Volume LI. I MR. WILLIAMSON EXPLAINS FIGURES, Says Money Expended P>y (. oni niissiontrs Includes Keneual Of Notes, Ktc. | , Fditnr Dauhury Report T I see in your issue of 115.• iiitli thai "Citizen" gives some very £nti*r«'>t- i ing liguics. I wonder wh, a man' who has uncovered all «• f tins ex- • trnvneunce >!•« I- ashamed t.> -ign his nnmi' to hi- I"lln jr.-. Call il in' nossihlo that he knows hi;- statement is misleading ami for that reason ilot - not car to di«close hi.- A 4>'.i !it i: y V B Mb .states that my ltont.l will at ™ tlir pi« -cat rati- spend : : 1 .V2.7 1 2~U> mote than tivir allotment. i sa.v that such a slatcim-nt i- ah-nrd, un l rue and in no part light. If "('it i; on" hii'l SCIIM' eiioiieh to get up tile ligures he has nimi:ll*•!. he hail (rains enough 111 In l aware of the fact tiiat In was dclihcrr.'. l.v trying .to mislead thi' people. Tli ■ ligures lie gives includes re newals of nott * given In fore our IllUe. 11.t.111 y we have borrowed for Hie I. .i I board and School Hoard "which arc in no way chiiigct nle to .tile little lift cell ci lit y We u>k .you ft r, t pay the follow.eg: Salny of Slioiii'', Clerk of Court, Keiri-•' I' ot' Heed- and a.i -'.ants. I '.xpt i-1 if our courts, t ellM' of ■Count v lii. in. and outside poof, I'd -• of ia ll 'taxi pri.-'iier v n illa tion- and M> nany litt lt* expense* Ilia! • >..!! take too n >. .-j aci to mint' rate. .Ml i f ihc nln- .e "i'i;'• i n" tell- \ou w I-.no to |ay with 1 11!. I V 11i• • • 'he I! .all| of r ill -at ion lias for it op r.iiing Npeii-'':. Cu, a like lime ; 'round Sl7 "i.itiiii.ou. • i 'li iv.i n" know- th: I th' 'Unity ( mn'.issioi el's iirc compelled by lev. l" stick to 111" |."i ci lit levy ami 'f '■ In \ gel away from ih.it, they are i'alictabl". If lie is a mall a> well a- i.iii.en lie t 'ii.iinlj will at IIIIC:' hri g suit to make us show why tlrs il would ay) i'liinal ex*.i.iv..nam- he accu.-- - lis of should lie allow,' I to CoU tiHUe. i DF.FY III.M TO U> n*. Faithfully yotj. 11. 11. WILLIAMSON, chairman, | Hoard County Con mi.-sioticrs. PLAN RIG RESORT NEAR STATE LINE Movement On Foot to Utiilil Ho tel At "Xorvale Crasfs," Ten Miles From Uoarint* Gap— Site Is Most Meant it til. Mount Airy. Sept. 21. Reprcsen tative husiness and professional men ; >f this city will go to (!a!ax, Va.,! this evening to meet with 'eprcscn tative citizens of that place in the interest of the new resort develop ment to lie known as "Norvale Crags" and located four miles: heyontl fjij Jiow Clap. At a meeting held here Thursday jk, evening T. N. Woodrutf, of Low (lap; W .1. I!. Sparger and S. M. hale, of (his » i ity, were made directors for this I■§ and T. L. Kelts, of h.lax, Va., V who is hacking the proje. t financial-, ly and otherwise, has already agreed to serve a - a director for Virginiu. The location is only eight or ten r : miles from Roaring Cap and has an ,g elevation of feet v. it!' a view ' ef wonderful expanse 'iinir td t mo.-t any resort located in the if .south, Il overlooks lioth North Car olina and Virginia, and th" pro lj moters point ttiit that the lot al ion is 1 such that the development will not * he an extravagant proposition- un til iv has provided .pu«v water, a cas cade to furnish the electric power. iand huilding a dam will piovide a lake covering It'll acres. At the same time there is no disposition on the part i f the promoters to stint in financing the development. Quite the i contrary. Nature has provided such . | n wonderful opportunity that it de- ! | serves the lust that mail can do to utilize nature's bounty and the pro- i moters plan for a rcsor' that will i hi- the pride and glory of both North 1 Carolina and Virginia. England expects to try a plan for making divorces cheaper, so that poor people can afford them. It is i harder and harder to main tain any social distinctions.—Spokane Spokesman-Review. | WHAT STOKES : SHOI'LD HAVE A Farm Hen: in;dral;i' ami A Moilel Farm Would I'ay \ |.. , ' c'o,:ntv I.arjfe I>i\ ii'emis. Tli following artich written by ii. Key. of Surry county, in ! appear- j i inu in tie Mt. Airy paper, will an-', I ply to Stok.-s a- well as Surry, in tmr i 1 ; opinion: Ararat, N. C„ Sept. In. Editor Mt. Airy News: I have j• i-1 read your editorial in today's N v. s i omiiien:i:ig on the iu-- cessity of a far::! di'iiion.-tralor for j Suriy I'.nnity. I am v.-rj iiiii-h in favor of a county deni-m.-trator, but not wiili ui oilier consiih rations. In the 11i t plieo, to hire demon- rtii.'.ir en the method nri'\ iously us ed. I consider money ill spent, as then are very few wh > benel'o from it. as lie can see !>ut few farm scat- ' ti red over the county and do person-, al instructing, hence the majority do not hetlc'i: by the espeiai;' un , but I want a liciiu -tiatoi all ri/ht, an ! lie sh" !■! have a niic farm owned l by tin couiit> i at i r ne: r I!••!>.-• n. on 1 a e'l.-ii! roatl. ml ihis f.rm -hiald be ] ei|iiip| i d wiili modern ■ ;iii• ■•>: i.t and j ] stocked, tali I'\ ll i up* ' and .-li!'-:' I'n i. ii'. helpers furiii.-hcd hiia at all I: i.i. to , liable )ii in i. i *lll ivate a | few ai i • if all i aiing ' each', \«" r, and a I■ leu' ■ |. ! i.ej,« of ; ' i". i ■ ry; I' ■ I:*.*, "iv inaa'e r • i' plan:-! inn, preparation of I l» ' , amount | of "iiaiio and ai.alyr - UM d, e.nd ii.nl | i. •i •, a.id Inc. llnm- r • ! pi in i d foe ili-tribut ion i i a!! no w il! ha . . hem. and have lii f.il a. a nil 'til til:.* ill-ill in t rat ii .:. a!'*! i -in-. :aI - ■ ly mi ail publi" days, ili'i' ■ o.i tir-t . Moiui. ys and court week . i I believe a demon 'i a' i in con-: iw t tii i-. with the farm mil:iv.iti-.n as .above outlined, will be a beiie l:t to Suiry County, and n re; I ! i.--1 I'eve it \.: 11 In- self s'iii;oi ting, or nearly i liope to - e more e litorals about farm demon tration and that the folilty I'ethei in iv decide at all e:.r- i ly dale l" put tiii- thing t' working a- farm r-. in Sarrj Cu mt;. certainly', need lii-l. fill • s'.u g-l iona to ili-j ! \ersiiie,| crops atal innproveil methods, j and I feel that tile tint - has never i 1.-'-n more oiiportunt l for tin move-' ment in real earnest, an ! farmers! never more eager for beiietits to lie , i!ciivei!, than now. Respectfully, J. i. KEY. PATRICK ORCHARDS! ISOLD FOR 5"!35,770; I Property Had IJeen (liven An 1 I i Estimated Valuation ot $.'5(K»,-, 000—-Concern Is Haiikrupt. I I Danville, Va., Sept. I'.'.—Holdings! of Patrick Orchards, iin orporated, j which some weeks ago made a fail- ■ lire in the federal courts were sold jut public auction mar S'uait Thurs- i ( , day. fix large tipple or Ileitis being! sold to four men for a t"t .1 of sl!jr>,-1 "To. The property had b- fi -j 1 veil an 11 i • timatetl valuation of n.iMltt in I I the liM of assets of lii company, j Premium orchard with "'>ii acre- : and titi.lMMl tries wa- old fur j 7."1 ito tli. Havenport, of Rich-j | iiioud. Cat rick orchard witii "'J.noii trees and '' J7 acres wa: kn-icl t'l out to ( i*. .1. Mavis, of M.tiCusv.He, for ( non. I'!ue Hidge orchard. IP.nun treasj. and inn acres, was soil to E. .1.1 Da . is for $18.00(1. sl.. I ii orchard, lu.nui) tries, .'1112! :i-ii , was .--old to C. IJ. Davenport j' for s:M,noO, 1 ' Kith (reek orchard IS'! aires and •' with 1.000 trees was sold to \V. L. I' Wei,Horn, Uoamike, for £.">,.'11111. Eden orchard with ts,ono trees and M containing 1100 at res was soltl for 1 $2,0(10, 1 I 1 1 Good Tobacco 1 Selling* Very Well . i A letter received here this week ' [from I'aul Taylor, who is operating a tobacco warehouse sit Kings tree, S. ( ('., says that good tobacco is selling at a fair price there, but that poor 1 quality is bringing a very low price. ( Mr. Taylor says that the crop there ( ' is unusually sorry. Danbury, N. C, Wednesday, Sept. 2,'t, 1925 •A) ROAD PROJFXTS TO BE LET OCT. 1:] Tentative hist Would Add 111 Miles fi Paved lioad To State, System.—Hanhrry Koad in ■ i • CiUdeii. Ra! S-: I. 17. Tvv.a t; i w hignway projects which ,11 ,d 111. I .'" ..ii! ■ t-f har isurf..ce road.-j ami s7.jh; mib's i f :: :| • '.t i diit l't ad to tlie Mate highway -ystein will !w let to contructors tit highway' letting on October actording t-J a tentative list of projects nuide pub-I la yesl"l'tlaj. The f,v."r. i mile-J will east approximately .> : :."i'»i, • t(•. ( List al I'roji'Cls. Th t. ulative li.-t of pi'o.iv its fid-j low : Project I'll Na-ll '.•■ ! litljM conihi' coitiili".-. ii!.'.' m:!i if paving en Polite |u from the '!*ai INv i ii"! th to Halifax i utility I project IJl'.Kl \\ .1 oil CO u. y. In.I v miles of grading and bridgt s fimu 'A'ilsoti to the Nash coin lit Route I. Pi'ojt 11 111 •I! .nd 117-1 *- t 'am-1 •It'll and Cuvritia k "iii.t ■ I !.>:: mih - of pat'i.lg betwi i li I avniea :i>i Sligo. Project 211--John-ton IN -I'y, IL miles of grading and bridge; - from •In Wil-ou coui::y line tow ml Smith-, lit bl. j Pit'.a • l 1' '1 John-'i i. i :y.; 1!5.21 milv'S ef paving on !!• ute to from Smithlleld i the "t\" • \.i unty liii". i ■ - i ri't ■■ t .ti. ' 11 mi"ii: .-1 in;y. I :'.o miles ef navim; from hayciit vill - toward Diaai i: Pot'.!" L'J. ! roje-'i ."."I Ncv llano'.' umy. 7,at» n iles of paving from Wilming- i !• n ! ' Wrightsv i!.' Sound Route i'. Project I Pobe-i ii co. nty, PJ,:'.-s mil' ■ of grading and I ii igt - from Le'- bertoti t i I! anlnnin o: Route -u. Pro.! i t l'.''». Warren . utility, S."> aiiics of grading anil bridge.- between Macon and Littleton on Route Is. Project is7-ll Wake county, miles of grading and bri 'ges from :!i.' end i f project 1-7-A 'a eastern raoiaie limits of ft hl' on Rout" '.MI. Proje. t ."I'Jo Davidson eo .ii!;.', 1 l*> miles of grading and bri'lges from 'lie end of project ."•Jo e:;ti'inletl to the Korsyth county line on Route (il. Project (112 Iredell county, bridge over Rocky Creek •>!' Routt 7.!. Project i»«» 1 ■ Alison county, 7."«o miles of paving between Lilesville and Pee Dee River on Route 20. I Project "I i Caswell cunty, 12.0S miles of paving from Vieu oyville to the Viiginia line on Rout" 1 I. Project ."s.'i - Rockinj'.'hani county. 1 live miles of top soil between Liberty and Stanley on Route tin. Project lo.ail— Halifax county, 11.1' in hof paving from 11-dilax south ; to the Edgecombe county line on Route 4t». Project 7"t"-I! Stokes county, lii miles of grading and hiidges from the end of project 7">"-A *o Dailbury | on Route SO. i'rojo t suit liurke county, 7 ! miles of paving from cast, in city limits of Mor.canton to budge east of Vald se, Project s2"i ('levchini! county. 10.t:i miles of paving from Shelb.v to the Rutherford county line n:ii Route 2". Pi.ijett '.'ls llayvv-iod c anity, •!..'• i illof grading and bridues fimn the Haywood county line to ('anion on Route In. Death of Tom Frank Kinv: K. King Route 2. Sept. . i Tom i'nitik Hart grove was born Oct. Is. P.'ln, die | Sept. 17, P.' 2.">. n>"king hi - stay on caith II yea is, P' month and 20 days, lie was th • -a nof ,1. p. and Ida Il.artgrove. II" leaves a father, mother, three brothers ami two sisters and a host of relatives and friend:' to mourn their loss. The brothers are Foy, Willie and Charlie a,nd the sisters are Mrs. Carrie Pul lin mi and Lena llartgrove. Tom Frank was an obedient son and brother, and faithful to his pa rents in all his duties. Funeral services wore ((induct ed by Rev. L. W. Burma at Mt. Olive cemetery with a large crowd present. The family wishes to thank their neighbors and friends for their cour tesy during the sickness and death of their son and brother. AUTO WRECK AT KING Two Men Hurt--:teat»i «Saiv. Stone—Jiigh S-.ii0.l Opens— Other News ID ::.-, ; King, Sept. 21 Airs H'.rve.v Snainhower arai iittio Ruth ' ari.'ll -pent the week e d with Mrs. Spain : howa i father netir Mizpali Mr. "r". N. .1-.lie . if Hitvh Point, was an.ong the 1 i a "ss v.- ( it.r.- heiv ■ -at urday. I Th King Tigers .-hut St-war • i ::i a gam • of ball heie Sat>:r.|;.'-. 'I I. j inal •- it stood six and n--:i.ing. I Mr. D. M 1.. an. of Ra!i igh. i ill led new de>!:s in the audit. -if in i school building here lit Two automobiles co!!a • on the lilivat l akes t ll Flariia higlrvay .in-t ■ west it tov.n Tuesday i:i-. I::, lioth i'-.irs were de'iioh.-in 1. Two men, ; Jes-e ("llins, of Pilot Mi-voitain, nmi ,S. 11. Hand, of Stuke-il.de, W' I ■ .-evenly hurt, ( ollins had a bad i .t -a his leg just below Ila km aid I other bruises, while Hand -u- . I \ fractured hip. Other occupant of ill." atitoi'.lolclcs f-aped Willi i I \ , minor bru : -es. I Tlis' i 'abin Motor « .i- !,:r. :• a nice ;li-c.c room built in :iair g-.ragi on Fast Main Street. !"•.•;. will han- I ■ i!e Chevrolet anil Cry si •• . ltomn : i.iles, i Mr. ' 'ti- Ilamnt -n. ■!' "' .!. Point, p n, -in:!.,:, w. !, !. on:- oil j Pull ia 111 St ia c'. Mr. llo; S:.;. . I ■ d- : '.v ■ j I miles west of t. -.. n. w. hi" la.-t| I Week esllibltitig still"- : ~ will- il •.c stated wa- t!i s. ":.ii gown n his farm this par '''!: c aches : were ripe but ' f. iiy • ,r .i. I. Mr. R. C. V. i. :■• ,- I: i..g a fn -li coat of ]i. 'nt ; i:t i a Ili -i : home on Forest (iiic." Aveiiti". Mr. A. S. P. It -, ' f Wa-hiiiglt-n. D. is spending a 1 \ dat- with hi i parents lit re. ! Work has been t-oninienei d oil a new .service station and garage for Mr. Thomas r'.. Smith on Fast Main t. Tile striicture will !if of cement blocks and will be modern in eveiy way. Pi 1 .. Mr. .'ones, of Waughtown, i hohling a two w. eks ten', meeting on Fast Main Street. Air. W. T. Pulliam, of ll.:its!iebl. (ia.. is spending a few days with relatives and friends here, i Sam Stone, aged abort seventy 'years died at his home three miles .west of town early Saturday morn ling from heart failure. The inter nicnt was conducted at the family 'cemetery Sunday at 11 :(it> o'clock A. I M ' i'he King Tigers will play their i last game of the season h'-re next ! Saturday when they will cross bats j wiili Hanes Knitting Mill nine. I Rev. Paul Herman Nev-uni tilled ! his regular appointment at Mount i Mount Airy Sunday. I Mr. Ray Ki.-er, of Win-. iii-Salem, spent Sunday w.:h relative.- ami friends here. Mr. (i. S. Nevvsum retf'.v.tl to his | hoiiie on Pulliam Street 'oday after -pi nding several days wi'a i iativ• — in Winston-Salem. Ms. R. S. Lemons, of Win-tor Sai u,was among the v-uois !. -i S - nday. dr. Regga llarlman, ot Da- 1 ai 11;■ • itf 1, spent Sunday with ivlaii .. : .not friends here. 1 in- high -cl'.ool opened lielc th.- ia- >ning with a good alt mlaiice. !r. S. S. It ih , of Tampa, Fla., ■ending a few days will relatives I here, ' ( uiinty (.'.ininris.-sioners .\ccc])L Audit ot" Rooks The board ot ■ a:• ty ■" .ac -iotiers VVt ie ill speei ! -i -it >ll at 'II - colll't e here M-- ia.v t\ oa .g the audit tif l'i" county book.i a- recent !•> made b> t'. ' nil of S oil \ - • !k rnley, of ( ha I..it• a'.lit, v> i h covers i! pa : .' t ■ jcars. vva .. i pteil by tli loiiimi sinners. Piscatorial Problem "Fatiler, do the big fishes eat sar dines?" "Yes, my son!" "How do they get them out of the tins."—Buen Humor (Madrid.) France reports that the Riflians re treat when attacked. Rut so do mosquitoes.—Dallas News. 'CALLING FOI: BIDS OX ROADS 11." i >anl>in y - Wah t '.ve Itoad I- Am• >i 'J',, lie Let Ily Si at'-. A ■ ..rdir.tr • n-a i • !I:iI. iii». !-i-t w« t . way " • .1 . |Hi! ii numbi'i of road project* t he • ' lot ' M'i ■ . • :. m 1 . I While bid* aiv asked only on grad ■ I n.. J \ .It i. ' • 'idn '« stirfa i :«» ■» > ft r tho gridiii'.r i.- lii:•>!:■ i. It i.- not known whether the surface will 1 ' 11.1 it. ii.l il ». i, I '• • ■•ii i i !'.izens ai• i:. •-• than I i ■ t" hi ai that th. ■ i j.- he 1 lilt at an early date. ! 11• lilt- hi av\ t t ;•'!.■ >tj ill 1i ••;>.-Walnut Cove r I'atrol . . I;. Sands is linal' 1 ' liv;i ijuhtion. in :e • f tin fa ' tr.it I. . asinjr s"iy i: v >rt ; • ' !• 't -able. TORACCO FARMKRS , su;x WITH CO-OPS Lai'U'• ■ i ; ['eased l)el.\«-i ;«•» ! A>- iati-'ii K.iliow liii'i' 1' • • i.• i ;y. At.' ■! • ifiit !y ii. Y 11)-■ ■" ' -iiji. va' ' • A 11 ii.il ■ ■ n its Ynn:! I.i * I• (ham, II -niit-rvit:. Noti ' ; n-\ ill--. !■ i: , .» • Sai'.t'i i . V i-.- and A l ' »-: . i • i «In-lit ii t ilu'V 1-:. has boon foil wed l.y th ! .. t . f n- \v i' .1 ;... tho as si iat ion's headipuivteis in kali :m.. Ni i 1 •. .Inimr ti; -t- i 1 • : -i;.; : «>H. I .ft;. tils.rly from tiio.-i niai'i.i".- which Imrilor nil tlii- Kasti in « aroliiia t ...a,. ■ l\ It wla ; • niai .. farmer.- who failed t sign tin' irai .i'tinjr ••••:.- ra . hefoie ! tlio F.astern Maikets ■. ■ •!i■ •. found ~ disttv.-Hiitrly low prices «.»"i rit wa.- too l ite to share ii '.hi' liiuh. .ash > ailvalii i - 1 eir.tr p.vd l>v t|- asso.ia tioit. Mo! I! an i l ' ll at r. - of t'ihai-v • hiivo hi'i'ii signed tin wt'h tho tohn ; association during' tho past two weeks in i intra] Carolina, tin latff-! jest number of nt-w iiii-mlii having . j conic from tho Henderson district. ! I.arjit'r l>eli\cries. K.i'iy wook of tho present market-; ir.tr season has brought lartrei «i« - li\i-rii of tobacco to tho io-opev ' | floor- in Kastoni Ninth :i•- •! tl association havintr n-coivt d within , throe weeks a third as nui 'i . of tlio (.rosiiit crop from tl. I .-MI; Holt as its on tiro roeoipt- i ' la.-t season. So lonjr as tho Kastern > .ii. lina | receiving points of the a-- iat!• :-. continue to ilu l>usiness t!ii- yiar. tl. ! present !."> per cent advaiu . ..• ii tin present standard of jrradiii': wHI In \ continued there, according t> (ieiier:.! ' Manapi'r. Richard it. I'i.ttii- •: i ! rile association, but In i-:.ir.i • with the association's nm ;n •; policy of economy there will 1 ■ n clinat toll to continue the opelir a ai ion roi i i'. intr poiir •. t i:. liveries fail to just..';- *t« .r , ; rat : !-.. !: !'• i ' y to Kastern >'or l. t iliaccn asso.'int .. i • l> declared, "\\. ram co-i|i;'r:itiv. i t e throat of ' • . implies that w I i hi assodatioi. | j:-. t if; ' eration of a i el a jtiv . i-- doors will . J i 1 '-Tone out ' i dozei 11 tr points of the . ssocia ■ I inn . 1 ai'olina or. ■' i 1 '' ■ follow II of the nios' . i f; ': ' season- i l joyed by t.u co-oiui. that state. | The a : has -iln a.ly n v« ed more t from th Souti; . , Carolina I the enti'v deliv» r ies of its nn i- there daiintr the season of I'. ! ' lariT'r associa jtion market- I'atni'.-tto State will continue «i■ ■ rutljrh lU-tobor when tho (rradtis !' n the smaller markets of the a- at ion's Southern Kelt po to its Viri.-';. a and Western {Carolina receiving points. I The Government of Honduras of | licially denied that theri had ln'cn a revolt, and then added thrt 'lie revol i utionists had been badly ia aten any | way .—The Pathfinder (Washington.) No. 2,789 TANKS ARE LOW IX STOKES Prof. J. T. Smith Pays ?•"». 15 On the si 'M i r> r 'lioriiia— Growing ' -ps With, at Kail.. I'r .f. .1 T. - • I' >:. • i Supt. of Shi •! - in m ... \ - ! • Friday f »•• • tii Fi;i; :-i- . i'i f. who ■i r i'i n ntly i• • ;t; 1 ('• . . stay of tin. y-ar>. ' alif. •.. »• .1; t 'mil '!!:!> si-s|iill at i •:T .• si h . I, Ml.-. smith, v.i. p i ,-:: i .1. 1., 1;u . win 'an v 1..- •!. i!., ..),[■ • ... .ilvir.tr of hini. tii- Mr. Smith - St"i:. - r ; ti/ ti nothing ' i.ii i. I'll. Ii ' tlif 11 in resided iti tht ltn.-d lii-ti t and t.l : Si.'J.") on the hundred dollars valuation of HI-; is. addition t . th- water or irrigation tax if $ 1 .t*o, making $0.15 >: e.n-h iiiaidic. d' liiii. \\ :;i. of pro 1.. rty. !!••«-, V, I. |> .-aid, tl'.i y i ~vi - .mo at" m. nv f- 1 ti; : tiivi-.s. I■ ■ f.m-t - 1 h-iol- a ! iiv • 1 \ 1 Ik'nt 1.: 11 i-;ifaeed toad.- ; s'i 1 rywht re, J while good land i- worth SI,OOU pep ■:■ f. ill • Sill «•!: !■ :.imi 1•> 1. •• d -iii-ad n rain to make it i-rop it; the feet ion whete ••v. \va.- 1 ■ .it -d. f.r it tti'ver 11 i I.> - t-t .11 »inti v. Water i» Mi- yh: t-. tii :arnis thronjrh ditches ;fr -a tl'.i i'' j' reams :.• ! ■ e . vi-r --i f ttii- (iiteili - is ■. ; ::: to 1.1 .. a 11 o; . KAIIi?.I( )XT Si i )\VS GOOD AVERAGE t)\i-r Kijfht Million I' amis Of i'niuu'i'o lias >. Si.ld On The Uortlor Markit—Am-rage (Her I'd Cents. l-'i.irmotit. Sept. !.•. IT. ■ tobacco week just ended has been marked by I. >..!• - I'll tii- priii' : : id market* lif tin- m ti. 1.. A.- -i ' hi-ie, tile faniii-i'M appear to b- f; i»l> well >ati.~..i-d v.itli the pr.' - i r.-vailing. Kspecinlly i.- this true of yesterday'i Mil''. I'p to tins date last year this market sold p .and.-. whieh .eraged filV.M'. S far tl'.i.• season II has pa- >ed tii'- s,i"M,iiOO pound mark ami the avi rage hi- passed , luit tie- "ragged end' i f the erop ' tow lieing sold loge'her with the | tips, and tl daily average* are not jas good as when tile "bo iy" of the -talk was being sold. i ho recent heavy rains in this sec j t.l 'll has necessarih caused much wet tobacco to appear on th• sides and wet tobaeeo never sells t• i* anything like its value. Tips aiv bringing from sii..*>n to Sir.. The stalk toluu-os from •S1.") to s.'l3. Several baske'. - of real fancy tobacco showed tip on yester day's sale. This fancy te' :imi was raised by Ci. H. Floyed of thi county. I Mil- basket of it brought ?11 per hundred pounds, another basket .SIT ;. i I.'ii- hundred pounds and another hii.sket ■• 'hi per hundre i pounds, wl.vh is the highest price so far ef the ~-.ii -101. V.. lay'* and Thursday's ssiles wer 1 .-•> strong as Friday s, either " i-tity 1 r price. Thi "double ».,! >" l-'iida\ lasted until ." o'ckn'k - ■ .1- t m-II .-.11 that ! been put npoi. tin three wared- ise floors, but ; c '-i at ai.r .. wagon load- wire forc ,.! fi'i I: 11. ef Space el • i'.e x\: tvhi'Use floors, to pack their toba -cos down fill M ■ sale. S. t : ,ry b. i.rd ef jr• !e • t'icial report issued ibis inorn ! ng shows a-I- :ion -ihs on this marl.- • fm- sea son .\l",i:-W pounds. Average for season sl!i,l*i. A greater jvi i-ntnge f ti'.i.en ha- bi-.n S"l'i 1". '.ill- mar ket U'tli two set ■ of I--.. ~ 1- than on an;, market in the wmbi tising four i 'ivi s-t ef I 'III l l's. Tobacco Market To Open October 1 A cording t" an announcenient by II li. llutsuii. of the Winston-Salem Tohacco association, the local mar ket- will i pelt for the ;->■ . -a oil Oc tober 1 and buyers representing ev ery tobacco firm in this section are expected to be on hand. I During the summer many improve- I merits have been made at the local ! warehouses which will f c-iiitate the i j handling of goods for both producer* | and buyers and merchants of the city ■ ! have completed all prep;'rat ons for i [the opening of the season.

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