The Touring Car $875 The Roadster $875 >'•• e am! ad\anc«»d desigr. «•!>•' luautv and grace. ha\e '>t'*-Ti 1 ~ .. .. ~i . ..-.*• , ~i, .... ~» ,i,. lt . ... 1 Two or three nassengers can enjoy the Oldsmohile Roauster.—all the blonee.; r« tineo o! sm— :i >:\ t > -uch an extt n that it> «.p --• , i . . .• ..... pood features found in the 1 >uring ear aiv pr> sent here, ir.e high radi pearar.ce mak -it a air tr.a: w-!ay m » ern tor a i ..mi»er ot \tai.«. . * . , . . , • ,• : IW ■ •'■ n wer it, -ivi'v'ir.der engine is >utli. ient to allow a ' Witn I,s shell and thi sweeping hues ot tne ho, HI and body. e-»Mstat:t 'tv,- The T .; tar. with :• permanent ami enhanced by the rich lustre of Du-'o finish. make the roadster an out i~, , i „ i .vmini. standing ear ot comeliness and uignkied beauty. Th *re is a convenient ir.uest? ;• r:l>le piiuitne Due" ::;u.-h .!i M.inioljUf l)'ue. i> a >ple!iual e\amj>li- , ■ ... , , . , . , , , .... .... ! locking eotnpartnient «»t 1:5 cubic teet capacity in the rear deck of the ot r.-. lasting beatitv that * our- i: a muitiple-cvimueie : car at an u..- , , , ........ . . . ~ . • ! K««adster ami another space * i live CIIMC Uet .uist back ot the .-oat. usua:!> i w price. Ihe equipment complete, even to the attractiw cov.. j 1 lamps a::.i .-erviicable- rug ir. the rear compartment. . . . , . . , . A new sensation is yours wren you t;rs* rati :n ar. Oldsmobile 'Six. ... 11.. .. i i,. «i,. i»,i., , I —the well distributed weight being cradled on 86 .".-4 inches of resilient lr.e mechanical teatiues are »uru. ;i» exemplmeu '\ the l'eleo igt..- ... , . . ,I;TU T .iiririr and responsive springs that are more than three-quarters the length ot ti>n>\stem. —renowned the wor.u owr 1-: its dependaoilit>. Ihe loum.g 1 ... .... , . ,-.> t . .. . „i, .. i the wheel l>a«e. ihis excellence in design gives Oldsmobile Six a ar is large.—being 1)2 inches .ar iotigth. and n\o pa»engei> \i»u : .... T., i.„ i..n- ' characteristic aonitv to hold the road,—irrespective ot its nature.—that tmd coir.tort in its deep, wide -eats and lomtortaole cushions, in liiclem- . ... ~ .... ... ~ ,i .i i ~,; , ...V .. i .ii.,« •' is simplv uncanny. Foremost among the mechanical merits of the eiit or i >kter weather the snug-::tt:i:g. clear \i.-ion curtains attonl plea.— , , , . , :: I .. ~ , 1,.:,., ,I,S. ... , splendid chasi.» are simplicity and accessibihtv. —both attributes that mg protection and cmtort. It i> p »sib!e tor von to tirne this, or ar.\ ' ...... * . ,„ . ... .. ~, ... ~ ~ . are paramount in the consideration of econoniv. Fire mileage as well as other Olusmohne >,\. ar.o pa\ tor it :rom your income as jou enjo\ it.-> , ..... . . , ..' .. .. „ .. . ~ , .... , , tuel anu oil consumption are elements that have been extremely satis ai.ti pleasures,—through, i.enerai Motors deterred pa\ment . 1 ......... fictoiv to Utousands ot owners who have driven Olusiuol ile "Six. Carolina Olds Company Distributors Winston-Salem, = = North Carolina J CLAIM PROPERTY IX XKW YORK N i 'af.iij.iai>. H >\ • . :: 1 ~„f t, . ... b. ' t. i ;ttt in. ' r til' lain' Hit t ■ • !' ,w:.• . in New York 1 ty, Walt r riv>n c.f hlis, city, who has been agent for that gr »•.;•. . iof n North Carolina l;• 11 -. g! - t> .i 1., ly >r tile tir.-• mi- t i tl. ■ («. ii. i.v.. ~f the gnat ti.iet which claim ... made. It i- said !■• in- is city blocks long' and •i\ iii...i,- widi and nu ludes port'ins of Washington street, (in .'l. wu h street. Christopher street, all iif II ; I-in >i|uar'. and old Trinity cemetery. I. i- estimated that build ings now lo "ited on it yield a reve nue yearly of from $:!,ou0,000 to i? 1,01)0,000. The value of the property is esti mated at sl7o,(inn,ooo. Rordeatix and Kenny will go to New York state to appear in the federal courts concerning es tablishment of the claims on De cember 10. Ouster proceedings will be started by them in an effort to establishment title for their clients. .Mr. Thomas has just returned from New York, where he has been in vestigating titles, and things are now rcaily for actual legal work in th-' interest of the heirs. These l'.cirs are very numerous. Guilford. Hoi kingham, Lee, Ran dolph, Chatham, Durham and nu morons other counties in North Car olina furnish them. There is a well organized band of heirs in Soutn Carolina; another in Ohio; another in Indiana and there are others scattered in many parts of the United States. They are making vry active efforts to get their part of the vast estate, which is said to have been granted to one Robert Ed wards before the revolution. A meeting of claimants will be held at Muir's chapel, near here, Thursday night. Muir's chapel was formerly known as "Edwards' Cross Roads," and was the seat of many Edwardses. Later Mr. Thomas will call a meeting of heirs in Surry county, thj meeting to held at 1 hat I. 1 • ! Kl.i t v. i . :" . .i ■ i . i l u. . !i i I • • • i . t f . i • : .'. N • ... . 1 if . !•• . . lur,.i w . . .. ■ K:. j! -ii i towi.. I- - i .. and ho til i *' • -I'll. ! .• 1 i - I iinn* !.•.»>« ■ Stump - Knocker Gives Satisfaction Lai- mil. Kit. 7. Ir:vivj.t in ! yroil, tli.- (lu-aii government explosive be ,is t > Turin. I farmers at 'St throgh the State "••Ut-tro extension (lr. i-ioii, continues unabated in many counties ever after two ami thr-i --carloads have been ordered and dis tributed liy farm agents. II Tt-ntly when O. H. I 'hi 11 i ps, farm agent in Stanly county, was unload ing his third ear many farmers eanie in wanting to know if smile of the material was not placed. "Can we get sonic of that stump-knocker? Is it all spoken for?" they would ask and even though the ear eontained 20,000 ponds all of it was quickly taken. Mr. Phillips says, "Figuring the dynamite at wholesale rates there was a saving to farmers of this coun ty of SU.tiOO on the one car alone and only 1 ."1,0011 pounds was for the con ty. Wi ordered 20,000 but :S,ooo [lis wents into Cabarrus county and 2,000 into Anson. We also made arrange ments with a local hardware store and farmers were able to secure their fuse at 70 cents per hundred feJ-t and caps at $1.30 per box of one hundred. "\\\ have had many encouraging reports from those who have used th ' material. They say it gives tine results and some men said that they hud increased the value of the land by removing the stumps in addition to clearing the fields so that cultiva tion was more easily done. One growvr who removed several big stumps stated that the wood was worth $25 and only 50 joints of pyrotol was used in the operation. I feel that the supplying of this ma terial has been a distinct service to our ;" THE DANBURY REPORTER Claims Against the County Paid I>\ the Hoard of Commissioners oi Stokes County On the First Monday In December, 1921: .j. i:. i]..%■ I'ii. * J. 1.. Mi!, hell, ii I.a;. - reg. 1 S. F. i'etree. . ... U. .1, I '; i ii, 1 ,lay a» judge 3.0n ('. T. Fggli 11. ! !a\ as jinigi* 3.00 E. L. Mi'chili, 7 ilays reg. 22.26 Salrin Mitchell, janitor 2. In (i. W. Simmons, day as judge . 3.0n l't\ .-ley I 'aimer, I day judge 3,00 I '. n,7 days as ju.lgi- 22.2!' Xonnie La\win, 1 day as judge 3.00 J. 11. Lawsoti, 1 day as door keeper 3.00 Stokes Hardware & Furniture Co., casket for county home Edwards A; Brotighton Printing Co., otlice supplies 44.31 Henderson Caine damage by (log, ... . So on J. I>. Humphreys, attorney's fees . 120.10 •I D. Johnson, 1 day as judge 3.00 J. W. Allen, 1 day as judge 3,0n John Smith, 1 day as door keeper 3.00 K. •. Creakman, 1 day as judge ... 3.00 Robert Moody 5 days as reg. 15.90 J. S. Boyles, 1 day as door keeper 3.00 ('. M. Jones, 1 day as judge . .... 3.00 J. F. Dalton, 1 day as judge 3.00 T. (I. Reynolds, 1 day as judge ........ 3.00 J. H. Carter, 7 days as reg . 22.00 Baxter Fulp, 1 day as judge 3.00 Chester N'eal, 1 day as judge 3.00 S. W. Rierson, 7 days as reg 25.05 D. B. Young, 1 day as judge 3.00 C. S. I'itzer, 1 day as judge 3.00 George W. Hartman, 1 day as door keeper 3.00 Laura Simmons, 1 day as door keeper 3.00 J. L. Christian, 1 day as judge 3.00 G. C. Shelton, 1 day as judge 3.00 P. A. Sheppard, 1 day as judge 3.00 W. P. Ray, 7 days as reg. 21.66 Agnes Smith, 1 day as judge 3.00 Powell East, board of prisoners 64.75 R. S. Collins, 1 day as judge 3.00 F. H. Christian, 1 day as judge 3.00 E. 1). Smith, 7 days as reg. 22.77 J. 11. Brown, 1 day as judge 9.00 Bill Mays, 1 day as door keeper 3,00 J. I). Smith, 1 day as judge 3.00 J. W. Williams, refund on dog tax 1.00 I). S. Reid, refund on dog tax . 1.00 J. C. Hodge, judge ... 0.00 William E. Ellington, 5 days as reg. 16.50 J. 11. N'eal, 1 day as judge 3,00 R. W. Barr, 1 day as judge 3.00 J. T. Bowles, 7 days as reg. . 21.42 J. H. Cromer, 1 day as judge 3.00 S. R. Fulp. 7 days as reg. 22.05 B. F. Pulliam, judge 0.00 Jas. R. Caudle, judge 9.00 W. E. Hartman, 1 day as door keeper 3.00 B. R. Robertson, 1 day as door keeper 3.00 A. M. Shelton, 1 day as juilge 9.00 H. T. Corn, judge G.OO Jessie F. George, judge 3.00 W. M. Martin, judgj 3.oi> I H. !■'. Wright, .ii;i- • ."' ic. R. ("hrist ian. judge . 3.0n i.I. W. I'owier. iiuigi- 3.00 !/. it. M«ran. j in. :».«•!) •i. W. Mil III', ,i . I • }/-| 3.01) \\. .1. Brown, ju.ij.-v ;i.Mi I \\. W. Smith, .iii' u . ;}.«» \\. A. Miiliwiii. .iitdg • . . 3.00 11. ( . (1' >!'(!' 'i ~ u»....... 3.oii i.I. T. Johns in. 7 days us reg. 25.02 (i. W. i'!.ai!i:i. 1 day as judge . 3.(in jH. (i. lVirtv. ! ilay as judge 3.0 i» I 1.. M. .Mi Kenzie, 7 tiays as reg., etc. 21.03 IT. W . Geniry, 1 da\ as judge 3.00 It. (i. Alley, 7 clays as reg. r*. . 22.05 J. 11. Jennings, 7 days as lvg. . 24.15 I'. 11. Robertson. 7 tiays as reg. 23.13 («. IJ. Leake. i ilays as r-.'g. .. 19.26 I'. S. Ross, i days as reg. .... 23.04 S. P. Dearman, 7 days as reg. 22.02 T. M. Smith. 7 days as reg. 27.03 R. M. Covington, 1 days as judge .... ...... 3.00 A. J. Fagg. C. S. ('., salary, etc 158.05 \V. C. Hdw. Co. casket for pauper 15.00 11. C. Mounce, county home expense 212.25 J. F. Dunlap, salary, etc 334.31 J. F. Dunlap, board of prisoners, etc. 567.25 H. F. Wright, serving election otlicials 2.00 Henry Dunlap, 1 still 20.00 Citizens Bank, transportation of notes to N. V 4.24 ! M. (). Jones, 2 days member of Hoard of Flections 6.38 1). H. Carter, 4 days member of Board of Elections 12.00 Mollie Wood, witness fees 13.00 Louvenia Joyce, outside poor 5.00 Lucy Tillev, O. !\ g.oo Sallie Shelton, (). 1' 8.00 Boss Cox, 0. P. 300 Cieo. Gilbert, (). P 300 Laura Murry (). P. gQO Ersie Palmer, (). P., 5 00 Ann Harrison, (). P 4 00 Mrs. Charlie Yates, O. P. 12.50 Mrs. Charlie Mounce, O. P. 2*K) 1 Tom Shelton, O. P. j'qq I M. J. Fagg, witness fees, itc 22.85 Total disbursements for the month of Dec. 1024 $2,628.86 J. JOHN TAYLOR, Register of Deeds. Overman Oppo.- »(_>.; j iii order t> do thor» wurkes justice. To vino - Ymvj»wnfli.'' Wilill ' I~m uU, ' tl - v opposed t«. any 1 axing a „si ti un t „ i,the postal Wr.shinjrton. IV •. Sonatoi j r:ltlN " !1 "'-'Wsnapers, I would be glad Overman i,i today tha" wuile hr l 7 11 ®' u ' r:i * es increased on matra vvas favorable to the proposal t„ | KS il c ® st s the K»vi-riimi-nt from allow postal employee-. im ivased i 1 million dollars to carry pay, hi to tin- ailminis- • t ' u>nl a,u ' they have n.-tlen to be tration plan of colle.-timr the increase j ri ' K , u ' : "' w'bvrtiainjt asrem-ies now from the newspapers by increasing' a " 1 ' l >;, . v higher rates. Ido thi'ir postage rates. I ,i(>l think the newspaper rates, how "I favor reasonable compensation *-hoi;li be in.Tease,l ami 1 don't for the postal workers," said S-.-nator, th,::k l ' on « ri,!iS in.lined to adopt Simmons, but lam opposed to the r - N.w's preposition and 1 know I ; roiX)s..l to assjs.i t!u- newajupi. rs am not.

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