GOOD PROSPKCT FOR Al'TO SALKS OL'snioi'iio .Managers Kiiul I i'less ■ •'! MAi! Soe tii us i f the I'oiuitry. , i .. lu lit g t. Gay H. ' Peasli y. »;• n ral Salt > Manager of Olds M -. ! M h trail; throughout the country the autonn 1 usini-- will Ifur ut■ .the (."arolinas and Georgia iij said Mr. I'ea/Uy. "lotton an.l to bacco crop* are bringing fair prices. 1 "The K!«• !•: ia troiis rn| -'• f.g vg a good t pri e with a fair yield. !:i Soahert; K rtda »«!:»1 ' * building in.ii! way. 1 ::i rial conditions in tii- >al u!:! sti 1 dis tricts • f Ala'-ama. centering :n l'.irnia.gha:::. an good. • tia r 1 -ectiotis fa r. The lumber ::».ia.-try | .if Mis- --it pi -how* -ig 1 :* i f im •, i'i>vi»n'- nt .-•••! :::e planters have hail a god cotton r -p. "hi l\ \a- the appcaran e • ( the hoof at 1 mouth -i.-aso ha- .i' r ' nl business and stringent measures are !>iit:g to stamp it at. \t>o :•> ;• i . • f 1 \as '' '■ lias be n j :i io ■I. i i - ■ . •f thi- - r. ! : '' r a : -!!• t jn. . It. U -• !' \ • N. •• Mi \ at: • • shi i-:i i ''• • • at - , i" ' h Si- •! ' - a , read;. mark- ' a' if- 1 !r. >•>. In alt- r .::: .• g t: f til 1 lit 1 t;t •: mam n t!l. f th. : \t.i• • mat fa-tup-i- ■- • hat goods nr: ■- are .1 h U'Air relatively than raw eo?tot: pr •at. i labor "Sts ha\ • bt-en high. Tho -hoe industry i grailually improving and ■ atlery at: hardwan l.ta- in t'onnc t. ut si: w a gain. "In Ni w V >rk s*ato tho fruit iroo was good with fair prices, but th dairy farmer ■ t renting what ho onsiders a pr f'uble price fur his product. Tho ilathing manu facturing ind;-try "in runnitii# at a boat To pi r ci tit and whili then is •m-iil. rab'.i unemployment in all industtii -. iti in - rovcinetit is looked for mov thut eb tion is ovi r. In I'onnsyh ataa and Ohio, tho ir>• r. and -toii industry is showing a unturn ed improvement at.d there is :t'i in i reuse :n the employ iiient f labor. WHY NOT A REAL GIFT FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY THIS TIME? Wm£ W& "E A FORD CLOSED CAR • [COI'I'H. TI'DOR SEDAN. FORDOR SEDAN.] ** ' # i'LACi: vot r orofr now and wl will dkliyku on ( hristmas morning. OTJIKR At'TO GIFT St GGLSTI ONS: Vats, Meters, Heaters. Chains. Rear View Mirrors. Windshields Wip ers, both electric and automatic. Spare Tire or Set of Tires, Lock Steering Wheel, Set of L-'impers, Spartan Horn. WE WILL INSTALL ANY OF ABOVE OK PAY POSTAGE TO ANY POSTOITICK IN U.S. A. WALNUT COVE MOTORCOi Walnut Cove, N. C. SALES LINCOLN-FORD-FORDSON SERVICE GEO. H. FULTON, Pres. R. T. CHILTON, Sec.-Treas. P. S.—lf you want a good used car at a good price come to see us. -s. ■■ .tie and textil • plants -how ituii.i-id a.tixity. Farm conditions .at g. i att "■ the financial sita.ition • •i-:, i w loans freely •i. i. on i gotK! s* ell 1 t. i" • i . titral States -tri;; !vnit*- liiivi , 4 * ( . . ♦ • ;» i - i't: u!K !• s •• -• a. •• -. - :. v, u! eat i!' ' •■ 1 t" i' atal'.y w stern states. Mining iti Colo . and I tah - l-epi rti i better i than for a number of year* and • i • * • ' aragttig i ' ■•igii t guar ! at:" ■ ased ai tiv;ty. "*'al.f rnia motor .ar dialet- re- ' ~ i j • r a fair winter trade « tally j | n '. "-i-d b.idy types, littiel'a! bti-i- i Iness condition# fair. They have had. Ig i rain-. t'r;;t prici s favorable.' luntber business quiet. In Washing-1 toi: atal t'rigon report- show an im | ; tnil n'i t.t in lumber trade but i nly 1 if i'r general business. All over the untry the sale of i sed ar body j type- show a big increase. 1 "I lids Muti r \V. ? -is :s kei p:::g ;t: i lose tea h with ttii s tuath n a- re-| • gards i'-- d ir.- :t. dealer-' .-toilis. j ar i these -t.'ii\s are much I low the I • • - . :::g pt nion t: an «-\er manufacturing plan will big-j ■g. '• • f ' ti the earl. - r.tlg. :• .;!• r- k- w -II i o 1. w." Time To Use Care W.t'i the h . season i;l fail ' ,-w.r.g amat ii lrut.t-r- should i r a'itioii ula II • hey pi into • : ati L woo,is f game. UIH •( tin "ini: Iti -• if a i idelits is caused dragging a gui. through a f- n by tile barrel. Another one is caused ty throwing a loaded gun into an iUto or a buggy, or knocking it i down when it leaning against at wiel. Shooting at a noise in the j bashes is a dangerous practice, and tie that has ri suited in the injury • f many hunters or the wounding of -ton that represents good money to • he man on whose premises you are hunting. arrying the gun over the -'houlder with the barrel pointing 'ba.K, instead of carrying it through the crook of the arm with the barrel trained on the ground is another bit of carelessness that should be avoid- i ed. Subscribe to The Reporter THE DANBURY REPORTER 15. 1)1 l\K CMYKS SHMMMMHU)' IOK Kl>l ( ATION. CHI'UCH AM) I'HAUITY. i 1 from page I. > g.-tlt and e»tn:-vdinart necessity: and I r i|tiest to the Tu-'e s to si' to it 'hat ..!! times ti:--e companies be managed and operated by :h. 'i ' c-; .;•«!!•" i for - t.-h a -i --"i have - t- i I' -.e univer-it;. ' as ont if the principal objects of ti. - l ist i'ec.i iv I re "gnize ti.;. - iu at:, n. W • .IN:,:. ted :•! :IL' -atie a: i I r:u ' al. ..s oppose.! to • iogaiatii and ti. • rtti a! lines :s lit Nt to religion, the greatest civiliz ing itiflien. c. 1 i that .ti;* m*tlt• • «ectire for its Ottinrs. trt:.-t - and faculty men if -:ah otit-t. .g . haracter, ai'ility and :>>'i will n.sure its attaining a'..! • ' tir. ng a place of Pal ; U;..ii i.-'. . .ii th-. i ;.i. ational world. I ai d tn ■ giva* care and di»crimina- j t.oll a:. : a; l.i at'on evincing a wia U-i me and r. al ambition for life. I advice that the .ourse at this institution be arranged, tir.-:. with' special reference to the training of 1 preacht r», teat hers, law yers and ph\sici.'ti.s. because these are most in tile j iblic eye, and by precept and ' xanij'le can do most to uplift mank-.nd. and. second, to instruction' :n cleinistr\. economies and history. ■ -p! . .:. 11\ till lives of tile great of earth. ' - au-e I believe that stii ii t> will most help to develop eur rt-ourct -. itiereasi our wisdom and promo!-- I.iman happinc.-s. •'I have - led hospital* a' a •t.- r ■ f !he print i( a! o! .-its of th - trust -'c. ausi 1 n -ogni; e that tilt ..v. i 'i-io i tii- iiahsj i n.-ible i»i~r it i- . tiojis. f...t . I \ way of ministering • I tile . 'II .-f till sick but in in •••e is. rtr • tli'-ii ncj of mankind and prolonging human life. Th-- ad ai:c" the scion e of niediciiii crow .iig 'tit "f discoveries, su ii as :n the tield -f bacteriology, chemis try and physics, and growing out of inventions such as the x-ray appara tus. make hospital facilities essen tial for obtaining the best results in the practice of medicine and stir- I gery. So worthy do 1 deem the catlse and so great do I deem the' need that I very much hope that the people will see to it that adequate and convenient hospitals are assured m their respective communities, with especial reference to those who are ' unable to defray such expenses of their own. "1 have included orphans in an effort to help those who are most unable to help themselves, a worthy 1 cause, productive of truly beneficial j J results in which all good citizens | should have an abiding interest. While in my opinion nothing can take tl.c place of a homo and its influcnci s. every tffirt should ho mailo to safeguard and develop these wan is t.f society. "Ami. lastly. 1 haw made provis ion fur what I • .oisidfr a vt-ry fer tile a.ul :ii;> ;! ru glected field for :IM ful i. !»• i. R. ! >.■ •us 1 ;>. nauuiy, ♦ assisting l.y way • supjxirt and m:.,ai . tW a?«- where til' hai •I' tile family thi• lyrii de toti'.vx 1..- iiff to tiif religious service i'f his fellow moil and has been un able to ;a cumulate for his declining yt'ars and fir widow and children, and assisting in th- building and maintenance of churches in rtiral distiicts whore thf people art' not able to do this propi-rly for them selves, believing that sueh a poli os ion system is a just tall which will j secure a better grade of service and •that t!u nun and women if these rural districts will amply respond to such assistance to them, not to mcii- Ition our own Christian duty reirard- I less of such results. Indeed, my I observation and the liroad expanse of our territory make me believe it is to these rural districts that we are to loek in larire measure for bono and sinew of our country, i "From the foregoing it will lie -iet! that I hi:*.. endeavored to make provision i:i some measure for the lit. ds of mankind alone physical, mental an i spiritual lines, largely i untitling the donations to those : ons : erved by these water pow • r developments. I might have ex tended this aid to oih'-r clinritaMe ob'( and > other sc tiuti*. but i::y opinion that so doing wo.ll nrobablj be pi'odut t e of |.-• goiiil b\ reason of attempting ' " 11:'1 11. I th I' fore urg the tr.istei to . k t.i administer well the tru-t hereby lotn.oitted to tin-in within the limits -ot. and to this t'tld that at least at one meeting each year tir- inden ture lie r.-ad to the asst'iul led trus tees." Stokes Man Wore Coat Over 40 Years Winston-Salem, Dec. it. A si:» overcoat has been wo in every winter for the past forty-four years by I!. !•'. A. Maker, prosperous farmer of Stokes county, according to a sworn statement by Mr. Hakcr who resides on (Jermanton Route 1. The overcoat was purchased at a ■ local clothing store in the fall of , IHM when Mr. Baker was Is years jof age. lie is now 02. SPECIAL NOTICES ! If you have a threshing machine, a si cam en "inc. a milch cow, a mule or anything imaginable to sell let a little ad in the columns lie low find you a haver. On the other hand, if you want to buy anything or if you have lost anything let an ad find it for you. The Reporter wants this little department used freely and it will be of great beneiit to our patrons. >ooooooooooooooooo SCRAP TOBACCO WANTED —We will pay market price for ;iII scrap tobacco and leaves. Deliver to our factory, corner 12th and Oak streets. Winston Leaf Tobacco & Storage Co.. Winston-Salem. N. C. lOdectw WANTED Large roller top desk, in good condition. State price wanted and condition of desk when writing. Address. Buyer. care Dan bury Reporter. Danbury. X. C. 10dec4w Z'OR SALE—One J. B. Colt acetyline gjis light plant at real bargain. Plant has fix tures and other necessary equipment. See or write E. I*. Pepper at Danbury. tf WHEAT WANTED—We will pay ,Sl.>(» per bushel cash for good wheat delivered at our mill. Any quantity from one bushel up. Danbury Roller Mills. Danbury, N. C. tf //"•» CHRISTMAS WHOLE / '•'. II / n | FAMILY L* a THE BOYLES CO., KING, N. C. I(U NO—V nice Collie. Right ful owner please call for dog and pay for ad. R. R. RIN(i. Danbury. N. C. lw FOR SALE IDEAL HOME site, lti acres in the corporate limits of Walnut Cove, all open and ready for cultivation. A line location for a nice home. A splendid investment for the speculator. See JAMES W. MANTEL or WALNUT COVE REALTY CO.. Walnut Cove. N. C. lw AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING— Guaranteed first-class repair work done on all makes of cars, day or night. Parts, oils. etc.. carried in stock. DANBURY * SERVICE CO.. Danburv, N. C. 1 tided f LAND POSTERS—Printed on good card board. 25c. do/.en at Danbury Reporter oflice.

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