DIVISION OVER HIGHWAY BONDS McLean Urges Caution—Gov ernor and Others Take the View That State's Credit May Be Put in Jeopardy. Raleigh. Jan. 19.—While the gen eral assembly marks time, awaiting ing definite recommendations from Governor McLean, on the adminis tration's desired program of legis lation, conflict of legislative and exe cutive sentiment over the extent of further expenditures for highway construction stands as the most in- j teresting situation of the session. The a-*i mbly is fur Oinl.iiil more of bonds. It doubt ic.» \\> :;:.i v«ite "(i millions more it" it had tht than.'. T. popularity t* t: - .' nun: program ti:id* i\ spouse anon.: solon*. .i! tile ma/ority of - !i •" M"> for a- ii more as i: will r.-i;'.i:v to c-.!tple: the system, how. vi T niu. ii : '.it may be. IrOV, • • I" M i • fill, bu ilTl BIG FREE PREMIUM OFFER Next Week Only During Factory Exhibit of The GREAT MAJESTIC 1 The Range with a Reputation We Will Give Without Cost to Every Purchaser of a Majestic Range Her Choice of one the Beautiful Sets of Ware Illustrated Below. Our -• \"i!: I • 'h'. 1 nv-.-t interesting ;»!ace ivt *,i V u rv.c inuv.y of y> iv " •. \\ '* u r t wa:. i v.\v • - : .. 1 , - ... .' ■ . , .i• :! . * . copner set and set of special Majestic wave, either »»i which, at the buyer's choice, is to be given away iree t> every purchaser oi a Majestic range next week. An experienced expert from the Majestic factory will be in the store all week. He will gladly show you the many new features of the Majestic range. Whether you buy or not you will be welcome. Don't fail to come! ECONOMY IN THE LONG RUN Any housewife ought to consider well the cook ing- and wearing- qualities, the fuel economy and the appearance of the range she buys. Remem ber that it is a lasting- purchase—you are buying for a long- time. No purchase for the home is more important than the kitchen range. You cook on it three times a day, every day in the year. Your peace of mind and the health, energy and contentment of your whole household depend on the better cooking that a New Mejestic will en able you to do every meal. Tt is false economy to buy a cheap kitchen ; range that wears out quickly and often makes the best cooks fail. The only true economy is economy in the long run. Therein lies the econo my of the Majestic. It cuts down fuel and repair bills and its long life of never-failing efficiency makes it cost less per year than any other range in the world. REMEMBER— IT'S ONE WEEK ONLY! Our big Free Premium Offer is geed only next week while the factory representative is here. I Be sure to come in. Tt will cost you nothing to look. NEAL & TITTLE KING, N. C. oommieaion and othera who have been considering the state's finances and its financial relationships, how ever, hold out little hope for a greater expenditure on further road building than 10 or 12 millions a year for the next two years. So as apparently the statesmanship job this session will be holding back the legislators, whereas four y»ars ago the big drive for 50 millions came from the executive and the prelimi nary tight for an advantage in the assembly was a fierce one. In talking with newspaper men this afternoon Governor McLean recognized the strong legislative sentiment for a 35 million dollar or | even a 50 million dollar issue. He re.Med out. however, that the state . .ill hardly afford at this time to un . :\-:i>e to handle Mull an amount. The situation whiih prompt* the mor and budget maker* to fa r riet'iig expenditures to til :iv.;m a.noiit'.t relate* not -o .. to thi Mate's financial condi to the v.i-ioni of protecting N i-ii i aro!:: '* *tanding in tlv. ••: , i market . Financial advisors THE DANBURY REPORTER have suggested a rest and substan- I tial reasons have been advanced to | support the suggestion. North Crolina has placed nearly ' a hundred million dollars worth of bonds on the market in the last four years. To throw 35 millions more on top of that would endanger the state's financial standing and possi bly result in a great loss through the ; necessity of making unfavorable | sales of the additional issues. Highway Chairman Frank Page is 1 understood to concur in the view that expenditures should be restrict ed to 10 or 12 millions a year for , the next two years. He has confer red with members of the budget commission anil they have asked him to supply them with information as to tin' a.tual needs of the ci»m misv.e.i for further road building. \\ l.'ii til ' legislature jret •; the 1 :u' • . ly w:i! a.-vei-t the \. w of th ;_i". • i 111 !'. v Tlii • : i> -tleam of hui'i.i- w.- haw had from the Soviet tiov fitment is 'ill- 11.4::: l that it has !•• ti mi- i': i. Husti'ii sh,.e and I.• :i*r lU. •iter. i i i 1 CZB%T 'C ■» / MAJESTIC Vi.( . . I '• ■•■! . I • . • .1 ..I • .:>. ft: '. .:• air f .! '' To every woman who buys a Majestic Range at our store during Demonstration Week (all next week) we will give absolutely without cost a set of POLISHED SOLID COPPER WARE of exquisite design. Every woman falls in love with it on sight. Whether you buy or not, don't fail to come and see this beauti ful set, illustrated above. Or, if you prefer, we will give, free, to every purchaser of a Mujestic next week thi- >rt of SPECIAL MAJESTIC WARE. This wonderfully serviceable" ware, illustrated above. i: well known to thousands of Majestic Range owners. It is the highly prized, extra heavy, old time Majestic set, the same as furnished before the war. Ten thousand Tarheel farmers are receiving monthly checks from creameries, ice cream factories, cheese factories and milk stations for milk delivered, says John A. Arey, dairy extension specialist at State College. The fellow who used to sell lightn ing rods is now a stock salesman who makes us believe it is oil that will be struck.— Mobile News. NOTICE. Notice to memncrs of the Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Association, that assessment No. is now due and payable at the office l of Clerk Superior court. Forsyth county. North Carolina. All Farmers having Insurance with the above com pany will take notice that un k'ss said assessment is paid on or be!ore the I'Mh day of March. Itl '.'j. said insurance will be can cek"i as the b>-la\ss direct. This Jan. 20th. 1 C. M. McKAt CHAN. 21 i:>n 'w Sec. & Treas. SPECIAL NOTICES ! If you have a threshing machine, a steam engine, a milch cow, a mule or anything imaginable to sell let a little ad in the columns below find you a buyer. On the other hand, if you want to buy anything or if you have lost anything let an ad find it for you. The Reporter wants this little department used freely and it will be of great benefit to our patrons. [FOR SALE—One J. B. Colt acetyline gas light plant at {real bargain. I'lant hits fix tures and other necessary equipment. See or write E. P. Pepper at Danbury. tf ; SIOO REWARD OFFERED— One hundred dollars is now on deposit in the oHioe of the Clerk of the Superior Court at Danbury and will he paid to the person arresting Rice East and delivering him to the SheriiT I of Stokes count v. Tjanlw I OFFER OF REWARD OF SI 50 A reward of $150.00 will be ipaid to any person who shall [arrest Rice East, and deliver him to the sheriff of Stokes County. N. C., who is wanted by said sheriff under a warrant charging the said Rice East with the unlawful Killing of | Frank Joyce in Stokes County, i N. C. This Jan. 5. 1025. HOARD COI'NTY COMMISSIONERS. It I I APPLE MAI LERS. HERE IS THE PLACE—We have Six Thousand bushels Yorks. Red ! Twigs and Winesaps from 75c 'to 51.25 per bushel here in our own Air Cooled Storage just off ot the State Highwav. easv to get to and load. (iLENMORE ORCHARDS. Stuart Ya. 11j2w i Will guarantee salary $50.00 week and furnish automobile to several men selling excellent Ford accessory. Address Sales ' manager. :527i Main. Granville, Ohio. lw : NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PARDON. All it r- ns ji »••• hereby notified that !the »!!«'•!• *.'iu-'l will iitak' applica •'"ti !i'~ l!\, (■!'■*:., *!!•• (iovern ' f- -n- • mi : ii.l . f Wil i:.. !. r w.i-. .1 . i at ih.- i.1,. •»■ : • hr . i \\ !-all 11 tii.Mlii d ti> til- M' ' 'if « Ii: '!• oil ,■ lu-t" j- . i : ;uii y I. i . is;i.f..,l) A I.ICE l'l N'NNIX. Th!- Ist day i>f Jan., l'.'2*i. •J!.iat:-J v NOTICE OF AI'IM. RATION FOR PARDON. Noli is hereby Riven that ui> application will be mud** to thi ; Governor of North Carolina for a i pardon or parole for Robert II Bryan, who was convicted at the July Term, 192-1, of the Superior court of Stokes county, North Caro lina, of violating the Prohibition Laws of North Carolina and senten ced to a term of eighteen months on the roads of Stokes county, N. C. All persons opposed to the granting of said pardon or parole are invited to forward their protests to the Governor without delay. This .'iOth day of Dec., 102-1. MRS. ROBERT H. BRYAN. 21jan2w WALL DECORATIONS The latest reproductions in fine Art Wall-Papers and house decorations are shown in the sample line of OKRF.LL & CO., the leading Chicago Wholesale Wall-Paper and Paint House. Paperj to ouit the most re fined tastes, at exceptionally LOW PRICES. See these hangings before buying, N. RAY MARTIN, Danhury, N. C. I FORD COUPE FOR SALE. I have a 1923 model Ford coupe, in good condition. Will sell at a bargain for cash or good note. N. E. PEPPER, Danbury. N. C. WANTED—The Danbury Roll er Mills can use several hun dred bushels of wheat at $2.00 per bushel, and would like to have some corn at $1.50 per i bushel. [WANTED — A reliable white > man wanting to make $lO to : S7O weekly in Stokes county selling Whitmer's complete line Home Remedies. Extracts. Toil et Articles. Soaps. Spices, etc. I house to house. Products guar anteed to give satisfaction. Cherry of Alabama made $57.90 in live days; Middleton of Yir [ ginia, S9O. Team or car needed. ' Experience unnecessary. Write | for full particulars today. (Jive !age and occupation. THE H. C. JWHITMER CO., Columbus, Indiana. Dept 198. l-ljan.'iw FOR SALE—2O acres fine to -1 bacco land with a beautiful new 7-room house heated by furnace, large new barn. 2 riiies from Walkertown. School jit ney comes right by door. This place at a bargain. Small cash payment, rest on easy terms to suit purchaser. C. R. FLEM ING. Walkertown. N. C. 21 janSw LAND POSTERS—Printed on good card hoard, 25c. dozen at , Danbury Reporter office. Four apes of man: Roused by mother; bossed by sister; boused by I wife; bossed by daughter.— Woosh r . (Ohio» Daily Record. ITCH K I LL E I) in .".'i minutes witli SfTICIDK I'd- ; ;j* S: . • . • !iv trail. •fTii'IDK CO.. "•yrir.rri'..i. ;Siiri]»lt Mixtiii'o I-Vr Gas On St( ''n.v.. l"i. simple blli'kti.ui' i ball:, •i■ i .■ :an sulph. c. p., glycerin!', etc., a- i in Adlerika, helps any case gas on the stomach, unless due to deep seated causes. The pleas;. nt and QI'ICK action will surprise you. Be cause Adlerika is such an excellent intestinal evacuant it is wonderful for constipation—it often works in one hour and never gripes. Sold by all leading druggists. In Walnut Cove at the Walnut Cove Drug Co. 21jan lyr. No. 1 NOTICE OF SALE OF THE LANDS OF THE LATE LINDSAY PATTERSON PIEDMONT SPRINGS TRACT. Notice is hereby given that under authority of a judgment entered at the January 5, 1925, Term of the Superior court of Forsyth county, the undersign ed Commissioner will at 12:00. o'clock noon on \ FEBRUARY 23RD. 1925, offer for sale at the court house door at Danbury, N. C., at pub lic auction to the highest bidder a certain tract of land, describ ed as follows: I Being a lot at or near Pied mont Springs, in Stokes County, North Carolina, described as follows: Fronting on Cascade Avenue 50 feet and running back 125 feet, bounded by Lot No. .'>9 and Lot No. •!! conveyed to J. S. Carr. Said tract is offered for sale on the following terms: 10 per | cent in cash on the day f sale; 12:5 l-."> per cent on confirmation | of sale by the court and the bal jance in two equal installment:? I due in six and twelve month:; j respectively from the date of !continuation, the deferred pay ments to be secured by deed of j trust on the property purchased land to l>ear interest at G per 'cent per annum. Said tract will be offered irr>e and clear of all liens anil en cumbrances existing against the late Lindsay Patterson. I This sale is subject to con- 4 'firmation of the court. This 19th day of Jan., 1925. LUCY B. PATTERSON. Commissioner. j2ljansw

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