DANBURY REPORTER Volume L. DEATH OF FORMER STOKES LADY Mrs. Martha J. Johnson Passes Away Near May odan--News of German ton Route I. Germanton Route 1, July 23. Mrs. Martha Johnson, aged 73 4 years, widow of the late Samuel Johnson, died Sunday July 15, at the home of her hephew, Richard Johnson near Mayodan. She was brought to the family burying ground near Palmyra on Monday where the funeral services were held and the body laid to rest be side her husband who preceded her to the grave about 2-'. years ago. She had been a member of Rosebud Christian church for many vears* Mrs. Alice Holes and daughter Myrtle, of High point, returned home Saturday ifter spending several days with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bt;!es here. Miss Ruth Southern, of Win ston-Salem. is the guest of her sister. Mrs. S F. Stewart this week. Miss Gertrude Carroll spent Saturday night with Misses Mamie and Myrtle Stewart. Miss Stacie Allen, of High Pjint, is visiting friends and relatives here this week. Misses Barbara Tuttle and Nell Tatum were the week-end guests of Miss Verlie Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Tuttle and children and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Boles spent a while Sun day afternoon at W. H. White's. Messrs. Ernest and Jesse Hill, of Randolph county, spent Sun day with relatives here. Hail Storms Do Much Damage Raleigh, July 24,—Three negroes killed by lightning, and damages running into thousands of dollars were results of a severe hail and thunder storm that swept over eastern North Caro lina Sunday afternoon. Tne negroes were killed in a house near Mount Olive, while hail damaged growing crops in Wayne Pitt, Lenoir and Nash counties. The heaviest damage done apparently was in Pitt county, where the storm swept a distance of 15 miles west of Greenville, beginning at Falkland. The worst part of the storm did not cover an area of more than a mile in Pitt County, it is stated, and was about a mile in width. Pilot Mi. Personals Pilot Mt. Route 1. July 24.— | Mrs. F. M. Venable is visiting her son near High Point this week, Big meeting starts at Brim's •Grove 4th Sundav. Mr. D. D. Venable and daughter, Murphy Lee, were visiting in High Point Friday and CROPS AWE GOOD IN KING SECTION Death Of Two Infants-- Girl Bitten By Spider Five Times--Plant For Making Cement Blocks King. July *2:!.—The one-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Merritt, died at their home three miles east of here Friday, the interment being conducted from Poplar Springs Saturday ateieven o'clock A. M. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Love, of Concord, are spending a few days with Mr. Love's parents who re side here. "Thunderbolt Tom," the evan gelist of this place, is holding a tent meeting in Yadkin county this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Kirby, of Winston-Salem, spent Sunday with relatives in Walnut Hills. Lucian Moore, who had a stroke oy paralysis a few weeks ago is much improved, we are glad to note. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Holder Jr.. of Mount Airy, spent Sunday with Mr. Holder's parents here. Virgie, the fourteen-year-old' daughter of Mr. Edwin White,! who resides here, was bitten by a spider attain 'his morning, this is rive times she has been bitten! within three weeks. She is i:, a! serious condition. Randleman store section was visited by severe bail storm yes terday afternoon, many crops weiv literally torn to tiieces. The small child of Mr. and Mrs i Urover Helsabeck who resides j three miles south of town, died ' yesttrdav afternoon, the inter-j ment will be at Wolf's cemetarv • this afternoon at two o'clock. Mr, Thomas E. Smith has opened a new plant here making cement blocks and he is turning out some good work. The corn crop in this section is the best the farmers have had in several years. Also the tobacco is looking fairly well. NEW M. E. CHURCH FOR STOKES Will Be Erected By Z. T. Smith Near Brown Mt. As a Memorial To His Mother. Mt. Airy News. Z. T. Smith, R. H. Leonard and J. B. Sparger motored to Stokes county Tuesday to lay off the grounds for a new Methodist church which will be built by Mr. Smith as a memorial to his moth er. Mrs. Catherine Smith. The land was giyen jointly j by Z. T. Smith -and Jesse F. j George and will be ample for; church and parsonage property, the church will occupy the site of l the old Smith residence. The location is about 20 miles distant from this city and is on the state highway and faces: Brown Mountain. A $50,000 school is being erect ed opposite the site selected for the church. Death Of An Infant. | The infant of Mr. and Mrs,; Willie Booth, of Meadows, died Saturdav morning eaily at the age of eleven days. The funeral and interment was held at Clear j Spring Baptist Church, services: b?ing conducted by Elder Watt | Tuttle. A large number of people were in attendance. The wheat crop in Stokea is generally reported to be the best the county has had for years. Danbury, N. C, Wednesday, July 25, 1923 MAN, CARS AND WHISKEY CAPTUkED Prohibition Agents Make Rich Haul Near Sandy Ridge—On Way South From Virginia. Information from Sandy Ridge is to the effect that several officers at that place lest Thurs day captured a Dodge car. one man and W gallons of whiskey and a Ford with 40 gallons on it. The cars were enroute southfrom some point in Virginia. It could not be learned what disposition was made of the man, cars, whiskey, etc, or who the officers were. News Of Pine Hall. Pine Hall, July 23.—The M. E. Sunday school went on a picnic Thursday to the Battle Ground. | There was an abundance of good ieats and every one had a jolly good time. j Mrs. J. 11. Carter has been! !confined to her hed for a few: days but is improving. Mrs. Ellis Ashburn, of Win ston-Salem, is spending some time with Mrs. W, H. Ashburn. 1 Miss Mary Boyles has returned jto her home in Greensboro after 'spending the week end with Mrs. S. R. (iibson. Miss Gertrude Gibson, of High Point, is visiting her parents here. Mrs. S. R- Gibson spent Mon day in Madison. Mrs. S. R. Middleton, of Win ston-Salem, is visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gibson. Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Hanes and Mesdames S. R. Gibson and L. T. Blackwell spent Wednesday in Greensboro. Miss Irene Furbush, of Madi son, is the guest of Mrs. S. R. Gibson this week. Mrs. John Roberts, who under went a serious operation at Long's hospital in Greensboro, is getting along nicely, we are glad to note. A party of young people from this place are spending the week at Moore's Springs. Those who jare enjoying the outing are: Misses Lee and Sadie Blackwell. ! Hester and Ida Wall, John and , Luther Williams and Bill Black j well. Miss Virginia Dalton is attend ing the summer school Dan bury. Henry Brown Arrested | At Sandy Ridge Henry Brown, who has been wanted for s >me time on a war rant charging him with violating the prohibition laws, was arrest ed by a prohibition agent at his home at Sandy Ridge Monday I night, it was learned today, i Brown gave bond for appearance ' at court. Mr. and Mrs. Cary L. Carroll and children, of Winston-Salem, are spending some time at Pied mont Springs. TEACHERS ATTENDING SUMMER SCHOOL Many Are At Schools Out Of County and Number Here Is Reduced On that Account. The number of teachers in at tendance at the summer school which convened here last week would be much larger but for the fact that many of the teachers of the county are attending summer j schools at the leading colleges of \ the State. The names of those in attend-1 ance here now are as follows: } Lucy Alley. J. Robt. Alley,: Viola Andrew, Mae Ola Boles, j Trudy Bondurant, Zsttie Bowen., Mary Coleman, Janice Creakman, 1 Virginia Dalton. Mozelle Flin chum, Cleo Holland. Pearl John son, Beulah Johnson, Mrs. Virginia Joyce. Mrs. A. H. Kallam. Lillian Lackey, Annie j I Lawson, Rath Martin. R >sa Mc- I Cullough. Bertha Micks-Is, Sarah '.Mitchell, HettiePrid-.lv. Mrs. A J. Pringle. Fannie Reid. Louella R-'id, Blanch Roberson, Dixie Smith. Ethel Spancer, Bessie I Smith, Killa Stephens, W. Collie Tuttle, Nora Ward, Ada Ward, | Bertha Young and Geneva 1 Hutchins j IMPORTANT MEETING AT KING JULY 28 ! Effort Will Be Made To I ! Secure Farmers' Co-op erative Warehouse At That Place. King, July 23.—A meeting of the farmers Co-operative Asso ciation will be held here Saturday night, July 28th, in the High School building, at 8 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of complet ing plans for the erecting of a co-operative tobacco warehouse in King. All who are interested in a progressive movement of this kind are invited to attend this meeting, as it is of great I importance to this section. Mr. White, of Walnut Cove, will address the meeting. P. C. CAMPBELL'S FINE BEAN PATCH Sold S2O Worth From 14 Rows and Only Half Used --- Many of the Beans 10 Inches Long. P. C. Campbell, farmer and .trader of Danbury, certainly j knows how to grow beans. This year from 14 rows or 450 hills he picked twenty dollars worth of beans at one time, selling them : for cash at $2.00 per bushel,after having used a peck per day for two weeks from the patch, and, the patch will produce as many more as has been taken from it, it is estimated by Mr. Campbell. The beans are unsually and fine, many of them measuring more than ten inches in length. The grading and soiling of the Oak Ridge Lackey's store road will be completed today. CONTRACT LET FOK GERMANTON SCHOOL Kapp Bros. Get the Work At $35,000--School Site One of Four Most Beautiful In State. Germanton, July 23.—There was lively bidding for the con tract for the construction of the new consolidated school house at (iermanton to be built, owned, and operated by Stokes and For syth county, and after all the nine bids had been carefully scanned the contract was award ed to Kapp Bros., contractors, of Winston, at the price of $-'5,000. Work on the building is to begin at once, and have it ready for [occupancy by January 1, 1921. | Half the money for this im provement is advanced by Stokes and the other half by Forsyth, | and a half interest in the land j I and property, which is in (ier-j manton on the Stokes side of the > ■ line, will be deeded to Fursvth. The building will he in every j way strictly modern. The plans ! have been executed by William C. Northup, and the bids were ; leased upon the plans and specifi cations furnished by him. The structure, it is believed, will prove a great addition to the 1 j school facilities of both Forsyth | land Stokes. It will meet the 1 l I needs of a considerable extent of i territory and will take care of high school and elementary ! grades. The site of the new school! ! house at Germanton is said to be unusually attractive, John J. Blair, who is state supervisor of buildings and grounds, is quoted as saying that it was one of the four most beautiful school sites in North Carolina. A Birthday Party. Mr 9. W. G. Petree entertained j at a delightful childrens' party j Monday afternoon in honor ofj Master Walter Petree's seventh ; birthday. Various games were played on the lawn after which ; the children were invited into! the dining room where a lovely j | birthday cake with seven candles' | was the central table decoration. | ' Much fun was had in cutting the | cake, there being a dime and three nickles inside. The dime \ fell to Fred Pepper, the nickle9 !to Estelle Humphreys. Nancy- Lee Dunlap and Carlton Dunlap. ' Ice cream and cake were served ' by Mrs. Petree and Mrs. C. M. Martin. | | j Revival Services At Sandy Ridge: i A series of revival meetings j opened at Sandy Ridge Presby- \ terian church Saturday night and will continue until after Sunday next. Pastor C. G. Smith is being assisted in the meeting by Rev. Geo. L. Cooper, Pastor of Trinity avenue Presbyterian church in Durham. No. 2,676 MAY ASK FOR BIDS WITHIN FEW DAYS Cost of Walnut Cove's Hydro-Electric Plant Is Estimated At $83,000 ---News and Personals. Walnut Cove, July 2-s.—Plans and specifications for Walnut Cove's hydro-electric plant and water and sewer system have just been completed by the engin eers and bids on the work will be asked for as soon as a few details are arranged. The estimated cost of the hydro-electric plas.t, it is learned, is about $83,000 while the sewer and water plant will cost considerably less than this. The Township Sundav School Convention was held at the Meth odist church Saturday with an interesting: program and a pood j dinner. The county County Con j ver.tion will be held at Danbury I in A'isrust. Mrs. \\. F. Howies an'l child ren. Mrs. W. (■». Dodson and ! children, Mrs. E. •>. Creakman and Mr. S. C liierson are spend ing some time at Moore's Springs. Messrs. C. E. Davis and W. L. Nelson returned Sunday from a visit to New York city. Alice, the little daughter of | Mr. and Mrs. John i». Fulton, of i Walnut Cove, is seriously ill. we | regret to know. Mrs A. T. Kothrock end two children Thelma and Dorothy are spending some time at Piedmont j Springs. Mrs. S. C. Rierson is visiting in Shelby and (iastonia. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Smith, of Liberty, who have been spend ing some time at Piedmont Springs, are now visiting Mrs. Smith s parents, Dr. and Mrs. A, (i. Jones. Mrs. J. Wesley Morefield is 'spending the week with her son, J Mr. L. B. Morerteld, in High | Point, and her daughter, Mrs. : J. D. Franks, in Greensboro. Miss Essie Morefield will re ! turn to her home Sunday from | Chapel Hill, where she has been 'attending summer school. Misses Mae Ola Boles and j Bertha Mikels, of Pinnacle, were , the week end guests of Missßertie j Mae Xeal. Revival services will begin at the M. E- church here Sunday bv ! Rev. Church, of Whittier. Miss Nina Morefield spert Thursday in High Point Two Of Seven Prisoners Captured Raleigh, July 23.—Two of the 7 prisoners who escaped from the state's prison farm at Halifax j last Tuesday have been capured. ; it was stated at the central prison jon Sunday. The whereabouts of jj. L. Peake, the most notorious of those who made a getaway, remains a mystery, however, it was said. Prison authorities an nounced they were making every effort to sffect Peake's capture and the other four who are at large.