DANBURY REPORTER Volume LI. RICHARD T. PELL FOR THE HOUSE R. J. Petree, Nominated By Re publican County Convention, Withdraws His Name—Ex ecutive Committee Meets. Richard T. Poll, of QuaKer Gap township, was named as the Republi ran candidate for the House of Rep resentative* from Stokes by the county Republican executive com mittee at a called meeting held here Monday of this week. Five members of the committee were in attendance at Monday's meeting. The naming of Mr. Pell as the Republican candidate for the House was made necessary by the with drawal of R. J. Petree. who was nominated by the Republican county convention held here Mime weeks since. ■ The following letter from >|r. y Petree to the chairman of the Re publican oxecuti\ e committee ex plains itself: (icrmanton. N. Oct. 1. I'.'Jl. To the Chairman of the Republican Executive Com. of Stokes coun ty and to all Whom it May Con cern: Having been nominated by the list Republican convention of the ■r\ lounty for a seat in the Legislature . f North Carolina, and not being pre.-ent at said convent ion owing to iil health. 1 could not make my wishes , | known as to whether I could a. cept ' or not. I have deferred doing >, '. thinking that ny health might in:- ] inc. e si. 1 could a ept. lint :t seem." 1 have made slow progress in regain .• _■ !. streiiuth, I have considered « tl..' 11.alter frorr. 0.. rv viewpoint, and .t- mu!i a- 1 regret to h:t\■ to de cline. I feel in jll-tl e t.. tiiys-lf I . v..1 have t•• 1 • -■» I wi-li thank tU i*o :.gh yon .1:1 ! y..or committee my Uepubliian t*: i • -n I - throughout the 1 ntriy for her r innferred Upon f I'.ie. I trust my friends will not consider v it- .1 slacker, or any less a Republi can *i' iinniin lt'nl of the l '.valtj the I :ts";. has her •tofun- shown nt , for 1 am profoundly grateful I .nil proud to stand iiientiled with S!: party which ha- had for it- lead- Wers sti.-h men a- th• - immott tl I.in . >in. Mckinley, and that tvi sit .-•a* 'small Theodore Roosevelt. And i"i d"wn the lit: to tliat ;d> tidid i'risfian 'g »ttl .nan an i ideal A . -ricai , 1 '.ii. in 1-lidge.. Tn.-ting yot:r commute will be r. i' to seluv'. a man who will be en t :••!>' satisfai' to rill mat :»r. interested. I (lv. remain, Vo'ifs very triiy. i:. .1. i"-:ri:!-:;:. Tobacco Prices Are Improving A representative of the Reporter win visited the t 'bacco market at W .iston-Salet 1 y sterday was told by the warehousemen that prices on all grades of l*af were some better than on the opening sale l«st week. It is the opinion of the warehousemen that now is th • best time to put first 1 primings on the market. Monday's sale amounted to 475,000 pounds and th? average price was aliout 21 cents. Jake F. Newell 111 With Fever •lake F. Newell, of Charlotte, wh> ira.s billed to address the voter* here (' next Monday, is seriously ill with "typhus, fever at his home in. Char lotte, according to announcement received yesterday by Chairman M. 0. Jonas, of the County Republican Executive Committee. All of thu appointments of Mr. Newell have been cancelled. Another Still Taken In Upper Stokes Sheriff Dunlap and deputies on .Monday captured another still in the northern part of Stokes, some distance east of Campbell postoffice. "The still, which was brought here to the jail for ' safe keeping, has a capacity of about 00 gallons. Right * ' barrel Is of beer were poured out at . the still site ; The still was not in '{qperation when found. SB ■ : v The ladies of Danbury and Da via „Jfk E. churches gave a supper at ' 'Jfcthodut parsonage here Saturday F W|jt 1 for the benefit of the churches a very nice sum was realized. MONUMENT TO COL. JOHN MARTIN Shaft Will Be Erected At Rock- House To the Memory of j Noted Stokes County Poineer. j Was Judge of County Court.; The Reporter has learned that a j monument will be erected at Rock House to the memory of Col. John , I Martin, who built that celebrated j ; pile before or about the date of the ' Revolution, and who was one of the 1 ! very tirst settlers of Stokes county. 01. Mat tin was the great grand-j I father of Judge Wlll. P. Hynum, of ireetisboro, and Dr. W. 11. Hynum, jof (icrmanton. Judge Bynmn has 1 made arrangements to have the grave j marked with a suitable monument ; , at once. j Col. Martin, around whose mem ory clusters interesting legends per taining to the early history of this ! county, died April •">, 1822. and was j buried near his home, the Rock > House, which still stands in Quaker I (Jap township. Col. Martin came from Essex county, Va., in 17' is, : when only 12 years of age. He was j for .'in years presiding judge of the ! county court of Stokes. That was I when the courts were held at (ierm-, j anton. 1 I ACTION FOR ABSOLUTE DIVORCE j Prominent (itvensburn People Involved in Suit to Be Tried Here October 'Jo. I Papers have been tiled with the 1 I or!; of Court he re in ,iti let inn to Ibe tried at the fall term of court. ! toiler 20, I! which Mr-. 1 alolitt" 1 Lambeth Mcrnau is asking iii -olut - divorce from her husband, li. C. j jllern.au. Jr.. The parties involved! ar, prominent social people of j (ir-'ciisboio. The plaintilf's com dair.t sets forth two spe.iti • statu-' •ofy o l'itlses en the (alt cf the i|e- I f e!: da 1. 1 . The cas lollies up Moll- I il-to! r 2'i. the pl-iii.t tl' b.-in;. - 1 lie r -iiited lv a (ireciisloro linn of' j" ' ' jCarl Ray Rack From Ciardncr, Mas.-. \\ :n«ton S:i lel 1. v I lid" I* I.V 1 ' arl Ray. formetly star pit-her i I > - 1 ill K.i; formerly star pitchiu r !f ;i v '. in-t'.:i Salem club th.' ol ] i i a: ...Vi league. He Was 0:1 !o.- va/ i i home tn Stokes count y fro .1 ! r Mass., where h. ■ ha- been, : this sea-en. ; :!.. was" instrumental in the win- I / the pennant up there and Ik-. ipers of that circuit have been lo .1 their praise of the work of II la - i!;es .'otinty boy. Carl lias not .go'-,-:\ entirely over his wililness, as. j sh"-' • by the fact that in a recent ; ' rat: • • walked ten or twelve men. 1 j 1 ! • '.von the contest, nevcrthe . s. ,i • has a host of friends in ! "»\':i>.--.m S.deiii who rejoice in his I-u.*c...-s during the season just close I. I i Registration Books Are Now Open ?. .• gist ration books in Stokes coun- i ty o:;eneii Saturday and citizen* who I want to participate in the general 1 election on November 1 must have j their names an them. No out-and-out new registration is required, but where voters have be- , com • of age since the last general j election, in or where they have moved from one precinct to another sine" then, they must register it" they wish to vote. The hooks will stay open until Saturday, October 25. Sat'ardJiyj I, will be challenge day, ami at that time those desiring to challenge the right of any • person to vote may do .«>. Challenge j may also be made on election day. 'Great Revival 1 At Walkertovvn ! | j To date there have been li"s pro* 1 ! fessioKs of faith at the revival ser | vice being conducted at Walkertowr i jby K /angel Ist Tom Pardue. It had! ! beer, intended to close the services ; [last Sunday, but the interest appear-I led to warrant continuing another IJ j week. _ |, Danbury, N. C. f Wednesday, Oct. 8, 1924 BRIDGE BIDS AGAIN NOV. 17 County Highway Commission Rejected All Bids Placed On Structures Recently—Board Was In Session Here Monday. At the regular meeting of the county highway commission here Monday it was decided to call for bids ajrain on Nov. 17th for the con- ' stru.-tion of sev ral bridges in the j county, all bids received on this work | Sept. loth, having been rejected by the board. The old Jewel-Sandy Ridge road, over which there has «•..,• nily been ' some controversy, was •riiere.i dis continued by the commi.-iion. Damage done to several oringes in Yadkin township by th • r -cent heavy ■ rains was ordered repaired and li. R. j King was given toni-a.-t t ; do the 1 win !•. A large number of citizens wi re here Monday asking for roads, i bridges, etc., but no action was taK mi by tbe board other than that ill ti- j tinned above. A delegation was h-ie from Peter's Creek township to usk for a bridge across the Dan at Seven Island ford, but '.he matter was not •resented to th • commission on ac count of the large number of ap plications from other setion-s. It :s leari'ed that these citixi-ns will «si; for a bridge only, having agreed to mak necessary temporary repairs, on '.li,' road leading to and from the bridge ly privat ■ subscriptions. Annual Reunion Of Tedder Family, The annual Tedder reunion will be held on Sunday. OrLober 111, at the old homestead, eiiri.t miles north of iierni iiiton, Stol.os county. '1 he pub lic is invitel. All ire r"i|i'.esteil to brill'. 1 well-Silled ba-ke's. ('« »]>!»tM* Stills Cut Here Monday A' ting under an on) r of th • s'oke- li mrd .f Comnds :• i• - SiierdV Dunlap la- .Monday cut opper 1:1! which had been stored in th county jail for some 'line. After b'in . I'.'t th" .-'il'- w« r • - .Id, i Win-to:;-Sal junk d -a! r bu;. :ng 11> 'HI. y • o \ Stores and !!u-iress Houses That Bid I'm* and Ap preciate the Patronage of the Farmers and others \ 0 of Stokes and Adioininu Counties: 0 ■> X o ; o 1 STORKS. The bisr fall sale of iCttrd's A Department Store which start * ed Friday is now in full swing, Y and thousands are taking ad- Y vantage of the low prices. 0 HENRY ROSE CO. 0 A The lienry Rose Co. carries A the well known ilartt-Shaffner a Mark Clothes and every .-uit X is guaranteed. Tl'.is company Y is well known for its fair deal- Y inirs. ) PLANTER'S WAREHOISIi. Fami rs who sell with Plant -1 v er's are getting the highest 0 prices for their tobacco. Grow -10 ers atv advised to sell pri.n --i ir.gs now. THE VtXilE. , To young men, »s well as r.he Y alder ones. The Vog:;e is offer -0 ing the best in gents furnish -0 irtgs thac can be had at reason- Q able prices. q JONES A GENTRY. Y Handling good honest shoes Y has made the business of Jones Sv i Gentry famous. Don't over look this fact when you gee ready to purchase shoes. Their 0 prices are always reasonable. 0 SHORE MERCANTILE CO. Q Five hundred pairs men's, A womi n's and children's shoes Y are offered at less, than factory Y cost by the well known Shore ' Mercantile Co. at King. C R S. Nt'NN. A 111 the store of R. S. Nunn tt X Walrait (>ove you will find a Y tinst-class line of fresh grocer- Y i»s at tlie lowest prices. 0 WEED AVERAGED $19.07 LAST WEEK Crop Is Better Than Last Year and Average Price Is Expect ed To Go Higher As Quality! (Jets Better. Th- official figures for last week's tobacco sales on the Winston-Salem market show that a total of l,."iS'J,iii)o ' pounds brought an average price of jSII'.OT per hundred pound*, j The market opened on Wednes j day, October 1, with an average I price of approximately Jl cents per pound, an average of almost •> cents per pound over the price paid oil the opening day in 1 During the last two days, however, the quality of the tobacco dropped off consider- I ably, a lot of damaged tobacco be- J | ing offered for sale that brought : ! down the averag" price considerably. I ! Taken as a whole the market last j week was above the average of last j I year and the farmers expressed i ■ themselves as well-pleased with the I prices that are being paid. The ware : housemen are most optimistic over. the prospects for the coming season. The manufacturers have their best buyers on th • market and are nay in i; good prices for goo.l tobacco. Farm ers from every s-.-tion report that tl;.- crop is mil h better this year than last year. a.id that indicates splendid or! ••.. and a ireo 'ral wavi of prosj.c-,.;.. | Methodists To Meet Oct. Sth i 1 (ireellsboro, 1 • S. The Western North I'ari lina ihe j Methodist K;.;, opai churih, south. | n• of tie 1 r.' eious bodies ] soinh of th • M.-.- •!! and Dixon line., and wdii.li embraces a p. the territory ill the .-late west of :I:.- i :iswa.|l Alanian •, C'latnam, M'-otyonerv Richmond county lin s, will meet at its ;,fti. s-s-ion :n U • -t Mar ie.'. S.ve dun h. 'hi- it;/, next V> 'dnesday morning, October !■". at o'clo.-k w : th liish'ip 1 'llir- Denny. D. •!)., of R'chr.iond. Va.. presiding, i and 'J'V. \\. 1.. Sherr:!!, wh > h".- -n :!.•• Very ed: ieiit - "ivtary f r •>. • pa- :hirty year-, v.hi will call rdi and. ill all a'- l.'.V. will i- eb • I * • -1 hin: !f for , thirty-Sir-', tin: s IJEI.K-S I'KVKNS "0. > This well-known company is now showing a lino of new fall v goods that can't he surpass-eu v anywhi re r>n>;> in at their bit? 0 store when you arc in Winston- 0 , ' ' ) ("AUDI.IN A OI.DS CO. £ 'Hi.' "World's. I.owvst PrLvd 6 Six" in th«* Oldsmobi'o is now V | offered in fight distinct styles i and is proving to be a winner. (iII.MERS. 0 I ! This big department store 0 |is putting on a fall sale of 0' , every conceivable .article for 6 I the home and invite you to Q j visit their place. ! LINDSAY FISH El. BL'ICK £ | COMPANY. 0 The Lindsay Fishel Buick Co. 0 I would like to see more of our Q people driving a real automo- A bile—the Buick. When better A automobiles are built they will A have thorn for sale. V WINSTON RADIATOR CO. 0 Th« Winston Radiator Co. X will tix your troublesome, luaky A radiator and guarantee it for Q much less than you can afford A the damage you do your engine A by running it without water. THE BOYI.ES CO 0 The Boyles Company at King A calls attention to it* complete Y line of All-leather Shoes for Y men, women and children at v prices that are as low is can be v found anywhere. 0 THE McCEE MOTOR CO. X The MctJpe Motor (Jo., »t Y King, will s«ll you a dependable 0 Chevrolet ear or will swap you 0 one; for your old car. Aim* o carry a line of used cars. A XK>ooooK>ooooooooo 123 CASES ON DOCKET Criminal Term Of Stokes Court Opens Monday —Many Vio lations Of Prohibition Law —Names Of Jurors. The riminal term of Stokes i Superior Court opens Monday next, , >ct. I:sth. with Judge T. I). fJryson >.ii th-- bench. clerk A. J. Fagg ! .«t:ited yesterday that there were so f:»r 12'! iuses on the criminal docket, which i.- iiti unusually large number f- r this county. A majority of these ejises are for violation of tile pro- 1 hi'• -ition laws. A letter received lure this week fi >ni Judg- i:ry.-. n -ta'es that he will !l"t !" allle to preside over the civil term of court f»i* Stol;..s l>.-gin ning Oct. 20th, ie.it that he :- making an effort to see-ill- a judge- to till his I place. It is, therefore, po.-.-ilde that j th 'ie will l-e no spring t--rm -f civil I court for Stokes. The names of the jurors drawn j to serve next week at the criminal I term an- as follows: I . Smith, J. \V. ISrown. I!. F. ' M nut. O, C. Taylor, J. T. I.ackey, j IV-ter'.- I'reeK townshi)i; U. (). Woods.! >. A. Amos, Snow Creek town-hip: J ■I tt I .linkfor-1, U. C. I'. .tre.., Man hiry township; A. .1. Hall. .1 ;. I.av.-s .n. K. W. s.nith, ' . A. Vaile::. '■ ' •. Vi. i!. P! i-Jey. i .i!-. in I'' i'. F. Heiiiu-tt. U A. iii: g '- i'• 1 • Taylor. Quaker fiap : iwn ~!; i» I. ' hilton, Joe • . IJ.'iman,- S-.■ f.i :i t'.wn.-hip: A. 11. Ilutlolge. J > H' King l.ewi>. \ o '!'• .;der, .M JI-'O-.V- towoiiip; In "1". F;:lk. W. j '••• Ki- ii-.ht. n. lioyi. -. H. \v. S N'ev. • I'. |.. j;. 1,.., adkir t. wn -11- ft King, koliert 1,, c.dl.n.-. I '■ Ii ' l. ll', 'i. W. I'Sea.-ley, J. f. '' N".mi i: i iv.-l. ■ >\\n.-liip; I, i'. : I.:iv.-.-»n, !:-aver 1-I.md t-wn.-hi:.. | Stiks Destroved In Kookin.uham ' ■ il 1 ' '. - I 11. Hi". (llshitle •I ••:-*.»> ii th w-.t.-rn ehd of lei U inghaiu coiijy received a . severe -! - .. .!:ir::ig thi- ia.-t half i.f tile ...-• ••■!., v. ;.»n Fe-i i .1 i s K. A. Mtih-c, Shiplette, W. T. Keiin d; :ir-.. 1 Mr. White, and i)cputv Sin-riff li. J. Joyce found and de •i -i I • t una . . :' >ur gallons oflmtniiy, ■ ()• -tin -1-. .)!' the -'. l- W- re •. -i and :e tin. Poachers' State Examination Here I Mialt . induct iti the office of the Jio.tr : I-ittioti. Dunituiy. T. -■ [ >!. iv, at'..: V.eiirescay. October I «th ! t:i i I'',., i •i. hers Stat- Kxuni'.iia- ! - »i.-i-e d.-siring to take same, :•! •• ii:.- there Hot lati r tiitn •i r..--tl:;!*.. A. M Tuesday, 11 ..tober ! I'.h. J. c. CAitSoN. County Superintendent > njols. —— Surry Farmer Loses Five Barns Tobacco I Klkin, Oct. S.—Sinclair Adams, a i prosperous young farmer if Klkin j township. had the misfortune Sat urday night to lose five barns of tobaivo. feed barn, cwo mules aad live head >f cattle by trre. All >f his farming implements, fee-i. etc., were also lstroye-i. The lons totals around {;:,)-W, with no nsuran ;e. Fair To Attract 75 State Counties Raleigh, Oct. S. —More than seventy-live of the one hundred coun ties in North Carolina will be rep- 1 resented by exhibits at the state fair ! in this city during October to to !7, according to Mrs. Edith V'anderbilt, president of the fair and member of the state hoard of agriculture fr->m th:- tenth district, who expresses herself as being very much gratified over the outlook. Delicious White Bread Try us with a load of wheat. WR are making excellent flour, and guarantee satisfaction. DAnntlßY ROLLKR MfiLLS. | No. 2,739 'STOKES ROAD IN NEXT LETTING Highway Commission To Let 13 Or 14 More Projects On No vember 12.—One Is Road To i Danbury. i lialeiirh, Oct. 7. The las' letting jof contracts for the construction of , gaps in the State Highway system ' out ef the present botld issue will probably be mad ■ on November li! when fourteen or thirteen jobs will be awarded. The commissioners ycsteriiay j made three more awards of jobs fo|' who'll the bids were opened last Tuesday. The awards are: Project ! 11-117, Camden and Currituck counties, route si |, between Canideil ! and Slijio. 11. s] utiles top soil and grading, to Nolle 1.. Teor, of Dur- I'iam, at ?>7l.pioject 7'.'!-B, j'i adkin, route •'") between Yadkin ] vill" and Forsyth county line, !S{.3) | miles caving to 1,. 1,. Tindali, of jWaterfird. Vis., at .ti J.); and i projec* I »■•-!;. liettie, route 21 thru town of Windsor, live -niles I paving, to Frank J. M -(iuire, of j Norfol';., at -S1 '■ 1 Fourteen con*.ra ts are expevted ito be awarded on November i'l with tin i or. tracts already definitely de eded ujoii. In th'*'Fourth district j four j. '-.' «tv planned bit the num- Ib: r :na> have to be red.i e I r■> ■ ,".ree bec.Mis. • f in-utlicj. Nt finds The t ntatr.e !*t i f jobs for j wr.ii b 1 ;..s will b • receiv.'ti, exclu sive of ti: jobs in tin fourth din* I 'ri ' • j Pro ,t: II rtford, br: ige ,ver Hi... Meh. rreti t:\i-r an i a'>: ro.i.hcs, ' four :.iib*s. | !'r. t2' I, Wayne, >o'i- .jro S\ r'h • . the Wilson county I tie, I I 1 :. in:;• of paving, j I'r ■•• t New Hanov-'i'. Wil- I Piington to Wright.-\ille nnl. • mi! -- irrading an I liriilg-- -•tity. I : .. -ct I. liobefsoti. I.limb rton to Proadn: in. 1 ti.7 mil - trti i::tg and bri-iu'es only. Pi .j. t tl Pi-It, Lin dti. Lit • Inton .. :t..'.>iia county iitt •. I'.ss miles paving. I'r j t ' Is-!! |.:ti in. Lit: oln ton to (iaston county line, s.i)sl miles pa . ttg. Project 7.VJ-A, S: >kes, Forsyth •outity line to Danbury on route Hi* . i V ab. ;• 1 ■■ '. . - grading Pro, 7 'J, tidk Brooks, 1 "... : Io s /.".'•o ;i . r d'f. : l . \y. !i , :. .- ' • '.l.ile ■f "S 10 uttii > : t • AI n.i.ld, seven miles grading an i bridges only. I The Game L.r.vs For Stokes County Th.- :: .porter is in re.- Nt of a ' synopsis .if the game l .v - of Noilh Carol..'li is otniiiled l:y l.egslatiee : Ref-renee Librarian li M. Loudon, •of Raleigh. For Stokes lounty the | following is given: Stokes Heer, Nov. 1-N'ov. 15 (deer i raised in private preserves may be killed at any time); quail (partridge) or other game bird, Dec, 1-Feb. lj j ruffled grouse (pheasant), Dec Lrt •lan. l.">; wild turkeys, Dec. IS-.laii. I IS; dove, Dec. IH-Jan. 15; woodcock, I Dec. I.V.Jan. 1; blackhelbed and gold- I en plover, yellowlegs, no open neas |on; ducks, geese, wiison snipe, Div. l'-.lan. 15; fur-hearing animals, I Sept. I-Jan. 15. Nonresident of | State license, Written per . ftiaaion required. Nonresident: of county etu>t pay fee of tl before County Fathers Meet Here Friday ( Th- eour.ty commissioner* were ii l s»»sston only a short while Monday, th» only bus'ne.ss transacted heing th • payment of bills against the county. The board will meet again on Friday of this week to attend to some nouaty business matters. Grain Fertilizer 1 have it. Came and get it. Flo*ir will be high next year. Don't fsit to sow a good wheat crop. I .N. R. PEPPER, At Danbury, Walnut Cove, King. I Madison. *

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