ANNUAL REPORT OF THE CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT FOR STOKES COUNTY. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. STOKES COUNTY. To the Honorable Chairman of the Board of Commissioners 01 Stokes County : . , . Tile undersigned. A. .1. Fajrir. Cierk of the Miperior ( ourt Uvj S; 'ki'S eounty. in the S'ale of \crth Caroiit a. begs leave t » re-! JK I". to the Hoard all moneys in his hands by \irtue or color ot his j «like, on the first Mondaj in Devimbt r. 192". showing from whom ' iu'i i\ 'd. to v hot:: till. >\\ w»'i't. i'>T an; -iistt o.tu 1 »eccinbor ll'. l MH '• .- . 1 !".'l' • ' . -i ' 1 ' ( '' * •P to I le i. • .-•• !*.»J .. • . > > >v i:.!'••••• ; m:e« l >e> .-n hoi i 9 . \ li:\- ilal • «!* . - V'ivvti. I I -! f inr, .. e : • - ;.*• I. v iijy i. r Ay';.-, ii' .; : '• • 19- • - v -91 >" i ; i. !«' i . ■ W. W. Eat. n for i»«•!•>.• I l^'i.oi \ . i'.'o : . * - >i K. L. iiartn i! . f>r C. VV. H irtm in. j»ri pai anil int. Dec. 3, 1923 439.2 c . A* :.1 JS. r. • i r t-'aie «•; Sarah K. Bovks >r \i ral i M ■ • pri. and int. Dei-..", 192:! 51.20 A ' JS. I'M"., rcc.-i\> e-'ate of Sari!. E. Bo.vles >r ('oh;v i a Miri i't. pii:i. ami int. Dec. 3 192". 51.2 1 ti ■ ]!. |«»J1. f.., t ■ i!-o!ii .s' v >f Matti»- Waddi'l >r K.'i-.-i: \\ ith t>. prin. a: i in'. Dc . ■'!. 1923 1 1 .11 ' 1;»11. ivoiwd f !'■ 'ii cs'ati' "t Mat tie Waddill •r D:.i>. Vit her.-, pri: . a.■ i ii.;. Dec. 3, I'. 1 - ' 1 1 -». 11 Ma; I. 1913, received from ••state • t•. Taylor Dunlap . r Roy Smi'h. Pr • . *. D«-i 1923 -1 l->- Oct. 20, 1914, received from estate ot Pink Hairston :• »i* Birde Hair-* . t ' and : ' D. 1923 i l!»l 1. iii - i\v,. : e-'.it ' !' • «ltair.-ton • >r R. 1. 11. Hair.- ' . • 1 '23 55.17 v i J•. it'll, i« • . . " •• • - . •• Ilairst-n >r Nannie Hair.-' . i »«•»• 3. 1923 55.17 A!;- . 11. 1905. jvce.wd ' ' - 'John A. Covincton Walt i r « ■. • v:'!. is '. Df •• 3. 592:5 522.0(1 , il, iPoS. r, , , i\, • i-• r • ■!';.-a Katoii Pr Rfid Dor-. ; r :. D- . i. P.«2:i 97.17 1 17. P•••:•. r.••, ; •. -t r•of W. i. Wilson for •kit'':. Wd-«-n. : ami iat. !>.•••. 192:: 7(5 5.12 . : 17. 1909. rei fi lot:'. «—*;•.'« of tV. I. W:!oji fir i ».-iar V'.'il-o,!. pi. oal and ::iteiv' 1». • 192.5 7: ; 2 *M .M . 2. 1910, ivceiv i from est at.- ' -an 1-rtlf for Herman Tnttle. prin. and int. December 1923 273.91 i". -. P.M'i. n.-ii " from » of .1. K. .V l • Nannie A\ - Martin, prin. ■.:. d int. D-... . i•! 2:' i:>. IS I". . 12. 1 ;»«».">. ri •i■ i\« d from i-t; ' ot li. 11. i ■ •" >r .J.»hn .Joyi «*, pri:. and int. 11(51.(59 l'i . IS. 191"). re« • ived iVon tat. of .1 .rti-r f r Wade Dum an. prin. ami ir.t. D. . '' .'ii 1'». •S • Ft IS. 192:5. ree. ived from e>t ite of ( \\. Merritt for Abraham 1.. Merritt. prin. and i: i' . •'!. P'2's 22.('-9 i.' IS. 192:5. re. ived from -.-•ate of « i». rri't for "'olumltia M- rri't. i r:n. ami int. •• F.i 92 » 22.09 3 a; . 191(5. r»- eived fr>n: i-state ■ f J. ". fil'i tso'i f.-r for heirs of Nannie Tillotson, prin & nt. Dec. 192*1 91.021 April 16, 1917. received from estate of J hn W. Boyle* • : r Dillard R- i•« r' -• r. prin. and ■ t Dee. '92'5 127 »-5 1 : ! HI. 1917. i't- ''i\ft I froir. e>'ote f .loin: W. P.ovles : : r liar'.. - U I ..prin. .V Int. Dee. 192'! 127.0:', 11>. 1:»17. r.-eeived fr "i • -tato of .lohn W. Movies ■ r Curt -ii iliei't-i>i:. Pr ,v int. Do. 1.>2"» 127.(>:51 . . 1(5. 1917. rei eiveil Iron: - ite ■' .1«d i. W. i>oyle : r Ellen U b i"-oi„ .! int. :»•■ . 1. 192:' lofi.oti A; !»». 1917. '.'•- ■ \ I fr »*.* ■ t 1 n \» Povles • ' . ' I . April !il. 1917, received from . >tal » of John W. I'oyles r (ierti \\ a"-. or: , i '. D- . "92". '!."•*».C>o 1 A| ril Ifi, 1917. received Yoi i . ite of John W. P.oyles i •>r 'i'. p- W: :.i. Dee. ". 192-'- ",.".*>.('i'i l'> 1:• 17. 'ate f W. ii. Rennet' . r ' ■ ii- '. I :.nd ii Dee. 192:5 127.!' • •' 1 12. !9i7 \ tr • • tate Lent Rennett f«.r ... n li-- 'it', pr a: i>, t. Dee.:;, l u 2". (!»>.."7 !'•• . 12, 191(5, ret eived from estate ot A. E. Ferguson i' ■i' I'rimnia Tedtl' i. rin. an i in! '.r :: l'92"i 59.2(! —. j ( 2. '9 1 ,. reci'r.ed tn-m estate of Daniel Martin for »>b.e M irtin. prin. a-ie int. Dee. 1 ;>2:i 12«) i>] , 12. 1917. lee. ived from estati of •!. J. Jovci for r. i' "X' -. prin. ai d int. Dec. 192". 151.91 , . •' . 1917, lvee:veti from estate of Willi- lames for ik-rtha .lam.--. | rin. and int. Dee. ."» 192". ! l.ii.".i - 7 1917, let e t! from esta'e of Willis .lames for ile'.ilali .pt • and ii.t D.. , I!i2". 1 1.0.". J D> . 1. 1917. received from estate of Emily M. Collins r Mvrtle M. ■ II:u-. ..rin. and int. Dee. 192". ('2(5.2:1 ; ia il. 19! s, r• • Ir■ ■ i.; est at eid I). ( . Nelson i 0, - Jones N'el-on. prin. ai i ii:t Dee. ". 192". 115.17 i i . IS, I9IS, re.-t iv m from . • 'at-., of Mrs. P. R. Renn-'tt for P.eiilah liciiiieti. prin. ami int. Dec. .'!. 192" (i.M i I i-t o. IS, 19IS, iv t i'. e i from t -tale of Mrs. P. 11. Bennett for Airnes Dennett, prin. and int. Dee. .". H>2". C>.SI - y i'e'i. 21 191S r. 'ei\ tl from estate of (on. W. Collins for .Mvrtle M. C illins, prin. and int. Dec. ". '92." ",9.1(5 ; Eel . IS, 191S, rei'-ived from e-'at • of .i. s. M nvfield for i)eCosta Moi'elield. prin and int. Dee. 192:', 1 281. Id i-eb. IS, 191 S. re.eived from estate of .1. S. Moreiield for John P. .Moreiield. prin. and int. Dec. 192:'. 1281481 Feb. IS, I9H, ret t ivetl frotii estate of J. S. Morefield for Pauline Mor-.'field, prin. and int. Dec. 192." 1284.48' Jan. 11, 191 S. received from estate of John L. Warner for Mrs. W. C. Kiser, prin. an dint. Dec. 102:» 961.6(1 March IS, 191 S. received from estate of John R. Smith for John Smith, prin. and int. Dec. :., 192". 2:54.5(5; March IS, 191 S. received from estate of John H. Bennett for J. 11. Bennett, prin. and int. Dec. 3, 1923 3.5." April 18, 1918. received from estate of I). C. Nelson for Jones Nelson, prin. and int. Dec. ". 192". 16.i l Aitj.'. 19. 1918. received from estate of Mrs. L.E.Winfrey for William Southern, prin. and int. Dec. 3, 1923 41.50 ' Au,!. 19. 1918, received from estate of Mrs. L. E. Win frey for Jesse Southern, prin. and int. Dec. 3, 1923 44.50 ' Sept. 11. 1918, received from estate of Lummie Card well for Eva Dujrjrins. prin. and int. Dec. 3, 1923 17.35 Sept. 11, 1918, received from estate of Lummie Card well for Alvis Cardwell, prin. and int. Dec. 3 1923 17.35 Sept. 11, 1918. received from estate of Lummie Card well for Alex Southern, prin. and int. Dec. 3 1923 17.35 THE DANBURY REPORTER. Nov. 1, 1923, received from estate of Susan Jane Sim mons for Edward Simmons, prin. and int. Dec. 3, 1923 20.1 Nov. 1, 1923, received from estate of Susan Jane Sim mons for Ellie Lou Simmons, prin. and int. Dec.3.1923 20.1 Nov. 1, 1923. received from estate of Susan Jane Sim mons for Fannie Smith, prin. and int. Dec. 3, 1923 8.0- Nov. 1, 1923, received from estate of Susan Jane Sim mons for Beverly Smith, prin. and int. Dec. 3, 1923 8.0! Nov. 1. 1918, received from estate of Susan Jane Sim mons for Creed Smith, prin. and int. Dev. 3. 1923 B.oi Nov. 1. 1918. received from estate of Susan Jane Sim mons for Charlie Smith, prin. and int. Dec. .">, 1923 8.0( | Nov. 1. 1918. received from estate of Susan Jane Sim m >i - tor Miiiiie Nelson, prin. and int. Dec. 3. 1923 Aov. 1. 1918. received fiv.m t slate of Susjui Jane Sim m-.iu for Theodore Jackson, prin. and int. Dec. 3. 1923 6.01 > o>. 1, it i ivid from estate of Susan Jane Sim ni n- i r -J«i.ili Jacks'.:i. prin. and int. Dec. •">. 1913 ».(• I Dec. 3. 1918. rect ved from .-tale >t Jesse i'., (ieorge for Crahan i'h. pri;;. ai'd int. Dec. '.. 1923 !l.l> iVc. 191s. r>. >.\ i from estate 1 I!. »rg" f r V >• ■ ' . prin. aid int. Dei. 1 'J'! 11 Oil i' . ' I'' 18. . . . troni ::i:.■ >i s. *a:i .1 ne Sim . rKiiu-: S:mn:i'!;>, prin. and !i:t. IV». 3. 1923 ''9- 'vc. :. ' -IS. i. veil.,! fro n es'ate of Susan lata Sim ;• 1 Itliv I ii-.i Sirnn; nr. j rin. «V int. Dec. 3. 1923 9.98 i !i . v. 191 v received from es'ate of Susan -lane Sini !t - • Hevcriv Minniotis. prm. \ int. Dee. '., 1923 ;:.V7 I ;'!ved Iron, estate of Susan Jane Sim tni i:s ! r rev.l Smith, prii:. and int. Dec 3. L' 23 3.97 D e. IP 18. i* • ived trun «>sate of Susri Jane Sim ti- " - f'*r Ci arlie Smith, prin. and int. Dec. 3. 1923 3.97 Dei. 3, IPiS. r vei.'u tri m estal" "it Su*an Jane Sim mons for Fannie Smith, prin. and int. Dec. 3 192:5 ."..'.>7 Dec. 3. 1918, received from estate of Susan .lane Sim mons f.>r »'!if Smith, prin. and int. Dec. 1923 3.!'7 • Vv. 3. 1918. received from estate of Susan lane Sim mon.- l r .Mamie Nelson, prin. and int. Dec. 3. 1923 12.83 Dec. 3. 1918, received Irom estate of Susan Jane Sim mons lor I'll cod ore Jackson, prin. & int. De . 1925 2.99 '1 i l ' S. reeive ,: trem i state of Susan Jane Sim mons lor Josjah Jackson, prin. int. Dec. 3 1923 2.99 Dec. 9. !!t]B, received front estate of Lewis Hicks for Wi! 1 e Whiiten. prin. and int. Dec. 192". 234.79 Mch. 1. 1 i»l8. received fr m esiaic of Clarendon Ahhott for Dora Warren, prin. and int. Dec. 3. 192:'. lu.P! ? ch. 11. IPI'J. i-'ceivid from estate of DeWitt Tutlie for Wrp -;i Tultie. prin. and int. Dee. 3, 1923 30.67 .Mill. 11. 1919. received from estate of DeWitt Tuttle lor DeWitt i little. Jr.. prin. and int. Dec. 3. 1913 30.67 • Ich. !1. 1919. riv-ived from esta'e of DeWitt Tuttle for Lucile Ttittle, prin. and int. Deo. 3. 1923. 30.07 • : t:ly _lB. 1919. rece'Ved from estate of l'ollv Ann Tuttle tor Malcomli Tuttle, prin. and int. Dec. 192'. 51.1 1 i.' 18. IPI9. received from estate of Polly Ann Tuttle t .Mayola Tuttle. prin. and int. Dec. 3. 1923 77.3!> " iV .' received from estate of l'ollv Ann Tuttle tor Coy Tuttle. prin. and int. Dee. 3. 192:'. 77.3!) July IS. 1919. received from estate of Dolly Ann Tuttle lor Clude Tuttle, prin. and int. Dec. 3, 1923. 77 39 A'l jr. >. 1919, received from estate of J. F. Johnson f« r Mil u J. \ aughn. prin. and int. Dec. 3, 1923 115°7 \ i.e. 6. 1919. received front estate of J, F. Johnson for (iiiernev F. John.-on. prin. and int. Dec. 3. 192.". ll ". •' l 7 >«•!■!. 2U. 1919. received from estate of Sarah Lewis for Homer Lewis, pHn. and int. Dec. 3. 1923 11 i-> >-pt. 20. 1919. received from estate of Sarah Lewis for Lewis, prin. and int. Dec. 3. 192:5 11 i-> sipj 2i». 1919. received from estate ol Sarah Lewis for ~.V ' Uls> l )rin - a| id Dec. 3. 1923 H ]•> -i pt. 23.1919. received from estate of Juda M, Warner lor .wattle (00k. prin. and int. Dec. 3. 19>3 77 10 >ept. 13 1919. received from estate of Juda M. Warner lor Harvey ( 00,-. prin. and int. Dec. 3. 192:5 77 10 •« I 1. 1 'l9. r eej\ed 1,0 i: estate of DeWitt Tuttle for 11... i v I utile, prm. and int. Dec. 3 1923 »n r«7 v tpL 23■ | 9 | |>. received lVorn estate of Juda'.M. Warner or arrie lloorh, prin. and int. Dec. 1923 -'lB 10 ,Vl ; i ' iv V ll lr ,n ""la'e •!' Jhi a M. Warner . V l,l a! "' int. Dec 3. 192:: 218 lo iviv'i.e.l Irom e.-iaie of Jiula M. Warner t"r Mameie Dootli. prin. and int. Dec. 3 1923 9>.91 'I • 1911t, r reive I t i - otn estate '. Juda M. Warner f« I'ow.ll iiast. prin and int. Dee. 1923 32.31 pt. - 1919, ivciived 11 •in estate ol Juda M. W'ariur t' r \niia Fast. prin. and int. Dec. 192". 3 > : , l ■ ' P 1 leceived fi-.m estate of Juda M. W arner l"r !!t | Fast. prin. and int. Dec. 19*3 3" 31 "Ct. 13. 1919. re-.-i\ed fr. • estate of J. W. Spainhour , " 1 ' ■' •' Noal. prin. and int. Dec. 3, 192-3 1(>8' , 7 Vt. 13. 1919 received from estate of J. W. Spainhour lor I-.diih Neal, prin. and int. Dei. 3. 1923 IGB°7 •Nov. L 1919. received from estate of Charles T)ujrjrins tor l.i>!s Roberts, prin. and int. Dec. 3. 1923 x ( ) p> Nov. A. 1919. rereive.l from estate of Charles Dugifins lor Irene Carter, prin. and int. Dec 3, 192:5 lf>G's Nov. A, 1919. rereived from estate of Charles" Dujwns toi ( linard Kob -rts. prin. and int. Dee. 1 >•>; -n -a Aov. 1. 1919 ,-r. ived from estate ot Charles Du^rins .iiianita Koherts. prin. and int. Dec. 3 1 r»;> .1 - H ' >tl (\'nV' J*' Vi X ''' ,n '" l , statt ' " f ! "southern ec. 1 1919. received from estate of Flizabelh Jessup tor (.race Jessup. prin. and int. Dec. 3. 19'>3 iih 10 Dec. ], 19P.1, received from estate of Elizabeth Jessup toi Marry Jessup, prin. and int. Dec. 3, 19>3 1 ia to —tute of John "F. Tillev toi Kalph I illev. prin. and int. Dec. 3, 192.". oqc, >7 ' tP, V~"'im ' p m . eiv, ' tl tV ° m '' state of ' ,U(la M - Warner toi r.lla l.ooth. prn. aiu! int. Dec. 3, 1923 on 0.1 line IP2U . receive;l! from , tale of Felicia 11. PuHiani 1, o- .nV' ' ! ull,a . m - I" and int. Dec. 3. 1923 843 19 received trom estate of C.eonre Jovce for Anna Jovce. prm and int. Dec. 3 1923 ' •>«•> /••» v I '" en .Duncan, prin. and int. Dec. 3, 1923 COG V) Auk. 30. m nmlr«j ,state, of L. 1., w" to ( laud h. Joyce, prin. and int. Dec. 3, 1923 ma .>« Aw 3P. 1920 received from estate of L. L. Jovce for .Alar; \\. Joyce, prin. and int. Dec. 3, 1923 ' '>4o 36 Aug. 30, 1920, received from ( state of L. L. Joyce for Lennie E. Joyce, prin. and int. Dec. 3, 1923 240 30 Aug. 30. 1920, received from estate of L. L. Joyce for Bedie S. Joyce, prin. and int. Dec. 3. 1923 ' 240.36 Aug. 30, 1920, received from estate of L. L. Joyce .for Lena May Joyce, prin. and int. Dec. 3. 1923 240.36 Aug. 30, 1920, received from estate of L. L. Joyce for Jas. Elmer Shelton, prin. and int. Dec. 3, 1923 120.18 Aug. 30, 1920, received from estate of L. L. Joyce for Elizabeth Shelton, prin. and int. Dec. 3, 1923 120.18 Nov. 5, 1920, received from estate of Pete Tuttle, for Ed Clark, principal and interest Dec. 3, 1923 98.05 Apr. 30, 1921, received from estate of Mary Agnes Smith for Sylvia Smith, prin. and int. Dec. 3, 1923 31.95 Apr. 30, 1921, received from estate of Mary Agnes 6 Smith, for Margie Fagg, prin. and int. Dec. 3, 1923 34.9 > July 29, 1921, received from estate of Mrs. Ollie Sisk for 6 Patricia Sick. prin. and int. Dec. 3, 1923 118.87 Nov. 9, 1921, received from estate of A. J. Smith for - i-3 for Margie Fagg, prin. and int. Dec. 3, 1923 273.86 Nov. 9, 1921, received from estate of A. J. Smith for i 3 Sylvia Smith, prin. and int. Dec. 3, 1923 193.50 Dec. 23, 1921. received from estate of A. S. Stewart for 18 j Harvey Stewart, prn. and int. Dec. 3, 1923 41.44 i Dec. 23. 1921. received from estate of A. S. Stewart for 6 John Stewart, prin. and int. Dec. 3. 1923 41.44 Dec. 2.".. 1921. received from estate of A. S. Stewart for 21 Emma Stewart, prin. and int. Dec. 3. 1923 11.44 Dec. 23. 1921. received from estate of A. S. Stewart for 1 Francis Stewart, prin. and int. Dec. 3. 1923 11.11 I Dec. 23.- 1921. received from estate ot A. S. Stewart for 1 Nannie Samuel, prin. and int. Dec. 3. i9-!3 11.14 Dec. 27. 1921, received from estate of Walter L. Flin -0 : chum for .Mrs.Ada lames, prin and int. D>■.-.3.1923 155>.23 Dec. 17. 1921. received from estate of W alter I. Fli.i --0 chum tor M nvhcan Flinchuni. p. and i. D'r.3.1923 1">88.2'5 Mch. I>. 19J2. reicived from estate of Tiioma Je;!Vi-on l! lies foe has. Holes, an! int. Dec. 192-' 2 , .»:\ , '2 .well. 16. lPil. received Iron' estate of Thomas Jc!l'« r.-> n 8 ll.lies lor ( leone I Soles, prin. and int. Dec. !!-. '• 2»»3.irj dell. 11922. r vci.ed from estate of I nomas Je'iers. :: 7 iJoles or ilarvex J. Holes, prin. and int. Dee. 3, 192:5 2"3.12 .Mch, Pi. 1922. received fr«.:n estate of Thomas lell'erson 7 ISojt's lor Howard I'alt Holes, p. and i. Dec. 3. 1923 20.3.02 .dvli. lii. 1922. received from estat" of Thomas Jv'tlerson 7 Holes for Ciilmer IS. Holes, p. and i. Dee. 3, 1923 2'>3.0l .->.pr. 21. 1922. rec'tl from J. I>. liiiniphreys. ( .in'r., for 7 Rachel i.eona l'o\ver>. prin. and int. Dec. 3. I!' 2."> 138.30 Apr. 21. 1922. ree'd from J. D Humphreys. Com'r.. for 7 1 Hester Powers, prin. and int. Dee. "., 1923 138.30 I - o. 1922. ree'd Irom estate of Th-is. Jilfirson Holes {| • 1 'i Chas K. Howies, prin. and int. Dec. 3. 1293 2">8.;V1 | Alav 1. i 921. ree'd fri m estate \ Tia -. Jetl'i-rson Holes i» I for Harv v J. Holes, prin. and int. Dec. 3. 1923 2">8..">1 .'lav 1;>22. rec'ti iiom estate of Tin s. .It'lersop. Holes 1 f r Cleone Holes, prin. and int. Dec. :'.. 1923 258.51 ."day ti. 1922. rec'tl from estate of Thos. .lell'erson Holes 1 tor Howard Tal't Holes, prin. and int. Dec. 1"i23 258.51 •Ma.\ i-L J. re. 1! 11 n. cstai. t.f i'h. -. J.-iferson ilole.-. or (liliuer !!. Holes, priii. and inl. Dec. 3. 192 ". 258.51 can. 7. 1921, received from estate of J. M. Ma be for - Hubert C. Malie, prin. and int. Dec. 3. 1923 50.52 Jan. 7. 1922. ivcixed from estate of J. M. Mabe for - _ Nat il. Mabe. prin. and int. Dec. :;. 1923 1ti.52 -- U.-'- 01, 1922. received Irom estate of F. I . Tuttle for - Hugh Tuttle, prin. and int. Dec. 3, 1923 400.63 1 Aug. :'.i, 1922. received from estate of F. L. Tuttle for ; Lillie Tuttle. prin. and int. Dec. :'., 1923 400.f,:j Aug. 31. 1922. received trom estate of F. L. Tutlie for . Marci.i 'ln tie. 1 1 in. ami int Dec 3, 1923 .100.ti.; Aug. :51, 1922. received from estate of F. L. Tuttle for 1 l-.ii- ruttie, prm. an I int. Dev. 192:5 4(»(».t;:5 Nov. 2.., 1922. received trom c-tet" ot Cabin Simmons 1 for Jas. S. Simmons, prin and int. Dec. :'., 1923 1">1 91 I .viiv. 2.5, 1922. receivei' Irom estate ol Calvin Simmons ■| for Cerirutle Simmons, prin. and int. Dec. 3. 1923 1*1.91 .-•ov. 1., 1922. lweiveri trom estate of Calvin Simmons ■: for Dorothy Simmons, prin. and int. Dec. 3. 1923 151.91 •ov. 2... 1922, received trom estate of Calvin Simmons > tor Holand Simmons, prin. and int. Dec. 3, 1923 151.91 • Jan. 9. 1923. received from estate of John L. Knight for > A Hie Knight, prin. and int. Dec. 3. 1923. 16.83 : Jan. 9, lit! !, received trom estate of John L. Knight for . Lindsay Knight, prin. and int. Dec. 3. 1923 46.8:5 , Jan. 9. 1923, ree'd from estate of John L. Knight for i 1 Everett Knight.prin. and int. Dee. 3. 1923 46.83 ' Jan. 9. 192:5, ree'd trom estate of John !.. Knigli' for ,j Hoy Knight, prin. and int. Dec. 3, 1923 46.8:5 1 Jan. 9. 192'5, recti trom estate 0 John L. Knight for Lola Knight, prin. and int. Dec. 3. 1923 46.83 I Jan. 9. 1923. recti trom estate ot John L. Knight fo'" , I-ilia Knight, prin. and int. Dec. 3. 192:5 46.83 , Jail. 9. 1923, ree'd from estate of John L. Knight for Wheeler Knight, prin. and int. Dec. 3. 1923 46,83 Jan. 9. 1923. ree'd from estate of John L. Knight for Hernice Knight, prin. and int. Dec. 3, 192:5 46.8:5 ! Jan. 25. 192:5, received from estate of W. J. Wilson foi Daisy A. Wilson, prin. and int. Dec 3. 1923 252.11 .Jan. 25, 1923. received from estate of W. J. Wilson for Maggie Wilson, prii., and int. Dec. 1923. 252.11 -an. 1923, received from estate of W. J. Wilson for Ceorgiana Wilson, prin. and int. Dec. 1923 252.-'1 •Jan. 10. 1923. received from estate of Eliza Mitchell for ' IJessie Mitchell, prin. and int. Dec. 3. 192:5 46 51 Jan. 20. 1923. received trom estate of Eliza Mit hell for I Mary Mitchell, prin. and int. Dec. 3, 1923 56 54 j Jan. 20. 1923. received from estate of Eliza Mitchell for ! i Rebecca Mitchell, prin. and int. Dec. 3. 1923 46.54 | Jan. 20, 1923. reieived from estate of Eliza Mitchell for J. C. 11. Mitchell, Jr.. prin. and int. Dec. 3, 1923 46 54 ! July 7. 1923, received from estate of Martin for Janie Martin, prin. .-ind int. Dec. 3. 1923 2150 80 1 July 7. 1923, received from estate of Martin for Ceo. W. Martin, prin. and int. Dec. 3 192:5 2150 80 duly 26, 1923. received from estate of Mrs. Chattie King ton tor Archie Kington, prin. and int. Dec. 3, 1923 115.29 Aug. 30. 1923. received from estate of E. C. Sizemore for rannie Sizemore, prin. and int. Dec. .'5, 1923 1195.40 AMOCNTS DI E MINORS AND OTHERS. NOT LOANED. I Amounts have been received as follows : j July 15. 191.3, from estate of John P. Smith for Bessie D._ Smith § „ s ■only 15. 1913, from estate of John |\ Smith for Hester IS, Smith, g ~s I I (Jet. 2.5, 1909, from estate of M. D. Tnrpin for Cora Hul lington ln , I Oct. 23 1909. from estate of M. D. Tnrpin for Ceorge 1 Hullingtor ' . |(J t i 7 lrom estate of M. I>. Turpin for Sarah Hidlington " U1 ; Oct. 23 HO9. from estat.- , f M. I). Turpin for Marv Hulhrgton • t ; )tt 1 T J ' 11 . ,9,, J ) ' froni l ' st; 'te of M. I). Turpin for Mollie Bulhngton IL ' l ± 1 1 t ' s,ilU ' ° r Deter Smith for John Smith "-' so Ed war, h t ' Stat ° ° f William I;,lwar,is Emma "- 80 Aug. «. iDlo from estate of P. W. Allen for L. C. Allen 15 1 Ethd 6State ° f Samud Emmons for ' el>t Samuel 'jovce ° m CSlate ° f Sami,el Simmona 1 Joyce ° f Samuel Emmons for 665 SePt Jamie l9 iS'ce fr ° m eStßte ° f SamUel Simmons 665 (Continued next week ) »

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