disappeared through the back door and has not been heard of since. RALLY AND PICNIC AT KING JULY 4 Members Of Co-operative Mar keting Association Planning For Great Time—To Formu late Plans June 16. The members of the Farmers Co-operative Marketing Associ ation are planning to have a great rally and barbecue at King on July tth. The King local of the association requests that the membership of I the county meet with them at | King on June lGch, 8 o'clock, P. ' M., in the high school building j for the purpose of organizing and I formulating plans for the cele bration on July Ith. Messrs. Swaim and White, of the association will attend the meeting on June 16th and will address the gathering. All members are ur«ed to attend and help with the plans for the big celebration on July 4th. Walnut Cove Personal Items Walnut Cove, June 11. Missea Nina, Kasie and Mildred More field spent the week end at Moore's Springs. Mr. P. H.Morefield.of Danbury Route 1, is spending the week here with his brother, Mr. J. Wesley Morefield. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Franks and children, of Greensboro, visited relatives here Sunday. AUTO WRECK NEAR GERMANTON Wiley Johnson In Very Serious Condition Edwin Carroll Has Accident Death Of Jack Tedder. I King. June 11. —Prof, and Mrs. Murry Thompson, of Stuart, Va., are spending a few days with relatives here. Work on Mr. H. W. Newsum's nice new home one mile west of town is well underway. Mr. Walter J. White, of Roanoke, is spending several davs with his parents here. Born unto Mr. and Mr 9. L. E, Calloway, a son. Mr. Jack Tedder, aged about seventy years, formerly of this neighborhood died Friday at his 1 home at Summerfield after a I lingering illness of a complication of diseases. The remains were brought here and laid to rest at Macedonia church Saturday morning at eleven o'clock. Mr. Tedder was a good man and was liked by a>l who knew him. Miss Stella Helsabeck. of Richmond. Va.. is spending a few days with her brother, Dr. R. S. Helsabeck, who resides here. Miss Blanche Keiger, of Greensboro, spent Sunday with relatives here. Mrs. Grant Gravitt and Miss Trilby Love spent Sunday with relatives in Winston- Salem, Mr. P. J. Caudle, of Winston- Saiem. spent Sunday with relat ives near here. Miss Crysel Kirb.v, of Winston- I Salem, spent Sunday with her I parents in Walnut Hills | Dr. Lee Kiser. of Statesville, spent Sunday with his parents near here. Mr. Edwin Carroll, Jr., of Mizpah, broke his leg just above the ankle while playing a game of baseball at Germanton Satur day. He was brought here and Dr. Stone reset the broken member. Prof. Roger Kiser, of Greens boro, is spending a few days with his parents near here. Mr. Lester 0 Pulliam, Winston- Salem, spent Sunday with his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. S. 0. Shaub and I Miss Clodie Stone.of High Point, | spent Sunday with relatives I here. I Mr. S. S. Boyles. of Cincinnati, ! spent Sunday with his parents | near here. A Buick car, with Mr. Dan White, of this place, and Mr. Wilburn Newsum and Miss Hester, of Winston-Salem, as oc cupants, left the road and turned over three times down an em bankment two miles north of Germanton yesterday afternoon. All were under the car when it finally stopped rolling. Mr. New sum was brought to the home of his mother here, where Dr. R. S. Helsabeck attended him. He has a sprained back and is cut and biuised up considerably. Mr. Whitt-Jand Miss Hester escaped with only a few bruises. People! who looked at the wreck say it j was almost a miracle that any j of them escaped with their lives. Mrs. C. N. Boyles and children, of Monroe, Va., are spending a few days with relatives near here. We are having a nice rain here today which was much needed and which will revive crops wonderfully. Childrens' day services will be held at the Baptist church here Sunday, June 24. The program will take place at 10;00 o'clock A. M. A double quartette, "The Sky Landers,' will furnish singing for occasion. Dinner on the grounds at 12:00 P. M. Rev. Mr. Merritt, of Dobson, will preach at 2:00 P, M.. his subject will be "Religion in the Home." Everybody invited to come and bring a basket. Mr. Wiley Johnson, who under went an operation in a Richmond. Vs.. hospital last week for tumor on the brain, ia paralyzed and in a serious condition. His recovery ia regarded as doubtful. GOOD NEWS FROM REV R. W. GEORGE lie Has Information That Con tract Will lie Let June 27tM For Construction Of Dan bury-Westfield Highway. The Reporter is in receipt of a letter today from Rev. R. W. George, of Francisco, in which he states that he has definite in formation that the State Highwav Commission will let the contract on June 27 for the construction °f the last lap of the Danbury- Westfield highway. This will be welcome news to the people of the county who have been wait ing patiently for many months for this important highway. It is Mr. George's opinion that the J. F. Mulligan Co. will get the contract for the building of the road mentioned above. This company has built the road from Mt. Airy down toClemmons' ford and their work has l e?n high'j satisfactory to the State a 9 well as the people along the road, and it is hoped by Mr. George and the people of the Francisco sec tion that they will be the suc cessful bidders on this lpst lap of the road from Clemmon9 ford to Danbury. FARMERS CANNOT EVADE CONTRACTS In Halifax County Alone Thir teen Cases Have Resulted Favorably For the Co-opera tors. Kaleigh, June G.—That mem bers of the Tobacco Growers' Co-operative Association cannot evade their obligations by hiding behind the skirts of their wives in Virginia was made clear at Halifax courthouse, where a member who raised tobacco on land belonging to his wife, who was a non-member, was required to pay liquidated damages for three-fourths of the tobacco that he raised as his wife' 9 tenant, at the rate of five cents a uounc*. with court costs and attorney's fees. The three cases which came up in the Halifax county court re sulted in a sweeping victory for the tobacco co-operatives as two other defendants agreed to all the terms of the suits brought against them rather than try their cases in court. | These cases were added to a long list of legal victories for the association in Virginia, where 2'.' suits filed in that state have now been settled with defendants upon the terms of the association. In Halifax county alone, thirteen out of thirteen suits have result ed favorably for the co-opera tives. Mayor P. H. Linville, of Wal- ] nut Cove, was a visitor here yes terday. Mr. Linville stated that the surveys for Walnut Cove's power plant and water and sewer systems have about been com pleted and that contracts for the work would likely be let before v?ry lonj?. No. 2,670 TO CONDUCT CLINIC AT DANBURY State Board of Health Will Have Charge July 3. 4, 5 and G—Applications Should Bo Mailed To Nurse At Once. A clinic will be held at Dan bury, under the direction of the State Board of Health, begin ning Tuesday, July ;j, and con tinuing until July 6th. Miss Geneva Sykes, State school nurse, will arrive here several days before the opening ol the clinic,, and all applica- tions for treatment or operation should be filled out completely and delivered to her at Dan bury. A qualified specialist, invited by the county Board of Health, will be with the State special ists to conduct the examira- tions, and children needm# op erations for tonsils and ade noids will l>e operated upon. This applies only to children be tween the ages of six and 12 years inclusive. To bear the expense of th*» clinic, a nominal fee of $12.50 will be charged, which pays for the operation, etc. An emer gency hospital will be equipped and nurses will have charge oi" the children day and night. In addition to the operator a full time graduate physician will be in attendance to give a careful physical examination of the heart, kidneys and lungs and to have charge of the anaesthetics. During the last several years over six thousand children have been operated upon in these tonsil and adenoid clinics con ducted by the State Board of Health in North Carolina. Al ready over eight hundred haw been treated this year- In prac tically every county more chil dren have applied than could be cared for Methodist Minister For Danbury Circuit Mt. Airy, N. C., June 12. Editor Reporter : Please announce through your paper this week that Rev. Mar cus Tuttle, a recent graduate of Trinity College, has been ap pointed pastor of the Danbury charge until Conference, and he will take up the work next Sunday, filling all appoint ments for the day. Sincerely. J. H. WEST. Presiding Elder. More Than 10,000 New License Tags Sent Out A Danbury citizen has just received a license tag from the Secretary of State for his au tomobile for use after June 30, and it is noted that the number of tags already sent out at this early date has passed the tea | thousand mark-