Volume LI. NEWS NOTES I FROM KING Fire Destroys Residence —Reid I Jones To Build New Home— Real Kstate Changes Hands. King. Jan. lib—Mr. F.rnest Hen-1 drix made a business trip to Win- j I ston-Salem today. I' Mr. J. Allen Cook, who suffered j a stroke of paralysis at his home in Woodland Heights last week, shows i nliglit improvement, we are glad toll note. '' An old time tiddlers convention , t will be held here Saturday, Jan. 21, 7:11(1 o'clock p. m. in the Theater ' f buililing on Depot St. ( I An eight-room dwelling belonging ' to Mr. J. Wilson Mitchell and locate- ' ed just west of town was destroyed ' by lire Saturday night about eight 1 o'clock. The building was vacant at • the time, Ii is thought that the lire iniiL'iniit'd fioin a lire in nil open tire •' place \ii : 'h soiii" tenants li.ul during ' the day while stripping tobacco iu \ \liii• rt Hutebins, i f Winston ''i , 'it Sunday with Ins parents 1 mi Fast Main Stivot. ,\i . •.11 ,\|r.., I. S, lloyles, of Wain it Cove, were among the visi toi ie Sunday. R. .. I a ill ib't'imill NeWMilil filled bis ri Ktdar appointnieiit at Mount Ait ■' Sunday. I'eoide of tlie Antioch neiglibor hood r.a.e a nit • iliniier to the con victs . iio are building a new top .noil road throiigli that community last Wi dnesday. A minister who is , doing time on the road made a nice I little t ilk expressing their apprecia- j tion for tlie nice dinner. Mr. J. S. Ilix, of (ireensboro, is among the business visitors here to day. Mr. A. S. Holes, of Washington, D. C. is spending a few days with his puruits here. Mr. It "i d Jones, of Winston-Salem,, has let the contract to Mr. liattcn Fatten I'or the erection of a new six-' room dwelling mi Fast Main Street.! \ Won* to be commenced at oin o. Mr. I'. -I. Caudle and family, of Win ton- altm. . pent Sunday with rclati> here. . Mr . W. Southern of (e rmautoii. R. i. ii. No. I, has purchased from I . I'. ,\i Ksuni a house and lot on i'ulliam Str.-et and will move lu family In re. Mr. S. W . I'ulliam has pur. based fin in Mr. I. tj. New two nice lots in I'ilot View, consideration not i known. Rev. Joe Hall, of Mount Airy, lill- ' ed his legular appointment at the Itaptist (liurch here Sunday. REYNOLDS BUYS Ml'Cll TOBACCO Second Fifty Million Pounds Is I'lnvliascd From Co-Ops Of Bui ley Asocial ion. I.i vingio'i, Uy„ Jan. 17. The Miciai'l ii" of .Mi.tiiiii,nmi pounds from ti • P.' 2 I crop of the R. J. Rey nold. I'i'm o ci'iti|ian,> by tin loir It-, i (i (ir«»v»' i.-' I'lHipi'riitivi' . .i• • i,. , n, \.a aniieiinceil In ie late Ye.it' . 1..' Ie ,|, S one, pn .'l' fit and ." Hi 1.11 matiiigei of the a u-ia • i tion. ihe ju ice was not aniiouiii iI. Killing* Bi.tr Ho.us Ac Summerfield Mr. F.ditor: I hand you herewith a record of the hogi killed for meat within a radius, of 1 mile of my home: (). M. Rennett weighing respec tively i!O2, |.*io, !!l"i, J. P. Slu'llield weighing Hit), HiT, 21(1. C. W, Vernon I weighing 117. J. W. Dison !! weighing '177, 300, K. D. Stanley II weighing -132, 102, 370. li. 1.. Forbes 1 weighing 3HO. 11. 11. Stiader 2 weighing 133, 100. .Jno. Lewis 2 weighing 111, 102. .1. R Alcorn 2 weighing 110, 110. ('. C. IVarman I weighing .'ISO. Mrs. Carry Tructt 1 weighing 370. Albert Moore 2 weighing 315, 325. J. C. Carter 1 weighing 345. J. A. Wilson 2 weighing 350, 275. .Speed Ma be I weighing 5(15. Dink Carter 3 weighing 285, 315, Lar.i. " K. L. Scott 2 weighing 215, 205. t). M. IIKNNKTT, Summ.rticld, N. C. M'LEAN TO HALT PARDON GIVING New Governor Announces He Will Hear Only Important] Cases*. Raleigh, •Inn. 17. —Governor Mo-j Lean, now in the pros* of a situa-. (ion that comes to a governor only unee and which claims his un divided thought that of determin ing upon and studying sys tems under which the state must operate' during his term of office today indicated that he probably i would adopt a rule to hear no pardon j applications except the most urgent ! ones and pleas involving life and death, until after the general assent-, lily adjourns. "I have about reached the con-■ elusion that this course is neces sary," lie stated. "Otherwise I fear I will l>e swamped with iippß'til ions | .••'id il would lie utterly impossible at 1 i . ilii-. Ma ire "I my niloiinistrntion fori me to give them the time ard thought , it. •• e iiv. I am busy studying tin ■ |>• >|i- j an ! f 'riiiul.it ing m,\ HWII peiicie . " \ I have !'iv .oiisly stated I am gohg ('• ask I lie legislature for Millie lel I f 111 illg I lli • line." I', , ilid not, however, i»o into the t detail of the plan lie had in mind. Tlie n. w governor lias been ipioted | fiem tillif to time as favoring the| appointment of a pardon attorney | or sollle other person to net cases ia{ shape for action of the most ddlnite I sort before they are presented to him. Motorists Vote On Proposed New Laws Sentiment against the repeal of the North Carolina railroad "stop law" is revealed in answers to qucs tionnaii'es sent out by the Carolina i Motor club. i Other sentiment as revealed by ! ibe ballots i.. for a system of uni formed con-iabulatoiy to patrol the htghways; for regulation of size, I .-need and ■■cliediili'H of lnu«-e ; anil for change of the speed limit from i'ln to 35 mile an hour. I llallot were r.. .e,| from 100 .lumber of the iln •. They show: lor i liailge in spe. d limit to !!•> mil' an hour, again- 1. !!.'•. lor State constabulary, KM; ' jisr.iiii.-1. I. ] I'or requirement that mot'i' velii • ili owners carry liability and casu | tilty iiiMirtnu'c, !••">: against, P. (•.For regulation of busses, I "7; against, 2. Kor two stat;' numbers on motor vehicles, 72; against, 35. lor law providing colored light on left hand side of hotve drawn vehicles at night, '.'l; against, 12. j For reduction in license fees, »-; I against, 2".. ! For state in p-etioii i f lights and i brakes, P.'t; against P. For bill to aim ml >t "P law i ' iipoly where tin ie ari over four 11 iin daily, against, in. I I'or title law lo evc'ld t i apply ! to • riiclis, 7'!; ngaimt, I"'. For iiiii .'i ma!.'.' it'd - ..' fid bicy ■ list - ni"' 11■> in'' hing on c .motor vehi lis, Itil; against 3, i For bill ici|tiiring motor while ito ha'." rear viiw mirror, 7".; neaiiHt ' :i. j For bill to rei|iiire erection "I I' d: ial and standard sped signs i'-i against, P. Allliitlon.al ballots are pouring ii ' and being tabulated.' The enterprising mercantile lira of IJovb s Co. at King will conducl a bin 1 pro-inventory sale of merchan dise beginning .'an. 22nd, and durinu ibis sale tiny are Hitting pri cs ti the very bottom. Play At Francisco 'j A pi i.v, "Deacon Dubbs," will •>, presented at the * Francis o higi ' i school, Stokes county, by member: |of the student body on Wodnesda; ' evening, January 2S. The public i: cordially invited to lie present. Tom Tarheel says he knows nov j why the old folks believed that find ! ing a four-leaf clover was lucky Anybody is lucky who grows clove on the farm. , 11 would be a godsend to our conn try if every child Hi or IS years ol could have enough steady work t form habits of industry instead o . habits of idleness. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday, Jan. 21, 1925 MAIL SERVICE BAD , TO SANDY RIDGE ( Coultl Be Made Good Simply! R.v Exchange Of Mail By j Carriers On Sandy Ridge and] Danbury Routes. j Mail service between Danbury and the Sandy Ridge section is had, to say the least. It is only I'J miles to Sandy Ridge and yet a letter or paper going from Danbury there has to be routed byway of Walnut Cove and Madison, traveling a distance of | III) or It) miles. Not only this, but jtli" mail lays over one night in Madl* | ' son before reaching Sandy Ridge. People in the Sandy Ridge section i 'are often heard to remark that they I can gel a letter to New York and back quicker than to Danbury and back, the short distance of 12 miles. ! Attention luis been called to the 'fact more than once in this paper ' • Irit the mail service hclw.'eii Dan 'l n,i and Sandy llidge imild be : mini good .in >1 y by an e\. Inf ' • ,of mail bet .', t MI the rural cai'i'iers j going oil from I i.iiibur;, and Sandy IJ:d> ■. I 1 !'•' mile ' a.-t of Da duiry •he .-aiidy Uidu'i e iritt r and ilie Daii i'U'y currier p:. almost in s- • lit of liii li other and have h n doinc ii for iytiii's, and it has abvir - been tramp' why the I'ostoili e department does ! not require these carriers to ex |eh:in:;e mail. This paper lias iinpiir jed often why it was not done but | has never heard any reason given. BILL FOR NEW COURT DISTRICT Stokes Would l»e Placed In Middle District Should Hill , Pass. Washigtoii, .l.m. 11. Senator Overman will introduce a bill in the , senate this afternoon creating a miilill" judicial district for North i arolinu, The western bolder of this J district will includi Stokes, Forsyth, j li.iiidoli li. Montgomery and liicli | eilotul counti . | The west "in liorder of tlie eastern t 1 i-I>ii tinll I' .• Halifax. \a h. W tl • V. ay Me, .Vt.u;.soit, C.illlbi rl ta.!, ill.nil n and 1 'oluiiilui.-. • i.ator «'v ei lean' bill i rd- i - two tern of coiii'i at iJttl • ivh. • ri-fii born, Salisbury and l.aui inbui _ r in j lie i iiddle li triii Senator Over 'man said bis bill is oid,y lentativi land will be ani'iideil if necessary. I IJepi'i scuta!i\e Ward conl'errei * | witb the senator today, and he ex , l poet- to introduct practically tin ' satin lull in the House. Mr. Ward': draft of lii.s bill includes Robesol ' county in the ei'.stern district, tixc II the holding of court at (ireeiisbon and Raleigh in the middle district ' and provides for three terms durinj. . the ye .'. ' i The three districs as outlinei I Ci 111-ii'ietl e.tcll llbollt 575,00P pop I . ula. r What th» St:iti3 u.'iilly Ni.'t'ds Mus: Tii fill''.'.villi'; i- an c:trait fi •>: .» 'ie i' . i.;ii'' il ie! :i •• of • i• v• lo A. W. McLean: "If I -hotilii be ii.-ked to say wlrit ,f f. >t: in I to Ii- In outstanding needs i \o.:ii Carolina, lis I visualized 111 during my travels covering soiii ~ forty thousand miles in niiuy-. igli counties in the past twelve month' I would unbesitaii'iiily leoly: A>rri n cultural iniprovcim nt ami rural bet ,i ; eriiieiit. If I should then be askei to suggest what I ion-idered th prime remedy for suppl;. intr thi ~ need, I should say: More educatioi I both academic and vocational. Wlie I I refer to vocational education i this connection 1 mean training i s. ieiitiiic and practical agriculture, ,M I'nited States Senate has goit mi record as favoring private open ■' lion of Mus"le Shoals. An anuiii js meiil providing for government ope l at ion was voted down 112 lo !'.• an then the Cnderwoxl bill was passi w ' by the same vote, Democrats an Republicans divided about eipiall ' on the subject, t-r I Tile siiort course tor iiookeepei n- begins at State College on Januai Id 2o and closes on January 22. Son to of the leading bookeepers of ti uf State and Nation will be on tl ' program daring theau throe days. NO BOOTLEGGING TOBACCO IN VA. , Highest Tribunal of State Holds Law V'alitl Which Stops Fradulent Methods. The Supreme Court of Virginia upheld the validity of the act of the Virginia legislature which requires that the true name of the owner of tobacco be placed upon it when of fered for sale in public warehouses j and utflt'liK'd the judgments of the circuit court of Halifax county in the cases of Reaves Warehouse Corporation, vs. Commonwealth, and ' Motley vs. Commonwealth in the ( opinion handed down by Judge Rob ert R. Prentis last week. No decision of the courts since the famous opinion of Chief Justice Walter Clark of the Supreme Court of North Carolina was handed down upholding the contract of the mark eting association, lias been of m u ' inipoi '.anee to the sueci - of tile i' • '■a i i (irowiji'.-' Co.operiilive A«o. ciniio'l I hail ti.lt of i.'.l We k, I, !.. in. In st i ribtii il it' \ ir," : n ! .iit-lv e Pre:;', dec I '. I'eil Il ' . 1 j ion tii it "U , i on i! li',. i o , {to a Warehouse for .il • uml i fuses ■ o dir. lose Ii •• fails I'eiplilei! le. til.' act, his purpo.e must be construct! to be simisii r. ami there i - a fair in ferellce I hat he designs to aecoin- 1 plinh some fraud upon l andlord, his creditor or some otlie. to whom l h" is under obligation to il liver his l tobacco." | In rendering his opinion Judge Prentis asked "Is it not manifest that ' when the warehouse man actively aitls i j the grower who is a contract break-1 t er in the perpetration of a fraud 1 either upon his fellow-members and 1 the association or upon any other, they do the very thing which is there condemned—that is, they conspire r and hit below the belt? Is the law to , be criticised when it condemns this ,!as a "Fradulent and dirty" blow? ,; In his opinion, Judge Prentis tie „ | cared "That it is the antithesis of ' manliness, sportsmanship, righteous .| Hi iiid cuurtery is obvious, Tl'is being shown the occasion arose which l, 11 i|ltile tin* law I'll'st to devise an ! tin n lo enforce proper rules for thai ] gain . Ct iia !;. liloi e I ill wliiel. nil' not to II ! •i.itutnry "\press ~ I .atise they aiv ar.'.uiy till - ttoiu'il by th" human coitsciciu ■ need I, no ilt*fen• i . If tl re has bei a an m . ee'ited biliilli ss Mile il 11 I' r which •.i.iichouseincii jii 'it'y IhemseVe- iu thu.-i using fictions names and in ,1 tni- way conspiring with contract j. breakers to tleceive anil defraud oth i(. ers, the time has come when the V State, iu the eXelvi e of its police n power, should repeal that pernicious , s itde; and this is one, if not the chief •,i | iirpoi es of the statute." t, - « Death of An Infant ~1 Rural Hall. Jan. 17. Th. funeral ■i- of the infant son of Mr. an! Mrs oiollel Co.. |. took |'l:.ce a M'.lilll I >!". e i!i'pi i? t i it'llt-lt I' ri':'H . 11l 'k. lilt. I nil 111 f' III". •: . I:. .ei 'ii'.'iel'.V. Ihe dellt I: of it W - I au.-i 'I oin ; 111 onloi ..i i >i ' I lil 'i .. .;. li.i'l :.i ~t : • • iock. I'll" friends of ,\rr. a.id Mrs. W '' Moolelii'lil will leer.', lo I il i I t, sciiotis ililier - of th :r lotb daughter, Avis Virginia. Sue wa 111 'i liioM d to the l.awreiii'c lio pita I n 1 Winston-Salem on 'l'hursilay aftir I noon nmi tlie late ! report from lie w is that she was resting liimc cola T' frtably. •i --t-d d Ran,ye Demonstration At Kiny Next Weel ' 1 The enterprising hardware linn m Seal A Tiittle. Willi stores at Waluu I ove and King, wlil put oil a bii • t) ; il. inonsiration of the '.treat Majesti .. cooking range at their -tore in Kill) jivxt Week. A fa toi; repivseiitativi I w ill be ill charge of tin- demolistra IK- Holl and every hou-ewif" who cat Ido so should attend. See the all u|. 'i.incement elsewhei.- in this pa pet ~,1 ! A I'M! providing for the auto ~,| ' matie divorce of couples witboii ni j issue after they have been in..trie H v jfi r two years unless they can I'm nish medical certificate of inipoi ee j will be introduced into the l,egisl:i jture this week by Representative N •rs l. Rroughtoii of Wake county, "Th ry irpose of the bill is to do awa me i with eats, pooitle dogs and monkey he ; says ♦.he author. A similar bill h.i he • i'eeii introduced in the NcbrasN j I. gislature. FAVORS FULL BOND ISSUE President of North Carolina Good Roads Association Sub mits Reasons For Issuing 000.000. During the pa.-t several weeks I have had a numocr of communica tions anil ini|Uirii- as to my position with reference to the proponed j 1)011,001) hoiid i-.-ue to complete tlu 1 road program in North Carolina. I am in favor of giving to the proper mail officials authority to is sue not exceeding 1100.00 if neces sary to complete the mad program in North Carolina, with the under standing of course that the full amount not he issued unless in the opinion of the road officials it should !«• necessary. I favor the conviction of the pro m fnv the f. ll.iv. ng reason*: h'irst The ro.-ot* are i, - ir. . Uil h nioilern ••• •! •■ I - of 11 ii'i ■ n.itlHMica' iO' .• n■ 1 i \i ! su'i. I :i".:al an i d ii.i' i' are i 1.1 ]m n .11 ! liUsill'. vs tlltlst I" . t• .• 1 I'll I I 1 1 :. il 111 | : •I. • • „ l lt . iHI i s ill ■ i 11:. |>nI>l it i: ii :.i • , I ile \ .IV Ii -1,1. I' i- , I ft il'e i 111 ii —. I.' i t ■ Mi' ! pi'i -•/ lii ia J 'demands without an uile.|uate oi ;«.r road> i lllH'i t iny up every sei lim of North Carolina. Second The roads wen l promised and were put on the original road map. When the original road lii 11 was passed this map was made a part of the law and on this map every town and county seat was con nected hy good loads. Hundreds of ; miles of these roads have been com pleted at the expense of the who'e State; hut it is a known fact that I there are yet hundreds of miles of road not complete. In fact some of the State highways in this section I are now impnssal>l ■. It is not fair j ! to pass a law giving to all the pen- 1 I pie roads and in the attempt to carry .'out the provisions of the law Iniild roads in only some sections. If i North Carolina is to have a State system ni roads it must lueld ail llv I roads and not unit in abandon the road work tuuil liie law has I•.eis ful filled to the litter. Third I'nder tl pri si nt plan of n..il building in North 1 arolina th . full, who use Ihi roads en rei|Uired io pay for them. I think this wise ai d just. I'lie aut • nohile and gaso line ta\ is paying the road hills. " 'I'll" folks who Use nutoiiioliilo and motor vehicles ale tlu- folks who use 1 the roads. They are not only wiling to pay for good roads hut anxious to ' do so, hecause the\ have learned that ' paying for good ton Is is Mol'i 1 ecu j. mimical than the n -t of travel ami j i ransiiortation over hail roads. !f tl..' people who are laying til' hills are willing, then I see no valid oh j,lection to the further issuance el' j hoitds for road liuildinir. I ' Ami hint hui ii'i h .i-!. gmil roadt *' I" in- in : I tl: p i.;.|. lie; i al\ '' ; ' osperii v. liapi •■ - s and g i > 10 .. ii ,• tipllfl, I lit !•;. I i nt ea»; Ml iililiica*.ion • • • l . iul. r- II i i Ii i-:h • r ... 1 ai n n •. ■ I I ile po'.\ el' a; I I • ■ of en ■ o ' ni I Ile .-pir ' of ji : l tog titer. Tl, ' • ;ve h. i n :• i in ii.,. I I p|o\ oi • - ii \ i tli Carolin in, 1 >i at' pn • I \ ' I' v. ■ tire to reinovi .sectiolial pre s and i.'itf , • ••■ wo mil-1 tr 'a i . isection fairly and oi|i.il'y i; il let' of |iii! a heiielit -. Wliei • 1 ed loads gn Rood s hools anil gi in 'ill i follow, and where tin r an g hools and pond churches wil 1.0 f..:i g i d cith'.elis. If we ar. !■ 11niini . program of g -neviil tiplif of tie i i •• people of North Cafo i, linn w■ i (io ii through i i: 1 ajrelicj of - n| loßiis. good Iloo! ' and iniiil i ,'i las. 1 am therefor a- aliovi i. in favor of S:!."i ono, I l|.| hotlil i- to colllplet • tile 1 e |t ~teiu of N v;li Carolina. •KI ,i. ij. C.ll.ki'.V. 1,1 President. \. Carolina tiooi ll " Heads A- ,'ition. 1,1 Marion, .lair:.try 11. 11- _ ._ State lli,u'h\v:ivs Arc hnpassnbli ut lhl Those who do lie! In lieve thai llv r- ii' the i losed si aso i' for saud-i i i ,y highways in rieihn.m: North Car. i- linn should try some of them now*. V Winston Journal. In Yes, for instnu.c, let 'em try til ay so-called S'.ate highway from tli Forsyth county line in the count as oat of Stokes. This mud pike hti ; xi i . heen literally lined with ears slu. I fast for some da> . No. 2,754 D. H. CARTER MAY BE NAMED As Member Of Stokes Highway Commission Bill To That Effect Introduced In Legisla ture. It is learned today that Represen tative K, t'arr (Sunn, of Stokes, has introduced in a liill in the House pro viding for the appointment of 1). H. Carter, of Heaver Island township, as a member of the Stokes County Highway Commission for a term of four years from the first Monday in April, 1025. The proposed appointment is to lill a vacancy on the highway hoard which will occur on the first Monday in April when the term of c. I>. Smith, of Snow Creek township, will expire, Mr. Carter's appointment ha been I liitlleu let' hj tile Stoker I U mo il ; K\ei -iti. ' oniin;' •' . NO ! JON US EXCEPT lOK EMERGENCIES ('ii'iiei'.il A- • 1111»1 >' I'Aii" t •«i To l.isii'M 'l'u Cry of thf» IV,pie 1-Vr Tax lieduetions. U:il«'iirh. Jan. Representative David I', Zollinger, "f (iastcm. today i-"-iied a statement in which he ex pres-es the belief that the members of I lie general assembly will not sup port "the schedule outlined bj some nf our leaders" relation to bond is sues and state expenditures gener ally. Mr. Deltinger's statement in part follows: "The members of the general as sembly will not support the sche- |dull' outlined by some of our leaders, i and this will apply to bond issues land state expenditures generally. I have listened carefully and made much investigation for a fifth of the , present session. The sum and sub stance is: "We will authorize no bonds ex cept for emergencies. Increase of iviieral stat ■ ixpenditures from #s.- (Iliii.inltl l■ i ,J I:!. ooi 1.1 mm i i, i it of tile , .|U.*stion. as that would increase per I lit to "Ml pi i' cent and the | 'oph will not -Hind b v it. and will Hot take tile vim.. I'i'om I'Vi-ry t|uat'( r i •; 11 - tht try t«» iv iii • taxis." ' HEAR UK. STEDMAN EULOGIZE GEN. LEE I Aged Tar Heel, Last of Confed ,i erules in Congress, Still r Loves His Old Commander. Wa-hingtn, .lan. 11'. Observing ■I !'i>' i'Tthdiiy anniversary of ticneral i; .rt 1!. I.ce too:}, tl'.e House I for a few i-limit - to hear I i,tativc St diiM.n. ' f Nunh i. deliver n I . ef :, I ~!e to i . 1 lee. :..n North 1 . • the •I' ".i in tic.' Iloti.-e . f the l.ee co, oill i ."e tic o.e.mai. !i • i i" "■ • • Mi. .i-. noi tuilj o of tile >• s . • military commanders, but ,il- . of tin- ions' •aiio. -- whose II ,:. i: •> not to V.rui'i a alone l!l i . in birthright of t iry \mer , .11 ..ell." Mi . re lil ... Stop Sheriffs l'rom f; Consuming" Liquor 1,. Two bills Wel'e illt l'odllct din the |. i i use '• y Representative A. I'. Cur . , rie. of S« nt land. Civ would rei|Uitv i, slier ll" to |,i ip a r ord of nil \\hi>- i,l Key - 'ed by tin in and make it un- I ia\. fill for tilciii to -e su.h whiskey .'.iii in or to give it away. The id in.' i-.uii s, t" a tin of :?."iiui for viola ' iii.. ' 1" 1 1• ■ .•> 'tlatnl conn > represeti- I i.lii' olid .|s.;re would pro | liibit "o ooiisltinei s" from tarrying nistol while mannfact iiing ili.it liipioi and subject them to a line of V slon foi violation. I/'Mu" Ferguson Is Inaugurated he Austin, Tex., Jan. 20.—Without he the slightest show of emotion, Mrs. ity Miriam Amanda U'erguson, of Tom ias pic, Texas, was sworn in today as ivk the I'rst woman governor in Texas a.i.l tile setond 'it '!. I'n t.d St;.ton. I

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