DANBlxw JfU* iHm Volume LI. SUPERIOR COURT IN SESSION Only A Few Of the Many Cases On the Docket Disposed Of Up To This Time. Will Likely Be In Session All Week. Stokes Superior court for the trial of criminal cases is in session here this week. Larger crowds than us ual are in attendance, the docket being a very heavy one. There are three manslaughter cases to be dis posed of, none of these having been taken up at this time. Judge P. A. MeElroy is presiding over the court and has made a most ♦ favorable impression on all who have sit in his court. Solicitor J. F. Sprutll is at his post prosecuting „ ly!u breaker's with his usual zeal Jft.'d ability and th» docket is being cleared as rapidly as nossible, though it will probably require the entire week to eon)pi 'to it. Up to the hour of going to press tlu court had disposed of the follow ing casi s. Fraa': I! id, breaking into store of (!. W. Neal, six months on roads. David Reid, assault with deadly weapon, fined 850.00 and cost. John Dogans, larceny, six months en roads. .Mutt Thompson, lai ony, not guil ty. Frank Hughe*. assault with dead ly weir i n, fintd !?."u.Cu and cost. Lindsay Vaughn, larceiicy, fined $50.00 and cost. Straw, .y Tilley and Wakefield S utlicm. retailing, guilty. Judg i.i nt pending. Ceiiimy Pullin, manufacturing liquor, payer f«r judgm-iit con tinuid on payment of cost and tiling bond. Silas Lewis, carrying concaled Wvapon. judgi.lent suspended upon paymeM of cost. Colbert Priddy. Noah Malic and and Everett Male, charged with entering Snider Priddy's store. Not guilty. L et Sands, Buck San-Is, Burke Sands, ail'ray. Burke Sands lined $25.00 at. I one-third cost. Lester ] ai.d P.uck Sand- lined SIO.OO em-h j and cae-thitd cost each. m .I. i'. Mnl'ie, having liquor in! W i .sses-iie'i, prayer for judgment continued. I.in.lsay l.ewis, assault on female, judgment .-'.i*!'ended on payment of i cost. C. A. Weaver, carrying concealed weapon, fined $50.00 and cost. Hugh Heath. Bogue James and Royal Mitchell, affray, Heath tilled $25.00 and one-third cost, Mitchell and James taxed with one-third cost each. Janii'S Moore, Jr., and George Moore, eharg-'d with larceny of to bacco, trial row in progress. There are three manslaughter eases on the docket, neither of these having been reached at this time. The defendants are Jno. W. Hall, Henry Thomas and R. T. Allen. Town Election For Walnut Cove Announcement is made that an election to name otiieers for the town of Walnut Cove will be held there on the tirst Monday in May. It is stated that there will be a ftumber of candidates for town com . missioners and a spirited contest is expected. MISS ALEXANDER FOR GOVERNOR t Mecklenburg's Woman Repre sentative Announces Her Candidacy For Job in 1928. Charlotte, March 25.—Miss Julia Alexander, representative from Mecklenburg county, has tossed her hat into the political ring for gov ernor of North Carolina, announce ment to tthis effect having been made last night when the Charlotte woman declared she had definiteely determined to make the campaign. "I have received so much assur- I ance of support from people of ' prominence in political affairs that I shall certainly enter the race," the Mecklenburg representative is quo , ted as saying. Miss Alexander is the only wo lf man representative in the state as -5 sembly and the second who has ever been elected to that body. , WALNUT COVE NEWS ITEMS Contract Awarded For Hard- Surface Road—Revival At Methodist Church—Personal Items. Walnut Cove. April I.—Messrs. R. A. Ellington, Robert Caldwell, D. W. Basic and I)r. J. T. Taylor, of Madison, and Dr. R. G. Tuttle, of Winston-Salem, attended a stock holders meeting of Walnut Cove Drug Co. at Walnut Cove Tuesday. Mr. Harry LeMar, of North Wilkesboro, was in town a few days this week. Mr. A. W. T'rcston, of Belews Creek, was a Vi .tor in town Sunday. The many friends of the Misses Burgo are to see them out again after several days illness. Messrs. U. 1., and L. 15. Austin, of Albcnin; le, W'l'o visitors here! Monday. • 'apt. C. S. Currier and Mr. C. 1... Fit her, of State Highway Cumin's-' sioii were in town Monday. making an inspection of State Highway No., T.YCA. Mr. Slick Hartman spent the week end witii f'.'i 'lids in Salisbury. Mr. S. ' . Austin in.t ie a business trip to Elkin Friday. Mr. George Martin has been awarded the control for construe-! lion of hard surface road between Fulp and Walnut Cove and will be gin work soon. Mr. and Mi J. C, Hutchison and family spent Sunday with relatives nea»" Stimniei tield. Mr. H. R. I'.eiilield, of Raleigh, wa.> a visit, r in town this week. A revival is in progress at the Methodist church, the pastor being : ted by the Rev. Ili.'ps, of Wiii ston-Saleol. Mi>s Annie Redman spent the week end at her home in Pilot Mt. Mr. Mintiish Wheeier was a visi tor in Pilot .V:. Sunday. Miss KK/.ebeth Fulton spent tlv j week end h'*»e with Iter parents, i Mr. and Mrs. John Fulton. Mrs. Edwin Carter ami Mrs. Paul I Fulton spent Saturday in Winston- I SiPvia shopping. j Misses Sparser. N■ •11 ami Kather-1 ine Hutchison made n shopping trip i io U ins' •n-Sal"in Saturday. | Mr-. E. A. /in.ii 'rinan, Mr. and Mi. Waller V! en and Mrs. I'.ucie Boyle ■ : pent Wednesday in Winstoii- Sak-in. . Mr. I'eriy Priddy went to Wins- J toii-Salem Tuesday night to see ■ Harold I loyd in "Hot Water." Mr. A. 11. Marshall, of Pomeray, Ohio, has accepted ihc charge of Rector for the Episiopal church here and the first service will he held on Sunday, April •">. Mr. and Mrs. Smith Robertson, of Columbus, S. ( '., spent 1' riday with | Mr. and Mrs. Paul Davis. HARRIS CARRYING FIGHT TO PKOPLE Declares Highway Commis sioner Has Favored Durham Against Rural Needs. Raleigh, March With speeches at Southern Pines and Hamlet, State Senator Charles U. Harris, of Wake county, is carrying his i rusade against Highway Com missioner John Sprunt Hill's admin istration of fourth district road funds to the sandhills towns along route 50. ! He spoke at Southern Pines last i night and at Hamlet tonight, ap : pealing for support for the hard ! surfacing of route 50, the capital to ■ capital highway. Senator Harris is ! president of the Capital to Capital ! Highway association. The Wake senator and the fourth district highway commission have been running n heated contest over the allocation of highway funds and ! the prosecution of construction work. The senator charged the commis sioner with favoring his home city of Durham to the neglect of Raleigh, while the commissioner contended that Wake county "politicians" wanted funds taken from rural counties of the district to build hard surfaced roads into the capital. Electric Lights For Pine Hall Pine Hall will secure lights and power from Walnut Cove's power plant on Dan river. The work of | putting up the wire has already j been started. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday, April 1, 19^5 TWO CHURCHES FOR KING Moravians and Christians Will Each Erect Edifices—Other News and Personal Items. King, March 150.—Rev. Walter Grabs, of Bcthania, is here today getting things lined up for the erec tion of the new Moravian church, which is to be built on West Main Street. Mr. 11. H. I.eake made a business trip to High Point today. Mr. O. 11. Newsom, who holds a position with the British-American Tobacco Co. and who is located in the interior of China, is spending a vacation with his mother near Germanton. He was in king last week shaking hands with relatives and friends. Quite a number of King citizens are attending superior court at Dan bury this week. Mat■•'•ial is being placed on the sit" | repaiatoiy to erecting a new Christian church on West Main St. : The structure will be of brick, size I :hirty-six by sixty feet and modern in every particular. In addition to the main building there will be five j Sunday School rooms. Actual work will lie commenced this week. Robert Carroll broke an arm while at play at Mount Olive school Fri day. The broken member was set ! y !>r. K. M. Gi iflin. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Junes, of Wins ton Salem, spent Saturday with rela tives here. The Red GeOSe baseball team de fenteil the Dry Springs nine in a game here Saturday. The score stood fourteen and eleven. Mrs. J. It. Cook spent the week end with relatives in Mount Airy. Mr. J. Rufus Wall was among the business visitors here Saturday. Mr. Willi resides at Winston-Salem. Mr. Clyde Moore, of Mount Airy, spent Sunday with his parents on | :'.illiam St. Mr. and Mrs. John Beasley, who j reside in Walnut Hills, spent Siin | day with relatives in Winston- I Salem. A play. "Tempest and Sunshine." j will be given at tee high school | building on Saturday night, April ' :'.h, pro. -ods to go towards the croc Hon of tiie new Christian church here, Mr, Wilbur Newsum, of Winston- Salem, spent Sunday with his moth er here. Bisi'.op Kdward liondthaler will preach on Sunday. April sth, at 15:00 o'clock P. M. in the Junior hall here. The auction sale for the Moravian circle will he oil Saturday, April 11, beginning at three o'clock P. M. followed by supper. The King string band will furnish music. Proceeds will go to religious purposes. Mr. Finest Hendrix made a busi ness trip to Winston-Salem today. I Blue Ridge Mountain Under Blanket of Snow North Wilkesboro, March 2H.— I The Blue Ridge mountains for a dis | tan 'e ef .'!() or -10 miles is covered j with snow tonight. The snow is j visible from this city. Though it is I quite cold here today no frost fell ! last night on account of the heavy J wind. 175 Register Under New Bus Law I Under the new bus law for North ' Carolina seventy-five jitney lines have registered up to the present time. The law became effective March 22nd. All operators of jit neys carrying passengers are requir ed to pay the State $200.00 and file 1 bonds ranging from $5,000.00 to $80,000.00 for the protection of pas sengers. Infant Dies On Danbury Route 1 Danbury Route 1, March 28.—0n the day of March 23rd the in fant of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Throck morton died at lOiHO o'clock. The little infant will laid to rest at the family burying ground. Mrs. J. W. Pfiddy, of Tobaccoville, has returned home from the Law rence hospital, and is improving line. A City Councilman of Bath, Eng ' land, has proposed a tax on bobbed haired women. The consequences may be hair-raising. Louisville Courier Journal. LAWS PASSED FOR STOKES For Auditing County Books, Issuing Bonds For Road Work and Other Matters. The following acts introduced in the recent Legislature by Represen tee K. C. Gann affecting Stokes county are now law: An act to amend section 4180, article 12, consolidated statutes relating to landlord and tenant. Section amended so as to apply to the counties of Stokes and Surry. Prescribes short form of liens for securing debts. No particular form required, to effectuate being the in tention. An act to provide for auditing the i books of various ollicers and boards, in Stokes county. Authority vested in the Hoard of County Commissioners which may j employ a competent auditor and | cause to be audited the books and i record.-: of all elective and appoint-' ive county officials, whose report,! when approved, shall lie spread upon I the records of the Hoard and pub- ; lished if deemed advisable. The auditor shall receive a reasonable and just sum for his services out' of the general county funds, th: amount to be fixed by the county commissioners. A former statute relative to auditing the bonks of the county repealed. An act to m:ske the is.--.ie of bonds discretioil«i:'; - with lie ;!oal'd of ('ounty 'ommis.Mor.ers. Section seven, cluf t> r I ''if. public local laws 1 amen.: d l.c striking out the words and figure.- sixty thousand dollars and inserting in lieu thereof the words one hundred and twenty thousand dollars. The issuing of bonds for roads and bridges in Stokes county i.-- declar ed discretionary with the board of commissioners, which may borrow i money, or issue notes for -aid pur- j poses. Act to authorize an issue of bonds | to fund the flotating debt. County Commissioners authorize- i ed to issue and sell bonds of the j county not in exiess of §".">,000 fori the purposes of funding floating iti .lebtedtiess of the county, incurred by nee sary expenses prior to March «i, P.t2a. Denominations of I 31,000, to run not longer than thirty years and bear a rate of interest not exceeding six per cent. An act to authorize the eommis- ! sinners of Walnut Cove to use the money derived from the sale of street improvement bonds for other purposes. Authorized to use the $.'!(),000 now in the treasury for the purpose of paying for .the construction of water, sewer and electric lighting systems, or so much thereof as may be necessary to complete the work. An act authorizing the employ ment of additional cloi*iS:il assist ance for county officials of Stokes county. County commissioners may em ploy clerical assistance for county officials not to exceed, ill expense, the sum of SI2OO per annum. Per son or persons thus employed to be under direct control of tin Hoard of ( Commissioners. An act to appoint I>. 11. Carter I a member of the Highway Coininis.- | sien for Stokes county. Title covers act. 1). 11. Carter j named a member of the County Highway Cimmission for a term of four years from the first Monday in 1 Apiil. 1025, and until his successor ' is duly appointed and qualities. INVESTIGATING THE CO-OPS ! | ' Committee Named For That i Purpose Has Not Made Its Report—Expected Soon. Raleigh, March SO. The investi gation of the inside affairs of the 1 Tobacco Co-operative Association proceeded but nothing much was made public. It is not expected there will be anything for several weeks and until after the investi gating committee has made its re port. It is generally believed, how ' ever, that some "bad doings" arc being uncovered by the committee. A farmer living in Cornwall in • formed the local magistrates that I he had no idea that there had been i a Kuropean War. Our sympathies >! are with him when he tries to find Jout who won it.—Hunch. LICENSE CHARGE IN EFFECT JUNE 1 Five Dollar Fee Will Not Be come Operative Until Then, It Is Pointed Out. Raleigh, March 20.—Those who fall before Dan Cupid's onslaught between now and June 1 must pay I the register of deeds only $S for marriage licenses. After June 1 to the amount will be s.">. Of this amount SI goes to the register of deeds. .*>l to the county ami $S to the state of North Caro lina. The law for this is found in the revenue act of li»2."». For a num ber of years the price of a marriage | license in North Carolina has been Casting about for an addional source of revenue the finnnce com- ! mittee of the gem ral a? ombly do- | I eiiied to increase the tax on g t-i tin;; mained. There was no objet - > ■lion im; ill on the f!o 'I - of either' ! Srtm: h of the general assembly. Cnmmi sioner of Revenue R. A. j I)., right on pointed out today that. ; piwii tive grooms will have a lit-| tie over two months left in which! | to save two dollar.-. PATRICK COUNTY HAS HOLD-UP 1 If Federal Government i).»- Not Ait in Prohibition Case,: Virginia Authorities Will. Win«t .n Salem, March St.- In vestigation into the alleged hold-lip on the highway of Patrick county Virginia, of 11. !•*.. Taylor and \\. J. Johnson, l\ William Matthews, pro hibition o.V.eer, took a now angle to day when !•'. P. Hurt m, common j weal til's attorney for Patrick . iiinty. colifei r> d with Taylor In-re. Hurton advi-ed Taylor to refer thi I matter to Hon Sharpc. Salisbury. I as.-'|ta.'ii f ■ lend prohibition direc tor of North Carolina, in charge of ! the district. . ' This action is to be taken in order | I'liit the federal authorities w.ll have' in opportunity to tak notice of tii-• i alleged hold-up. In case SharpoV I {department does net see lit to pur sue the investigai : on. the comnion- I wealth attorney stated that he will • institute proceedings in the case ini ' mediately. ; Such incidents fall within the jurisdiction of the federal courts, ae i cording to the advice of the com ' iiionwealth's attorney. However, if the federal authoritiis do not bring the case into court, the grand jury of Patrick county will consider it, i and if a true bill is found, Hurton will have it cited in the Patrick county courts. At such juncture the defendants in the case will have the ri,:l\t t■ > I ask its removal to the federal court.-. ! I trim's Grove News Items Hrim's (irovo, March SO.- Mr. | Jesse Venahle is ill at his home on | Pinnacle Route 2 with pneumonia, his many friends are sorry to learn. | Mrs. J. 11. Hulington continues i very ill at her home at Pilot Moun tain, her many friends are sorry to learn. The little daughter, Mary Fern, of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. (Iravitt is right sick, we are sorry to note. Mr. Taylor Tattle ami sifter. Miss I F.lsie. spent Saturday night and i Sunday with Miss Irene Covington 'on Pilot Mountain Route 1. i Mosm-s. Sam Covington and Taylor ! Covington called on Misses Pear! Johnson and Ruth Martin Saturday ; night on King Route 2. Hrim's drove defeated Volunteer Saturday in a basket ball game. The was 1 I to IS in favor of Hrim's Grove. Mr. Hicks won the star of Brim's Grove. lie threw 12 basket.-. Rev. J. II Haynes, of Mt. Airy, will preach at Hrim's Grove Sunday night, April sth. I. Y. Z. Several Slight Snows Reported in Mountains Mt. Airy. March 31.—Several slight snows have Iven reported oti the mountains north of Mt. Airy and a cold wind reminds of the pro verbial March lion but fruit grow- I era say that so far the peach and J apple crop are unhurt in this section. No. 2,764 CO-OPS TO MEET HERE SATURDAY To Select Delegates To Name Directors—lmportant Meet ing For Tobacco Growers. A meeting of the Tobacco Grow ers' ('o'fi|M>rutivi> Association has been called for Saturday, April Ith, at the court house in Dan bury, for the purpose of electing delegates to the State convention when directors of the association will be chosen. A full attendance of members in urged as the meeting is considered important. BUILDING SCHOOL HOUSES IN STATE Prof. J. J. Blair's Report On Number Constructed Since 1010. Ualiigh, March UO.— Sin« e the session of 1 VlS.lt.lit, the number of public M-hiMil houses in N'orth Caro lina has do. lease d it was point ed out today by Professor John J. I'lair. bond of the division of school ho'.i: ' planning, who .aid the de crease was due to consolidation. In other words, the standing of ad viMiceo ent. lie said, has shifted front number to quality and equipment. Th, eoi;.-. IMiited rural school sum. - t'iu i -is tplace of a -croup of di.-e' i'nd make-shift buildings. The mi'nhcr of school h .uses st • idily in. roused, a few each year, from 7,:'.52 in IHOO-l'.lOl to 5,2"0 in 1!»1>-It'lU, when the peak was i r.ii d. Sinn; then there has been a d -lease. "When a comparison is made be tu. a the nuiitber of rural and city :• 'lend houses," said I'rof. ssor ISlnir, will lx' seen that the in rcase t rior to 1010 and the decrease since then applies only u> rural schools, both white and negro. The number of city schoolhousi s Iris- increased every year, with but uik* e\,'option." Until 1 '.*22-1 I'll-•. he ; ointed out, •dl school building was the result lof local initiative. The funds were I provided by local bond issues and I nrivate donations, together with | that aid the state literary fund could I ; rjve >y tin annual revolving income of from SIOO,OOO to 820«»,000, which was loaned to districts* for ten years at four per cent interest. The general assembly of 1021 did two things to stimulate the erec tion of better schoolhouscs. First, it voted $5,000,000 bonds to be used as a loan fund for counties. In the next place it started e(T the state highway program by voting an ini tial $50,000,000. School authorities | attribute the advancement in edu ! cation more to good roads than to I any other one contributing factor. A ! se.-ond $5,000,000 loan fund was \oted in 1023 and a third in 1025. S.hobl property includes all build ings. s'tes and equipment. The to tal value of school property in W.eth Carolina has increased front |e.s than $2,000,000 in 1000-1001 to approximately $(!0,000,0t 0 at the present time. It is pointed out that the increase in the value of school pn>; -ty has almost kept pace with Ith amount of money spent for good i reads in this state. I'.'•ginning with an average value lof SIT i in 1000-1001, the average j white uiral schoolhouse last year j was worth $5,720. The value of the | nvorag* cit\ schoolhouse in 1000- j ipoi was $12,125. in comparison | with $7-.701 last year. The total number of schoolhouscs in the state last year was 7,300. Of tin se l.'.'JS were for white children and 2,i:!2 for negroes. The value of all white school | property was $53,177,235. Of this j amount, 50.6 per cent was invested jin 312 city schoolhouscs ami -ltd | |vr cent in -1,580 rural schoolhouscs. Revival Bcjrins At M. E. Church A series of revival meetings were started at the M. K. church here Sunday night, with services every night. Pastor A. J. Bowling is be ing assisted in the meetings by Rev. 1 \V. L. Dawson, who is a very force ful speaker. Mr. Dawson has ■ preached he before and is well ; ki.own and very much liked by Dan ! buiy people. Law enforcement needs some of I the kick that bootleg liquor has.— I Norfolk Virginian-Pilot.

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