X 1 V» v Volume LI. KING SUFFERS BIG FIRE ✓ ■ Several Stores Burned Before Fire Could Be Checked—Max .Samet Under $lO,OOO Bond On Charge Of Starting the Fire. Kiiijs, Aujf. 31. -Fire broke out here last Thursday ninlit about in the King Supply Cn.'s building on North Depot St. People rushed to the building and broke the door down The fire was in the upstairs .part >f the building and had trained ■Mwh proportions that it was uneoti- but lite re seemed to lie no or smoke below. Tlte closest door tin ier thi stairway hail been left partially open anil a siuail light was nit iced in the closet and upon investigation two lighted candles almost burned up were found with a quant it\ of excelsior around them. These were removed and it was not until the upstaiis fell in that there was any lire on tlu- lower flower of the main brick building but the frame building which adjoined the bruit building and which belonged to the same concern was on tire at the same time that the brick build* ing was burning. This building burned very quickly and the flames began to spread to the ad'oiiiing buiiding. In tin mean time the tclc ' ph> hit ! been jilt in use and 1• whole i intr.v si i, hud been tv ;itied. A lit".-.-: -■ was i >• tu to Winston- Salem : >r help. 4 \Vi'hin a short ttiv.e people i.egan to airivc . I'uekct tto t Is were form i briinring water fiont a!! tlte nearby wells. A coiitin l.. tts I - :;.- of bucket- of water was passing to tin- roofs "f the building* and m. 11 wile ail over the roof.> 'throwing water. Also a large nuni .ber of both men and women were at Wt : i> i moving stocks of nielchar.dise fro in th" neat by stores and furni ture and household effects liont the dwellings that wef" exposed. Alma i-jkhi- time Ni. I the department of i-itiin-Sitleni. arrived on the scene I finally the lire was conquered. Jtfr. Fred K. Shore's feed barn, pri vate garage anil out buildings were all destroyed and his home, also the home of Mr. W. E. Hartman caught but the tire was extinguished. The straw stacks at Mr. S. W. Pulliam's feed barn which is located about 3 hundred yards away caught from the aparks, but MiwToin Burge happened to be at the barn and after quite a little effort succeeded in stamping it out. The following buildings were partially destroyed. Drug store of Dr. Ernest M. Griffin and the garage building belonging to Mr. Walter George, of Winston-Salem. Max Samet, who was the owner of the building and .stock of merchandise ill which the fire originated and who is reported to have carried thirty thousand dollars insurance on his «tock of goods and five thousand live hundred dollars on the building, •was arrested at his home in High Point late Thursday night and placed 'order a bond of ten thousand dollars .y £or his appearance here Friday. He hail his preliminary hearing here ?»tli lay before Justices of the Peace J|aA R. Caudle and Thomas E. Probable cause was found and he was bound over to the next term of Stokes Superioi court to convene ."ill Danbury Moiidi.y, October l'.Hli, Jp a bond of ten thousand dollars. All the business houses, profession al men and each and every citizen of Xing join in extending their sincere to the whole surrounditv rtHounfry and to the fire departnvnt of ,V. inston-Salcm f>r responding so promptly to the distress call and for Mile heroic work done during the hits Igpvhii h looked for a while like it I would wipe out oxi«t"n e almost L>ur entire little town. Miss Gypsy George, of PUdmont Springs, spent the week rt.il with Miss Greta Tillotson ot. Fuse Main Mr. Nick Mitchell, of Jefferson, Kansas, is spending so no time witn (relatives near here. Mr. Fred Jacobs, of Winston-Sa lem, spent Sunday with the family of Mr. John Beasley in Walnut Hills. I Mr. J. M. Boles, of Strasburg, Ya., Is spending a few days with his pa tents near here. ( [ Albert Scales (colored) of thi* To lia coville section who was driving fc*Ford touring car ran down Mrs. Robert Petreet at the corner of De lot and Main St*, here Saturday TOBACCO SALES !j IN EASTERN N. C, ■! elany Markets Jammed On tht Eve Of Opening—2s Cents Hailed As Average Price. Raleigh, Aug. 31.—The lobar.'! markets of eastern North Carolim will formally begin the l!''.'."i-2f season tomorrow morning and re ports from vaiious sections int'icat 1 heavy sales on the opening day. Th. ' crop his year has been tlicially o-t ! mated at 21)7,000.000 pounds, whi is ported to sell for approximate!,! ' *7."> Oiio.tKiO or an average ot . b.iu twenty-live cents per pound. 1 l-Vank Parker, .-.talis'! ian for tin sttite department of agricuPure, es.i 1 mates that the crop grown this yeai will be the fifth largest ever |io 1 ' duced. A large number of in !• pendent 1 warehouses are exjv.tel to open to ' morrow morning, possibly 3.*> ii number. The tobacco growers e > , operative association expects to opet warehouses in a score or more towns Kinston Market Crowded. ' Kinston, Aug. 31. At 7 oVlocl this evening more than two-tnir- ol the *250,000 sijliare feet of tobae ci warehouse spice here wis occll.oiei by piles of tobacco i a.iy for thi ' I'cpig ef the auction >.>:i-. n hi t" to nv iiow. Itidi.a".inns are that b-fort the stui rise.- tomorrow niorninv. ev " eiy available foot of floor spa- • wil have been covered and that there wil be hundreds if wagons and 11 • • •!.. beating cargoes of li.e w.ed tin..l-1. to lli lo'ld. \ "I lock" sale on th" oi enitm' di} i- conce I-d by toba'-eo nun who hav observed the floors. i.'eiyoi:.' o! • the five warehouses in the city ha additional floor space for the in v l\. Tobae.o men estimate that t"inor row's sale.- will exceed one millio; ponds. r • j night. Mrs. IVtree was knockei . down and bruised about her arms ■ Her injuries were slight. He wa: ' arrested by ofli.er Hall and placet ■ under bond for his appearand i here today to answer to si charge o: '.driving a ear without brakes. ( Mr. W. S. Hoyles, of Denning, N'ev ! Mexico, is spending some time witl ■ relatives in this section. 1 Rev. Paul Herman Newsum, of thi: i place, is holding a meeting at Fane; I Ciap church near Mount Airy thi: ; week. Fj Mr. and Mrs. 'G rover Wright, o: ' Mount Airy, spent Sunday with thi f family of C. J. Jvirby in Walnu : Hills. '! The relatives and friends of Mr ■ Grover F. Stone gave him a surprisi > birthday dinner yesterday. Thi '! crowd gathered at 11:30 A. M. A | temporary table was soon arrange! 1 on the lawn and within a few minute: . it was tilled to ovcrfl nvcing witl i all kind* of good things to eat, in I eluding a generous supply of fini > watermelons. The crowd was ar ' j ranged around th" long table and : ' i photograph of the table and ct'owt ' 1 was made. Thanks was oifercd bj • ! Mr. George Mock, after which thi II crowd pal took of a wholesome mea i which seemed to be enjoyed to thi ''utmost by all present. This was Mr ,' Stone's thirty-ninth niWe stone • 'About two hundred people wen ■ present. i A large crowd attended the bij • Co-npcratiw Tobacco Growers' pie ni. held here Saturday. A line din ' nev wes set after which addressC' ': wefv' delivered by Miss Elixalvetl ' | Kelley, of Raleigh, anil Messrs. J : Y. Joyner, formerly of Raleigh, V\' ■ M. W. -t, of King J. Oliver, o! Eastern Car.ilinn, and P.. F. White I district Held man. was a verj : enthusia.-tic meeting and quite i i ! number of outsiders who were pros 'lent were very favorably Impressed. Dr. ('. S. Lawrence, of Winston . Salem, was here on professional bus i ine. s Saturday. Mr. Ernest Barr, who resides twi • j miles east of town had the misfor ' tune to lose a good barn of tobacci by fire Saturday afternoon. , The Modern Woodman ball tean • defeated the Red Goose boys in ; game here Saturday. The scon • stood fourteen and one. Roth team: f are of King. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Wright, o ■ Rural Hall, spent Sunday with lvla r tives in Walnut Hills. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday, Sept. 2, 1925 KEEP SCHOOLS 'J OUT OF POLITIC S 0 Stokes rdanv Defines the Foui s Classes Of Kickers In tht County's "School War." I ■o . Walnut i'ove, N. in August ."!, 1P2.-.. !i! Filitors Danbury Report! r: •- I For the last two or three month: . • yotir paper has been full of letter ic; and news items concerning the ef '■ I forts !»f our County Board of Kdu m I cation to establish tlecem school: y | nviT Stokes county. 1 have read al it of these letters, talked with 1.-adini I. . , .citizens, and attended no of tin ie imi -.-lings of the Tax-Payers' Com i- j mittoe. I have tried impartially ti ir sound the thing to th ■ botoin am j- see just why each prominent indivi dual would be against bettei schools it j Going from the facts thai have beet 1 | given me and the ones which I knov ill to be true I offer the following ex i- planation of the school war that r.ov n is raging. • s -1 There are four classes of kickers Ist. The men who have a persona a\e t'l grind. (They are tile one: '• who started the whole thing abou lii months ago.) 2nd. The shrew '" politician who sees future elections ;!rd. The property own r win h:\: u ' no children to edi'.cat". -Itii. The mat wh I is led or pulled by Ve.l'i 'll. •e stvinsr-', and w!n» d-ies r.i t do hi.- mvi ' " tlli: '.i lid. H f i . v I I i'e i-i .No. ! \\ •1. r ■ m;.« ; y nanu: or niinent umonK whom we find : l.eiii vim mad" ; str...ig ear.eaigi l» n;t •>•. the H : giie ay P. iani tun failed, who iilmi tried t iisVi tw> i I 1 lie si lloul : till; I'iti l'":ilove» ' lid fa ! |i d, wl'.o n.iele .- •■-•l'tal tri ■ to Raleigh gr iviing and kit kill) over vaiei"> things only til - : gnoi ; in! each and i vety ti.ne. We als: tii.tl a man who for the f-w dollar : , t'ofit on a si ho I bus. which tin ", Hoard of Education did nut see ti jin buy from him, canvassed tin ~uounty with a petition and carriei •d it t:> lialeiuh endeavoring to havi s. two school officials r •moved, am is their seats filled by men to whom hi •tl' i nild sell trucks to, or control. Hi •e j met with the same success as tin >f . first mentioned. He failed. j Under No. 2 we also find man; w names. Chief among whom there i: I :h'a gentleman who has met more re j verses in politics than the averagi is individual could face his neighbo ■yjwith, who is so bitter with his RINt is STUFF (we have heard nothin) I else from him for 15 years) that hi >f' thinks a man whose political belie ie is not as his is dishonest. He ha at I recently launched a campaign to pu lour school system into politic". Alsi r.; one of the present member. - , of th sti. I Board of County Commissioners whi ie |is endeavoring to pull one of thi A ! shrewdest pieces of political stra >d | tegy that we have s.-en lately. Am ,'s [another leader of the Tax-PayiHrs ;h i Committee who has u brother held 1- 1 iag an important political position ie and who.-.' very system reeks witl r- political acid. Ho thinks lie sees i a political future for himself or h': tl lelatives but he is mistaken. >y ' In the 3rd group we have perhap ie the largest number of kickers, nici ill who have no children, or whos • cliil ie dren have finished school, or whosi r. children haven't much educntioi e. and who does not want them to liav. re any. The tirst mentioned lii-ntlemai .in No. 2 tits this company also th ig last mentioned gentlemen in artkli i'- 2 tits in thi.i assembly, Atiothe i- leader in this group is a gentlemai >s from near Walnut Cove, whose nam h appears on various circulars. Thi .I. man has never been an advocator o i'. schools and he is only fighting ti if | stay out" of the Walnut Cove Specia e, School District, a fact that he is try •y ing to keep under cover, he also ha a ! political cravings. I also gave dee] s- thought to a gentleman from Sand; . , Ridge who had quite a little to sa; l- in the last Tax-Payers' Meeting s- Upon investigating 1 found that al |of his children had finished schoti ro out of the county, r-' In group No. I we have a larg ,'o following. These are the men tha ' will get the kicks when it is all ovei m They are misled by all of the afore a mentioned groups, sometimes the; re are driven. I feel for them, is 1 wish that every intelligent ma : and woman in Stokes county woul nf. get off to themselves and think thi !\- j thing out. Do you want our schot I system torn down by underminini [STATEMENT FROM ! SUPT. CARSON i Submits Figni'fs To Show That Statements Matie In Regan; l 1 To School Expenses Are Er roneous. Editor Danbury Reporter: I notice that a circular letter is being distributed in the county by Mr. H. H. Williunison in which he f makes the statement tllit "these amounts have not been sufficient to conduct our schools, and note.- ami " contracts are outstanding which l!J create a debt of $170.101' that must u ' come out of the pockets of the tax payers." As this statement i.- entire ly erroneous and misleading i wish to correct the same. The facts arc '* as follows: Expenditures of Hoard of Educa tion last four vears ;ts showni bv w .. audit: From July Ist, If'2l, to July U : Ist, i:> 22, *1 10.*7t;.:!a I From July Ist. P.»22, to July Ist. 1U23, 1.">7,i:.V.'2 '' lof this jinio tnt ; t. -.v '* buildings and furnitar.'. " From July Ist, 1P23, t. July 1 Ist, 1024, . 31115,100.77 S 17.SIS'.Jti of this amount for, new buildings and furniture. 1,1 From July 1.-t. IP2-1 t > July Ist, 1 ■ '2* i, !-i«i.222.11 sil 1,12 o r ,hi, a i : foi new liuildings ai. ; new Levy f... the i • . ;. .r with a specials and eija-diz:!.. f .:i,I taking m .'tlllle values as la.-t i.ut am aii ai vi.-ed by lax audi: >r t'ley v. ill be less) slol.ti27.ii.'! which carries ;tiii ..;n: set •d aside for intertst and sii:kit:g fund 'S fo| SMO,OIIO asked for. g For money liorrowd to take care i- of new buildings as shown in -tate •o ntent the Hoard owes State s lit',37". i's IJonds taken over Walnut le Cove 23,000 it Note Gei'iuanton Special ie lii.'itrict ... 1,100 •il Note Walnut Cove Special 'e District 2,077.73 id j to Total amount .$8ii,">52.73 Ie ; Three years ago on account of the ie State failing to comply with certain obligations the county had to fund i.v $33,000. Expenditures of till above is indebtedness is shown in yearly c-1 statements as given above and is to i not over and above what is shown. >r i The schools have been run on exact G ! amounts as shown by yearly state ig ! nients. 10 J I wish to state that the State has I increased our equalization fund 18 j $lO,OOO per year for 2 years. At the j expiration of this time we hope and ! have every reason to believe that if u | we continue our school program that lr i this amount will be increased. By K> this increase of the equalization fund A ~ the board is able to take care of its building program without increasing s the tax rate one penny. ;, "l J. C. CARSON, "> • Supt. Schools Stokes Count v. :h j ■i 1 ;' s i Her Loniv Suit i Cook —"I can't break the ice, is. mum. j Mistress —"Tiiat's very strange. Ilridget. Did you try letting it fall'.'" —Huston Trans.ript. »n i'C . lM poh'.aians? Who is this Tax-Payers' Committee? What type of citizens |i> lead it? Are they sincere in their • c acti'iiis? Can a man WHO IS A m MAN deny his feilow brother a i, Sl t *i ARE DEAI/.' Want modern j s sclin 'I facilities en the other fellow's )f moic y and deny him and his children to the -line benefits? Are you going U 1 to permit another f'llow's personal v- giu lge to destroy your child's chance ls for an education'.' •p If good schools iii'i 1 wrong the ly,whole world is wrong, if we can't ty afford them we are ditVercnt from the g. res' of the United S'ates. 1 for one ill am willing to let the school matter ol rest with Mr. Forrest, ?.lr. Steele, Mr. Christian and Mr. Carson. 1 ho le lii've they are men of too much honor ut to put anything over on their fellow r. man. The last thing in the wojld e- that should get in our school system >y is politics. It will ruin it. When a i man knocks the Hoard of Education in found him out and you will tind he Id has his personal matt i- at heart lis nine out of U:\ ol A CITIZEN AND TAX-PAYER OF i g STOKES COUNTY. I FACULTY FOR \V. C. I HIGH SCHOOL ...—4 Term Begins Septomber 11th; With Bright I'mspt-vis —J News ami Personal Itun>. Walnut ( Si-it; l. Mi-s jMyrtlt? Birg .wt> i»• b;»on visiting! relative- It Martinsville, Va., for! ■ two i. . »••!t in-ii lioinn Fiv.ay, : , bringing her cousin Mian Helen | Floyd, \v::>; i • t for the wwk-i'nd, I Mr. J. Fulton an,l Miss.-.- Sadie. .!'i t:, ar i Mary Ru'Ji, « »f Wins-ton- Sa!--i:i, s 'tit i'rltiay afternoon in Mr. a;; : Mrs. Jacob Full, r., Mrs. Join - ! Messrs. S. i . Austin and liill iiairston attended the dan-.e at Mt. Airy Thursday night, i Mr-. \V. i.. Bowk's and Mr.-. \Y. 0. I> ■ 1.-.-ii and families returned lhur.-ita;. from Moore's Springs when* ii. y have been for live \vc.'k>. I M:.-si- N.l! and Margaret llutch : ii' v,-d friends in R-cidsville . last week. Mi.-- Elizabeth Sparger was ti .• -ii -i of Mi - Katherine Hutch.-r.- i. | for the v. - -h-cllii. | Th ■ IS:-.; •*.!.«: Sunday S.-hool n jyei ted a !:.!•-• time on their pi " jSo ih- f• • Ground Thursday after- Ino ill. A large erowd went ar. i c. ahundai. i f good eats was en. i. j Mr. Fr ■i: Siate, of High i' was \ i- ii town Thur. i. | Mr. M. i■. • ii •.- i..HJ- ivt urn ■ vis:! . i. ; j)j say- . ver;. L.i leased with the ■ : v there. .'!i--!- .•.i '.; i iiiv.i Nell * i.. '>: V' sit'-'l 1 (iohls • I a-. . \v, }■!.;• . h last w.-t-L Mi-s, > \ ;an iiii'i Treda Hut-:. of 1 !'. ;.nol:i, V... ' isited th ii aan.. Mrs. l'r .ii. !asi w. k. Mr. an i Mr-. .1, B. ISyr.i. of Mar t::ii.ville, \ a., >;x : t Thursday with Mrs. l-Jrodio. | Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Do ison spent I Wednesday in (ire. lisboro. lhe Walnut Cove high school will i K'gin work or September 1 i*h. anl . ; expects a sucvessful year. The ; grammar gradt department will be . put on accredited list, lacking only a i part of library which they will ac | quire this year. Mr. Preston Smith, . of Francisco, will have the late Mr. j Murphy's place as caretaker while i attending school. Several students from other communities are coming. ; | in to take advantage of the accredit .led school. The students who failed j lon work last year will be required ,| to make up that work before they j II can be promoted. The make up ex-1 , j aminations will be given the first • I [ week of school. ■ J The following comprise the school faculty: j Ist grade, Miss Sallie Bett Mar-! | shall, Walnut Cove. 2nd grade, Miss Julia liairston, Walnut Cove. j 3rd grade, Miss Nell Huteherson, I Walnut Cove. ' -Ith grade_ Mrs. A. A. FOWKT. j Walnut Cove. ;, t h grade, ?>liss Sue Tavlor, Ashe ' ville. •Stli grade, Mrs. Will Wheeler. Walnut Cove. 7-.!: grade, Mrs. King Cr. ga: . ; Walnut t'n-e. Hittii School Department. i F.iiglish, Miss l' l tra ■ r. !. .v. Airy. "1 Home Economic-. M.-.- ! !• i I.' ght, Walkertow:.. 'I Ft ar. i History, Mr. Ralph . Tut.i- - lant principal, i Ma" M. T. Chilton, I'rin i > ' pal. Miss N « '.ilhon, who w.ii teach ilthe tift in Burlington >i liool. ' I will la\ ••■!' irilay for Burling! n. I Messr.- 1 S. Zimmerman, .! 1. 1 Zimmernia: . -it Covington and Bob j Young let"' ?•'. "day for Hamlet, ■ where the;, v..' e engaged in work, j Mr. and Mi C. Oihner ret urn t'd Sunday fr.• i . -it to Black Mm. Mr. T. C. liar n spent the week end at his h"ir. >:dibury 'I Mr.-Alec 11.r . f Winston-Sa lem, was in town "I slay. Miss Frankie Mi; of High' I Point has been vi-iting friends in; | town for several day-. Mcsdamcs P. W. Dav -. Paul Ful i t«>n and Jacob Fulton .-ia • Tuesday . in Greensboro. Messrs. Hassel Moretield and j Carter Ray and Ed Shelton. of Char-j ". lotto spent the week-end with Mr. I anu Mrs. J. W. Moretield. I No. 2/786 MR. M'GEE | WRITES AGAIN ; Replies !-• Letters Of Corres pondents !•> Last Isue Of This Paper and Defend- His Position. j _ liermanton. N. C., August :A, 1!'25. ; Editor Report-o : I Through the column* of the Re ' porter of th" 1 !*th I i some remarks on the financial condition of the ceunty i;. purtly :tn nonpartisan way, with no view whatever ex cept that we might be omo better acquainted with thc> tinun.-ial condt ti-i f the county, and I did not expect then by t > become a-sociated with the differences that exist l>o ;weet: the Hoard of Education, the Hoard of County ('•■ minis-: one! -, and the pending litigation. i merely u:-ntionei «s hoot budget, the i ntl'oVel y over the building program and the toad pro gram, but directed m\ remark-, to * !le !in 111 :al condition of the county. I stated emphatically in my article to iie.'>r; i that I wa- fend of - ye!: ... 1 road- and all ...v. - i : internal improvements ; -it-Mi-, d mt them extended f !'• ■ ■ ,n. t time torn mens urate v ;th tile ability of the tax-pay. is «.f ti: ■ e ;n?y t > Ihtan e t l -. nr. lli.'a. . ;t appeal's that - • > - :• 1 h.t r«-t.« must have 1.. t hed 1..;. marks. 'if • wing is-tie f -. li.'por •ght forth -i - front Mr. John Christian of : Board of ! .• n and a Is« . ■ f-.e Mr. I' • •r. i have no !'.-• -i what i ■ : enter into a t w.-;.iapov con t. .vr.-y. :i. iti. . i'i.l I wi-h to dis . i.-.- ti.,- seii. ill building program of the nunty. it v.as my intention to tai\. no pat! in the s-.-howl building program, hut since Mr. Christian a: i Mr. Pepper have seen lit to make their remarks, m part, personal, I \\ i.-h to make my own position clear. First: Mr. Pepper states that I . noneojsly claimed that the school i-u iget submitted to the county com missioners i'.r their approval asked for .$11)0,000 with which to put on the building program of the county. It is hardly necessary to repeat, he 'cause the readers of the Reporter will remember, that I stated the school budget asked for about a $lOO,OOO. Attempting to show me in error, Mr. | IV-piK'r stated that the budget asked for only $BO,OOO. To be exact, the ] Board of Education, through their 1 school budget asked for $OB,OOO, and while the commissioners refused to i allow them but $BO,OOO, the Board of Education had an opportunity to se cure $lB,OOO from another source without the endorsement of the Board •••f County Commissioners, and they pursued this course, thereby making the total budget for building fund Si's,uno, and hence, my statement, ■"ab.ut a .>100,000." Accepting these ii,i.i - I. nig true, why does Mr. I'. iv- r fail to recite the facts in the case. when we have reason to be- In". th.\: he was in possession of -talt information? Any one desir :.:g further proof of my statement will reference any member of the Hoard of County Commissioners or Mr. .1. C. Carson, clerk of the joint board m cling. Mr. 1 v ppcr elaborates at consid erable length upon the school build ing pivgram now p -nding. pointing t the proposed •.lyction of commo dio i» ,-ih. i'l buildings at Dar'uir;, Francisco, l.iiwsonville and Sandy Ridge. lie emphasize!- the fac that Walnut i "Ve, Ciernianton. King ct ~ are enjoying splendid school fa.ili ti - and further states that Pan bury and the northern part of the county are helping to finance those splendid sihools referred to. Mr. Pepper further states that the Hoard of Education is new offering to provide Oanln.ry and the northern part of the county with school facilities equal to those enjoyed by the south ern part without it costing any tax payer a penny extra in taxes, i Believing in local self-government, .it is fitting to say that if the people 'of Danbury, Francisco, l.awsonville !an i Sandy Ridge districts desire these splendid schools, they should make their desires known. Walnut Cove, (iermanton, King and the oth er districts enjoying these splendid j schools, laid out their districts, asked (.Continued on page 5.)