PAGE FOUR MANY DEFECTS IN RADIO OVERCOME Broadcast:::!: Ft her Withstands Its First \\ alts—Re ception Is I Jotter. ■\V.i-hMrt' July -7. The btv;td ca.-ting "her h:.s stood its 'list in '■■ ■■ , , f 7h'•' watt- and judging ftvm iiuiiudiat. elVt the ::l moth dose appear* constitute at .1 part ..1 ■ .ri for many f v and ...i..• i• :* {lntents. Itn t-: was made by WGY the big Gcn ;.:a! !: will be repented Tuesday and Wcd:u ■- a;, r.'ghts, beginning at m. :- men. Kadi ' engineer- and : tl. - • closely. r :'ty th .i-nnd watts - \.;.t'y 1 • ••« tunc- a.- much powi •. by the average B broadcasting stations and 50 times the power used by the average class A plant. More over, it is 10 times the power of thi : >■. „ v . • - *i, I-;.. u\ r -tations, and siderably more juice than had ever ..f'-.-t exper ntent 1 with by WGY. at Schenectady, and KDKA, at Pitts burgh. \miing rt tin a.r aider - ix per: mental .ail letters *he ra! not' c. reached out into a static :ii'- i ! • -hi r and -ha w 1 the radio public a few tiling- about • . • • • " .v. r. The demonstration w - arrai.g- ! f r several reason-. i •• important. * . cm -7 ha- - • ' • r-power i- the real WHEN YOU VISIT f t WALNUT COVE j ■S 0 A A ; Drop in at our Cafe and : get a first-class meal. $ Our prices are reason- \ able. % 0 | I J. A. LEWIS, | Proprietor. o ■ "augtf 0 0 0 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOV •ooc oooooooo'>: 0000000000000000000000 0 0 THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER > C - ;.frying ni - fi -atures. :n t- • ... X ing the latest news fr ASSOCIATED PRESS. th. CON- 0 0 >>!.! HATED :■!■: w -He NORTH AMERICAN Nl."\ 0 RARER AI i i \N ; v ether newspai r ii .-a- .J .>>. O ■ C { the :u> .»t a reader at ' at . • ti ' ■' : q and f i • • ■ re must he a reas>'i. If Tie •!!- £ a SERVER . • n>> doubt you w>.uld ■ a i id- r. 0 0 A . ,d send to the Clrcula:i 1 1 •, Q OERVER will send you free sample •- f Ti • 0 N" • i:> 1:1 i\ i I!, or 1 letter still, fill in ar.d . . 0 0 all remittance and The OBSERVER will . it you Ol x - ! er. Vou don't have to pay f .»• . • «... Oi . A-i ■ rter period will l>e appreciated and : t.E.ap- V q 'e eonven'.eiit f r you at this time. Send y. ,r i- 1 nance X 5 tor any amount you wish. Ily all means, don't ■• rl k send- X 0 ing in the e« ipon tilled in and let us send you sample copies 6 0 and us why you are not a reader of The OBSERVER. y 0 SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY .MAIL 0 0 > Q lnvi, 3 r.K s. • 1 year. Q1 0 I 'ai'.y ..1.1 .- .nday "c $2.2.*. .? I " SP.OO 0' 0 Daily wit hi >undav «'•."» 1.73 -*••> 7.00 0 0 0 Q Sundav O: A 10 l.Pd 1 "*• 3.5 > 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 Q The Charlotte Observer, 0 Circulation Department, 0 t'harlotte, N. Carolina. Q Y Gentlemen: Enclosed find for months 0 X suhseription 0 $ OBSERVER. 0 A Send sample copies to 0 A 0 Y Mv rensi.ii for not reading The OBSER\ ER is A X > go X Name X Y Address 6 >oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I static conqueror. Finally it is in-1 i temk :' 1 a '.ha. • watts will. * not clutter a» t'n- eta-, ra- many of j the opponents . f -uper-: ■■ r of-j * ten have contended. Sunday marked the '••• nt rary passing f the great'.-1 rau per-, (-•onality of the east— "K x- ISoth afeld. ay rin broad.a-t :ig and the tir-t of the fanvus m. r. phone . impressarios. In "K xyV place nines :t I'alifemian. .'da or K.lward . I'oWes who will pre* i( • r the old f "IJoxy's" gang, and the S unlay evening c r:-. Mrs. Bryan Will Make Her Home in Florida Balance of Her Life Washington. Aug. 1. -N-rh t'ato ' ".a friends «f Mrs. William Jeii ngs Bryan invited her to mak" r mto in the mountains of the -• t . . - -aid -he is very fond of Ashe af.l tiio country round a!" ut. 1-living here for Cocoa • • , w • re -he has a home.' -... . i - u ::d the re-t ef | \ 11--. Bryan. wii" in- • u an iu -I.lh-. n ■ ■■! last • - . -eeUled It lay. - . c,i f... i p ■ r 1 ".ile in the . •, • -ii • . . • attention ~ f. ' votei! lit V i. The recent til in the price makes the Chevrolet the best buy in its i i.i— on the market. - See the new models at Stokes j 11 Motor tar t «».. Walnut Cove. N. i.C. K THE DANBURY REPORTER 12 Additions To Friendship Church i (lormaiiton I. Aug. Tti»- revival servi.e- the Friend-h. > Baptist ihutvh ii"-vl S unlay ntovii iiiiX with 12 miii• '.•' the vl.a.ii. The pastor was itt>iy assist l i I y ILT'V. Jesse BlalovK, i» F Mile lV vounty. IB i a very fni\i ful : reavher ami mi:, a interest was taken through- t out the inviting. Mi-- Maliel Howl- -. . f Lewisville. ami Miss Matgatv: It. », of Wat j ston->a!i ni, spent th. past week \\i:i: Mi-- - Sara ami M.iry Tattle. V..- t'arlie John.-nn. •! Winston- Sale: . spei.; her vaeatioti with tvla tivi - fin mis here the past Week. Among those who vi-itcil Mrs. | Jetir:e R .Tv.igv Sunday were: Mr. | ami Mr-. J. Fowler ami son. Mr. ! ami Mr-. Ih wiy lireeiu* and children, Mr. Mrs. Paul Tattle and iiil dlill. Mr. i Mrs. Jeiu.injrs Tattle spent ti. •. -• wnk with relativ. s . . . and 1 rem 1 - I Mr. and M:-. S. 1.. M adows ..• «! i Mrs. tieoi'ire of Kenu rs vilie, visit'- 1 : la::. - here last week. V '. \V. ('. Tuttl" returned home Ft iay after attitniing the summer - i. ! f r t aehers at !':!• : Mountain. Mr. T iHoles ami f..mi!y atteiid led the Rierson reunion near Tobac eoville Mi s s V- ra Meadows and Sad.e jiianiner. of tv rm r-'. ill- , spent oral day- the i a-t Week with r ia tives here. Among th« -■■ who \ sited Mi--i- Maie and f 'ieoiio 1!. i - S.:::day af'• r nooii wore: Misses I'mio K-• r. Sallie Fowler. • lari.-o Holland, ami Mossrs. Charlie Kutivilgv, Joe !!• I: -lit. Pago. litifus Tattle, W v : •lot ••-. Coleaian Rolierts.-n, I I rd j ry isoii and others. ORDINANCE Al THORIZING I'HK ISSUANCE OF S.'Mi.iMK) STREET IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF THE TOWN OF WAI.MT CO\ E. NORTH ( VROI.INA. lie ii Resolved In the Hoard of Commissioner* of the Town of Walnut Cove: > Iti 1. That it; pursuance. : the provisions i f the Munici pal Finanee Aet (Seetions 291S ,t" *JO«'-1. '"it.-'iflatetl Statutes . f North ('arolina, as jinieiitletl ttiid it -enacted. Extra Session; 1921.) negotiable lioliiis of tltei Town of Walnut Cove, to lie known as "STREET IMPROVE-' MEXT BONDS," are herel.yl authorized t" be issued in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding THIRTV THOUS-! ANI) iHILEARS. for the neces sary ' xpenses of said Town, to wit: Tor the purpose of paying' •for the eonstruetion of streets' for tlie Town of Walnut Cove; and its citizens. See. 2. A tax sufficient to pay j 'tie principal and interns' of the, •tills hereby authorized shall annually levied and collected, j See. .">. The following matters; are hereby determined and de-j .ared pursuant to the r quire nieiits of Section 293S i the Municipal Finance Act: (a) A statement of the debt j of the Town of Walnut Cove has been made and tiled with the Town Clerk pursuant to the | Municipal Finance Act and is iopen to public inspection. (b) The assessed valuation of property subject to taxation by the Town of Walnut Cove for 1924, as shown by said statement, is $1,050,114.(i0. (e) The amount of the net debt ot the Town of Walnut | Cove outstanding, authorized, ,or to lie authorized, as shown! by said statement, is s(> U H)0.00.1 Sec. 1. This ordinance shall' be published once in each of two successive weeks after its final' pa-sage, as repaired by Section 1 2914 of the Municipal Finance | Aet. ! Sec. ">. This ordinance shall , take effect thirty days after its - i'wst publication unless in the meantime a petition for its sub mission to the voters is said under the Municipal Finance Act. and in such event it shall take effect when approved by the voters of the Town of Wal nut Cove at an election as pro vided in said Act. The foregoing ordinance was I passed on the 3rd day of Aug., 1925, and was first published on the sth day of August, 1925. Any action or proceeding questioning the validity of said ordinance must be commenced ' within thirty days after its first publication. I H. R. MCPHERSON, cierk, i Town of Walnut Cove, N. C. saug2w County Seat Of Stokes May Get A Road Yet When the matter of an aiiilitional l eiiil issue :• r highway "ii.-truetiun ' was muter eonsiiieration at the las: session of the Legislature, the people • were not slow in registering their determination to secure more roads, and the limited issue was passed; under promise that it would he hut !u stmt r. that abundant tinanees Would develop for prosecution of the i eonstt la t mil work under popular de mand. Tlie important fact stands I out that there is to he no let-up in j highway v-nstl'lK'tinn in this State ; until the original design of the High way ommission for connecting , roads from eoimty-scat-to-.ounty ' .-eat is accomplished and then settle. . i t'harlott" Observer. Or Our Signboards "A pri verb says Add naught to the truth." I "I siisO'vt that is what those ! movie -tars do when tin y are telling what salaries they get ?">t'o hi - collies s.".000." R -101 l Transcript. NOTICE. Suite i f North i arolina. Stokes ("• unty. l:t t!:e Superior Court. The Bank ••: Stokes Coun ty. Plaintiff. t s. Maggie Mooiv ami Iter husband, .1. E. Mootv, De fendams. NOTICE or EXECUTION SAFE. Ry virtue of an execution di-j 1 rcctcd to titi undersigned from j j t lit? Superior Coll ft of S'oke- i .County in the above en* it let!; action. I w 1 on —. MONDAY. THE 7TH I> \ Y OF SKPTE.M HER. !!F!i>. •at the hour - f one '. !'. M. | at the court house do"! •'! said | • '.mtv sdl the hie. • - bid-) tier for cash to satisfy said ex ecution. the following dc>i • ii»-u real i state to-wit: .\ tract "i j land in Snow Crct k P-wt-hip. County. N'ol'lll (*:t! «'lilirt. '• uid,: lining the lands of G. IF; Moore. Daniel Duggins and' (iabriel Moore and others, and; | bounded as follows, viz: !'e-, !ginning at the mouth of Shel-1 ton out branch, where it now! ... .empties into Snow ( reek on 'the East side, running East to it he branch that passes spring! that wt use (language of will) : j t hence up said branch until it i ■turns North: thence in an East-, 'erlv direction up a hollow and small branch to doe Martin'.-: I line: tin nee North with said i | Martin's line, striking W. JT i Moore's line to a dogwood:, j thence West down a branch as ;it meanders to Snow Creek;' thence down saitl creek as it; meanders to the beginning, be-1 ling the same tract of land do-! [vised by (1. A. Moore by his i last will and testament to his! daughter. Mrs. M. E. Rogers, 1 (Mrs. Mat tie E. Haley.) record ed in the otlico of the Clerk of Tin Superior Court of Stokes; ICounty, X. in Will Book No. (?, Pages :»29 to 333 inclusive, j and to which reference is here-1 unto made for more certainty , of description, also see deed j book 56. page 120. in the office : of Register of Deeds of Stokes; County, North Carolina. Save i and except from the above boundry one acre for grave yard as per will of G. A. Moore, and also save and except the; following boundry of land from j | the above boundry conveyed l>y. deed from M. M. Moore and .j. IE. Moore to G. H. Moore: Be- 1 ! ginning at a pine in Mattie E. ! Haley's line at the old lot place. North of Gid Moore's old house | place, running Northeast di rection: this line is marked and agreed upon, running with the old road, striking the Red Shoal road up the road to W. J. Moore's corner East to Joe Martin's corner: thence South with Joe Martin's line to Mat tie E. Haley's corner: thence with her line to beginning con taining 40 acres, more or less. See deed book 56, page 120 in the office of Register of Deeds of Stokes County, N. C. This the 3rd day of August, 1925. J. F. DUN FA P. Sheriff Stokes County. Used cars at prices low enough for anybody to own a car. Come in and look ours over. Stokes Motor Car Co., Walnut Cove, N. C. It ! RECALLS DROUTH BACK IN YEAR ISSI IraU'll Man Thinks It Was Worse Then Than It Is This Year—Forsyth Farmer Says No. The StatesviUe Daily harks hack tu the ilry weather of 1881. That paper quotes a citizen as declaring it drier than 1911 and "it lot drier than this year." He told the news paper that "there was no corn rais ed ..n upland at all and cotton was less than half a crop." So this "spotted" year of 1925 is not so had after all. it might not he worse." says the Salisbury Post. Dry though it he in spots there has been j some waterfall and crops must be considerable better. Hut we must remember that we have learned many things sin-re SI, and one thing we have lean, d is how to plow deeper, farm better and tret it better | crop under adverse conditions.*' i The Stat s\ille paper recalls that while this year A. D. Issl was dry, the folk- wire rather wet in senti ment. for in August of the year Ire dell county held a prohibition elec tion and the result was: wets, 2358; drys. 1291 result: wet. j Hut the folks managed to live | through the year pretty well. The paper intimates that all is well that ends well, and the dry 'M did not end so badly sifter all. It ssiys: "I.siter on in the fall of that year the folks brought in more optimistic! reports, Corn improved with the i coming of rains and the citizens ! managed to live, though they were ! kicking about the tax rate being raised." A Forsyth farmer of I.ewisville ■-own-hip declares that the drouth in i hi.- section this year is worse than n D-st. "Corn and tobacco in my' 11- n a !'e far gone to be bene d :n i h ; rain : - w." i- the • \-. - • l-till'-r t xnrc-scii it. NOTICE. ' i • is hen by L r *Vi i ' hp: th" ib-ttnl of Commissioners m' •he Town of Walnut Co\c, X. ';: i its idike in i In- Farmers I'p.ioji !tank tk Trust Company In; Walnut Cow. N. (will on iho 17th titty of Aug.. 1025. tit tile hour of (I* one o'clock P. jM. receive sealed proposals or j!>ii!s' for the construction of ap • proximately ."ditto yards of con crete streets in said town and [approximately 26(10 lineal feet of curb and gutter. ' Specilieations for same may lie had on and after the 10th day of August, 102"). hy appli ie.ition to the Clerk (if the Hoard jof Commissioners. Said Hoard 'of Commissioners reserving the right to reject any and all pro posals or bids. i Hy order of the Hoard of :Commissioners of the Town of .Walnut Cove. This the :>nl dav of August, 102"). H. 11. McPIIF.IISOX, Town Clerk. sjtug2w METAL ROOFING All lengths 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 feet 1 I=4 corrugated roll, double lock, all the stand ard 29 gauge. Now is your time to buy metal roofing before the fall demand. You can save money. Ask to see our galvanized nails with lead washers attached, the very kind to put on corrugated roofing. Roofing paint leak stop, it does the business. PAROID FELT ROOFING Made by Bird & Son, East Walpole, Mass. They know how. Have been making roof= jing for 58 years. Try the heavy slate coated 90 pound on your tobacco barns. Tobacco will cure better in barns covered with felt roofing. Lime, cement, nails, windows and doors. ; Shore Mercantile Co., > : The Big Store, King, N. C. WEDNESDAY. AUG. 5. 192;, I News Items Reported 1 From Sandy Ridge R. 1 I ! Sandv Ridge Route 1, Aug. :!. ■A goi-d vain is much needed in this section, (.'lops are looking very bad on ai-ioimt of dry weather. I .Mr. and Mrs, Walter Wood and [ little son, Mrs. Jetter Oakley and little daughter and Mrs. Robert Wilkins visited Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wilkins Sunday p. m. Miss I let tie Dunlap is spending ■a few days with her sister, Mrs. j Sam Ward, at l'restonville. j Mrs. Walter Kington and daugh ter, Miss Kthol and Miss Kstella • Martin, of Walnut Cove Route ", 1 visited tit Mr. Sam Ward's Saturday. | Mr. and Mrs. J. (!. Dunlap and [children visited Airs. Dunlup's pa [ rents, Mr. and Mrs. William Ward, Saturday. Miss Kstella Martin, of Walnut j Cove Route .'!, spent hist week end with Miss Kthol Kington, j Those who visited Miss Kthel I Kingto-i Sunday p. in., were Misses j Elsie and Reulnh Young, Irene Simp | son. Maud Mitchell. Kstella Martin, j Kssie Rhodes and Edith Wilkin.-* : Messrs. Mauley and Sylvester Put' i lap, dim Rhodes, Harold and Ralph i Simpson. Woodson Mitchell, Otis and ; Harry Steele, Dolly Dodson, Son | Willi, Robert Duncan. Theodore and Harry Reid, Marion Berry, Hon 'Joyce, Sam Nelson, and others. All seemed to enjoy themselves. Several from hero attended services at Buffalo Sunday. A revival started at Oak Ridgi ; Sunday. Mr. J. Ci. Dunlap and J. K. Ward went to High Point Monday. Mr. Woodson Mitchell called on Miss Kssie Wilkins Saturday night. MAMA'S PKT. Buy a used car at almost your own price. We have some line bargains in ears of several makes. Stop and see them. Stokes Motor Car Co.. Walnut Cove.N. C. It •00000000000000000 fSI'W A X X !•: E I 0 COUNTY. FLORIDA C v; c Y I' \ I S ARK \ \VI MJI.K £ ' A 0 Bright Leaf Tobacco grown 0 Q by W. H l.yb-. in Suwann e A Q i utility, Florida, atn-tioivd .ff A Q iit Allian c Warehouse. Vahi >s- X /v til. (ill., brought s•'{.">."*) per X Y hundred. Approximately 15 Y' Y cents per pound higher than v any other tobacco on the floor, v Y Wonderful opportunities for 0 0 thi hoiiioset Iter and famer. Also Q IQ excellent Poultry and Live Q 'Q Stock country. Cotton,, a a Siitsumu ((ranges, (1 rapis, P - X 1 A cans. F'otatoes, Water Melons, Y a Vegetables are very prolific. Y Y Most charming climate in the Y |v world. I'uexccllcd living con- v jv (litions. Splendid railroad fa- 0" 0 cilitiis. Q 0 Farms and acreage :it r -a- A iQ sonable prices. A comfortable X. ! A income assured. Cash for your X a products. In the band of the Y Y famous "Suwannee River." Con- Y |Y tentment and happiness reign V v here. Illustrtiti'd literature V v free. Write to — 6 £ I. J. WILLIAMS. $• i o c iA Chamber of Commerce A £ LIVE OAK. FLORIDA. £ I >oooooooooooooooo:

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