DANBURY REPORTER Volume LI. REV. W. A. [BILLY] SUNDAY COMING TO WALNUT COVE ' Will Deliver Graduating Address At Closing Exercises of High School There Saturday, May 9th At 10:00 A. M. Announcement is made that Rev. i W. A. Sunday, who is conducting a j revival in Winston-Salem, will de- J liver the graduating address to the class of the high school in Walnut J Cove on Saturday, May IHh, at 10 o'clock A. M. t Walnut Cove is to be congratulat ed upon the prospect of having Mr. (Sunday with them. He is probably the world's greatest and m »st well] known evangelist and seldom speaks j except in the larger cities, always j attracting immense th.'otij-'s on r-wy i occasion. The evangelist will ppeak *n the; large auditorium of ihe scin I bu Id- j ing at Walnut Cow aid 'lk' ewnii'-.t-, tee in charge announces that children ; under ten years of t.gi' w'i! t.el be admitted in order that room may be j made for as many elder people as j possible. The audience will nodoubt tax the capacity of the auditorium. PINE HALL NEWS ITEMS Commencement of High School I logins 14th—Missionary So ciety Meets. Pine llall, May I.—On Saturday, afternoon the Woman's Missionary j society met with Mrs. A. Ci. Jones. | All members were present. The, business session was presided over | by .Miss Rolls anil for next meeting, each member shall report on sonv.'j item concerning China. Following | sill reports a delicious ice course was served by the hostess. Commencement exercises of the Fine Hall school will begin on Thurs- i day, May 1 Ith, at the school audi-, .v toriuni lasting throughout the week. » On Sunday, May the 17th the baca-1 laureate sermon will be preached by Rev. A. J. Bowling, of Danbury. Mrs. J. E. Dalton has returned from a visit to Roanoke. Many people have been attending the revival meeting which is being held in Winston-Salem, among whom were Messrs. Tom Tuttle, \\. C. Parris, W. 11. Ashburn, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Lester, Miss Mabel Ellis and Prof. Geo. P. Hunt. W. 11. Ashburn has reported sev eral line "catches" from the pond lately, one bass weighing five or more pounds. At the home of Air. and Mrs. Jim Roberts on Saturday evening a very enjoyable surprise supper with many relatives and friends was attended in honor of Mr. Robert's birthday. J. E. Dalton and family enjoyed ripe strawberries from own garden last evening for supper. Snow In Ashe County Every Day Winston-Salem, May L—People coming from Ashe county report during the past week in that section it has snowed practically every day but it incited as fast as it fell except in a few spots on the very shaded parts of the north side of the mountains. Saturday after noon it sleeted for a whih 1 . While no damage was done to fruit by the very cold weather of the past week such has no means been the case with tobacco plants and those who have had occasion during the past few days to travel over a con siderable part of what is known as the "old belt" report that insects have played havoc with the young plants and that farmers are already trying to get in touch with farmers in the tobacco belt of eastern North Carolina for the purpose of secur ing a supply of plants. If plants can not be secured in the east it is said that the shortage will mean a short crop in the "old belt as it is too late now to plant seed, this having been done several months ago. Even Blarney Some times Fails . Terence —'"Tis a fine lad ye havi here. A magnificent head and nobh features. Could ye lend me a con pi. A of dollarsV" p u t —"l could not. 'Tis me wife s child by her first husband."— Lon don Telegraph. 'MAY EXTEND ROAD CONTRACT i J State Highway Commission | Reported To Have Made Of-| for On Road From Walnut Cove To Rockingham Line. ! It is stated that contractor Martin, ! who is building hard-sitrface road i from I'ulp to Walnut Cove, has had lan offer from the State highway ' commission in which they propose j to let him extend the hard-surface • from Walnut Cove to the Rocking j ham county line at the same price ' per yard which he is to receive for \ the Fulp-Walnut Cove road. ! This road is a part of the Winston ; Saleni-Koanoke highway and if Con j tractor Martin fails to accept the j offer of the State highway commis j sion it will no doubt be awarded to , ; some other contractor just as soon i as possible as the road is expected to bring lots of tourists from the I north to Winston-Salem. I IBANK SHOWS I PROFITABLE YEAR, i I?ank of Stokes County's An- I nnal Meeting of Stockholders j and Directors May I—Oflic-; ers Re-elected and Dividend | Declared. j The annual meeting of the stock holders and directors of the Hank of | Stokes County was held at the Wal ' nut Cove office on May 1. A large attendance of stockholders was pres i ent. The reports of the officers showed the bank in strong position, j with total resources of a million and a half dollars. The year just closed lon May 1 showed a successful man agement, ami a cash dividend to stockholders of 12 per cent, was declared by the directors. I All the old officers were re-elected 'a* follows: Dr. J. W. Neal, Prest.; N. E. Pepper, Cashier at Danbury; i C. E. Davis, Cashier at Walnut Cove; ' C. C. McGee, Cashier at Germanton; H. 11. Leake, Cashier at King. I Directors were elected as follows: J. W. Neal, Sam'l llairston, J. B. , Woodrutr, V. T. Grabs, S. W. Pull iam, E. P. Newsum, 11. H. Leak, E. I W. Carroll, Dr. W. 11. Hynum, C. M. ! Hauser, C. C. McGee, J. C. Carson, j.l."Wesley Morefield, P. H. Linville, II John 11. Marshall, C. E. Davis, J. A. iI Law .-on, E. P. Pepper. N. E. Pepper. Vice-Presidents: .1. I!. Woodrutr, j Dr. W. H. Bynum, V. T. llrabs, I). S. j Priddy. ! The Billy Sunday Revival Meeting's [ | Winston-Salem, May 3. This is the beginning of the third week of ' | the Billy Sunday meetings and al though services are hold twice every day but Monday there has not been a single service when less than 3,000 ! people have failed to hear the great evangelist. He is to be in \\ inston- Salem for six weeks and many there are who have hit the sawdust trail but it has been done with less osten tation than in a great many meetings but has been none the less effective. ' On all sides can be heard reports ' „f the results that are being shown ' ; by the meeting. [l i, Even There They Are Suffering* 'I Temperance Lecturer —"What is ' | the curse of Britain today ? \\h:.l ', brings man bleary-eyed to his work . ' What makes women neglect tbefit rodlihcn? Yes—and what i.-s wreck ing 'arf the 'appy 'omes in on' land? What is it, gentlemen:" Voice from the Crowd—"Cross word puzzles!"- The Passing Shov e (London.) That Depends b "How far do you get on a gallon? i- "All depends on what's in the gal lon."— Juggler. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday, May 6, 1925 NEW TICKET WAS ELECTED In Walnut Cove Municipal Election Monday J. W. Man uel Was Named As Mayor— Town Commissioners. In the municipal election held in Walnut Cove Monday there were i two tickets and the contest between I the friends of the opposing tickets is said to have been rather spirited. The ticket elected is composed of all new men and is as follows: Mayor, James \V. Manuel; Town Commissioners, H. 11. Davis, W. L. Vaughn, ('has. K. Hutcherson, .J. L. Welch. The retiring officers, who were defeated by small majorities, are Mayor, I'. H. Linville, Town Commissioners, Dr. J. \V. Neal, J. IJ. Mitchell, J. C. Hutcherson, W. I'. Wheeler. Walnut Cove is installing electric power and lights and water and sewer systems and is investing con siderable money in these conven iences, which fact makes the town offices probably of more importance than usual, hence the strong inter est shown in Monday's election. STOKES TO PAY VETERAN'S FARE To Coming Reunion At Wilson j —Very Few In County Now —Commissioners In Session 1 Monday. At the* meeting f the Stokes; ( board of commissioners Monday an 1 order was made that the county pay the railroad fare of the Confederate. 1 veterans of Stokes who attend the coming reunion of the veterans at • Wilson, N. ('. There is now only a small number . of the old vets in the county and it ! is likely that less than half dozen of them will attend the reunion. The commissioners hired Geo. Fulton, colored, to H. 11. Davis, of Walnut Cove, for a period of 30 days to pay cost of his trial at last term of court. Fulton has served l his term on the road. TWENTY ROAD . PROJECTS LET Only One Road For This Dis trict, This Being From Win ; ston-Salem to Rural II?ill. ; j Raleigh, May s—The state high-1 •. way commission announ i 1 tonight ■] low bidders on twenty (instruction • 'projects in eighteen counties pro\•!- • | ing for 171 miles of hard-surfac» d, • sand asphalt and graded road:', to i; cost 3,282.051.13. •j One hundred and twenty-three bids • iw. re received and opened t.> lay by ' | the commission, and contract* w.ll ■ j be awarded low bidl -«'s at once. The I work will take the second bij' slice I from the new S2O OiHI.OI'O highway j issue authorized by the 102 > general j assembly. >! The only road let in th's district > was the one from Rural Ilnli ''■ f Winston-Salem, as follows: -! No. 71(1, Forsyth courtty, 10.33 >•' miles of concrete paving between i Winston-Salem and the Stokes coun -1 tv line, J. M. Gregory and company, t $271 .•>.">7.10; structures, Nance Con -1 struction company, $(170. _ | ;! Poteat-Lassiter Wed *i ding at Walnut Cove , ! Miss Elizabeth rot eat, niece of | Air. end Mrs. R. S. Nunn, and Mr. I C. C. Lasfiter. son of R. S. and Mrs. j l.assiter, of Goldsboro, were mar - j ried at the home of the bride at Walnut Cove Sunday afternoon by the Rev. Hugh Moore, pastor of the s Friends church of Winston-Salem, t and cousin of the groom. A quiet ? | home affair, only a few intimate r j friends were present. I After May 10 the young couple ir will be at, home at 214 South Broad street, Winston-Salem. - The bride is a student at Drough ts- an's business college, and the groom holds a position with Thompson's drug store in Winston-Salem. „ The bride was attired in a beau tiful gray ensemble suit with ac cessories to match and c'arried a 1- bouquet of pink and white rosebud? and ferns. KING SCHOOL CLOSES NEXT WEEK Work Starts On Two Churches and Other Buildings—Miss Boyles 111 —Business Makes Change. King, May 4.—Mr. W. A. Smith i has purchased half interest in the I mercantile business of Hobson Pres ton on ihe corner of Depot and Main streets. Mr. Smith will be actively engaged in the business which will be continued at the same location. "Thunderbolt Tom." the evange list, of W'nsto;-S..l:m, wa. here Friday looking after some busi"ess matters. Dr. R. S. Helsabeck attended th" state medical nuvt'ng held at I'ine Hurst last week. Thursday, Friday anil Saturday, May 1 Ith, 15th, and 10th, have been lixed as the dates for the high school commencement here. A line program is being arranged and large crowds are expected. The R. J. Reynolds team defeated ■ the lied Goose team in a hard fought game of base ball played on the King diamond Saturday. The score stood three and one. Attorney Piereeson Rumley, of Hendersonville, spent Sunday with ] relatives here. A large crowd from here attended I the Billy Sunday meeting at Wins . | ton-Sah ni yesterday, j The King All Stars crossed bats with High Point >n the High l'oint I diamond Saturday. > .-suiting in a| score of four and two in favor of | High I'oint. Mr. Jesse Spease, of Tobaccoville, j was among th«- visitors here Sunday. ' Mr. I'. 11. Newsum li-ft this morn ing for Elizabeth City whore he goes as a delegate to the state conven- J tion of Modern Woodman of Ameri-1 ea, to be held the (ith and 7th. Mr. Joe Goodman, of Winston- Salem, is here on business today. Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn Newsoni, of Winston-Salem, spent Sunday with Mr. Newsum's mother on Pulliam Work on the new Christian church on West Main street is being push ed along at a rapid rate. The struc ture is being erected of brick and will be modern in every particular. Mr. Charlie Hooper, of Winston- Salem, was among the business visi tors here today. Work on the new Moravian church which is to be built on West Main street will be commenced within the next few days. This building will be constructed of brick. Mr. A. H. Newsom, of Clemmons, is here today looking after some business matters. Material is being placed on the ! site preparatory to erecting a nice new home for Mr. .1. M. Smith in . Pilot View, the new development ; just east of town. Mr. Lucian Moore, one of our best citizens, is very sick at his home two miles east of town. ! The Fowler-.lones Lumber Com pany expect to open up their new place of business the latter part of , this week. They will handle all kinds ]of building material. Miss Pansy Boyles, who has been very sick at the home of her father. Mr. C. O. l'.oyles, on West Main j street for several days, shows no improvement, we are sorry to note. I»r. S. F. Tillotson, of Capella, Ii- here today looking after sotni : i.-al estate deals. The corner stone laying of the new Moravian church on West Main street will take place on the first Sunday in June at 3:00 o'clock P. M. The Moravian brass band of Beth ania will make music for the occas ion. Self-Sacrifice "Mania," said little F.lsie, "I do ' i wish 1 had some money to give you for the poor children." Her mother, wishing to teach het the lesson of self-sacrifice, said • "Very well, dear; if you would like to go without sugar for a week, Fll give you the money instead, and 1 tlu-n you will have some." The little one considered solemnly ' for moment, and then said, "Must it 'be sugar, mama?" ' j "Why, no, darling; not necessar -1 il.v. What would you like to dt ' without?" "Soap, mama," was Elsie's answer - Boston Transcript. ! i Truth is stranger than fiction. I s I doesn't come around as- often.— I Columbia Record. STORES ROAD IS ELIGIBLE Has Qualified For Hard-Sur face Under Rule Laid Down By State Highway Com mission. Patrolman W. R. Sands counted the cars and trucks that passed over the D.'inbury-Walnut Cove ,'road 1 yesterday from seven o'clock in the morning until six in the afternoon, i Seven hundred and twenty-four j passed during the ten hour period— j and it was legitimate traffic. In fact Mr. Sands, who stays on the road constantly, says that the traffic on this road will now average Too or more cars and trucks daily. The State highway commission re quires the patrolman to count the traffic one day in each month and it never conies under 700, sometimes passing a thousand. Some two years since the State ' highway commission made the state l merit that all roads in the State hav j ing as many as six hundred cars | passing over them during a day of ' ten hours would be hard-surfaced, ias it would be more economical to pave them than to maintain them as soil roads. Hut this rule evidently don't apply in the case of the road to the county seat of Stokes. 1 The survey was made and definite promise "f a hard-surface road to Danbury was given nearly two years ; | s'ince, but our ivople are gvtvng "out of heart" as the lust $20,000,- 000 bond issue will soon be allocated. I COMMENCEMENT AT FRANCISCO j Exercises To Be Held At Stokes ; High School May G-S; Ail-; dress By Rev. L). H. Wilcox, j | Principal O. 11. Hauser, of the I 1 Francisco high school in Stokes j | county, announces the program of | his annual commencement exercises j for May ti to 8. Rev. D. H. Wilcox, assistant to the pastor of the First Baptist church of Winston-Salem, will deliver the address on May S at 11 o'clock a. m. The exercises will commence on Wednesday night, May 0, with a girls' recitation contest. Thursday at 2:30 p. m. the boys' declaration contest will be held. On Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock the high school students will give a play entitled, "Am I intruding?" j News of Germanton j Germanton, May •">.—The wheat is looking very good in this section. 1 Misses Nina Chapman, l-ela Tat tle, Hattie Tatum, Myrtis Montgom | cry iind Ethel Blavlock were tin I guests of Misses Pearl and I rein , Smith Sunday. Miss Irene Smith has just return ed from King where she spent thi past week with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. B. (Boles. Mrs. i>. C. Boles, of King, who I has been very ill, is fast improving. Miss Etta Boles was the guest of i Misses Blanche and I.illian Smith . j Sunday. i | Mr. John Browder and family, "f , I Rural Hall, and Mrs. John Tuttle and . I part of her family, of High Point, .visited their brother and sister. Mr. ..(and Mrs.P. L. Smith, of Gernmnton. 'tin past Sunday. Striwlurries are getting ripe in , this ntion. , BROWN EYES - And Still Less Would Do Judge "Have you anything to say, pti.M.ner, before sentence i passed upon you J Prisoner "No, your lordship, ex .l. cept that i! takes very little to please me."- Answi i 1 This Can't Be Tennesee 1 | Lady—"\\ hy I. wv thov lrt sill thi 1 monkeys out of t.ieir cages?" Zoo Attendant "Holiday, mum r ] This is Darw in - birthday."—San t , ford Widow. -! The only real obstacle to everlast l( itig peace is the fact that there art ; more dogs than bones. Sherbrooki -.' (Que.) Record. So far as the French debt to us i: t concerned, money seems to be th - only thing we havent been able ti get.- Baltimore Sun. No. 2 769 ! SCHOOL MEETING HERE YESTERDAY Several Hundred Stokes Citi zens Hear Prof. J. M. Proctor Explain County-Wide Con solidation Of Schools. Five or six hundred Stokes citi j Zens attended a mass meeting at the i court house here today held fur the j purpose of considering a county i wide plan for the organization or consolidation of the schools of Stokes I county. i Prof. J. M. Proctor, representing j the State department of education, addressed the citizens, explaining l in detail the plan of consolidation as worked out bv himself nvd Supl. ! of Schools J. t, Carson. T:iik wera , also made by .'ohn L. hii-uau, a member of the ooarri f ed ' :,iion, I and by J. Carson f.nd others. Recently Prof. Proctor and Supt. , Carson have visited all the I schools districts of the county and plans have been made for establish ing high schools in reach of every child in the county. Those who are ' familiar with the county state that ' the plan is well laid out. It is stat ed that it will require some two, three or four years to complete the ' carrying out of the plan, but that the school board will begin the work ' as soon as possible. The State law 1 now requires the consolidation of the • schools and unless the plan is car ried out the money which the State h;ii- been paying over to this county jto help support our schools will lie withheld and the county will he loft entirely dependent upon it- own re sources. I Pesonal and News j Items At Walnut Cove Walnut Cove, May fi.— Walnut j Cove held its annual election Mon day, May 4, and the following offic ers were elected: Messrs. W. L. Vaughn, Harry Davis, C. R. Hutchi son and Joe Welch, Town Commis sioners; Mr. J. W. Manuel, Mayor. Miss Alma Chilton returned home Saturday after a long stay in Greensboro. Her many friends are glad to have her with them again. Misses Nina and Essie Morefield returned Sunday from a visit to their sister, Mrs. J. B. Gw.vn, of Charlotte. Mrs. J. I). Franks and children, of Greensboro, spent Monday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. More field. Miss Sara Mitchell returned Sun day from a visit to relatives in Hills bo ro. Mr. J. W. Morelield made a busi ness trip to Winston-Salem Tues day. Mr. George Jarvis was in Greens boro Tuesday A. M. i Miss Dorothea Thome, of Salis bury. was a visitor in town Sunday. Mr. C, S. Austin made several itiips to Salisbury Sunday. 1 Mr. T. ('. Hart man visited rela \ lives in Salisbury last week-end. Mi -.i,lines Nannie and .Jacob l'ul ' I ton ai d Miss Myrtle Hiirge went to !| Wnii-'.on-Salein Tuesday afternoon to ( h ar Hilly Sunday, j Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dodson spent . ! the week-end with relatives in En , licit), N. C. Mr. and Mrs. C. I". Davis heard '. Hilly Sunday's sermon in Winston- Salem Tuesday night. "| i art. ('. S. Currier, of F.lkin, was ! in town Tuesday- afternoon, j Mr. i . A. Richardson, nicmbi rof ! Suite High Commission, of Elk in, ! spent this week here. Mr. George Martin was in town this week. All Quiet In the Build ing: Trade Country Cousin (after prolonged t , inspection of building operations) "I don't see the sense of putting i statutes on the top of your build -2 ings." "' Friend "Statutes? Those aren't t ,' statues. They're bricklayers. Punch. !: Thou Shalt Not Crib First Freshman in Math Exam I- "How far are you from the correct re answer?" it Second Freshman in Math Exam — "Two seats." —The A. & S. Link. is Hob says reaction ia in the saddle u* at Washigton. We wonder if this to is a sly dig at Calvin's electrical horse.— Milwaukee Journal.