DANBURY REPORTER Volume LI. SURRY MEN FOR STOKES JURORS Summoned To Hear Case h\ Which Administiator >f Wal- ter Martin Is Suing F.x- Sheriff E. O. Shell on Thirty Surry count/ citizens have been summoned as jurors to serve in Stokes in the case in which the administrator of Walter Martin, deceased, is suing ex-Sheriff E. 0. s helton, of «> Stokes, for $5.0"" damage. The case will be tried here at the I summer term of Stokes court. ' being set lor -I uly 9th. At the I former trial of the case the jury failed to agree. This case originated over the killing of Martin near Walnut Cove about three years ago while Shelton was sheriff of Stokes county. The officers had informa- I tion that a certain car loaded with liquor would pass by Wal nut Cove and thev were in wait ing when the supposed car camej in view. When the officers held it up it is claimed the olficers and the parties in the car engaged in [ a pistol battle. Martin was killed 1 as was one of Sheriff Shelter's ' deputies. The sherilf was never: indicted in the criminal courts, for the death of Martin but his | relatives have brought a civil action against him for damages. I The Surry men were drawn as j jurors at Dobson on the first Monday of this month and have been summoned by Sheriff H. Haynes to appear at Stokes court July '-'th. Their names follow: T.(i. Snow, Rryan: IIE. Short, Mt. Airy: Err.est Flynn, Shoals: B. K, Atkins. Eldora; G. F. Simpson, Eldora; C E, Williams, Bryan: Tice Brinkley. Hock ford; Cabell Collins, Pilot; H. F. Holi field, Rockford; S. M. Arnold, Elkin; W. L. Nixon, Franklin; Ransom Key. Dobson: F. Mosley, Elkin; C. W. Taylor, Mt. Airy; F. E. Hodges, Stewarts Creek; A. .1, Snow, Rockford; Jacob Mitchell, Dobson; J. M. Smith, Pilot: J. A. Sparger, Mt. Airy: J. H. Stanley, Marsh; .1. F. Yokley, Mt Airy; J. S. Hiatt, .. Westfield: J. P. Owens, Shoals; J. H. Sprinkle. Pilot: S. D. Wall. Shoals; A. J. Badgett. Mt. Airy; G. T. Jones, Eldora; C.A. Smith, Bryan; J. A. Lowe, Long Hill; jf - T. M. Stanley, Marsh. Bad Auto Wreck Near Westfield Parties here from the western part of the county report that a Dodge automobile occupied by a men and woman whose names were not learned went over a fill, near Westfield Sunday, breaking the man's leg and injuring the woman badly. Let Road Contracts Latter Part July The Bulletin, printed by the North Carolina Highway Com mission, states that the datj for the next letting of road con- j tracts by the highway board has been tentatively set for the latter part of July or the early part of August. A i CHILD KILLED BY LIGHTNING: Six-Year-Old Son of Mr. an.!; Mr.-. Abe BoiiMing, of West-' field—A net her Child Stunned j i By Same Stroke. I The little six-year-old son of j Mr. and Mrs. Abe Boulding, who: resides just this side of Westfield, j was killed by lightning during a; thunderstorm Friday afternoon i , | and the three-year*old brother of i the dead boy was knocked un-: conscious by the same stroke of | lightning. I When the storm came up Mr. ' and Mrs Boulding were away i ! from home in the field at work, i Lightning struck the house and ! came through the open door. The . > I j eight year-old daughter, who. I was with the children, waded a; ' swollen creek during the storm; on her way to the field to tell her: : parents of the death of her iittle j brother. ] LADIES' AID SOCIETY MEETS! ('•)-( iperalive Tobacco (.rowers J To lb-Id Meeting June 11—■ i Other News and Personals of I j King. I I King, June — Mr. and Mrs.! 'P. J. Cauule, of Wjnston-Saiem. spent Sunday with relatives near here. i Born unto Mr. and Mrs. -I. E. j Newsum, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Haryev Soiin hower spent Sunday with Mrs. j Spainhower's father. Mr. John C arroll, near Mountain View. Attorney Dallas C. Kirbv, of : Winston-Salem, was here Satur day looking after some legal matters. The Ladies Aid Society of Trinity M. E. church gave an ice cream supper here Saturday af ternoon. Proceeds will go toward; paying for a piano for the church., Mr and Mrs. Julius Johnson, j of Raleigh, are spending a few i days with relatives here Mr. and Mrs. William Caudle, 1 Jr., spent Sunday with relatives here. The new home of Mr. Walter j Sprinkle on East Main street isj nearing completion. The Cooperative Tobacco Orow- i ers Association will hold a meet ing in the offices of the ware house here next Saturday night, June 14. All members of the King • local and neighboring locals as well are invited to be present as ' some important matters are to come before the meeting. There ' will he some good speakers who| will deliver addresses. This section was visited hv a I uht hail storm tociay, Only slight damage was done to crops. The Ladies Aid Society of Trinity M. E. church was delight-1 lully intertained in the home of i Mrs. Robert Meadows Saturday! afternoon from three to five, o'clock.There were twelve memb- j ers present and one visitor, Mrs. j Hooker's guest, Mrs. Frank Shell i !of Wilmington. Quite a number |of visits to the sick were report- 1 ed. also trays of fruit and cream were carried "Music in the church" was the subject of the program. Mrs. Meadows conduct ! Ed the devotionals. Several papers and poems were read. The Society decided to sell ice cream, cake, fried chicken and sandwiches in the tea room on Depot street each Saturday after-1 noon in June to raise monev to finish pax inir for e piano.During the social hour Mrs. Meadows as sisted by Miss Lois served cake, home-made candy, sherries and lemonade. The next meeting will be held at the home of A. L. Hail. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday, June 11, 1924 j LICENSE TAGS ( READY NEXT WEEK | Nine Car Loads of these, Have Just Peen Received By j the State—Must Have Title j To Car Before Buying Tag. : Automobile license tags for 1921 2j will be placed on bale | Monday, June Hi, it is announc- i ed, j The tags this yeir will be blue ' with white lettering and will be perhaps more attractive and more: j easily readable than the present, ! tags. Nine carloads have been ' received by the Secretary of i State. It will be no use to apply ft r license tag without certificate of ownership and those who have | not procured these had better se ! cure the forms and send them to ! the Secretary of State at Raleigh, j along with the fifty ants regi- I stration fee. It is indicated that this year] j officers w ill be inclined to be a ; little less lenient with those who ; delay about securing license, and "license applied for" tags will In it be recognized at all any | more. _ _ i Former Stokes Man Die At Favetteville js Julius W. Young, who was iborn in Stokes county in 1870, died at FayettevilD, Jane He is survived by his wife, who was Miss Louise Kidd.by a daughter, Louise; two sons, Mason and 5 . Paul, all of whom live at Detroit;! j four brothers, W. A. Young, of; 1 Stokesdale, Thomas Young, of ; Madison, Edwin B. Young, of' Kerni nv I e, and J.N. Young, of 1 ; \\ instson Salem. Funeral services 1 were conducted in Forsyth coun ty at Salem Chapel, followed by j burial in the church graveyard. | | The Superannuated Endowment Fund ! Amounts requested for the j 1 superannuated endowment fund ; from North Carolina and West- I jern North Carolina Conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, total $^75,133, to jbe paid in five yearly install . ments, it was announced by lead ers in the fund work. , Mr. Doutrhton Issues Statement R. A. Doughton, commissioner iof revenue, has issued a state j ment in which he explains that his office has been unable to mail j license to all applicants who had ! applied for such licenses to begin i June 1, 1924, because of the great : number cf such applicants. The statement also says that no penalty will be attached to appli cations received prior to May 31, 1 1924. Road To Winston Open For Traffic The Walkertown road, lead ing from Winston-Salem to j Walkertown and through to the , Stokes county line, was opened! to traffic yesterday. This road j is slightly more than twelve: miies in length. It provides a ; large section of the country a good ! road to the metropolis of the; state. ! ONLY ONE-FOURTH \ DEMOCRATS VOTED Less Than 500 Votes Ca-t In j Saturday's Primary In this i County—About l'V'ij Demo- 1 I crats In Stoke-. Only about twenty-five per] cent of the Democrats of Stokes 1 voted in the primary Saturday. ! i the total vote cast for candidates \ for governor being only 474, j while the average Democratic! .candidate in the last election j | received around 1900 \otes. While interest in the primary w: s hot strong th? vets would nodoubt have been much larger but for the fact that farmers were exceedingly busy in their crops and felt like they could not spare the time to attend the primary. ICSBTH CONGRESS ENDS SESSION Controvi-r-;. v.nd Tcrn ./il Char aterized• the El'ti'v Session —Manv Me:siuv- For Vari ous Purpose'l Failed To Pass. Washington, June 7 —Congress ended its six months session to night in an atmosphere of con troversy and turmoil character istic of the bitter dissention which has marked its proceedings from the start. Western senat irs and rep ! resentatives in the final hours of the session fought and lost a. : desperate fight for legislation to 1 relieve the farmer and to reform i jth Q reclamation policy of the. government. Many other measures, includ ! in 4 the bill authorizing construe i tion of eight new cri'sers End modernization of battleships and deficiency appropriation bill, carrying funds to beyin operation of the bonus law and for many other purposes, failed in the ! final crush of legislation when the session ended automatically at 7 p. m. Not only did the deficiency bill go down in defeat in the race against time, but a special resolu tion passed in the last five minutes by the house to make the bonus appropriation available regardless, was lost in the senate. Republican leaders declared that only a special session of Congress could provide the neces sary funds for the initial costs of the compensation measure. Rev. John D. Smith Is Ordained Rev. .John D. Smith, who recently removed from Stokes to Pilot Mountain, was recently ordained by the Presbytery as a minister of the Presbyterian church, and he has been assigned as minister to the following named churches: Dan River, Asbury andCollins ! town churches in Stokes, and ] Pine Ridge and Hill's churches ! in Surry county. : W. R. Young, of Danbury, was taken to a Greensboro hospital ' Saturday for treatment. ! GETTING DOWN TO BUSINESS Walnut Cove Awards C ntravt ! i i J- '>r Installation >f V.at>?r: Who Is and Generators I'D.-' I i ! I'owt r and Light Plant. j Mayor P. H. Linville, of Wal-j : nut C ue, who was a Danbuiy. ! visitor Monday, states that con- 1 i ] tract was let Friday for the in-1 : stallation of turbine water whet- Is . | and generators for Walnut Cove's ! j electric pqwer and light piant or. i Dan river. The construction ■{! the dam across the river I as beer, under way for some months new. The construction of a water and sewer system for Walnut Cove will also rushed as rapidlv as possible. At a meet . ing of the town commissioner? recently a resolution was passed authorizing a bond issue of fifty thousand dollars for the c nstruc tion of the wafer and sewer system. The sewer t-sr-e is now being put down. Ma;.or Lir.viiie stated that it had not yet Leer. d>-i'.ni"T[v decid ed from what source the tjwn ; would secure water. I' ftate.i , that by bringing the water from : | Covingtor.'s creek and installing a filtering uant a gravity system can he put in. The question oi digging a number of large wells from which to get water is also : being discussed. ■ RAISING CATTLE AND HOGS HERE " \*"i'tl'. Carolina I s Now Intoiv | ted In Fa nr. Legislation of the an-..''* r Needed I " 'he West i Washington, Miy.'.l. Senat r Overman writes Charles C.Snoot. ; of North Wiixesboro in reply to a letter from Mr. Smoot thanking, 1 him for his part in securing £l>,- ]' 'iii.i as an appropriation in the j agricultural appropriation bill for I chestnut tree investigation, that Colonel Greely chief of the bureau of forestry thinks the amount will be quite sufficient to carry cn ft ; the investigation, j Senator Overman has received i several letters from citizens of " | Mt. Airy asking him to see that "j Joseph B. Sparger be confirmed ' i as postmaster at that place, as he : stands well with both Democrats p and Republicans in the com , munity. i Representative Hammer called attention to the following facts lin the federal census, which he I j says ought to show and does show that North Carolina is interested II in farm legislation of the charact i er now needed by the west. The fourteenth federal census i shows that of the year l'.'l'.' 37.2 i 1 per cent of the farmers in the I state of North Carolina raised r 1 185,510 calves, 1,056,170 hogs J and 41,8»9 lambs. It is also shown , that the farmers of North Caro- I lina sold in I!U'.' $11,500,000 worth of livestock and that they ' planted fi2O,G3S) acres of wheat which produced 1,741,52 s bushels Every census back to 'TO shows I I that North Carolina averaged 1: around 4,000,000 bushels of wheat | per year. No. 2,722 i THE PRIMARY IN STOKES . McLwiii (County By Good Majority While Bowie am! IVII Gets Large Vote—• 'Jin- Vote By Precincts. I A. W. McLean, Democratic candidate fur governor, wad his | opponment, J. W. B-iilev, in ! Stokes by more than two to one. Out of the 471 votes east McLean received -ITS. In the contest for : Lieutenant Governor Tarn C. Bjwiele;! Reynolds and Long, it he former receivirn 3*7 votes I out of a total of 4>. >eorge P. j Pel 1. for Corporation Commission : !e r , received a handsome vote. The official count for the coun ty. a? tabulated by the board of ; Canvassers here Monday, was as ; follows: F»">r •'ovorr.or—McLean «18, ! Bailey i- Lieutenant Governor Bowie '■' A". 1/ rg Re\n« Ids .villi". !' t.o^k Attorney leneral Brummit 1-2 Koss 1.'57. Nash >3 Commissioner >f Agriculture— : Latham Lm! "raham 112. Parker ■til. Commissioner of Labor and Printing Shipman -'.12. Grist 42, Nash Peterson 28- Insurance Commissioner — Wade oo I, Flowers »»0. Corporation Commissioner— Pell Carpenter The vote as cast at the several precincts in Stokes for the candidates ft.-r Governor follows: Precinct. McLean Bailev I'anbury •') 1 Hartman 3 0 Wils >n's Store 11 1' German ton 1;) 10 Kin.: 30 10 Buyles IS '•> I Pinnacle -•) S Mizpah 0 Lawsonville • 0 ' Tilley 10 2 ; E. Sandy Ridge 10 17 1 j W. Sandy llidure -0 5 ' Mitchell 10 21 ', Pine Hall Ifi H E. Walnut Cove .'5!) 10 |J W. Walnut Cove 7 20 Freeman 0 2 |; Moir 27 15 iFrana 12 2 I Brown Mt. 2 0 ■Flinty Knoll 13 0 i John Camper Fined • S2O and the Cost John Casper, of Winston ' Salem, was given a hearing here Tuesday before Justice of of the Peace N. A. Martin on the charge of assault, the , trouble growing out of a fight with B. D. Gentry at Moore's I Springs Saturday night. Cns ( per was lined $20.00 and the ( cost, which he paid. 1 J. R. Forrest, of Francico; J. I L. Christian, of Pinnacle; and . J. C. Carson, of Germanton, ' all of the Stokes county * board of education, were in town Monday.