DANBURY ual'MK Volume LI. STOKES HAS 2497 AUTOMOBILES License Bureau Report Shows MO;',.'{B2 Autos in State; Graham Trails Guilford v County Has 17,775. Approximate figures mailt l public \ yesterday l>y the automobile license i bureau «>f the department of State (five a tual of 1)0",.'!52 ears licensed in the State of North Carolina, litiil ford, with 17,77~> automobiles, leads I a'l other counties while Graham i vvith only 7"», trails the list. The | ligurcs are to December 1, l!>2l s Other counUes showing a large number of cars are; Mecklenburg, 1 1,71 Forsyth, 12.157; Wake 11,-1 1 I", and Buncombe, 0,1128. Number l.'jnniuncc 4is7' I Alexander 1 I ' Alleghany 11 Ml | Anson > Ashe 7s:t Avery I Keaufi.rt 2H02 Untie 2515.V , lilad.'ii y 12U' i Brunswick 75H Buncombe 9328 | Burke 21011 Carbarrus 12.H 1 - Caldwell H'j'J Camden Kill Carteret 710 ( aswcll 1»65 Catawba li r >2o Chatham 2020 Cherokee C. j Chowan 1884 Clay 1771 Cleveland 1021 ' Columbus IKI2 Craven 2701 Cumberland 407(5 Currituck 782 Hare 134 Davidson 51M0 Davie 2712 Duplin 2712 Durham Kdgceom'u • .>3l'! Forsyth 121*7 Franklin 2IOi tiis-ton 77sc» aV - lo.w :i.. till > •' liranvi'le 200.) llr.cne I ,;v -' liuilford ' • 7.7 lllifax 1700 il.irilett OUT!' llaywood lit talcrsen 220: i Hertford Is 12 11t.1.e 1»> «7 Hule :521» liedtll Jackson ' 1" Johnston tils.s Jones Lee is 12 l.enoir .'s.">ol Lincoln 2742 McDowell 1151 Macon 400 Martin .... 1787 Mitchell 253 Montgomery 11*10 Moore 3428 Nash 6411 !New Hanover 4652 Northampton 2255 Orange 2155 Pamlico 563 Pasquotank 2130 I'ender 1>54 , Perquimans 1102 • Person 1714 I'itt 5856 l'olk 783 Randolph 4236 Richmond 3550 Kobeson 4021 .Rockingham 5656 Kowan 7614 Rutherford 3425 Sampson 3770 Scotland 1885 Stanley 3158 Stokes 2497 Surry 3354 Swain 410 Transylvania 785 Tyrell 347 Yan.c 2L>5 Vance 215.) Wake 11 1 10 Warren ' l 3B Washington 1 (, 78 Watauga 687 Wayne 5230 Wilkes 1050 Wilson 5870 Yadkin 1763 Yancey 261 Resident 131>6 STATE WILL ISSUE HIGHWAY BONDS If It Hurts, Then Short-Term Notes Will Be Used Miss Harriot Berry Finds Major ity Fur Bonds. ! Rnleigh, Dec. 17.- Rend sellers land bond buyers who had tried to j keep North Carolina still for a few ; weeks so that there will be no un due agitation admit that the plan of silence has failed and it might as I well lie said now as any time that | !h" next general assembly will issue I the necessary road bonds and if the i thing hurts the short term notes will ; lie used. 11l deference to tile wishes of the New Vorkers th" state higbwiy coinnt'ssion, which favors continua tion of the constru'.'tiun work, had taken no a Lion as to issuing more J serial bonds. When the commission i adjourned last week it decided not 10 ask for 1 h«' $35,000,000 now. This was purely a concession In the New Yorkers who have been buying the state's bonds and paying good prices for them. However, the commission )is aid • to show that the state can j finance more bonds by a small in | crease in the tax on gasoline and it is regarded a virtual certainty that j the (iotham financiers will not dis courage the selling of more bonds if the financing appears to he simple. Hut at that, the state otlicials de sired a minimum of They thought that under any condition it would be better not to discuss big finance so long as the buyers of state paper felt it wise not to agi tate. Hut the failure of the commis sion to pass any resolution regarding furthi r road construction frighten ed lot? of fellows and they have done :i great deal of talking. Statesmen abon: Raleigh just assume that the legislature will go ahead and author ize the bonds, leaving to the ..•oun cil of slate the discretion that it al ways has had. If it is foolish to throw bonds on a glutted market .here v.ill br no effort to do ?n and short term notes wdl be used. Pciiiil;' Favor The Bonds "I hi\e l-een e.oi.i;' all over North ' i>..|in:i." Mi s Harriet Kerry si..l "ley. "and the foil-:- are for lb '> .ti.Js f r road Tlr \ ju.-t wished 11 ith nr -aid about it. *i "ii can .-ay i'ml tii" general ,i -i oibly v.di pas >l;. iv-a and that it ii'ver though! doing JUiythiii;r els.'." Miss iJerry pr' l aldj rank- all road booster: and .ireliminary builders, manufacturers >f sentiment. She was for the lifty I iiiilli issue of originial bonds and was a member of the commission w'aich studied the details of such all issue. There was not the shadow of a possibility for the big issue with the intelligent details furnished by the good roads organization. It set itself against the governor's county maintenance plans and sent his scheme to the scrap heap. It set the champions by the ears, but county maintenance forever went out of slate mind. Likewise the revenue raisers defeated the flat income tax scheme of the governor, thereby giv ing to the revenue department anoth er annual million which hail been lost. Put the governor led finely for all that. To make the state mach inery go it required jazz and juice. His excellency supplying the jazz did an everlastingly fine job for the state. There is now a conflict of jazz and juice. The state is having difficulty propelling itself on its i present power and that is the trouble. ! Isut Miss Berry does not think of moving on the roads. She goes about quite a good deal and when (she leaves North Carolina and its 17 cent gas and hard roads l'or \ ir g.nia's 20-eent stuff and the mud, 1 she sees that North Carolina van easily stand another issue. Sh • has i hid a deal to do w in inflatory legislators but she hn; n>> I'celi.g that there is tit ugh sent it ic'il m the assembly to bloc; :iy road ; »"■•- 1 gram. The whole purio.- •. f iccei.t I inaction has been '. • kivi dc.vii pub lic clamor that there will b - n i jam on th • bond market. An I as that his caused mor» i M'citv than t ny other course T il.'.'l h'l'c I.ITV, 'HE I I just ups and snys ss she, tU.i' i I North Carolina is going to issue I those IHJIHIS and there will lie no em i barrassment about selljng them. The state knows how to handle its road I finances. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday, Dec. 21, 1921 TOBACCO GROWERS PLAN 4 PAY DAYS Settlements On Old Stocks of Tobacco To Be Followed By Payments On Grades Quarterly Statements To Be Made. Pay day fir lobar:o coops in the Carolina* and Virginia v.ill tome four times a year in addition to the substantial cash advances which members of the' marketing associa tion for tobacco are now receiving for their deliveries. This announce ment was made at the monthly nieet ■ng of the directors of the Tohacm ; rowers Co-operative Association it Raleigh on December 1 •«. Quarterly statements will be made '.•j the associated tobacco farmers showing ihe stocks of th dr tobacco in hand. Instead of waiting for the sale of a large proportion of the •ntiro pool, the members of the big •i-operative will receive full pay ment first for thos • delivi ries to heir association which have sold uost readily, according to the .state ment of their directors, whose an 'louncement to the membership of •6,000 tobacco farmers in the asso ciation, follows: "At the regular December meet ing of hoard of directors of Tohao ■o (irowcrs Co-operative Association held at Raleigh on December 16, 1021, the board directed 1. That settlement for the 11122 mil 1023 Kastern North Carolina •rops be made as early as the cal il lations now in progress can be com pleted; 2. That final settlement for the old belt North Carolina and Vir ginia 1022 crops, except for the four grades unsold, be made as early as -alculations can be completed; 3. That after these settlements have been made, tlv association make quarterly settlements to its a.'tubers showing stocks of tobacco >ii hand and that it make quarterly payments, which payments shall be trictly by grade and shull be in ac ordan.'c with the condition of each nude peol oil the regular ijuaiteil.s lay. This ad ion by the board m.aii 'lei in i:n alices where particular •■•a It—-. .1 disposed i the member.- id \cr llio.-e grade wII r ci ivi i n - on tll->lli witlo'.it wai:.llg .', i- :ii . ..Ii of tie i ;ii if" ir >p with n il.nt I. ' I ool." An i '.lra foice i' l ' v,i'-.ktr> will h • mployiii at tie ol.i cs of the tobne o association in Riihmond in order :hiit pa>.aeiits to the member- may 'ie made at the earliest pos able date. More than live million pounds of loba-.vo reticheM the association warehouses in North Carolina and Virginia during the week , ending December 13 and increasing receipts are looked for this week by associa tion otlicials. Musical Comedy At Walnut Cove Walnut Cove, Dec. 2.l.—At Walnut ' Cove school auditorium on Wednes day night, December HI, at 7:30, I Pilot Mountain high school will ; render an operatic musical comedy j in three acts, entitled, "Miss Cherry | Blossom." This splendid programme has recently been staged in Pilot I Mountain with great success and those who attended the play were delighted and highly pleased with the entertainment. The proceeds will be divided between the Pilot Teachers Association of the Pilot Mountain and Walnut high schools anil the publi:' is most cordially in vited to attend and enjoy a pleasant ! evening ml to aid these worthy and benefit ial organiztions. Cost Something" To Keep Dry • western paper is predici ;e. ;• thai i! will cost .>20.000.000 to r, tn t oiled Stales «11v in V.'2'i.' •, i'i! -"i a''.eit th: city hall yes t, i-.iay. "it i t the cost that both , i-> I ii. I Sam, but th • jue-tion thai j won't I'.o'.vn at his bidd ag, and that (is, !i .a with that am umt can it i ! tlo'le." K\ There i.- no ex u.-e for the poultry |: ot hav ng green food during win j ter in this climate, say poultry specialists of State College. Sprout ed oats will help if no green feed is ' growing on the farm. McGIRT.THINKS PROGRAM IS SAFE ' Wilmington Man Satisfied That j Legislature Will Act Favor ably On Appropriation. Wilmington, Dec. 17. When ask"d j for his opinion regarding the proh- ! ability of an additional bond issue ' by the state of North t'urolina in • th" sum of 53.•»,000,in it i for continu ; • | ing th" state highway program, W. I i A. Metiirt, commissioner, of the • third district, stated "that he could j r not say what the next gem nil as- j ■. > mbly would do, but was i f the | - opinion that there would le further) 1 I applopriatiolis for roads. The en-j i I tire matter rests with the pr.vrni.r --i l 'et and the 102"i general asseinblj 'I and I b lieve they will be favorably ! | in.'lined towards a coiitinualion of | | the good I'oadH program, provided lit can he financed," said the district • j commissioner. "I have no idea how (I much additional l oads will be author ' ized, if any, but 1 can see no possible > j objection to the authorization of I ! additional bonds as loiitt as gasoline -1 and automobile tax are ndei|uaete to I pay interests, provide a sinking fund, r and fund sufficient to maintain the ■ state system. LEOPARD STONE i FOUND IN DAVIE CO. One of Geological Wonders of World Discovered Near Fork i Church. Thoninsville, Dec. 20. Hearing of , a thing or place is ipiit" different | . from seeing that thing or place with; r one's own seeing appliances, whether) it be by one's own natural vision or i by microscopic, or even telecopic s view, as was clearly demonstrated i jjnn evening recently in the experi-j s I ien.*e of a number of Thomasville ,jcitizens, when a motor trip was made i ,i to Fork church and out about a! . mile to the Peter llairston farm, i . 'wh i ■ i- located what might be term , d ■ i" of lite ideological w iii.i 'i's of | . fid ' all' I ill geel'igieal terms. | . ''orbicular gabhrodiorite." the only 1 ~'known t'eposil if th" k ! nd in tin] . I. Tin >e t. mi s arc .-.-'id to in an j •. com'lei 1 "round, L.'l'ecn ' , ..niiii really there tire in order-: i !\ (■ liii n roitn i. gr eu spots thru iii • imb !de:l stone, as well as in ti' . out stand in-: boulders lying I ik slee,i-j . leotards over the hi! . The i.'.one ; t ha? bun tiler,fori named the loop-, L- aid stone. i. A .-irong compar.y has been , f form'."! with headnuarters at Salis- ; I ury to operate the quarry under ,1 th - name of the American Leopard r Stoii" Corporation and it is said that s the supply is sufficient to keep an . army of hands employed for fifty years and possibly for five times that length of time, as the survey of the grounds covers from 15 to 2f> acres. Killed Wife For I Destroingr His Liquor '• Ashcville, Dec. 21. K/.ar l.edford ' shot and killed his wife tin Shooting y creek, in Clay county, Saturday af y ternoon. l " Saying that he believed he would '- take his shotgun to work with him, ' i l.edford took it off the wall, it is said, l ' i and took aim and shot his wife in the II j back of the neck, breaking her neck. s i She died almost instantly. 1 I The immediate cause of the H trouble, it is understood, was Mrs. s j Ledford's having destroyed some i " I whiskey brought home by Ix-dford. I 1 They had formerly had difficulty, it ' is stated. Mrs. Lcdford is under ] stood to have been in a delicate state I of health. l.edford rushed out of the house j after shooting his wife, pursued ..with the gun by his wife's brother, | who was piesenl. Leiifon! got away, j however, and was caught by Joiin a ! Tiger about a mile front tlv- s "lie of | the shoot it: Hi w.w turned over - to tin sh r.sl' and taken to Hayes • . lie. wh> n it" i: now iii jail. t ' iiufus 1 hvens Tried Here This \Ve;-k liufus Ow, .is was gi\iii a hearing : here this V.I .K before Justice N. A. y i Martin oil the charge of i>saaltitlg i- i Unfits Collins. Owens wtis lined .'Jltt y and the co.-i in this case, and was - | bund over to Superior Court in a s i bond of S2OO oil the charge of assault |mi Moses t'ldlcn. F. L. FOWLER PASSES AWAY ! Prominent Citizen Of Kinjjf Community Dies After 111- I ness Of One Day. King, N. C„ December 22. ) Mr. I'. 1,. I'owler, a farmer of King Untile 2. was taki n sick Satur- j • lay miirniie; and died Sunday morn • ng at i Io i,. 1' iiiieral M-rvie s i | ondui tnl .M,niiilay :.i 2 o'clo-k at lit. olive church by l„ W. Hurros. lb leave- a W.f", •*) chiblreil, several; brothers ai' I - i : r and a host "f i' laiives and frieii l- i i mourn their ) I'---. Mr. l'*owl"r wis ..'! years of |I G ■. Mr. I owl r v.. 1- A MI c. >.-fu| I f-il ill •!• by which h ■ :.i • ■.ii.i'ated !i lot of property. II • h i a!- ■ been i vreai heiji t the wants of his oli 111 ry. Tile people of this section enjoyed tin nice entertainment given l j the i King high school at King Ii. 1 Friday) Mr. •il. Iloyle.-, a merchant of i'inuacle Uollte is ill fu el health ill j this writing. U. K. and his force are greasing I iin :r guns for the rabbit raid which A if! take place In At Week. S( UlllliLKU. IS PAID TOBACCO GROWERS I Local Auction Market Has Soldi 20,81(5,502 Pounds So Far This Season Season Aver-' age 52:1.10. Winston-Salem, Dec. 22. A total jof 2li,K-1i;..-,i'2 pounds of tobacco has I i been sold on the local market during! j t lie present season, ae. ording lo a! ! report compiled this morning by I Major T. Ilynuni, supervisor of ' sales. This iimoiini brought the i jown-er- the >:11n of sil."uii,.si>2.."i 1, or li'ii average ..f a linle more than ; ?'2H. I'i per hundred potiu 1.-. i The ;;ii. ton hoiisi v eh - d Friday I for the Christmas holiday . and j Major !!ynuiii'> ri 0t.!,. -iiev. that • ailing the r,n.nth of De ember the j sal s a;a um I to il..'ls.s.a; pounds , .vili. I. I rouei.' a I '.al of .l.l'M.- 1 L'. |S II Th N irl.T will I" I II I.n j.lami.iiy ii. Stoices Of Its Sj>iriis i'ermenti 1 "Th ■ 1. :■ 11y i.nd other ■ 1 -It-ii 1 ) ofibers ac" de.-troying all of the good anil u ::;i lii|Uor in St s • county and it now seems pietty ii liaia I hiit those who wish to pro vide tlielliseho « til it little for | Christmas will have to seek other sources of supply." So declared one j of Danbury'.- leading citizens, who ; was here today making some pur chases for his tots for Santa Claus. : : Marriage Licenses Recently Issued j Register of Deeds J. John Taylor I has issued marriage license during j the past few days to the following named couples: Artha 1). Shore to Minnie Ann Payne. Hasscl Hawkins to Ruth Priddy. Peter Hillard to Sadie Marie; Lawson. Odcll Ferguson to Ruth Bowles. | Verona (i. Tuttle to Nonnie Tuttlc. Clarence (Jray to Sallie llairston, (col.) Win. Jones Carter to Vera Lou' i Berry. Royal J. Spainhower to Grace ! Voss. | Robert Harris to Frank Fulk. : (col. I j Welch to Ollie May Cole. ) Claud C. Cox to Vcrda Fulk. j John M. Holes to llallic Darnell. Placed Under Bonds For Hearing Jan. I i hi'ilic \\ .".'.'oner ami I'lifus .an-! jCrai.s Sheppard were pland under : to oi'itry bund- of s' .lli ea-. ii b\ ■1 \. A. Mi. ft iii th l .- w.-.-k ; . lid - . . a lu a tig on January :»»! on the ilc.rge of viidating the ,'rol.ib ia n law -. They w i'iv art i * d bj j i. i . ml edict r> iu IV'ter.- Creek to\v llslliji. • i It's time to prune and spray now. i Prune the trees lightly with a view i to thinning properly instead of eut : ting back heavily, is the proper way ! to- handle the up; le trees. No. 2,750 GALLOWAY FARMS SOLD ON MONDAY One In Rockingham County Broujrht $58,000: Stokes Lands Also Sold. Madison. Doe. ix. Kagle Falls farm, one of the largest and most j historic homesteads in the county, was Mil 1 at miction .Monday for the i purpose nf winding up the J. M..Gal loway estate, of whi-h il was a part. Th total sale price was approxi : mutely s">s"on, th" farm having l> • n nit up into small tra.'ts. It ' oiitaitied alit i! 1 nit a r s. much of j it lieinst vet > f« rtik', ,S mi ■ of the prin. ip'il layers were I nil; a! .. Jo.' artor, John Moore : nd liurl I'araks, all nf near Went >vorlli: W. A. M I'olluin, ,1. 1„ IK ji'oiluni, 11. \. Minford, i'. I*', ilnynes, I. ii. Wilson. II I). 1 lye, .Ji hn A. i' 'r ■ i h, of thi.- county. "I'll" lloway pi.ip, rtv in Madi | sua wa sold Tuesday and brought j approximat I; .-17.0011. This con sisted if th Galloway hoim- place lan l numerous lots and small houses. 'On Wtdii - lay about 2.000 acres of ! irood farm land belonging to the ; iimi" estate, in Stoic s county, was 1 sold leit the pri e was not ascer |tauvd. All this property belonged |to the late J. M. Galloway, of I Greensboro, who was the biggest land owner in ;his section of the j state. All sales are subject to court 1 confirmation. I RAILKY BROS. TRIAL ! SET FOR JANUARY j i Forty-Four Defendants Are In vnlved and Trial Will Probab ly Take Several Weeks. Greensboro, 1 > -c. IS.—After three jioiitimiDU* v.i i k.- of federal court, during whit h n ortls win- set for the .trial "f both criminal and civil ac tion-. .Indue 11. Yates Webb adjourn ed the lUited States court for the w st-rn district of North Carolina hct" this morning. Juror- won notified to return for ' -cl" .ii i at the .u i lal term begin ni'i.- J irr.l,.l} _'il. v. hen [he Ha ley lirethers .!-• , i'i whi ii th r.e arc ; 1 lefi "dan; , will n ted. Judjre Wi bil Stat ! that .live v pi. b -1 ably •\. 11 i i i' i| i'r> I to '.pleu th tl'!M~. t'fti ;a' atil slock .-ale.-'i r. of l!a ! \ llioue i 1n... Ww.-ton- Sai m to!i„i n niatiufa •;ur:i>:r >n cern are under indictment charging wrongful u.-e of til • muds. An at tempt to delay trial made three w ks ago was frustrated when a ■aw indictment was secured by Dis trict Attorney Frank A. Linney. LARGER ACREAGE j IN WINTER WHEAT 42,317,000 Acres Sown, Which ; Is 6.5 Per Cent More Than j In Fall of 1923. Washington, Dec. 18 Winter wheat was sown this fall on 42,317,- 000 acres, which is 6.5 per cent more than the revised estimate of 39,749,- 000 acres sown in the fall of 1923 • the Department of Agriculture an- I nounced today. i The condition of winter wheat on December 1 was 81.0 per cent of a normal compared with 88.0 on De cember 1 last year, 79.."> in 1922, and I 85.6, the year averape on December 1. Winter damage during the last ten years has caused an average abandonment of 10.ii per cent of the j acreage sown. the abandonment j ranging from 1.1 to 28.9 per cent | in the different years. The area sown to rye this fall is ! 1.206,0ii0 acres, which at .s per cent | more than the revised estimate of I.l7'i.iMiu a. ves sown in the fall of * 1:i23.* The condition of rye en D comber ! v. as ST.'! per i "it of a norma!, compared with 89.0n Di - ' ceiiib.r it' la.-t year, 8 1.3 n 12'..'. and ! i'i ■ t. n ye irs a,, rag . 'I he a rave of w>u r w' at and ' the 'i n sit on o tb cm; on Decern 1 I"-:' I ill t!ie pf'JK ipi 1 n.thorn pro ducing st.r were: Maryland ■ .-.73.000 a.'l'es all ' 83 per cent of a normal: Virginia si 1,000 and ■>!>: North Carolina 467,0(10 and . South Carolina 123.000 and 81; Georgia 129,0(10 and S5; Tennes - see 131,000 and 79; Alabama 11,000 ; and 70; Mississippi 4,000 and 70; | Arkansas 63,000 and 81.

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