Volume LI. DOINGS IN RALEIGH SINCE LAW=MAKERS QUIT New Chief Justice Supreme Court—Governor Issues Statement On Deficit—Order Made In Regard to State Highway Cars—Other Happen ings Of Interest. (By M. 1.. Shipman.) K:il. i>rh. N. ('., March The ' legislative tush in Raleigh was sue-1 reeded last week liy cvcnls of a nature as important as the acts of I the (iencral Assembly and was j £*•:>( tin 1 parti ctdarly by tile reor |vr.itii/atien «.f th - Supreme Court. the illii-ial announcement from (iovernor Mel.rin relating to tin- State ileli.it, the beginning of bus con trii! l»y the, State atnl the handling of several mall i hiefly trom the dovt rnor's ntlive, u tlillg Willi enforcement «»f laws enact en at th ■ roct at ; i ,-sion of :he li c.i ialufi . Tl; most important .vent of the v. i;. i ■ the ivsignat ion of Chief. I list i., \V. A. liortf. of the Stipivni' CI.UI . (IN! TLI" appointment hy the (invert!'')- of As • ■ -i.it v- .hi tve H. I'. Sia y to su-'c i'il him. To I'll! the va aney cceulid liy lite Stacy cleva tioll. (io\ iitor Mci.c.tn named form r Stat-' Soliati I' I. lll'^i.l > I'. V,\ \of I intliei'toii. Ihe e iiv . ... ,iii .luMi.i wa- Mr. Mi I. an'> )aw pa ■ t :>■ pi'ot to ill little the )at • . he •. (iolemor. During the I • I I lll|| I i I lie I . I'l LAL . \ ' 111 - !;• \ir. \'ai had h adipiartir.- at l.i ■ i \ i Mansion anil ha- hi • a one of the (Jovernt r's chief advisers Oil I ;i -ia' i. I Ilia! Ii I . lie i- r.'. on ni'.iii . an ;iC!«• !u'„jer anil it i- I'"- ).• ■ ! \viil mi' • ,i \alaabl, addition in I a • liii'ii t. ihuii.il to whiili he ha - I'ei n i I . .*'l ■ i. i j. I t'i.-t *• llo!..' i. •i'.'tie-l be i at- f ill )i"a 11ii .'if I ai'ier having i)i*ietl .•:• i■ than 111' 1 y y -ai- of iii-1 i'tgiti '■■ •! • -rvi e to lie Stale, nie>! tif '.IK-.' having !••-. 11 spent on :Ii MI a. Tin- iii w i aii i' lu.-tii \1 J-; 'a •y, a- IlieVi w" h hi - cle . \a'"i;i ii|" .. -t ilict iull ■!' being the A oil! i i . ,i ie in America, j / ill I'.'e. . ■ la a ell I." I lie ili.:'i i t ill,. >1 po.-itioii will.ai il'.e gift ,11.. i'l of N,.nh ' arolina at ill' ■ of forty. after lift "en years "f a Mil law ,iia 'tie. In IMr. V\ . Staiey was principal of a' lialci'll plll'iic sclloi 1. 11l 1 e"J. it is Chief .liistn o \V. I'. Slacey pn tiling ovi-r lie.' liij'in-t tiihunal maihlain . il in the State, after f- nr years as | alt associate or, lit" lien It during j wh.ii'h tint" lie fully demonstrated his capability : - a judge and heeaille ; recognit'.i'i! as pndiahly one of the| most capal'le members i f the Su- j Prente ("ourt. It is little wotnler now i that ih" call froiti tin- State L'niver-; sity for his services a .nut while' ago did ti i appeal to him. Tint has shown tii" wisdom e\ tvised in ream Ding on the I" in It. (iovernor Mel.e.iti "startled the lUltives" oil I • UlaV with a slate,ill nt showing the .i' it.-it of the Suite, un-j der his -y-.cni Hl' "ca.-ii" linaning, io In sfln.Uol aiiii.oT as of February L's, i'"!'. an ! i* ln't.i! il iniiclit" I liess SI I-I.■ ils.i'Oti I'll the aiae due. 'l'l' ' I'gui'i s show an i.:. i".-1* in lite ale, it. .-ince Ift •inly, of appro'.i ,Viat' !;• three an i a half r.elliotis and • an operating dt liv it for the iitoiilh of Feb'nary of mote than Sttoo.nihi. It • is i ".'ofiit'/.ed, it' Wi\er. thai the d. licit w i! he reduced when I'tgures of revenue collection.', front March I. Io June ",11, the close i f the fiscal year, are tiik-n into consid-ration, as litis is the period for tile heaviest colled ions of revenue to tain place. The Attorney General's ollice is l>eing re organi/ed under the recent law pas. ad giving that ollicial three full-time assi-tants at SH,iU)O a year. The present assistant, Frank Nash, has heeii re-appointed and will con tinue in the ollice of Attorney (It'll- , oral IJrunimitt Walter 1., ('ohoon will continue with the State High way Commission as another of the assistants and still another is to be u«sigii"d t i the Department of Revenue. Mr. •'ohoon will reieive lion instead of a lit tic more than S'l,'''Ml which has been paid hint the past few years. The (iovetnnr also took a step the past week toward reducing the run ning expenses -if the State v.lien he issued his lirst order as director of the Budget requesting that all state owned autos lie repaired in the shops mf the State Highway Commission, j , Ihat till parts be purchased through . the Commission's organized auto de-1 I partinent. thus eliminating the mid dle-man profits on parts and repairs , for State cars. Mo.-t of the news of (he week de ! \'eloped in tin* (iovenior's ollice, but i i not all of it. From the corporation commission came the announcement that it probably would not appoint ' a director of bus transportation, as I i allowed in the newly passed law, | , giving tli" coinniis.-ion control of the! bus lines of tin* State with regain lory powers. The chairman of ii." I'oniiir-sioii. \Y. T. Lie. said Or present ollice forte piolal'l.Y Would Ii ridistribute.l so thai the matter won!.! he handle I without additional , I'Sju le for i■e in ivi" . Mil- ion trol became elVective Sunday, March L'.'. and ai tlii -ai'.e time the enn i.n -inn i- -11"I: i"gi'! i ion r» giii'.iug ii , I - - aii-L oiii'tat t. II und r \\ hieit I lie i'il- I'll - will oi l :|e. The Si ii • I'risi it fni nisi i it - share of the news with the in ting • ■l' lite old and lew boitiil- f ~ ■ - t rs an I the lir Mid eiiii i dr i ifd at (i i.l |; . - I'M. . - iii I '. • Ild lit. he -all" ' I 1 the fa 1 " ' s , ii: overeil • i i lit■ in'" • I of i. • ;i i •■!' ai d soli.i' of tin- siiliord -. . • at-' ia I - had I' ell til: ruing 'tela fa :o, i hollies Io the el , M al vari • .. .1, ii.ii .'tin .'■ . I 'til !, at ' n of :!■ I" lite hiil- i'i u lining item • f loit! ■ and o.li *l* eo- in-: i « ai. i \\ ide ;nead tomiiii • a - \t !1 a a'as materials from c!eth .-apply stole- f.,r grades ei i!■ t i which r i elainied ii i imi get. S'i H rinti ndeiit i'o', tve.'itheied the siomi leiiiporar ■ly iiowi-ver when the iiti.lng prison hoard i- tied a slab .in lit "e\an.'rat ing liiai" and recommending tli ei-,ion of the Superintt tuleiil and oti.er • .'c.-iais. i Tile ii.-w hoard m.-t, also, hut th • : atl\if. of the oi i hoard was not fol tav. ii. Instead, the in w orgaiii/.a --t-oii ]nmt liolied 111-lion Oil the electim •t' a Sllpet iMelidet.t. Warden , cilief • lik and pit;, ii-i-m until the lirst 1 weei; in April. There was no indica tion wl tli i this postponement was to e.inv.'e s tlie situation more llior ■ otighly and select a siicci ssor to Mr., 1 I'oti. hut ii was vaguely hinted about ■ the capital thai this might lie tit.' [case. The close mouthed chief exo j cutive, Mr. Mcl.ean. who is expected Ito have it great ileal to ay about the | matter of the prison oH'uials, has hail nothing to say on the subject and , merely reiterated that lie has given the matter no considctaiion and has J mail. l i'o recotum. iidtiti "i to the prison hoard. The oai'i -it prevails | th;it while this is not a i.'iiuiliation of Mr. INill it cannot i•• considered an endorsement. i lieston I'mi,'liun, Sto" M-nmtain'- dep ed ■ i tllpior, submit d to (io\- ! t mi' Mcl.ean :i plan mat he re-, I'leale moiie'.- for tit otifeterale r.li I D'ijll Mill plate tin 111 il! tll.'J titugi of a comniii;o. I. ..did by the! ( "Veiimr until sui h lime as the I'll.led I laughters of the C.infedcr-i a-. form a national ia '..t ization i i ft!;, i-'-fi' the Memorial from the St. . . Mountain Moituni-.mitil A>s:»- , ait'on and complete it. The p 1 in is j la gel rid of the dissenting factors at; i to take away from the city of Allanta the practical domination which il how exercises hy control of, Ihe Kxeulive committee, (iovernor) Mi i.e..ii lauded Mr. l.orgltiiit's mo- , tive-. 'em withheld acceptance of the ; . "list until ile colilil ,vive il deep coll-: sidl'i'.lt oil. The chance■■ are that the North j Carolina Kxecutive will decline to' I become involved in tile controversy. | allhough dt . ply inti fested in -eeing j this mai.imotii undertaking pn -ecut- j ed to ;t successful conclusion. Modern Recipe Take one reckless, natural-born fool; two or three drinks of bad liquor; a high-powered, fast motor car. Soak fool in liquor, place in cur and let go. After dtt." time, re- , move from wreckage, place in black, satin-lined box and garnish with flowers.—The Uplift. If ever Christian nations adopt 'Christianity, they can cut expenses | about SO per cent. —Bridgeport Star. Danburv, N. C., Wednesday, March 25, 1925 ASHIJURN QUITS AS DRY SLEUTH Fornur SheriH" of Surry Hands lit Resignation Saturday He Indicted Blair—Says That the Hitfh Ollicers "Winked" At Selling. Klkin, March 2.'!.—lnformation has reached here that former Sheriff Arthur Ashhtirn, of Surry county, last Saturday turned in his resignation as si member of the federal prohibition forces. F.x --' Sheriff Ashburn gave testimony ia !thc case of a ship rum runner in Norfolk smite time ago to the elfect jtiiat Commissioner Blair and other thigh tip r'publican otlieiais "wink ied" :it l ! qitor selling i'i the national capital itpi n a i ■ riain o . asioit. Ai the time Kx-Slientl \-hlmrit l gave his testimony papers all over Hi - country atfied his st i•. word for '."'o !. I to the V . hinuton oiii: l- and probably nitidi thmn ,"hot untier ih' collar," l.ast Satur -1 ; it i.. -a: i Kx-Sh' . il : * \.-hbiiri j apoeai-ad ill S tli-lmry and • ii'ceil ii: h iesicna:i"ti. I • -tln : . • t it | had I'll: a.-ked for w.i- not learned k ti day. NV.vs and IVrsona! - From Kin.L'', N. C. ii i'V:'. *• i:ll't ! '. Mr. ;i» i M ! 'I". .!. \'l 1 tI I o'el llnl, of Shoals. Wei'i' .".'a II:.' the visitors here Sunday.. Th V. I ( loose hall team d. Vat -d tin l':il"i'( t"am in a eaii.- h'-re saturiiay on the I'ed (loose diamond. Th" S.-i.ro I foull en ai d thir- M t'. I'. 1.. i't'!: m. i f '>\ nii- Sah ill, siietii Sunday with niatives h, I'e. Mtv. \V. C. St wart, i.l'hl forty y al's. died at her home i ear To- I lei-ovilie Saturday aft i a short lines- with pneumonia. The inier i-.ieiu was leiiducled from Macedonia church yt-tertlay ;it eleven o'clock \. M. Mr. cly !e M lore, of Mount \ir.v. j.- I.it Sunday with !ii~ parents lure. Mr. (tr:id> I'ulliaia, of Win.toti- Saii-i.i, • elit Sa 'ilay with his pa ,'i -. Mr. and Mrs. 11. F. Palliate, \. h i ' -ide on West Maiti Sin t. The Moiavain circle will have an an en .-ah- of dri-s.-es, hats, slims, etc.. donated'hy the merchants of King MM! Win.-tou-Sali'in, in the aft auooii of Saturday before .Faster. Miss Crysei Caudle, of Winston- Salem. spent Sunday with her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. James 11. Caudle ill Will, it Hills. Mr. Claud Stone, of Binnacle B. F. 1). No. and Miss Alverta I'lilliam, iof King, were quietly married yos ! terdily . BcV. Heta y Mil !;ey ollieiat i ed Mtssi's. .1. rhomas It urge and John lii.rge are visiting their hruther in iiiorgiii this week. They made tile li 'l i.l iill il'ltolliobile. I' le I'er ii I,ill. iii I'i . ted the A!! ■ Si ,(• i f King in a game of ball here S.i ire. y . '! iie score st e. d .-i-.'eelt .'!»•. ant! Mrs. F.nimitt While, of \V; -toit-Saletll, spent lite day Still- I day with r ht'.ivis here. i.e.. !'i".ii lleiuiiiii New-um r. .ched lo :i large collgl'egalion iat Bri..;'- drove church Sunday. ir. 'ha . Hooper, of Winst >n !Sae n. is among the business visi , tors h.-re today. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jacobs, of Win ' s|.»u-sa!: in. spent Sunday with Mr. am! Mrs. John lleasley in Walnut lllils. Work on Mr. Ciias. Carroll's new | h"iiie on West Mailt Street is being i pushed along at it rapid rate. Mr. I'l'inst Hendrix made ii liusi tu ss trip to Winston-Salem today. 1 _ However, the aircraft probe has disclosed no shoitagc of air. l'alias j Journal. ; To Beautify Cemetery At Brim's Grove Brim's (irove, March 21. Brim's (I I'OVI organized Sunday School hist Simtlay with Mr. K. it. Sains super intendent. Kev. l'iiul Ilernion N'ewsuin, of King, preached a very interesting , sermon at Brim's Grove Sunday. 1 It is requested that the people of the community meet at Brim's (irove ion Friday. April l!»2. r >, to beautify | the cemetery. Everybody is invited to come and take pi\rt, und especial ly those that have relatives buried there. I M'LEAN ACTS TO MARK STATE CARS .. Distinctive Letters On Doors Of Autos Recommended Jsy (Jovernor Seeks To End i Waste. R:»l iirh. Maivli IT. The first of i tlvi ul lift of (Ixvernor A. W. Mcl.can as dire .-tor of the budget, :ii] otlice | createiNMiy the general assvmbly of 1'.125, was in the form of a request today to the heads of the various departments and institutions of tli state irovi rnmesit, asking that all state-owned automobiles lie plain! - , marked with the name of the depart-, ment .-'lid the letters "N. and that all stipplic- pim-hased and re pairs lacessury for ,-ueh automobiles he made at th: • central shops of the state highway commission at Ui -1 -igh, i.r at one i f u: > nin.' district depot.- of tiie coimni.-sion. COUNTIES SHARE IX SCHOOL FUND Slate Lends li f. . ; t To i!; ii' i : cs i- or iv »: :t! j Purposes. i i j Kalei; It M ... h 1" • y-si\ I l of ti:-. ! oil eoiint ie 11:.\. .!i, r. d in $1 ii.ii i:».l!(Mi > 1 • i. I. pro ' videil I v t! ,• , tate !■•:.. ,h,. eroc "ii of i .. ■.. ,n rural e..».nm:i tiie loans run from SS,O in Tyrrell j i.l'iuy lei .S.;ir."i,'i,„i i ,j. i I 'mi vtli•|i .n I;. i ti" loan . ! fund i|.". rates. -!»,. 1,-::ds its' ; ivd;t to til" cuia : ies, I ling bonds lat 1.5 per cent and thereby supply- J inii" money wii'i ii would > .-t the| • iiu'!!i« pt'olial'l;. live • r cent or i more. The I'i million m\\ out on long-term loan* to th.- counties, was, . provided hy toe !'JI and !.>2-"i legis-j latuiv, each ion authorizing a bond issue of n.ir.ooo for that purpose. The I'.r'ii . ■-i•.n made a similar authorization, !:it n> loans will he available undi r it iii.til tifier • I'lnHai". !. H>2(!. • ' 'l'll aniou: 1 iU' Ii ans made to tie/ '! counties under the i ■ lies outsland i ;.vtr foll .ws: Manianc . $1 I'1,11|)0; Alexander. '" .eo.l; All. -glial:.., $25700; ,\n -• i . 1 SI'O.oOO; Ashe. Si,OOll; Avery, ; (Hill. ISeaufort, $7'.'.(100: I'.ertie, $57.500; !!la icii, $s 1,5(Ml; limn-v, ick, sls,Moo; liiiiicomlie, s.s;i,ooo; liurke, ssp,oou. "I Cabarrus, .SI Id.noo; Caldwell, .110.000; Camden, $15,000; Carta • ret. $:!S,5(1(1; Caswell. $«10,000; Ca ' tawha. $1 lO.OOO; Chatham, £17,001'; ' Cherokee, $(!7,000; ' lay, $Sl!,000; • Cleveland, sl-12,000; Vluminis, $lB,- " ooii; Craven. £175,000; Cumberland. *121,(100; Currituck. Silo,•>(•(•. liar l , $12,.">n0; Davidson, $121.- 1 .'!( o; Davie, $|ol,iill0; Duplin, $121,- 1 ooo; Durham, SI 10.000. IMgoroiiibo. 1 .">7.t'uo. I'ors\ th. s2o'> (i ■' ; I'r.n kiln, Slsi>,- I l; i, ti.ls'on, s2os.o(io; 11• t ■ ;.iIU0; 1 C.' ".ville. if 1 ..,OOII; 1,1. 11l I ; (iuilfoi'd. 1 | ! ! :.!ifnx, sr."l.' 1 1; H M ! '. ' I HI; llayw.iod, $"»-i.!:iiO; II i lii'.OIlO; Hertford. $1 ;.»•"«»; lioi.e, ' .llOO; 11 \ ,Ic, 12,000. 'j I dell, Slll'l.'lliO. • i.n ksoti, .s'.K>.so(l; .li lnison, 527".- 01 ! : .lones, S.>I.IHMi. i.e. s2o.!'ii'.i; l.eiioir. $1'!."',000: i I 0111, $121,000. "j Madison, slls,oi'o; .Martin, $127.- ' ; OOii; .McDowell, $51,000; Mecklen -1:1 hi it:. $217,000; Mitchell. $(i!,ooo; ' Moi:t joinery. "■ l "i( : .ootl; Moure, s.'•">.- ' i 0(10. '] Na di, s)s i.ooo; New Hanover, ! $112,000; Ntirth.uupton. $ 1'.'.000. "j dr.slow, ss2,oo(i; diaiiKe, $105,- (11 wi. I andi.'o, $S ' " io; l'asnuotank, 5,.',00(1; I'eiidci'. v'is.i'i'O; IVrt|ui mans, sii:i,ooo; iv r . s.' 1,500; J'itt, j I'Ki.OOli; IVdl.. siio.ooe. i:-ndo|ph. S. 1 1.000; |{ohcr>-n, ">175,500; Kock- M'.ham, $IS(i.0(l0: lloivaii, SI.s,000; : Uatherfordton, Sl'J(i.soo. Sampson, $25,0>,i; Scotland, $1211,- Ollll; Stanly, $12 ;, 1.0'.'0; Stokes, si! 7.- 5(io; Surry, $1 17. "O; Swain. $ '">,ooo. Transylvania. $(!(!,000; Tyrrell, $».- f! i on. - I nion, sss.2oo; Van ■, sss.oijo. i Wake, s2i:i.:«io; Warren. SO.'.OOO; 'OOii; Wayne. $l(i5,00ll; Wilkes, si:! 2,- S*! «»0(i; Wilson, $105,000. ' | Yadkin, $:i:t,000; Yancey, $!?5,500. 1 I'. R. Nelson, county superinten dent of roads, was in town Tuesday. | TOBACCO CO-OPS SOOX MOBILIZE To Hold Mass Meeiings At All County Seats Saturday, l April Ith. Members of the Tebaei-o drowers Co-operative Associiition will take the lirst -tens in the election of their diri'ctors for I;i2"> on Saturday, April 1. Mass meetings of the or- ! gaiiivtei! tobai en f;in;iers will be held .at the * ourt Houses of id! important tolmci i gnoviiig ciiunti-s in Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina 1 on that day. At the e meetings members of the; ' A .ai, i;.: a II will nominate the dele gate- '•> v.-te in th- election of their dir." 'or. f,,r another year. Shortly after ti .e meetings, ballots COll t.ait.''• lie names of tin >■ electural i i!o!>. will lie -mailed to all mem f ihe A.-sociiit'on who are au thor; d to select half of the names on ti ballots or to Insert new names in a 'ordance with tl ilesire of each a •i\ ' ■ ..d mi iiiin r. Ti:e t• i:■.' a in r of the bi»l!..t s will take phi e on May !»th. and i-ach member is in struvteil to mail or bring his ballot ( ti' t Ii" i '"in t I lei. of h- oun'y | seat, by n>on of ti,s•.t da'. , j The directors of the Tobat ■ I' irowei s 'i - aei'iili >. A • at ii it are Ciiref " fi .lb w ing d- a) ocl'll i - ': ," 1 of • e 't 'oil ' ■ wliie' 1 evei • of the ; ••' ,t a ■ - »rt l i n right of naming the dele ra'i • . . .ii rep) --. ' i - ei ■ • '■-■ fth • dir.-tor f, di ■- I tritt. !'ln I'l beell lil •... il i'l'i I -t • ) llle li- f th ■ i" .rani/. : too fill I I s lie i!a ' i 111 of tilt ir II - ! Il'i-t. i sell.- 111'-, ill . -tlf ' (are being urged to takt \ activ •pa i't Ml e; vhe •: :': ■ a body ~f tin Mark. 'inu .\s .ci.-it i i th.is y.-ar, In'.- gath -ring. « f thi i euerating fiii nu is i.!- h oie-.i for I next week at the i otinty S ats of :t he tobacco glow:; at .. I a it' the i ai'i In i ami \■ i e : .. IN. C. INCOME rAX i TOTAL INTRKASRI) l Jrissi ?n liet ei! - Atldi■ I«»»t (>•' e l.'iT.aa ! I'D l'llil! ('i illt'i'U'li | Last v i p.r. li.alfii.-h, Man h '7. Federal in-! ; come lav collect an s in North "":ifo liu.i from Mar.-I: 1 t March !" t"- . ; tilled $!!. !'.15,2.'!>.7:. at: inerea- - of s |.'!T,aa I.IMI over tile c .rrespe >)g period of l'.eJl, ii.-coriii -.g to a nii'llt given out tonight by Collecur ; (I lliitni (irissoin. Tl'.e cdhcti. as u: l '2l, March I. to March IT. t t .' , -Ci.oilti.iiil 1.7 P. !u commenting or. the in . • Collector Ciris.-oni sta i that ti ■ had bei 'i a much l irgi r numb ' I' fully paid returt'.s thi- year thai; i 1 The increased collections occasion d ■'une surprise it. t ■ "lie. t jolVne. i'inv. ver, a> '.la ticonc . . last y ear, and tav payer- ..lie, il'.ake ti". ir ptiyna vts :: f air i: telly pay tm tit-. An increase in state income tax dlections is also reparteil i"' odice of Comtti; ■ a i of i' \ • \. I'ougiiton. Ti. i oil-. ■ r .'-a, i* was anitoiinced today. •. I ,4{l|, as compared with ost', for the same ju rioil i't t his shows an it: r.asi th .- ■' s 1'!. 11!. ; ! BrS OWNERS ACT TO GET LICKXSK . ()iiii ta • i Mighty-Two l.ine: i > I'nsi ' Application to ( >r i pci'atl Commission. j Raleigh, March 17.—The formal , 1 pel it ions , roximati ly S'J .• lilies, ill',' ilbnut HOP bll-.-i s , now in ii in the slats', for . licenses t . o] '•• over the higll ; ways of iii e. will be presented to the corpora- :• commission this . week, according t i local attorney - of the North c ■ :iu litis Owners' , association. A" atnl bus own ers will confer In i> '• morrow for the I purpose of coiii; i a g application 1 plans. Shaven and Shorn \ tax on shingles is proposed, '■'litis reversing the quotation about tempering the wind to the shorn . 1 lamb.—The London Humorist. No. 2,763 IMPROVING HOMES AT WALNUT COVE Several Persons 111 With In fluenza Other News and Personals Items. Walnut Cove. March 24.—There arc a number of citizen- hero who arc making; additions to their homes i and adding much attractiveness to | them. Geo. li. Fulton has .iu.-t fin ished work on his while T. Roth rock. W. Wall and J. /!iinmcrnian are working on theirs at present. Miss Yclma Hurgo is confined to In r room with a severe ear rising. lir. I!. X. Ji.n.'s, of Winston, is giv injir her treatment. Miss I'ollii Fulton, who i- teach ing at Hurlington, was at home for the week-i mi. Mrs. Marry Sanders, of A-heville, •A • ! -• ..f Ml'.-. I;. A. Hedge- CO 'k I* fa I." ' Mr. i!. i( I'ti. ft■ ■ .in - -r --silt ii ri , - 'li a \\ !is:on \lrs. John Burton i- r overing MyrtU iHirge, of the Wal nut Cove hi- '. Co., is out again •('■■! in-aiL' ; to i r home Mi \\. 1 1 . WoodrutV ; : i small i rtiia Sit- . • Hayes, • • i »ts. Mr. : ■ M"-. .1. IV. last Wei ... V. !•!. of Is.. Was .i »i gUi-st ' . Kii r.-on. • ! . a.d .Mrs. K. I>. Matthews !i tic week-end ai M .acville A .11 I. lat iVes. Ir. .1. S. Davis. a .il engineer, i as sin - ' i \ i . • h.' road n tilis place io 1 i.a - been i..;isfi rred t.. Vadkili . ill . Mrs. A l :i!e I i';■ •ri ' .r r ami lit tle daugiui r. Ann I!■ llingsworth. of A •... .ire visitiag relatives here this Week. Mr. and Mi.-. Waller Vaughn, if \\ ii m, were gui -ts of Mr. Mr.-. . 1.. Vaughn S'inda.v. .Mr-. Mugeii" Do.d-oii returned to • i'-i.v fi"ni a vi>it ner father, who has .en v.'iy ill. Mr. and Mr.-. W. .1. Snow, of Klkin. r ' 'ig tiii ii o.n.•_!■.:• Mrs. ,i « •*•.. l ilt. n. Vr. :i:• 1 Mis. S. ( li'.ersi n, ,lr., : V- i'.Miili Hit r-i'!i, of Win - • .-Salt in. -pint the week end here with their parents. NEARLY s>W,ono,ooo FROM GASOLINE Practically F.ntire lievenue From This Source Collected Last Year Went Ir.tu Iload liuildin^. Washington, March Motorists ' • -. ales and tlu I ' id of ..lliia last year paid s? 1.100 .•'in-' taxes, of which sum .SIS.- ■ ua> used in s!at road niain- I i oils; rue: ioM. Mll. il of ■-...1 i.-r ci lie led was t .mod ;i ty and local r.>a i- l'umi.-. 1 ... hi ; f agr'tiltuie t. 'ii -i : 't'e.- tooight, es . • only half of the motor . .'.uiti y i onti il at .-d to . although !'. I'ilt !•'! states gasoline tax. The average I anion: paitl annually where the tax ' .1 was Sin.::.> per vehicle. i.'. i i. with a 2 iei. 1 tax. ol- I U'cted 11 .!MW,222, of which §.">,!•',((»,- \ . ipplieil to 5'..;..' i i;.ds. , I'. •• i ' .aria col]..tc! S'.'.ON.',. 11. 1 thi • >nd largest sum, with a 2 cent ! ... Ii . the *le tar im in had lie re ,! :ii of what part of it wa.- ii-eil for I highways. Wyoming's one «•. n: tax la 'iiglr only .*200.:! I'. 1 , a'i • f . : ng .-11 i for road.-. fhe sta'n i.a.- in itasetl the t.i\ 2 1-2 > iKs per :! g. lion. Arkansas' ! ci : tax, the l. rg.-t Jof all states, brought the state 52.- • Tils,.'.of which >'2.2iiS\\a- .ip . plini . load w..rk. Court Clothes 'i "1 want you to make the outtit for - ray 11 ial." •| "Let me see," mused the experi i | cnceil modiste. "You'll want a direct | testimony suit, a cross-examination j gown, and something dainty and I clinging to faint in," —Heywood Ad vertiser. You can't dodge puzzles. If you I don't care for cross-words, there are i the parking ordinances. —Key West Citizen.

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