Volume LI. "CITIZEN" GIVES !: SOME FIGURES; Thinks l.evy For Cent ral Conn- 1 ty Purposes Will, lull Far Sh'.i l Ol' (Paying 1-Jilis This | Year. I Editor Reporter: The writer recently noticed that t County 'ommissi >!i"r II 11. Wit-j li.imson sent "in a .-tatemi lit .-how-1 ir>.g tin l amounts tr." 1r i r.f Kiiti- ' i cation hail spent fur s-hoids ft:t*. 1 - .i»i»' tiolo past. ll.' didn't give !he I I flutes • thi' amounts . int hy 11. • • ' I' ■'jnt.v t'ommissioncrs, anil I ■il.* night it might b, interesting to ji.ve the | ople these rts also. {vine Mr. Williamson was made : \ haiminu of the hoard last Ileccniber i ■the re is ut the court hojso show that his boaril has paid out the fol- ( J..wing amounts: December, s2,''i2S.sr> ■ January, Kt'.-I 10.55S February, . PJ,:150.'.':1 ' March, 10,7I7.."»0 i April, I •">:>. 1 1 1 May. i.naiis June, 1,157.'J'2 I Illy. . 1.'jr..>.:!7 August, 2,:>W.7ti Total for nine mon'hs tSlU;'.stii>.-> ■ At this rate of spending the total i" r the y-.-ar will lv -517^1,1 The b . f,ll I'.'Jl as ik i abstract at 1T» .v, 's oil the hundred dollars f. r general count.v j-ur •• ■> is only S'lO, 11J. I.". Thes" nguri are taken from the I 'cords at the i t.lil t hod.-e. W ill s .me on., please tell Pie where Ml. W!lliauistm is going to iret thi s! .*rJ,7lli.oo which It- will v -.1 to pay iff the general canity 1 •.loiise. It looks lik • the Board of Education is il.it lie o'ily l.oard that lieetls to .lit down expenses. It !• l.s 1 s 1;-• another ileht is being created that must "rome out of the its of the t;. navel'aial tile conilil'.-siollers v? I have to : inn iinolher "lirst muitgige en every home in tlie coun ty to pay it hack." ( ITIZKN. Willie Mahe Is Taken At Still Place i I'rohlbition Officer I'. 1.. Elinchuni Friday night rai led a st'l! location, following a report of same, and as n result captured a younir man that gave his name as Willi" Mahe. I Flinehum mailt' the captuie single' handed; went to the loci tion alone, vnd waited for the owner to show ' tip. After a short while he spied Malic going through the woods, and ■foilow-ed him. Mahe went to a barrel that was hidden in the woods, ami which later investigation hy Officer !•' I inch um showed t.> contain heer.: V hen Mahe saw the ylVicer approach- ; Sing he started to run, hut was over- 1 jktaken. ; Trial was held here E'''dny night lard Mahe was put unit r a SotlO t i>"il, the hearing boiii'.' hi hi before J l\ S ('oniiiiissior.it' N. A. Martin. I A Walnut Cove Route 1 News and Personals jjj Walnut Cove Route 1, Sept. I'J. - | On Saturday night, September 12, Miss Methel Moser gave her friends i an apron party. Among those pres-1 er.t were: Miss Kuby I.cwis. Miss • Hally Chapman, Miss Hattie Tatum, Misses Shi. Vcrsie and Es ie Young.: Misses lies, Nell ami Elsie Coleman. I iMiss Oorothy Carroll, of Mt. Airy, Colonel Watts, l'osie ''nhmaii, Paul l.ew's, Clautl Tatum, Wster and i Marvin Noting, Hubert and Harry • Tuttle, Samuel and James Hill, Rob'.. | Covington, Harry Swat-i.a. Mirry Swatson won first prize and Samuel j Hill won second prize. After the , party cake was served by iMiss Methel Moser. They all seemed t> enjoy themselves fine. Those who visited E. W. Moser Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Albert | Young and II children. Miss Elsie | and Nell Coleman. Hairy S'vat ford, ■ Yester Young, Krnest M >rai. Born unto Mr. and Mri. C. B. Young, a fine boy, September 10. | 4 A bad cloud passed over this s>e tion Thursday evening Lightning struck several times around here. Gl'i.SS WHO. I STOKES CASE is POSTPONED: County Hoard Ol Education j Against County Commission-; el's Was r l'u IKivi Heen. lU'ard 1.a.-it Fiiday—TriaJ j . Probably Sume Time Next | Week. ! The cast in which the Stoke.- Hoard nf Education is seeking to renuir • tiie Board ni' County Commissioners i 11raise funds for the carrying on j uf tlv public schools if the county;' and fur building purposes, which wa- ;. set for hearing hefnre Judge S.-hcn-l-: ; in Greensboro last Friday, was post ponetl by the judge until a later i date, probably sonic time next week, j The parties to the suit Went te, (iivensboro Friday and the trial was j started, but owing t" some techni-' cality ii was postimneii. Judge j Si-henek will again preside nver (iuil fnrd court at (ir.'cnsborn next week and lie will likely hear the ease at that time. AUGUSTTOKACCO SALES 7 .MARKETS; Totali-d l:i,4!)!i,: > .()l Pounds:' i'rotight An A wrago ol'j $18.20; Atlvancf Owr !f>2l. I!al igh. Sept. I'. Ihe . i vi 'i mar kets included ill tli report helnw are I. -aied in llnlr.'s.in, Bla k n an.! ■ lunibiis cutinties atnl are ia.ii>iilT"e ;is the mi it hern liniii nl' thi' S. ut h r.M'oliiia i. iiiicco belt. Tli.se mar k .- O'lelletl ill Augll-l tin.l l'-'l-ol't the.r t.ital (-ales fur that i.tn'ith as 11.1501 piniiids which .lit for aoo'.it S2, ll !, l,ii:iii, aveiafil!:: 1 V .'J." cents per pound as eompared with .->17.1! for August last year. Sales mi these markets ha v e been i considerably heavier than hist year; and prices averaged slightly higher. The ipiality of the leaf is slightly' better than last year, though the of-1 fei'ings sii far have been only med ium grades. I Total Average Price | Sales ll'Jo l'li'li i •'hadbourn '.'7'.«. !•'> 1 sl,*i.7) # 17.:;» j t larkton 157,i!72 !«'.il lo.li;' I Fair Bluff ti:!7,sll BJ.llo HI. I.",! Ftiirmoii! l,tSti,.s77 11'.72 IS.tK! j ' lainiberten 2.!M)1.:>72 lii.'.'T lii.S',' Tabor oso ,liil ! ".So Whiteville li.llSMMl lS.7ti 17.72 Rowland, no re]K>rt. 1.'1,41)9,301 1R.23 $17.11 i According to the September first j crop report released by the United | Stales Department of Agriculture on > September !>th, the condition of to-! hacco in North Carolina was SO per j cent of normal compared with a ten j year average condition en Septem-1 her Ist of 77 per cent. This condi tion indicates a production for North | Carolina of .'l2s,2lM;,oii'i pounds as | compared with 275,-"I2O,0IIO pounds l ' produced last year. Thi '\pivta- j tion is about the average .top for the past live years. Prices on other market- in the' i state ate reported tis lathi r di.-ap- ; iioiming to the glowers. Sales have •been unusually heavy since the 'opening of the season ami the tpial-' ity of the leaf is much better than last year. The yield will probably | average around (!.">.I pounds per acre. 'No deterioration in the crop was re- j j ported from any section curing the] j month of August. | Walnut Cove Man Bound To Court W. A. Manly, of Walnut Cove, was | givin o healing before Je.-tice N. A. | Mar.in hole Tuesday on tin charge | jot retailing, 11 " was bound over to j I .Superior court and in default of a [ I $700.00 was remanded to the I county jail. Will Erect Residence At Moore's Springs: J. R. McDank'l, of Mi,una, Flor- j ida, who has been spending some, I time with his family at Moore's i Springs, this week purchased a lot j | from R. F. Shelton, near Moore's and will erect a nice summer resi lience there at an early date. Mr. McDaniel likes our climate in sum mer better than that of Miama, anil lin the future expects to spend the I summer months here. Danbury, N. C, Wednesday, Sept. 16, 1925 YOUNG LADY J COMMITS SUICIDE' Miss MyrtU' le>mmon-. nl' Sandy i Uidjre, Shoots Hi'i's, li Witi' Shot (km—Left Loiter T>" litflativfs. Mis. Myrtle Leiam 17-y ar ' old liaugktei ef Mr. ata: Mr.-. I -en 1 l.emmeJis, uf Sandy Rid'e. cuniii'/:'- I ted suicide last Moiitly of • .-i nn .tl by shooting herself with a s!i t gun. The t deceased left a letter to key relatives, i from wnich it was indi-ited tiiat a j. 1 .ve affair was the cause ■ *' the lash act. 1 I'he e..■ -eased was an tit'iactive and l I'lVi.'nl.- young woman and hi r death s [came as a great shock t" lier tela- '! tivis and friends. The funeral and t inteiment was attend .1 ' • a large 1 gathering of ..err,.wing relatives and \ rriende. 1 DEATHOR' J. BOVLKS • 1 Stokes Citizen Passes At Win ston-Salem Hospital Was t Well Known. The funeral services of Tesse Y. I lloyles, aged 07, who died Sunday 1 nit'ining at I o'clock at a Winston-j Sab-ni hospital, after an illness ofjt two weeks, was conducted Muinlav :! ' af erno'il! It", tile (Quaker ia; ih'.trch, I S .-A -- county, at three o'i'r k. Tli • ' i v i.-es were Cl.l. ducted 1 Rev. Mr. ilanihardt, if lligli P"itr. and lie,. - Mr. Hardy. Interment !'■ ikued if. . '.iie church telnet ry. i Mr. Bnyl.s wa- w-U known i tin.nigh.n;i tlie coun:.\ and mnny t friends will regret to 1 •:,»!: of his , death. Physicians who aOi tided hi bedside said that death wis due to j i i poisoning, which originated in an t |ahcoss of tin- arm. i ; ;GEORGIA TOBACCO CROP INFERIOR.; Col. \\ ebb Hack I' roni Metter,; liejiorts (lonil Priees, Quality'; I Heinj; Consitlered—Drought j] Responsible. ! il W inston-S.ali in, S-pt. 1:.—Col. 'K. Webb, who returned last night , from Metter, (Ja., where he conduct an auction warehouse fir the sale , of leaf tobacco for nine weeks, re-1 ports that the Georgia crop of the ! weed was ilecitletlly inf 'rior; that 1 , ; while prices were seemingly low, I the quality of the leaf sold was | taken into consideration, it brought |, jail that it was worth. IJauantities t«f j I the weed sold for one-half cent al, i ]K)Utlll. | The same is true regarding prices | and the weed in eastern North l aro lina and also South Carolina. Cel. ; Webb staled that judging from re- 1 Doits coining from well posted to-! i baeco men, this year's i ron was about it lie worst that has been grown iti I the South in many years. The j volume will be cut short very milch iin the Piedmont section, while the |i|iiality of the weed saved promises to be very poor. ( l)ry weather is responsible for the ishoitage in Georgia and South Caro lina, as it has been in North Caro lina. Against Minister Dismissed A car driven by Rev. J. M. Rich ardson, of Stuart, Ya„ and one driven i by Mrs. R. S. Nutin, of Walnut Cove, {collided on the hard-surface road just | j south of Walnut Cove last Tuesday j I night. No tme was ser'i isly hurt j | but bo tiler cars were considerably ■ damaged. A warrant was issued for Mr. Richardson on the charge of! reckless driving but after hearing) the evidence Mayor llut lurson tiis missed the warrant. The owners! i each agreed to repair their own ears. I Surry County Fair The Surry county fair opens at Mt. Airy October 13th art i continues four days. Since the last fair this ; section has been connect*d up with : Mt. Airy b? a fine road and it is | safe lo say that Stokes will furnish its full quota of visitors to the' fair 'this year. KING HAS ANOTHER FIRE licifk-iK-t Of ('. S. Fo\vlt;r l)i*- SLMYT'II —Samct Waive I'lV liminary Hearing ami Give Bonus. Kit., . Si- -t. !!. Mr. !. S. !'». f'ul liam !...- : turned from : 11 extended hus'ita--.- 11 i:• t • Galax, \ .1. .Miss T-'ii/ii S'lii.h, wh Lad her tonsils removed in tin' L .plist hos pital at Winst>n-Salom ia.-i wee'. i getting aii ng nicely. David V,'. Slew art, of 111-liar, .ipoli-, Iml., i- >j->uiiiii.ir :>!«• tin:-- with relative- hi Mr. Stewart I f- thi section at the age of third. years. This ha- been tifty year- ago ami thi- i.- I.is lirst trip had; t > his t.lil home. II is a son of X. Stewart, who ha- been dead f • r several years. Jit* ha> a brother. Mr. John Stewart, living lure, also one sister, Mrs. Wil liam Rumley, residing lure. Mr. Stowai 1 t ilks interestingly of th miii'.lle West. Mr. Thomas K. Smith ' • preparing: to ereet a moilern nesv service station j en east Main street, on the lit re-1 een'ily pini hased from F. I'. Newsum. Miss Jennie l'ullii>m of High I'oint, i.- spending a ft w days with her purer. l - here. Mrs. Sandra Ransom, of Xobnos ter, Mo., aged eighty-two ; . sirs, who has been vi.-ite:g t 1 • >t.v near hen 1 , (I! -ii earlv S.i. ••: ; norning ! from a stroke f ~i . . The end ,itie whil .-I. • v .a- . ' i ill" of Mrs. Maggii New- i -.. '!'•■- was ■ 1 .!rs. l.ans n. - oi.gmai i iiie, Ml; 1 having nioveil M- 'ii many I years ago. The interm-n» was at the Newsum fantilj eemetery Sun tlay afternoon. Mrs. S. T. Keivrer, of Mount Airy. l is spending ti few days with rela tives ami friends here. The King Tigers i -Voted the Meltgel l!oX Co.'s nil!" ef Wiil-toll- Salem. in a game played here Satur day. The final sen re stioil eleven ami three. The Tigers knocked fatir three baggers during r.h • .came. I Miss Lucy Clifford has 10-ieptcd a position with the 'itv hospital of Winston-Salem, and will enur train ing tomorrow. Mr. Uo.v Lemons, wh • holds a position with the !!. J. !'. ynolds To bacio Co. at Winston Salem, spent Sunday with his family Ivre. Mr. T. K. Smith made - i business trin ti. Winston-Salem today. Mr. David Fowler and family, of High Point, spent the diy Sunday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Kirby and liaughter, Mrs. liilley Spease, passed through here yesterday on their way to their home in Winston-Salem jafter spending a short while with I relatives in Mount Airy. Mr. and Mrs. I'. J. Caudle, of . Winston-Salem, spent Sunday with Mrs. Caudle's nan nt- liov. | Good headway i- b-'.r.g made on the >tretell of the (':• it Lain-- to Florida highway he wei-o hi re and Pilot Mountain, which - !«-irg madi a lost-class oil road. Mr. James 1. Moore, of Walnut Cove, was among the visitors lu-r. Sunday. Mi-s Melecta Newsuiv.. of Win.-- tor Salem, is spending a few day with friends in Walnut Mills. Jake Saniet. of High I'oint, son of Max Saniet, who is already under ttfin.niio.oo lioiiil f>r burning his i.sto building and stock of goods on N rth Depot street on t'.ie night of August and Morris S'iniot, of Mount Airy, I rot her of M. x Saniet, lie arraigned here Muhiy lu-fore J ii.-t ice of the l\ ace .'lines R. ( a do. charged wth the burning j i' tais building, waived preliminary I healing ami w. re bound over to the ; -v term of Stoke- Superior court jin l-omls of if 10.000.00 •eh which j t lii x gave. Mr. Kay Riser, of Winst. n Salem, nt Sunday with relative- here. I Tiie nice home of Mr. C. S. Fowler in West View tl'o new ti" ilopment l.iust west of town was liestloyed by j tin- Sunday morning at ! :'Ui. The , i t ®n of the lire i- not kie-wn but is In lieved to have caught from the stove in the kitchen as Mr;'. Fowler had some beef on cooking and had : tire in the stove late at night. His - los- is estimated at four thousand dollars with twenty-live hundred dollars insurance on the building and live hundred ot> the hou-ehold prop erty. About half of the household LADIES TO GIVE BRUNSWICK STEW .Colored Man Hi«s !:■> i-. Arms Itl *\ i* \\ !*i . I.— IVssoj'.it!- Willi*,-, T t Ay, I I Walnut v. S•! . !•. Mi- M} tl • and Velnni Bur .•-• and Mr. i Mil! Hail •' .; it. ii fi, t.-c- a. -i n-ia ti■ -i: ' *'r.-vlll -V.,.. Sunday. | Mi- ■ ..e i "..ok'Js if 1. ..moke, , -' •• Mr. aiei Mi .1. E.' - I .-: w.-ek. Misses Smiie, Helen, Alice and Fr.it.-i.- . iltoi. wi-iv in town Mon day. Mi.-> Helen being or. I„ r way to N >. ( . W. at (iri-eßsb. ro, where >iie '.:! i attend s.-lln I :r.i- til 111. Mi. t.i.'tm Fair, left Tuesday foi the :...'ig of University at ( hapel Hill. .'d.-- - N" a and Mildred ?loretielii so, nt tr v -end with their sister,; Mrs. .). j), l-'iank, of (.itvetisboio. Mrs. A' i. ir Xornnin. of J-kietield, W. Vu„ \!i>. I. ('. Wright and daugh ter. of Wilmington, and Mrs. Georgia i I>a!t in. of i>altou, X. -pent .-evi r ,al day . last week with Dr. ami Mr.-. 1 A. ti. •) n -. Miss Ii .. 1 linker, >f Reidsvill . Spnu ti: u -.-k-end with lia Mi.-sc.- . Hut.hervon. Mr. an-i Mr.-. Frank Slat . ■ f liigi; Point, were in town Saturday nigiit. t Mis> !. Maker i.ad Mr. « ha' : Mieis .: . of lleidsville, vi-iu 1 f, : i here Sunday. Mr. ai . .'.lrs. Xornian S'">. and; Dr. lb • i ' Jones, of V l . .r.-*..!'-; ! Salem, Sunday with Dr. i' Mrs. A. C. Junes. ! M R. ai.. EL Is, I. -A i- M ON- Mrs. I'd Mo-'i-i ret':.:. -. ;- I day ft mi a .i.-i: > -Inti'. in Fauii ! Stock. Va. 1 The Ladies Aid Sod ».y of the . Methodi.-t church wdl give 'i lilt!M-- Iwiek stew and •■upper Saturday .night from •" tiil 10 ii. the dmw room ;of Walnut Cove Motor C. . F.very-. I body cordially invite.!. Mr. and Mrs. Han- 1 !'■•-.-on and little daughter, ef (il-eei.sbiso, spent | Sunday here with Mrs. Heeson's pa rent-, Mr. and Mrs. C. V.. Jones. ; Walkertown nine defeated Walnut, '.ix i nine seven to nothiivr Saturday I 'p. in. on Walkertown ball »ark. I The long drought wa- b,-> ken here I Thur.-day night by a heavy rain. Misses Violet an! Myrtle l'uttle ; left Tuesday for Greensboro, where i they will be students at X. C. C. W. this term. | A truck driven by Melvin 1 .tie ran into a wagon last nigh.t. on Main street driven by a c!'red niaa named Wall. Wall had b..tl limb broken in the wreck. | Mr. Joe Hay.-., of Granite Fall-, spent the week-end here with Mr. AI. I\. Jones. Mr. Harold Jones left t: - we-i. for State College at li-ilei_ i Roads Doing* Big* Things Xorth Carolina leads in road be. >i ilij'. has been for some tii .. . i will f->r some time to 'i me. IV state ha- ample proof that it ] >y big -a build highways, and f. i 1 i.. Un a w.- are leading th • world in The lead- we have are brim, a: i'.- nat.j vi-iiors, many friend- ;. .i 1" iv - :■ i ii'-lping to pay the 1 : ; - r, w. . :;..•■( bi en incurred i. h li siW.i. . -trti'tion. The extent :■ l win i - i- a fact is scale- 1 !;.' f pre to us. but more and more f. we '-.fronted with prooi' tiia' , I is o\, ling. .• j Tin i• •!- coming up from the caste ■ n indicate a new in- Sltefesi i' vast and ever ri It .'jcoastal . it is easily uuder ■ I stood an ' i . dated that this m- I 11crest i.- u large measure to the i ( highway- v\ are bringing people •into that v\ . iful section All of u.- ' this section know that the road- '• paekcl the folks r into the nioui : this -timnicr bv i the hundreds of 'i-ands. and many of them are pl.rin ig to come back ■ and stay.—Sali.-b ; v I'o-t The air-plane reallv runs over more people than "the automobile. —Los I Angeles Times. I effects were saved. It will be re- II membered that Mr. Fovler lost a 1 nice home by fire on thi -ame site - about two years ago ;yid had no in -1 suraace. No. 2,788 |SELFISH PEOPLE JX STOKES They Kick >n ilijfh Taxes Dut Want the Hem-tit Oi the . C 'Uiity's Money. K. ;:g Route 2, i. . I;. A 1 t of the iainieis of t1...- „ r ,» I'n taking care of ;i: ; ; tobacco. jTllclV is a l"t of ■• • >!!ll.i:iif • a : out had 11 '.ires. The en.; mtiii.- he a g,,od Ideal shorter than la-'. year. We were ii the "Tax-payers* Com* mitte.-" meeting hi M at I'anhury last liiNt .Monday. W-e understand that that crowd i.- egai; *. issuing a::y bonds for roads and schools. Aimix; ever> cue prose!; v. ted f.tr tin same. In the evining the same ilav men who voted for this were before the imi commissioner- ak ing for a Slßeo.uo ,ioi> t b don • for th'ir own henelit, which w '! he any s rviee to the imhlic watever. I saw a lot of other members .if this jnueting catching the cm .nilssioners |in tl.. corner- asking for their roads !n hi- repaired. We are surprised tat mir good pi-,.pi being so selfish. ! Il"ilo\\ei ing low taxes, hut tix up my ■ road. Kor the last year we have lu en ail ovi r Stokes county, and we liml that Yadkin township has more rc.aiis anil bridges that! ..ny other ■town.-iiip in the county Although \ ■ p:p more taxi's. I ss that is why i i:r .. ;ie want special f: rs. All w. : . .i her • is a f-w i top . :i:.• i the people W'iii l:v. e very U' ■ i:We heanl i f tile |»• i mmi-sioners tell . f the*e ,"i i • ■ that if the i.• , i i.i:iiis mi • would issue s'yi ''oo worth let' '• ' Is they could ! a.! a road td . . 11;. i-oilyV hoi,.-' :• ■ ; . .ir.ty. 'lll !*e has heel, a n eat improvement for the last ten y ars ; n roads, . ch.urchi's and -chools, and t• ■ do away with them like some peop'e wish to, vou do away with the progress of the county. One of these parties was ; one time against paying the preach ers, hut since he litis a Treacher in his family lie has change.', his mind. \S'e believe that a man should carry i.'.it what he votes for or try ami not 'sneak around and try to take ad vantage of the puhlie. 1!. K. is very sueccssf;.! this time I curing tohacio. He went m his barn i last week and found it to In too hot 1 vi he grabbed the therm .net.'r and stuck it in a bucket of cold water to cool the barn. SCRIBBLER. DROUGHTDKLAYS j TOBACCO MARKET | Will Not Open In MiiUl'e Belt Section Until Oeto'-.er 1. lHirhani, Sept. Because of the . lay in marketing the tobacco crop • the south, due to the d>\ weather ;h opening of the markets in the inMl hell section of the stat ■ has ; i ■ . ■ red until October 1. ac i i:i:to information received by li.ir! : m tobacco board of trade ; !'-o ' tin pi esident of tlv Tobacco A I . 1 . ".", of the United States. Ti: markets uffecteil iiri : Pur -1 mi. Henderson. Oxford, Warren ten. 1 .uisburg, Raleigh, l'uqaay Springs, Aberdeen, Oarlnage, San . feid and > 'iitigsville. i The local market wa* scheduled . to op,-n s i t •ii,her 1"> but the request . of tl - .i rational organisation was iic>|uies C'.i in and the ihrnge niaue. Automobile Revenue Shows Bi.u 1 Increase I'oll'ctions h\ the Aut mobile T.i>cn-.e Bureau of the '•Mate De partment of Revenue durirg August toialled i. It!, according to a repoit made public yesterday. The 1 collections this yi :ii .-how a gain of 611 T.ItM? over August, 1021. when lire total was .5770,7">5. pi. , The principal uain this year is in s the raso'.ine tax. which was increased from to I cents by the l.et General S" Assembly. The gain is Si 11,213.0'.'. -> The collections last month were as follows: Automobile licenses, i $:!T2.5.>4.34; gasoline taxes, $510,- l ' OSo.13; ami title fees, $14,035. s The collections in Auirust. 11*24, were as follows: Automobile licen ~ ses, $3t!7,T 1G.415: gasoline taxes, " $;?'.»(,572.03, and title fees, $13,170. ii e Our favorite screens are those - with the flies on the outside of them. Los Angeles Times.

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