WEDNESDAY, MAR. 25, 1925 DR. J. A. TAYLOR Dental Surgeon is now located at the Lawrence Hospital, Winston-alem, N. C. DR. H. E. BLACKBURN, Dentist Mercantile Building, next to j post olliee. Walnut Cove, - - - N. C. JOHN D. HUMPHREYS, Attorney-At-Law DANitI'KY, - - N. C. Prompt attention to all business Will practice in all State courts. 1 JAS. W. MANUEL Attorney and Counsellor at Law UIIU .11 Mi remit ile I'lidding V, covi:, x. c. tf DM. 11. (I. HAKiHXU Dentist KIN(J, - - - \. C. I Oflice hours: 0 to 12 si ml 1 to 5 J. W. H A L L Attorney-at-Law DANlit KV, - - N. C. Prompt attention to all business, j Will practice in all courts. DR. S. A. CON DUFF Mt. Airy, N. C. Specializing in diseases of the I EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT Glasses Fitted. Located in olliee of the late Dr. ! 11. IS. Ituwe. I'Jnovtimo DR. F. N. fOMLINSON Dentist WINSTON-SAI.KM, X. C. Oilices: 1, (iilmcr Pudding. Hours: 8:oP a. m. to 5:00 p. m. PHONES: Olliee 1022 Ki'sidi'iu'i' 19SI-.I L. W. liLACKWKLL PINE HAM,, N. C. Representinvv the llojae if N. Y. WhV'i is belter to have and not lie: ! it or need i( and nol have it ? 11 N S r R A N c i: r'l!?E—Ai "lOMORJLE TH K!T—HON IK EVER VI E?iCEI'T LIFE Let Me Write Yrv's* Wants. Blank Deeds, iilank Deeds In Trust and Blank Chattel Mort gages For Sale. Deeds 50c per dozen, Deeds in Trust 50c per dozen, Chattel Mortgages 25c per dozen. Send us your order. We pay po stage oil all blanks. DAXI'URY REPORTER, 1 Danbury, N. C. I M flllSjlSfflffijfiifflllSiii SilP! S Old Folks' 1 jfifl KB! flffl A Ltm7" g Ailments jjjg fS gjp "I began taking Elsck- ml ™ Draught over fifty years ago sj§ and my experience with it §|3 stretches over a good loni* ea, ™ time," says Mr. Joe A. fllake- Btflj more, a Civil War veteran ISM ggj and former Virginian, who i 3 2S now a prominent citizen of (H Floyd, Texas. "It is the best ip rijgij laxative I know of for old Kjjjj people... A rood many years wis ago, in Virginia, I used to e ™ gpj get bilious and 1 found that S Thsdford's I | was the host and quickest re- iO gjjjj lit f I couklcet. Since I came r-r-j to Texas I have these bilious j!:,'T la attacks every now and then— li® jTll a will get bilious my- j'.iy where, you know—and I find f' ■ (fe that a little IJlack-Draught ; f?ii soon straightens nw out. J After a few doses, in lit lie or r. ( - IW no time I'm all right ajyaln." Tlicdford'.s H!.:.l>Prau ;ht j"' 1 gi.n is i: purely vegetable live- m V ine, used ir .America for M >., r i iffhty j cars, it acts on ~;J imp the stomach, liver p.nd bowels S3)| • J™ in a, natural way. its- ™ • (rig sistii di"( lion and reliev- lal ijiiij ing constipation. Sold every- jffljh Pip §pj| •' 1 ...oVil A SURVEY OF UNITED STATES Work of Nation-Wide Impor tance To Be Pushed. | I | Uncle Sam's biggest map. its 5,000 (sheets covering more th.\n an acre, j will be rushed to completion after |."i years of intermittent effort, ac- I cording to Kx-(!ovi nior James Hart ; tless of \ erniont. pretident of the ; American I'ngitieeriiig Coiin/il. I Sign'ag of tlii' Tempi" bill )>v j President Cimlidge, Air. llartness j s'lid. is of "nonnous social and indus trial siirn'i:. alii e to the nation, its it Ic 1 ears the w. y fur ai exhaustive ! | topographic : urvey of the I'nited States by eagiiv. i rs within 'JO j'ea rs. • At the pasi rate of progress, Mr. I llartness declared, the task would have r i|isir"'d fully a cent in v. "'"llgilu 'ITS thllliuvhollt the e"im-' 11 ry ha'i activily aiiipotied this | ir- ■-ii •. over the ella-- 'I'M of liii i, *i. y are (iee!i|\ a'iiied." -aid Mr. Ila it tie.- s. "Tii- 1 I'r.lte! Stat-; in les ■ than a g»'iierai!>>n will have a o!n ht • atlas of ierritory. I "The I'nited Stale-- (ieologi.-al iSurw y has be-n coni imiously a: j work on this ,iol> for nearly half a ; |>-ent'ir,v with small annual apprnpria-■ ( tions from 'ongre.-•:. with the result j I that only ab uit a third of the area iof the country has been adequately i n'appi d. "Tl • map will cost ! The r>• i for this is that a good tnpoi;pliie map is the result of an ' exact (ihy .■■.••l survey of every) | sipmr. mile, indeed every acre, of j the area to I .■ mapped. ! "And for each of these acres it must show not only every road and I railroad, every bridge, every house, ; j and every other woil; of man exactly j ! where they b--loiitr. but it aius' show jas well every natural feature every I I river, creek and lake, o\ery nioun-! i tain, hill and slope, eacb. in it exact I relation to everything eNe. "It must show not only the loca | lion of the hills and the mo-intains. j Imt their heights- above sea level to -the nearest foot. lii other words, when any parti tilar spuave mile of 1 1,,. i' ni»• I Slat s i thus transfer-| 'rel Hi I .iper Jell - oil tile li. ap ill] ! iniMiatui ■ e\>-iy f attire that jeu J - e oti the ,-ijr. ;re mil" it.- -'f. and j from 'lie man y.>u r.v i,i■.i ■ the ! lit ii ii!.- of i.. i \ it* i> ; :ea i. I mi'o. "T> ■ e ; • f i. a:> . ! vej'ed and published bj the l'! ' logi. ;.l f i ! :• eit !'• I'- of lie • ■ .'ilit' :.lld ha', e . alr ' dli . 'II: y ol •: , e th--| |:: *.* d preli'ninary surveys for .engiti t iii"- work of all classes, from | t!i • -i aele i i:m!:vid'i■ •' farm-drain-| .ii I t I I ill! I rl'ii: g of a "T'e-j show the nigin > r i t • • ! ii:. .;> n»riii ror iiev. i- i tor or t ror ai otlu-r kind j' .-f an etp.ri'it ran '.-xaet phy-ieaP' 1... •t:i -of tli co'int i . \V'« Ii tile j' illilp '-read out Ii -l'o" I ioi. lie ::li lay 'it his pl'oje wi'.ll Conlide'.ce. | . Insti.-.d >f lrivir.g ;.i .oi-nii-'.e and), ' carry out a ii Id - e • y io-t'ng | or- , haps thousand' of dollar . "The Temple bill .i 1J" aceide- ! rate's 'lie pi ent lati of top'ijjra- I al'ie mappi it' by ti:- ( i' "logi"al Sur- j vey, and the pre. is triang'.datioii r and |e olinir of the I'nited States i i'oast and (ioodotv S irvi'j', the or- i j g:.iii'/".!ions wlii 'h a: ■ iloiug tlii-' work. AT • L v ariety lady (to grocer! "1 want to buy some lard." (irocer "Pail | l ady—"l didn't know yen eould ( ; g''. it in two shades." The Widow, , Stop NigM Coughing This Simple Wsv Proplo win* lursisir'it, nn M HO TIII'MII--. II OF \IT I M I L»l♦ • SLF« K P ITIV \v» .IK« I»MI*-C their I « Ills si LLIL i.i> i 11:*:* t IH-111.-'*! ves o|" nto «l.iimi'i'oii.*« il.l •. I lulls, o;i II btop tlieil* tl ll « sifltC li'pdldf iM'oini-tl>• |»y av« ry | U'i IN:* LIT. llumlt. ls \\ 1.0 11.1V.J 1..: • *i> i cii Ahlu lo l- J t :*t all lor . ha\ »5 »» i.• fr full i . t.! . .«•» p the ry t*aio tlu-y | l v.. i ii. 'i. treatment l»:i«sr,l on a r«»- J r.Kii'l »•' I'lvsnlpiloii ki \\i as l>r» IK, . *.• s .»• Im »vc-ry f«»r « in*. i !1 on : i|• iy 1 n. V( I: pimti! .1 i i.ii.Mi i' »« tuif •: am? u« -J it i:i 1\•.4 »• I ;l •J t ' ]."• or "S' I ' • !.'! !»••- | ioiv .. ih •; it, v. 11: nt !"I|M\v- | if \\ it .i !:. The pr ' J«t lo'i | \ s it t" '?»• i • ■ ti- .. It it.»t o»i|y : .lotla •• .« 1 retn mm tml ii ri . tati 11. lint ii MUh l;»y • • s rn { 1. tuo\ •• * !;T p!I *• . ill 'I I I . T..>:l V . i i' i t i t t . •»i I ; • ! t 1 ... . 'i i.« 1 lilt i t i..* t > ill i !1- it.y 1.-I j» .IS :-oii; :! .! -M I .!« » ; I .. ry firs t nis !". •! tin i nt u •». % h eoitiiilion ;. k iii ;l \ ..1.. i ; t ■. 'i »o Tiv rripf' .i !.i M ' 1.- r cn-.v t ttumlMt iar • • • 'M i i ' . aiitl i.i v .11.' • 111 for . t ie! i,.- n,t I f ' .. !!!• I -t croilj —!.«• it 11' . I 111 11l 'l • ]:•!.aon'.ual. too, as ii only e. • i. mul. jt i ; . i i ii,, ai ait Tuuil urii i;i-td. - v . !. : e THE DANBURY REPORTER Tobacco Growers Tragedy Found In Loaned $21,650,121 Lives of Child Brides l Washington, March 12. Farmers New York, March IS.- The trajrt'- 'of the I'nitei! Stale:, now are ttsinjr dy in a case of the marriage of a | $i!0,121 (i, government money jrill 11 years of age was cited here loaned them diroujrl the Federal in a statement hy the child welfare intermediate reilit Hanks, it was eciamissioti in favor of the ".stop, disclosed today in figures made pub- look, listen" hill, which interposes a li■ ■ at the treasury. delay of live days between the ap- Mirect loans -ininur.liif>: to pliatioii for a marriage license and '.'.".1 and re-dL ohm an'frretratinir the irrantinfr of it. ;• w. slv.v were made The I Jus*.'! I Saw Foundation made l.y the credit ha.iks dr.e'nr January. |(ll l Ji.- ~ preliminary report of its the la-! month ■■ r weiili reports : uv\iy of the "child hriile" problem, u.'ie complete. : >: of ie 1J hanks, slatinir that i' was found that more iiiUe'.er, made rri diiva loans in than 'liiT.iMMI women livinft in the .lanuai . and this condition was taken i* tl j, (> | states today were' married •t! mean that c, nn> n ail loan air -n- |„ f,.. t !„. Hiri . „j- 1( ; y ,. a ,. 5 . \v« iv suppjyin'r i»it;UT amounts ~.r i • . r . , , r ~ , [. ... . litis century has ofter been ni f'lih's. . >'» a >j»iei ia:ue • i;mi»r ?. , ... . r , S n:im« »1 *thc century »i tn • th;hl. was huun sn (la- ainouiu of re-ms- .. . ... . .. • ~ , • s:,, * tin* report. "!n softer W itri v counts handled hy the cud.t lmnks. witl , „ qlmrU . r of th{ . fu „ I ' ! hind us, it must be acknowledged lla on. % »•••: ;■ t i thnt na I » lis- .. . . . . ■ i!.'• th • twentieth century - no t-h fo'.tn; »?i .lan arv. Ihe • , . • , . ... . * certainly not wnen c-»n«l .«>?. rt Si ».'!nuii» .■ i. Jar. iniuiv ami • . • . . . • :n a country as intelligent a. th» lumhm e:*« n han!!e(! t »tai oar.s in • .. . , .... . .it .1 fiit«'l states >llll make pos- M iof one in.! ion lo iin» in tlu* , t *• i ii . ts.. i the marriage ot ctnlilren. Such con !n ' nl K ... .'«liti"n const it ui e only a small part i>ire;-t loan: outstanding, idassitied (f lh( . ,„ I||v (lf ~v i , , according to , oimnodtties. .ih-lmMi ri . rotwl ;. |a|ms , lf .„| vatu . ( . , h „ i ( otloil •>! I ,'.t 1 .>,.>011. .. t*ii ir i .i ' j matter ot clnlo welfare, out they j 1 1. ..a ( o ,(>.»((, I_l. are a part which has not yet heen j i developed in any detail." ''annul fruits, Vegetables S'l2i,-| I 1 Hi. I | i!'"" v.'."" i. | Not Enough Tone j IV-nni;.- S2tH),l'i2. j S.orekeetler "I don't like tile I; is stranjre how much time sonv j fintr of this half-dollar." pcotd" waste in teliinn the world- a.-tont: r "What do you want fori | now litisy they are. Philadelphia I fifty cents a pi'al of hells'.'" I'll' j Record. | I'urnle Cow. J 1 ' ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ■0 $1 j THE I 1 1 ' | IS ON | jl «i o Place your order now for | | your new FORD car, ? ? truck or tractor to insure | ! io delivery when vou want « A . - ) 0° it. Si o 0 0 9 35 of the best used cars | | ever offered in this sec- p | tion. Look them over. \ 0 Priced right. Terms if |' 1 desired. «' 9. X' o S ! WALNUT GOVE MOTOR CO., Inc. I 6 0 o Sales Lincoln=Ford=Fordson Service o £ Genuine Ford Parts. | Walnut Cove, N. C. g 'OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO f , iJjiM (•••:... x ; ' jjp^l SAY 44 BAYER ,> when vcu y-'fawMe proved safe by millions ana . - j-cri«\ .1 physicians fop Colds Headache Neuralgia Lumbago i. Pain Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism * /? . j fjk.sp Accept only "Pnycr" pucV-lgR which contains proven directions. jj * fr Handy "Haycr" hoxos of 12 AIBO bottles of 24 and 100—Drupithts JißplrLn la the trofls mirk of Surer of MoooawttciclilcstT of SallcitlcaclJ Stone Mountain Coins Are Ready Atlanta, March l.'{. Two hundred ; and tit't ,7 thousand half dollars com- ' menioratintr the struKKh' of the southern states and issued for the purpose of aiding in linancinjr the work of the Stone Mountain mentor- j ial to the hi roes of the 'onfcderacy,' arrived in A.lanta Tuesday for dis t rihution. The coins are to lie -.ld thloutfh an arraiiKement with V.!u;.ra Imnk-! intr institutions, hy wi.■ h the dis position hus heen undi • vritJ• n. Another develo|.: K i; - of :!.e day was the publication it' •atenient ' from S. H. Venahle, • of the don ors of the mountain, in which he j i was ipioted a. s.i\in|r t!•.• • memorial | 'would reip'ire further > ,sions of space on the moo •: ■• s and that •.his "I IH'V i ' .IN" t to i!. niti 1 so i directed ! !, |; • • of the , r.i ; I | Discfinl Tliat C'ounted I in Ant c.i i ijooksellinjr i ivc'es it |is i llstei' a'. y ti ail.ev a d ceilll'. t» I t.ulilisin »-. •.•i'!ior and p I-I n;.l friends. Wlu'ii Maru . "i once j visited a ho iksnoji ;i" ••Ir• -• • a l ook , and said to the a-'j i tant: j "Now, as a publish -r I am mti'led to a discount of ."I> JI.-I cent. As an ■ audi r I am also ea'itiel to ."ill per 1 •em.' and as a friend ol '.he proie . , tor I should K't ii .. t. Now. \ what's the price of the h0.,., ai d ; what do I have t> pay f •" t: The assistant did some r j id !:;rur ! and handing; over th.• ik. . ael: "1 nuess we owe you 7"> nt;-. \ Here you are. 1 hope w- n.-iv ha'.e vour farther patronau'e!" ■ .IIIL'- 110 I Munu h. i i He "Acts Up Some" I I ; ait a nty-live cents. I am not on speaking t i'tn- with the ha: her. I am too small to buy a iptart of ice-cream. I am not lar>;o enough to purchase j a ho\ of candy. | lam too .-mail to litiy a *:■ to ,i • "iovi- . . , I ai i .r.lly lit. for a tio. ii.;: • .v 'v. . when l pro to .ii'ia ,i ■ St.. day ! ; i ci nsidered some money! ' 'l'll- 1 !i KvatlU' -' ! Ki'i'bt I v>-I'.)-I)ale 1 A ! . • .. I • ■ ■ I. a • whetl ! r-£ '•> )•• 11..1 til' Ii; niyht h • tol Ii a port(r that he want* i led to lie cii!! •! early in the iiiorninir. j 'I I I'ki .1 , ain't ft; r.»il til ■ ■ i. ah ie I in-en!ion.-. ' ... n I! . . ' . , wall' l >i i ill, 'I in lie .! i« la a:: ! vii' has • . do i- t.i pre-s ie hutt'-n | le-. : t.f ;-o* bed. I'• i: we tunes [up an' calls yo.' " Kveryhody's. j ' DaiTr/ kvs I-'eliivo | Iron M- nil -iin. h„ .i- !. 11*:tl"t a. m.l lie-pit i .. and j generally cloudy conditior thi sun .vas in enmplete e li| ■se I • • I-; ,0.1 the exact >ln dull t • ■ y ; - ielitis'.s. Km 111 a hew.- i',l : ill . i'ittsimi'(>h i 'hrotiicU'. Proved "Is tlvie a wotil 'i "hi I'M;', I: jlan.iru.ajre that contains a!! :j:• • vow : ■ I i " I 'tie !"St aaiahly." "What is it?" I "i j.«t tol.l y»m." I!.- • : Tr.ti cript. | 810 LINE 1 lof Staple and Fancy 8 1 Groceries. Ail kinds. 8 I Small notions and a I 1 t rnipSete lino of men's 1 1 separatecoatsamlover- 5 Icc s, a; I at lowest 1 I pv'- CriH in. 8 8 ''l ;\ 7; T\ri\T i il-Jffi • t »*H : * a • iS' Ni !;i] V| i o i ''J i * t \\ ■}■ > «*• ir ,■. ?' l 4v .T / ' ml iM *'* r *- 'i 'i l .i i» t wi ? V ,i' \ , , ||| PAGE SEVEN Inspired Religion A little frit! returned home t.« her | parents ofter taking her nnir-ieal i exaininat ion. They a>:ked her how she had jrot on. I "Very well, I think," she unswer ■ !. ! "What was' the examine;- like?" "Juit" a niri man and so re lijHo!-" I ' liiriou. ! 11 •. \v could you I!?" "!n tiie middle of one of my "i>': ■ l.i 'HI: hi-- head in his i.: nds ai d -:::!. 'Oil, hi- ivi-n.-! Oh, heavens!' I very reverently." The Methodist Re order. I Talcing Xo Chances ">'•> J l ' .1 wi.-h to leave to jri't mar • ■«). Alary. I hope you have eonsid ' i •• I »hi- itiait' r s« rioj.-ly ?" '■ I 1 . I i.a c . i aim. I've !.■ • i> ' two fortun ■ t dlers and a el; ••. ly- I nnt, :.r *i lo ked in a sijjn-1 and j tin anted on a i; of 'is 'air, an : I've. I he ;i to medium and a asterol jrist, at'., hey all : u> • to pi . • nl, l mum. I ain't "'i" to marry rt 1 *BB lit. . n •!> n n.' '. n. n.-it-'f Horah's idea to !-•; ti• tho property of aliens v. I he amended so : - to return 1 li«• niiens al-o,— Philadelphia 1! ord. Air. ( oolii'f. 's hohliy-hor>r lias no in■•:•!. The only part al didn't I ifd ivas hoi •• si-list-. Philadelphia North American. Thei'e sfi'iii.- i • 1' "tie law for the rich and ota- for '.I: poor and ahout li.oon.iNMi for ih' middle el as— Af' tii|i!ii- New ---Scimitar. S; i lit sat puhlie dinners i-- .la nan arc made before tha dinner com . in-.-lit ••.. Now we know what is nn a:it hy th•• wise men of the i'ast. I.tadon Humorist. I Stiff Neck CTWIia II I I^BII ' ' '■ ■ -l 11 - V ' i')' ... "^*"7, jfe Jpf Cjsl ;\V3 IV.iiCf Flow ic-«■ •( iciaon !? in the nc-ek j'i ; .; o. . r--: Mj/y Sloan's. No. ri;.-:>ii i:i The m irvelour tiler iv- .. el t!• liniment it nc { «... ; job for you. It p* iid.- 5 At, ".'"a iiu-.od through thf'p;;i .-riiidt-n ! : .-ues, and this iJf-oOi' - tliOPtilT.te:',:—: U psth» . All drui'j'ir t.; —35 cents, Eli'.-jii'G Liniment— pain! 300 YEARS haarlem cil hps been a world wide remedy for kidney, liver at..! bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditions. csy> HAARLEM Cl'- '^Sf correct internal trouble.-, pi. imulfte vi' il r-rfi-ms. Thrtc sizes. All druggists. Insi.s - ti THE original Li-nttinc MISDAI..