DANBURY REPORTER Volume LI. CUTTING EXPENSES OF COUNTY Price of Board of Prisoners Is Reduced Damage Claim For Loss of Cow—Other Business Before County Board. The Stokes hoard of county com missioners evidently intend to fol low tlv.' lead of President Coolidgc and Governor McLean in reducing taxes. The hoard made a start in that direction at their meeting here when they cut the price of f (he hoarl of prison.-rs at the county jail from "oc. to ,"tOe. per day. How ever. the cut applies only to prison ers who have not heen sentenced and to iho.-o serving a jail sentenc ■. and not to prisoners who are sent' need to the road, as the lalte;' are not in chari.e of th • coun ty i-omi.iissioni rs lot are tinder the sti| '. r\n of the road board. It is not I whither the road hoard will tit I lie price or not. .1. L. I'alton, of I'ine 11.ill. lilt d a claim against the county Monday f.• • ;h" I ■ of a i iiw which was lv. nll bit'.en '>V a 11:!i!»?". Ilassel A-.al.tni, Wt'ilurn I'anish and Jim Craig were commissioned by til 111. aid to '(! >. I slisraie the matter and repoit th'-ir finding- at the next an ■ t «'ai It. Fly»it was appointed i..i. vilile ♦'"»• I! i-r Inland town •III M. »»f Qui; :« r »; iti town >l.ip, w«4; p!a*»d on ?I»«• li tof uvj «»*it i.J • poor anl will lu» jriwn lo tii • i-iiiii!y. The i s adjoin-*!* I.!- tt a'.an on Si! I'tiiiy. \prll Hth, at \v!i i') tinio >n 11 *. • SliiiU'Wi r.ia ! In • i t/inl 4 . aulhon/.rd vViil i. coll:- ?«;.•! I'd. DAN ill *KY MAN ON DO.MIP. IJiivi i ■ • f St tie 111 |>i 1:d Km 1 r'ii'.d V !'■ li'igh, and Sti»■ v . ( nile.ires Appointed. Km • April X w honr-is annoUl: -i by (iov.-rnor Mil., a' make : a imiio-ing list of substitute in i!-. S..U' hosnite.l for the deal and i 'old. Thi '/ i-; a clean sweep in tin school for tli' blind and deaf anr ceri;;!''!. thi •ix new hoard twain •rs are M I. it men as of June 7 I 10-l. The ;*■ vernor made the following annouttei'i.teni in all three hoards: "I'nder the act passed at the re cent s".-sion of t!:e state legislaturi providing for a uniform method foi the appointi ter.t of certain hoards of chatitalle and other institutions 1 have a. iiointed f r a t"rm of loin ;cars, he/inning April 1. Itlv. •following t'c'.' us for ntentbcrshij of the follov.'in;: I -ards: ■ Tlv.' State host ital for the hlinr and th c ii, R;.i igh: "1!. M. .toiin-oii. I.unibc'i'ton, ti sticcti l .1. I*. M- M::iior, Raleigh; li I . M-.'l '! ii. Raleigh, to succeed J liov-l'ind. Raleigh; !l. lirooks to succeed C. \\. Ilorne ( Clayton: C. M. Wilson. Wilson':- Milis, to succr.d M. Wilson; J. U * Ragged. LiHington, to succeed R. S Rusbcc. Kiilei;'!i; W • N. Keener Durham, to succeed Joseph Iv Pogtte. Raleigh. "North Carolina College for Ne groes, Durham: X. . Walker, Chapel Hill; P. H Wilson. Wake Forest; Q. K. Nim rocks, Fayetteville; l.uther M. Carl ton, Roxboro; K. P. Wharton (ireenshoro; W. P. Lawrence, Klon College: Dr. J. I?. Wright, Raleigh J. C. ClilTonl, Dunn. "State Teachers College for Ne groes, Winston-Salem: "A. D. Folger, Dohson; Gordon llackett. North Wilkesboro; J. D. Humphreys, Diinbury; D. B. McCray Asheboro; N. t . Newhold, Raleigh, Highway Map Will Include Roanoke Road In a recent edition of Rand Me- Nally map, the highway connection between Winston-Salem and Roa noke was overlooked altogether. This ' matter was immediately brought to the attention of the com pany. A communication front the .Acompany says that the press has I been stopped and the draughtsmen are reworking the map including thi> highway. The route is via Walnut Cove. ROAD WORK TO START SOON Contract For Fulp-Walnut Cove Ilard-Surface Awarded To Geo. R. Martin. Mayor P. 11. Linville, S. ('. Ilicr son, .1. H. Woodruff, H. O. Creakman and 11. l. Tut tic wen* among the Walnut Cove citizens in attendance at court here yesterday. It was stated by these gentlemen that con tract has now been awarded to (leo. li. Martin for the construction of the hard-surface highway from Wal nut Cove to Fulp. Mr. Martin was thi' lowest bidder on the work at the recent .road letting hy the State highway commission. He was in Walnut ('nve this week making preparation to begin work as si.on as ;!!■• grading on this road is finish ed and a switch on the railway tra-i can be put In oil which to place c. i> i I gravel, .-and etc. li i- learned .h i! Mr. Martin expec.s to complet ill'' P"id In fo V c ■!! Wi'.i.lli'l bc)sn>. AUTO LICENSE OFFiriO MOVED St ii'k"s and Adjoining Counties Will He Served From Reve nue 1 Vpi'.rtment In Hide! At Win^tnn-S'.'eni. W*:." i n S .leia. A;,ri! 'I I'll ;l . ".l e ef I 111 li." HI ! .' I ' of ievenue for tlii ;ing "f au:-> oinl.il' i'ci'iisi. title 11 11 iiicaies, and , ransfer • w;s> open -i li.i.; morning i 111 tile head'i 1 ::.! let -of til CbaiilOcr of i'oniiin ne, at the Hubert K. I.e ■ !.'• i I. with M. ii. I i'Mlei tler. of l!ab igh. in ch;.iyt . Th>- dema for ( . i i". ic .- ihis m lt'iiing liuliea. Ed the . nieii. thai is ail'orded through ' ill.- hl.lolll ol tile I' al olii .• .•in! .'Jr. 1! irniettler ha I. .-ti i-'isily I engaged throughout the day in ; ,:n v. . ring • ..li by automobile own ei and >! .tiers. ; TI: • loan h i !!: . will li can i.'i : iic work fi i ii' .' v -lit •I by 1 : t, iar •!■ :i:« V it• Club, will . !i. i* tli. S'.oc . I'avi.' .Mid ii-f-viit covii l ;• -. ali i ' in i '..-ii i..-i to r:i I ; any yervi. •• in eoi-n ■ : a wi' ii .lie proper rev Is! re.', ion or t i-tnsi'ei' of title 1.. a it.iiiiol II v. issuing !:• ■n•• I let or elli' i a,(lire. In ;>tr>oitiiring tie' opening of the new o;V. attention ha- been called to a i.'. .lit change in ;he irovisions f the laws governing registration of vehicles, whereby i' is necessarv to secure title of ownership of i tru.ks, similar to that required for pa .singer cars, li i.~ stated that these titles must be held when now license tags are issued, and Mr. I'ariuettler urged true., owners to s cure the application as early as possible, in order that th'.v may be 110 delay when the l i'i in license • expireji. and new om i- purchased. PEACH CROP 1 KILLED P»Y FROST Government llep>!\ Says Colt! (Jot Crop in Western Caro lina «ind Virginia. ' Washington, April I. The weekly weather and trop review, issued to day by the department of agricul tui",says that peaches were apparen tly killed by frosts in the mountain sections of Norlh Carolina and local ly n central Virginia. Otherwise no materia! frost damage was re ported durng the week; early fruits are setting well into the southern states. Reports on iltrus fruits were favorable except that moisture is needed in Florida. Highway Board Met Here Monday The county highway commission ' held a short session at the court , house Monday. No business of im portance was transacted, the pay ' ment of claims occupying the prin j cipal attention of the board. (let cotton seed from a reliable breeder when you are asked to pay the prices demanded for pedigreed I seed. Much worthless seed is being offered in North Carolina nowadays, 1 says Dr. R. Y. Winters, plant breed j ing agronomist. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday, April 8, 1925 SCHOOL BOARD MET HERE MONDAY Prof. I'routor, of State Depart ment Of Education, Discuss ed Consolidation of County Schools. The county school board, Messrs. •Ino. 1.. Christian, J. Reid Forest and W. S. Steel, hold their regular monthly session at the court house Monday. Prof. Proctor, of the State Department of Education, was pres ent and discussed with the board the matter of consolidating the schools of the county, giving some valuable suggestions and outlining th pro cedure of other counties of the State in the consolidation of their schools. definite action in the matter w,is take 11 .Monday but the hoard is 'li?V the (Ilie.-tion careful c tisid i-rat'oi and will likely arrive at a ision befure very long. MOCK TRIAL AT KING INTH J. It. Cook Returns Home After .Mysterious Disappearance— Other News of Kinfe, - . Kin-r. A' fil 'i. Mr. .1. I!. . ok, v o s.i ii'y tori >• i-!y di>aptx aretl mollis home -a Walnut Hills or i • i' •■ r *:h i. - - th--iijrh th" arih had swailov.n! him, arrived i i.is home hi t Wednesday as mys ti cinu.-ly a- he iUsap;ierfre(l. Mr. ''ooU states i hai he has Iv, n in the We-l. i' i". P. » . !•' v ' r ef \\ it: -toii- Sai'-m, \va? li TO Saturday loo'.lay ift' i some bit-M mattei -. \ l\-id tia i> belonging to Mr. I). !•'. Wall. i- caught on !ir.' mi North |ii .nt Str- t u)•!-iy afternoon, '•'or a time it locked as though the tt.ik .tiiil '••• btuned tie, but it was finally saved by the use •t' a fire extinguisher. 'I'll; h l' it'll li fe:P '.I tile Ali Stars of King in a hard fought gnme i.f baseball on the lied Ooone dia iii . (I h i'.' S\t ui"l.'.\. The sc. I '■ 'mid six and live, ill .. !':.i:l Herman New. ,m, of th!- place. lilleii his regular ap I : nt HI -nt at Mount Airy Sunday. Att ii'iey Pieiveson Runiley, of Wuynesville, ,-p-nt Sunday with i lat: v.• s and friends here. ' .Mr. an.l Mrs. Aldine liutchins, of Winston-Salem spent Sunday with Mr. liutchins' parents on Kast Main Street. , A play. "Temptcst Sunshine", was given hen- Saturday night. It was a success financially. Proceed:- will go toward the erection of the new '"hristian church on West Main St reet. Mr. and Mrs. Knvniitt White, of "Win-ton-Salem. spent Sunday with relatives here. Mr. :nd Mrs. William Spainhow er, v.'.'i le.-ale on South Depot S;. nr.' ti'.e i lati tv. ipicnts f a tine son >)-i Saturday night of April lSth ill' k ' t'iid w'il be palled olf at tin high SCHOOL building here. The CUM v i b- the trial of Mrs. Wash l unk In ! i f.-r the murder of Ivr hu.-band W. T. N'eWsom will appeal as states attorney while N. I!, oker will uproar for tile defendant. This promises to be one of the richest things pulled oil" here for a l-'ii|> while. Ten and fifteen cents admis sion will be i barged which will go to 'the school. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hoyles, of Wal nut I'ove, were among the visitors her-- Sunday. Mr. Rood Jones, of Mount Airy, spent. Sun-ley with friends here. Air. A. 11. Newstim, of Clemmuns, spent Sunday with relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. William 11. Voigt, who have been living here for some time, are preparing to move back to New York. Mr. Voigt states that in all probability he will move back lure next fall to spend the winter. Misliop I'M ward Rondthaler and Rev. K. A. Jlolton, both of Winston held a very helpful service in the Junior hall Sunday afternoon. The hall was (lacked and some turned away for want of seats. One new member was added to the church, making nineteen members for the King Moravian group. Rev. E. A. llolton will have a corner stone laying for the new Moravian church which is to be built on Wert Main Street some time within the next sixty days. • CRIMINAL COURT HOLDS OVER TIME Docket Was Not Finished Un til Wednesday of This Week —Some of the Cases Dispos ed Of—Civil Term Begins. For the first t imo in many years, if ever, the eriniinal dockt t fur Stokes Superior court was not finish ed in the one week allotted it. The ease of ilv.' State against C. Urody was taken up Friday and was not given to the jury until last night, having been one of the longest eriniinal eases tried here in yars. The defendant in th'.-> ease >s lining tried on the charge of luirin'iig a stole building in Walnut Cove. Wh ! • the jury in the llrody east have not agreed at this writing the eivil docket was taken up I>y the couit ihi» afternoon. In :■ • Illli■ Mi to tile eases v.lii ii tlii* tIUJ-er I''polled last Week tie- fo| ! ->w •ng ha v e In en disposed of \ tii ■ ■ riinii, il docket: K. T. Allen, colored, eluu •■.•! with niui\i>- . entered a plea ef g-rlty m' manslaughter, and was sent >n • I by Judge .V Klroy t.> a ICPII el' • •: I > than !•> and not ■ i i ■ than J'! years in th • State I rY.o.i. Ai! I; I! -d a colored v.\t 1 • th > v.vro 1 n u'.-ig-l i'.i \.m:k in th • r .! I ailing from i> i : r-y t v tr-l : ho.-il. i' 7h i: >; : i . '-.irg-d ■ I' i nv.ns'augh . i. - -ned 0 P iio 1 ;h • :i u.i road:-. Thome ■ c|:i!M,-d tis -- • ting of a . "iored n:- i: l.j k i vas ac cident a!. Til-- -a.-o of J.Jin V\ . ,'iall. - ;i:-rged ■ritii manslaughter. we .nt limed until the next term of tl.e I-Hitrt. Walter Hairston, retailing, sen ior, ed to Is months m loads. .Mill Hair.-! i- and Mayl.-I! ■ I ,w --iv, larceny. Il.iirsioii wa- -i.i i ."> months (Mi mails and Lowiy I '»i*nith ill comity .mil I'V iiullill, manufacturing ! : ;i o liti -lays oil road. "vi.!!.• r Golden. 11a"in:r >i.:cer in no; session, tit) i|ays on road. I'e-.-y .Morris, r -t: iling, 1 m- ...e --oii ro id. Iciniel i roiie r, failing t«> a; :u-ai and show good behavior a- «.r«l 1/ Judge St.i k. ;it a former term of court, sentenced lo tin day- on road. Notice of appeal was given an I '.Vomer furnished b.ip-i for fr'.no.oo. I'ufus Owens, injur.v to building, ordered to pay tost in case and UIMI pay Moses I'. I'tdliti -> 11 Lee Tilley. liquor in possession, lin.'d $2").00 and cost. In the case of James Moore and (i -o. Moore, charged with the larceny of leaf tobacco, tin- defendants were found not guilty. Kinir items Kin:;'. April s. The Moravian Ladies Aid iriot wi;h Mrs. Joe Stone i n I i iday. •ii I :ird, with twelve '-.is present. Two new lllemb . - "•! • etiroll:l. Mrs. Stone was a >i. • 1 ;l hostess ami ail eiijoyi d v.:th beer. (»n Saturday. April l'.ii. ai o'clock the auction sale of drj j-oods, notions, etc., will !>• h -M. The sale will lake place at the M. - jliee Motor Co.'s garage on North | I lepot Stree. In case of inclement weather the sale will be held in the Jnnir hall ov-r the Hank of Stokes County. After the salo supper will be served. Prove ds will go toward the erection of the new Moravian church. Or. David 11. Wilcox and family, of Winston-Salem, spent Saturday and Sunday ith Mr. and Mrs. S. 11. Prown on West "Miiili Street. Mrs. Etta Carroll Dies At Winston-Salem Winston-Salem, Ajtril 7.—Mrs. Ktta li. Carroll, widow of William Carroll, died at lur home here today. She was -It! years old. She hud been a irsilent of this city for two years and for the past several months had been in ill health. Her husband passed away four years ago. She was a member of Quaker Gap P>ap tist church, of Stokes county, near which place she formerly resided Scientists say the New York earth quake was due to ocean-bed faults or something. This appears to clear llylan,—Dallas News. ROANOKE ROAD VIA WALNUT COVE Stale Highway Commission Will Hani Surface.' Road From Walnut Cove to Madi son. At the meeting of the State 11ijrh way ('i inini.--.-iun in Raleijjh last \vu i; i! was decided to harilsiirface as .-nun as |»i-sililc thc> road from Walnut Cow to .Madison, tins road forming a part of the national high way from to Roa noke. Va. Thi- original route s K-:-t - iml for the Roanoke highway was by way of Walkertown and Rock Hill, Suit hue contra-.' has Inon l"t for hard Mirl'aee to Walnut Cove it was it- ided to adopt tin- mute through W: lent Cove and save the building o r ' \ t ral miles of road. I' .■ .a el s have hi "11 a* •. .n . f r f • ~ys a!re':'!y I .cat an tin i'i !i for the Mail:: on-W ali . 'o . • .d. ,\| .'ortlil'g t. tile - n..\ .a. : ad will colli' i. ai ly 1o • ■ f 11, A. II 'dtfi- i i;. in thi- a in part of Walnut Cove, and ii,. . ••nn (ast, going to Madison ly •... . of Ilaiiston's J' •» I bridge, |> : ly le.i. !ng I' : n 11. !1 to s i:-.i : It is : it- d tiiat tlv W-. . '. .wa l!> -1; I' !l load to }'• >,!. on ■. . I i, . he hard Mirfaccd hut will he main tain d ihe State a- •. •• ' •■.el. 1 i- thought Vl-ohali' : ti . . w.ll ! ■a .. arded . il ! •• CI.!. .i '. ii 11 o I • . nut 1 'iv Maiii- -a highway. t.. W.! !' ' ' -in and *!!• aim! , p, are anv i- In see this ntr lon. . hit;., v. i .inpli ied a:. I .; ■ urir.-,. the i oimui doners to speed it up. KXGINKKRS HKGIN ROAD LOCATION National IlijJiwny ii''tween iloanoxe and Win;>ti>: - ,-Salem To i'ass riiiMi!;«' I Walnut ( 'i-.VO—!Vroj:;:i Item*. V aliri! i \>v ~ \; rl! - Mi-- I*ll gelliu Wheeler -[ li! thi Wt'l'k-l'llll a: her h-.ni ■ h.• r--. Air. .lolln Re.ln.a'l, * ' Pilot Mm., w - a visitor in vn f.«t tlte week end. Air. John Iturhar -:ii the we. k ind at his home in Irani isco. Misses Kula .Mae Farmer and Maiy Hooker spent Satin I.y in Winston-Salem. All.-s Mildred \ !,->. of W .n Salem, was a \.-:t.r in tuiei in day night. Miss Viola Smith, •I" W- n- Sa'eni, alld-Mr. John liutllei \\r.- n tawn a short while Monday, Mr. Hill Fulton, of Chrl.-C*. S.-i. ;. Anion, N. C„ returned to his - liool Ti-.e.- i.'.,. after spend''. th we. • end witn his parent.-. Al>. a: 1 ! .M J. ;. Kuit iti. Mr. I.eak !,o\in. of led Sorii'.:-, w..s a visit; r i:; . .i\\ a -s• i;■ ■ -ay Air. at. I Mrs. (~• -"■ ilt• >;. man a shopping trip to WaiMait Sa 1 M itulay. Mrs. Paul Fulton spent T lay a .1 Wednesday at h-'i hoia • in t itv.-tishoro. Mr-. H. V. Gentry. of >; "ii'ini: (■.. •. was a visitor in ti.wn Monday. I'v. and Mrs. Montgomery,. of •ville, spoilt the week-end with M'. and Mrs. Russell Smith .Mi. anil Mrs. Russell > liith. AP- Nell and Margaret Hutchison Wc'.t 1 Winston-Salem Friday. Mr. l-i 11, of Statesville, is niaving iill'. "' l: 'Use formerly occupied )> Air. I'i.! - l.inville. Air. Hell lias accepted managership of the Vet"ci nn: plant. t Air. W. I Signion spent the week end at hi I' ine in Greensboro. Air. J. P. llipps conducted chapel exercises fa' Walnut Cove graded school Aland, y A. M. A party . V State Highway engi neers are locating the road between Walnut Cove a't'l Aladison, with the idea of inakinv. is a part of the national highway from North Caro lina to Virginia. Mr. George Ai.irtin was in town Monday getting ready to begin work on the hard-surface road. Messrs. J. t>. Pennington ami Lionel Myers spent the week-end at Hurlington. Navy says our aviators are all u| in the air. Aviators claim our Navy is all at soa. That leaves our de fense up a tree.—Columbia Record. No. 2 765 MUCH TRAFFIC ON ROAD TO COVE Highway Patrolman \V. R. Sands Counted 1007 Cars and Trucks In One Day Recently. W. R. Sands, patrolman on the Danbuy-Walnut Cove highway, re cently counted the cars and trucks passing over that road at a given point for a period of ten hours, this being done under the direction of (lie State highway oflieials. .Mr. who was a visitor here today, •tilted that he counted one thousand iind seven cars and triuks during th • ten hours. Son'.e w n ks previous to this count Mr. Sands found that T•">'; cars and trie. !; went over thi- road in one day i f ten hour.-. A y.:tr or ni..re sin." ii was an ■ . i i'V th S it. highwn eom m.' •■. t liat highv; i\ in the State having a- many as six hundred i!'- an I si I- !. ■ •! day would be hard-surf red as ;oon as possible, I* !■ - i !\e v'to'ic- i- i«i line for a • ,i . . ,ir ti: ;e th future. TAX LISTERS ARE NAMED V. Carroll Is Appi-inted v; ;>• "\ isur ( i' Taxis !'or the Co .nly. Fiw-inl \V. ; vro!l, ,-f Meadows ■ v nh was a-.i oit.- -j super-, i-or for Stolces by tie- county eom -i- tier- at 'he regular meeting fth !•. ltd h,., M.-ulay. Mr. Carroll's -ilaiy va- fixed by the board at per day for time he i- actually employed. Th. following named citizens were anpointcd list-takers in the .-everal townships of the county: .Vadkin R. y P.-ild': - '.>'iaker (iap 1.. V. M Kinney. Pig Creek Joe Francis. I'eteis Cr k R. Hay. Panbii y M. Kinl'-y Xelsoti. Siii-w Ci 'ek T. .1. Gain. . r I .-land A. l'tin.an. Sauratowr. I! I'riildy. M ailm.vs \V. A. Sotitli tn. Xo v "s and Personal:* Of Germ anion Route 1 (iermanton Route 1. March 30. The many friends f Mr. 11. 1.. Mart grove will regret t > learn that he is confined to his room with rheuma tism. Mrs. M. F. Tuttle was on the sick Ist the past we. k. Mr. Callic Tuttle, of Roule 'J, pent :he week-end with honiefolks here. MUses Marie ami Grace Milliard -• i• t the week-ilid with friends near Rural Hall. Mi . ii. A. Moles and Mi--..- 1 cue !' .:: l■ 1 Rebec, a Mole:- >ent > :i ! \ aftirtioon with Mrs. Roy WK'o. a I Mrs. Jennings Tuttle Sunday with relatives here. \! lane l'e.ker visited Miss lowler Sunday afternoon. \ ■! g these who \ i - : ted at Mrs. T. -I Moles' Sunday were Mr. and Mi-. 1 in Moles, Mr. and Mr ; . Char lie i . Mrs. Ne.il Rutledge and datig.-.ter, Dorothy, Misses Maude .in.i Muriel Moles, Clarhv and Sarah I'.i'.: II iliand, I'mie and Sallie Kiser ate! Mr. Charlie Rutlel^o. Mrs. Robert Kiser and little daughters, Helen and F.dith. of Winston-Salem. visited Mrs. J. t". Kiser Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mamie Tuttle and daughter, Hallic, spent Sunday at Mr. Wal'er Terry's. Mr. Gaston Tuttle. of near Walnut Cove, accompanied by his sons and Mr. Kerman Tuttle, of this place, left \vstcrday for a week's visit to relativis in 1.0r.g Island, Alabama. Mr. Jesse Mill, of Randolph coun ty, siicnt Sunday with relatives and friends here. Messrs. I'osie Slate and Thedore Bowman, of Route 2, spent Sunday with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Carl White and daughter, Krleeti, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. White Sunday. S. KIDS. The cost of producing milk may be reduced by using pastures. The feed cost is generally the biggest ex pense item in producing milk.

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