LOCAL NEWS ITEMS > Piedmont Springs hotel will j open for guests June 15th. W. E. Hartman, of King, was a business visitor here today. Deputy Sheriff M. J, Fagg, of j Danbury Route 1, was a visitor i here today. Born unto Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. I Hall Saturday, -May 21th. a\ daughter. Robt. A. Joyce, of Winston-1 Salem, was a visitor here yester- j day. John W. Shelton, of Danbury Route. 1, siient a few hours ii> town today. The road between Winston and Walkertown is expected to be completed in about two weeks. : Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Smith, of Lawsonville, were in Danbury Monday. J. Irving Bolt has returned to Cove after standing the winter months at Bradentown. Pa. Miss Kdith Fagg. who has been attending school at Salem Academy, has returned to her home here. I Rev. A. J. Bowling preached Sundav morning at Spray, Rev. 1 Poole of the Presbyterian church here taking his place for the, morning service. Paul Taylor had his tonsils re-' moved at the Baptist hospital in Winston-Salem -Monday. Friends will be glad to know that he is getting along r.icelv. Mesdames J. S. Taylor, Olell Jones, and Misses Luna Taylor and Nell Jones attended com mencement at Salem CiUoge, Tuesday. Mi*s Kn'hnrinc Crist, a sir"ttr of Mr. of Mrs. Jor.es, was a member of the graduating, qiass. f John Ed Mabe. of Route I, killed two copper h~a.: moccasin? on his farm last Saturday that are said to be the laraest ever j seen in that section. One of thej snakes measured more than two inches across the head. J. J. Priddy. of Danbury Route I 1. was here yesterday enroute to j Rockingham count v to visit his j brother, J. T. Priddy, who is l critically ill of heart trouble. Mr. Priddy recently visited Stokes and attended the Baptist Associa tion at North View. Those who lahor indoors, especially busy mothers, need to develop a healthy outdoor hobby. j The vegetable or flower garden, 1 poultry yard or children's play ground offer such an opportunity | and the body will be quick to re spond. say home demonstratien workers of the State College of Agriculture. i WALNUT COVE HARDWARE CO., [ WALNUT COVE, - NORTH CAROLINA I *•i«UJH.*#MßßlßlSniilß3t l ill'-:;ni«.kik»b«>l>S*ll?a#lKlßS. l 1 WEffi- fSKXViifftsfciii u rffflSKKSSjateMUHii GENERAL LINE HARDWARE-FARMING IMPLEMENTS-GAS STOVES, I RANGES, HOUSEHOLD and KITCHEN FURNITURE, CUTTLERY, SHERWIN I WILLIAMS PAINT. Revival Services At M. E. Church Special revival services will | begin at the Danbury M. E. , church on next Sundav night |at eight o'clock. Kev. B. 15. Black, of Hock Hill, S. C.. will do J the preaching. Rev. Black is a ! Pastor, Evangelist, and possesses I unusual qualities for a young j preacher. He is full of energy and I old time religion. I The public is urged to attend all ! services. | Appointments For Church Services I There will be preaching ser ! vices at Vaden school house on the t urth Sunday of June at 11 a. m., and at Hardbank the same day at ;> p. m, Please remember this and tell others, i I was unable to get to Vaden , school house last Sunday after ! r.oon on account of bad roads. There will be preaching at the Sandy Ridge Presbyterian church next Sunday at 11 a. m. H. 11. POOLE, Pastor. i Miss Curtie Smith, t' I'amv j bell, is vi-iting .Mr. and Mrs. R. ! A. Smith h-.iv this week. Entertained At Birthday I'art.v , Written for the Reporter. ■ Little Miss Marjorie Pepper entertained about twenty live of her little friends at a delightful party yesterday afternoon cele brating her sixth tirthday. Various games were played on the lawn, much interest bving centered in pinning a bow at the proper place on ri picture of u girl's head. Master Cai ltor; i> :n --• It.p won the prize, a by:: : candy. » A tabie was placed on the lawn with the birthday cake with the six candles on a bed of white roses. Mesdames N. E. and ii. ; P. Pepper and J D. Humphreys , served an ice course. Rosebud ! favors filled with candy were given each guest. Those present were: Miriam j Hall, Lyman Hall. Walter and ; Hazel Petree, Fred, Fmorie and I Julia Pepper, William and Mary 1 McCanless, llarvey Fagg.Frances and Estella Humphreys, Jams McCollum, Junior and Lester Campbell. Easley and H. M. Joyce, Clifford, Nellie and Sarah Ailene King, Maud Lawson, Nancy Lee and Carlton Dunlap. _ ! Mrs. 11. A. Smith and Miss Ciirtie Smith visited Winston j Salem yesterday. Watch the Reporter next week and win one of the iprizes it hat will be offered. THE DANBURY REPORTER. WRITING TO I EGISLATORS • lovorimr y n*is'>n Wants Ac | lion Or V alor Commission'- ; : Report ruiii Is Sounding Out the Situati 'ii. Raleigh, May 2-j.—''overnor Morrison today addressed letters i | to all members of the general | assembely asking them to give' | serious consideration to the re-' i port of the Ship and Water ! Transportation commission and I let him know what they "think ! about it." . i W hat the legislators think about 'it will have greater influence with the governor than anything else, j A special session of the legi- j slature depends upon it. He is ex tremely hopeful that they will 1 agree with him as to the import ance or the program proposed by ' the commission p.r.d the im ! perativeness of immediate action. Local opinion is that the special session is definite on the program ; for the capital's summer season. There are proponents and oppo nents of the meeting, but the governor has declared his purpose' , not to be influenced by opposition, and if enough members of the : general assembly will write 1 encouragingly and the council of j state will concur the call will go forth before many weeks have! ■ passed. SENATOR BROWN'S POSITION. I Members of the Ship and Water !Transportation commission are, reported as favorable to the idea of a special session. Senator Joe j A. Brown, who led the opposition to the governor's 01 initial pro p in the 1 _ legislature,and 1 wh\ artvr spending i"> month* st 1 lying water commerce prob lems as a member of the com mission, is strong; t the prog- °.m recommended, thinks tr.-j ? .->iun is imperative. Public interest in the develop ment of water transportation is enthusiastic just, now, and the governor realises that legislative consideration of the uiogramj with public attention so strongly i attracted to it would prove of . valuable assistance in getting its ' j adoption. To deluy until a regular ! session might result in the re lapse of state-wide interest and induce further procrastination. In other words, his excellency, who senses an opportunity, be lieves in striking while the iron is hot. Three thousand copies of the report will be distributed, and , interested individuals desiring a copy will receive one on makir g application to the governor's office. Copies will be forwarded , within the next few days to I newspapers and publications. Cei'iYrv Oft'ns Good -'•! it'kol" For A'ltos Berlin, May J7 —Prospect? fo r American automobiles in (ler many an-- excellent, and especial ly in the medium priced cars! may a substantial business be looked for says a trade report cf ( the Ameiican Chamber of Com- ; rnerce in lermany. Autotrucks also will lind a good market here, j the report avers. High priced passenger cars will; meet the competition of tierman] manufacturers, according to the J chamber, so it appears that cars! selling below £I,OOO will be most ly in demand. Faul Fulton. "i Walnut Cow. was here todav. NOTICK o| SAI.K OK 1 \NI> liV COMMISSION Kit. Under and by virtue of an order of the Clerk of the Superior court of Stokes county, North Carolina, made in the special proceedings entitled. "Chus. M. Simmons vs J. Walter Simmons,'' the undersigned will on MONDAY. JUNK 3"). 1924. At tlie Court Mouse door at I o'clock P. M, in Stokes county, North Carolina, sell at public auction for cash, the following described lands to-wit: First Tract, Beginning at the head of a branch on an old land ! line running down the same as it meanders chairs to a bend in the branch, continuing down the branch :;l , chains to a bend thence on down the branch I 3 '; chains to the mouth of the spring branch, thence up the meandering of said branch I-V, chains to a Walnut at the soring, thence j North 2! degrees West .7, chains to a pine stump, N. 0 degrees West i" chains to ?. water oak, in branch, '.hence West - chains to pointers S. J degrees West * chains : > :• rod;. West ■ chains io the old lir.e on the road, t' ?rce down the meandering of • .id road !'"• chains to pn oid line, thence North along Id , line _ ' chu.os t- tl.o s>vg. .* .t. 83nti.;..:.«v •- "ere* :::■ r? or 1>" ,;; . Second Trvr. Honr.iV. .\s M -1 lows tw.lt: Beginning at :i Spanish oal; in tho bctui "f t:-e river in the lover «.r>d of the : bottom, thtnce Norm 11 ci-. trees iW. chains along the edge of the bottom to a big rock, thenc? North 4> degrees W. 4 chains to a small pine in the edge ! of the bottom. N. 3 degrees W. ; 3' ( chains to a stake in the road to the bottom, thence along the ; road East 7 chains to a horn i beam on the bank of the river, thence down the river as it meanders 11, ; chains to the be ginning. containing 3' t acres more or less. The said lands ad ' join the lands of -John A. Simmons, R. W. Simmons and others. | Both tracts lie in Big Creek Township. Stokes County. North Carolina, on the State highway leading from l>anbury, N. C. to I Mt. Airy, N. C. This the 22 day of May, 8'24. J. W. HALL, Commissioner. OIL (/OMLAXILS ARE WARXEI) l'• mphiinN Come In Thai I)js i i'imii;ati'in Has Keen Shown To Certain Healer- I —ltejxu - ; I June -"»• li. j Raleigh, May 27.—Every large | oil company in the ?tate will sub mit to the attorney general on j-'une-'th a complete report of their method of selling oil and f gae. This action was decided j upon yesterday at a conference | held between the attorney gener ;al and representatives of the oil companies. The conference was called after Attorney Genera! j Manning had decided that the companies were violating their agreement of last year He ex ; Dresssd the hope, however, that the matter could be settled with out taking legal steps. i Complaints have reached ti.e attorney genetal, it was said, that discrimination had been shown to certain dealers wh > could handle car lots, in prefer ence to the tank wagon dealers. Mr. Manning stated that he in tended to see that all dealers ciuld purchase oil and gas at the '■•ams price, regardless of their capacity. BIRD'S ROOFS I -J; A I - - . \ - •~=rZT& IT--A* inh 'WW |v ! I The Right Way to Buy Roofing SGLiD CAR LOAD Special purchase just in time to save the people | who lost so heavy by the hail storm. In this car we have-- 1100 rolls l-ply at - $1.35 100 " 2-ply at - 2.J0 100 " 3-plv at - - - 2.45 172 " Extra Heavy Slate Coated, the weight is 05 lbs to the roll. This roofing sells tor $3.75 regular price, on sale out of this car for $2.60 per roll. 140 rolls Bird's gray slate metalic back asbestos filling, class C Underwriters Label, lbs to the roll, on sale at $2.75 per roll. _ Shore Mercantile Co., FRED E. SHORE, Mgr. KING. N. C. WILL GIVE ppjzi;. > ':i ('onn- t ion With I'agi ;L A ivcrtisements For l.i; >•? oncen s of Walnut Covr :•.»! ( Kitijr—Start Next Wee'.. Beginning next issue tho Re port?r will carry a page of adver tisements for leading firm? of Walnut Cove and King and twelve cash prizes fi'om s!-> to si will be given in connection with these advertisements. Don't tail to read and try for a prize. Card Of Thanks. King, May 2fi. —The Yccng People's Quarterly Class of Trir.ity M. E. church wish to thank their friends through the Reporter for helping to make the box su;. ?r on last Saturday evening a suc cess. A neat sum was real Led and the class feels like they have mad" a good '>eginr;ing towards having liuhts installed in ;h ohuivh. As Tiny Tin said, "May 1 •v d bless every one." Joseph Martin and Shores II .11, (>f the Lawsonville section, s; ;r t a few hours here yesterday.