LTOLLKTTK WANTS THIRD PAIJTY He 11; is N'h i'attint ir.. :U ion Calk-! Ti Meet At .*'• i': Juno IT—Aavist - Frion - ' • St..;. OUt. Washington. May :N Senator La Follette today virturally an nounced that he will run for President on an independent ticket unless "the approaching Democratic and Republican con ventions demonstrate to the people whether either of those; parties can and will purge itseit of the evil influences which ha\e long dominated them "If this is not done." Senator Li Follette wrote Attorney ' >er eral Ekern, of Wisconsin, "a long suttering and righteously' indignant people will rind ir. the coming campaign etFeetivo mean', independent or both*>? old parti •s, to take hack c-• >ntrol of their government and mak • it truly representative. At s.tme time Senator La Follette denounced the c- m munists wd openly charg-.'d that thev were see^ir.ur t > take c t.- trol of tae "Farmer Luhor-Pr gressive convention," c.:!;ed t meet at S'. Paul -j .ln ■» IT "In mv judgmer/, he a r te, "the convention w:.i n>t c m mand the support i-:' the farmers, the workers or other t-r- j:'es*i >.-s becaus-* those who have had eharte •>:" "he arrangements for this tonver.ti'm have committed the fatal error of making the Commaris'.s an integral part ■: their organ'..'ati >n The Com munists ha.e a iml r ted'. ' entere : nto this •. m» >t r. • for the p.; 1 ca-ing b.. | GUANO " S I Made in Only One Analysis 1 5 The Fertilizer which is pecuiiary adapted to the soils of Stokes county. It I I is a high grade special formula for tobacco and which produces the results 1 I desired by the growers of rich, fine tobacco. I | Farmers are urged to be careful now when many kinds of cheap and in- I I ferior guano is on the market. Can you afford to risk your year's work I I by investing in low-priced material for your plant food? SEA FOWL has I I a reputation of 60 years behind it and it is made up to the standard of the | 1 best quality that money can buy. | II $3.25 per bag of 200 lbs. at all railroad points in Stokes county. I Manufactured by | A. A. CHEMICAL CO., I NEW YORK I Local Sales Agent: N. E. PEPPER, Danbury N. C. I means of th • ballot the evils which a:'.: c' the American poot le. lut only to divide and contuse the prcgr-ssivi* m nvment and create a condition t chaos, t'av orable t> tin ir ultimate aims. ""1 heir real purpose is to establish by revolutionary action a dictatorship of the proletariat, which is absolutely repugnant to American ideals and to ail Ameri can astirations." S1 eei l inSicklicss On the Increa.-e London, May '.—Sleepingsick ness is rapidly increasing in this ; country, and » ; l!> cases were notified by doctor? in the "hree weeks of April against 4oS in Man-ii, in February and 7-' in I -'anuarv. While investigations into the cause of the disease are being carried out by the medical re search council, doctors admit t:,ev do n;.t kni'W eiilur a cure r any m-. an# «;i spread. Large to-vns appear to be more aii'eett d ' an : "a! uis tricts an ; ti:e i>-. a- .• ?■. to ~:ir :. 1 ■>' • -st w\• !. A . .:vai •r v: i.e-ii'h -ays fr m one-fourth to one-half oi the ; at.ents die and r. t :::ur:y of the remainder i.ave, sj tar. com pletely recovered. WAMED—if any of our reader* have or know of any old copies of the Reporter— hack !*' or year—please communicate ui'.h u~. We will buy them. KKI'OKTEK. 1»Wlil ltV. N. « . • •"l lit : • • THE DANBIRY REPORTER. \CUFV CALLS 0>: K1 KLI'X KLAN !':• .■ Clutl'ch -. « Law C: m-.v K' e C:;-.SMS That A.v '!' i I **• I'• i There. RaNch, May Calling upon the Kii Klux Klan to take definite action on the immorality which he iif el a red was going on in Raleigh and of which he pave alleged instances, the Rev. Chas. Hudson, of Southsiiii* Memorial Raptist church, tonight declared that he would not ■ lame the Ki: K'ux Klan for "taking a man o'lt of an av.: -mobile and beating the hounu • .it or him." and ohaileng ed the : rs if th order to get into auh-mobiles, ride oat tnvard Lassiter's Mill ia local swimming poult and see for themselves i* point; on. The sermon, which was an nounced as "A'lt imobde, Wo men. and t Kj Klux Kian." followed tii-' >in>iinii* 01 ' Let the Lower Lights i!e I.Jsrning," with the words changed 10 the 'lory cross be burning." a an o:; rtory by the choir. "1 am n >i a number of the X. K. K..' the preacher declared in I'penini: - rmon. "I d • not know anything ah »jt the K. K. K.. and therefore ! can talk about ir. i!it if the ku Klux Klan is what, it sa>? it is. the can and must sa e the citizen shin of this community. They must see to it that tvery scound r . is broupht to the law and > .m-hed for his crime, "I believe that the law is willing in I read / t • do i*s part, but i: is not able." he declaied r-i«.i:-r.cts of m r. committing and petting aw.iv with crime in Raleigh. "The organization of which I have spoken, the Ku Klux Kian. i:' properly utjlired., can save the dav, where the preacher, the church, and the, law cannot save it. I invite you, l there are any of you here, to co to Lassiter's mill anii you will see how many cars are parked by the side of the road. The 1 I roads around here a ,- e no longer decent places for men to take their families to ride. "I do call on the Ku Klux Klan. if thev can help us, ar.d I would not blame you if you should take a man out of an automobile and beat the hound out of him. "The Ku Klux Klan can remedy this thing, and I call on them to do it.'' ") ARK DKAI> AND inn INJURED 'iVrri::.- St •! :•) Visits Ak\U> v.-: i :d Mary At• il tv! •- «rm Mvc ! In 'i vo Atlanta. May -S With OCahjma Arkansas the > itest states t ; sutler, the t 'a l >nmvi deata t >ll on the series of torn.uiovs which swept the South ves'erday and Monday night for tle sec-. n 1 'ime in a month had mounted to !•*» today, xi mately 100 persons ar j known to have been injured, scores made homeless and property damaged to the extent of more than Sl »M (.1,(10(1, Mis-issiDpi. with 2- dead and nearlv oil injured, ar.d Ala ar:,.:, with I 1 deail arid a «t •" 11 in:ur e'. lu i..e I runt of toe .i:st ;r • ance, wld.'h left a path of deso-! lation an 1 ruin in the Southern secti >ns of the two states. In Oklahoma four persons are known to have been kilied ami six in jured; while Arkansas is believed to have escaped with three in jured and minor property damage. In contrast to the antics of the storm about three weeks ago, which originated on the Texas -1 Arkansas border and left a death list of more than 100 as it swept southeastward, the violent winds' of this week appeared today to have extended in opposite direct ion from their supposed starting! point. One end hurtled thru southern \ Mississippi, then jumped north, j westward over Arkansas and in- j to Oklahoma: while the other 1 end, with lesser intensity, swept over tarts ot ('eorpia, Sou'h Carolina and North Carolina. Work of rehabilitation and re lief was proceeding ranidlv in .the Strieker areas today under the direction of the American Red Cross and local agencies. As lines of communication gradually were restored, fears were expressed that the list of casualties might grow, efforts so far to confirm reports of addition- ! a! deaths and missing have been unsuccessful. Some of the injured are not ex pected to recover. Striking in Alabama late Mon day night and early yesterday, i the storm centered chieflv in the ; vicinity of Km pi re and Klkmont, | where all the deaths occurred, j including two entire families of tight each Then spreading into i the Mississippi, it damatred more than rural communities, virtu ally destroying tne villages of Collins, dvet and Increase. Lost—Suit Case. A hrown suit ease, hetv IMM. blaster Leak's y;arare and Dan on the Lawsonviile road, tinder wiil please notify 11. A, Smith. Danhurv. N. 1., and re ceive reward. 1 w : $3.98 All Wool light weight spring and summer Ladies' and Misses' Sweaters, all colors on sale at== 59c. i Shore Mercantile Co., King, N. C. WE SELL IT FOR LESS. m Hot weather is here. Also cool dress goods and white shoes and slippers. i The Boyles Co. kiri£, N. C. i ' i i