DANBURY REPORTER Volume LI. SUPERIOR COURT ( IN SESSION HERE Presiding Judge W. E. Brock ' Makes Good Impression Samet Arson Case Is Con tinued—John Hall Convicted if Manslaughter Other i Cases Before the Court. J * \ The criminal term of Stokes Su- ' perior court opened here Monday' morning with Judge Walter K. ' Brock, of Winston-Salem, presiding- ' A. M. Stack, who was assigned t«.i this term,* was detained on u* 1 coiuit of the death of Hon. S. A. Mc- ' Intyre, a son of Judge Stack having 1 married the daughter of Mr. M'ln-, tyre, who ( was an attorney of l.um- ' berton. While Stokes citizens regretted the ' ( fact that our former county man, ( Judge A, M. Stack, was not able to, preside at this term of the Superior court, they have fallen in love with Judge Hroek. His charge to the grand jury was short but wigi comprehensive and interesting and was listened to with closest atten- | Don. On the street as well as in the court room one hears many favorable comments on his honor's rulings and judgments, and it is safe to say that no judge who has held court here for years has been more popular >r better liked than Judge Hroek. I Solicitor Spruill is having much work to do in handling the heavy docket of the court hut as usual is equal to the task. It might he a supposition among some that since the State's attorneys have been placed on a salary basis that their ardor in securing convictions would not be so great, hut attorneys as well as spectators have been hearil to remark that it bus hud the reverse effect if any on Solicitor Spruill. For instance at the recent term of Guil ford criminal court Mr. Spruill se convictions in '.is out of 10l tue«es, and his record here this week will doubtless be equally as good. A si ssion of the court was held last night for the purpose of hearing a motion by the attorneys in the Samet arson ease for its removal to another county. Affidavits of a number of citizens were su'eilitted tending to *how that public senti ment was not favorable to the Samet s. After hearing the matter fully Judge Hroek ordered that it jury be summoned from Forsyth county for the trial of the Samcts at the next term of Stokes criminal court. In this cuse Mux, Juke and Morris Samet are charged with being Im plicated in the burning of a store building in King last August. Then l are probably seventy or more wit ness*'* to lie heard and il wus the opinion of uttorneys that the triul cquld not he completed this week. .The triul of John Hull, charged manslaughter in connection with the death of Pearl Wilson, wes finished lust night, the jury bringing in u verdict of guilty after deliberating only a few hours. The prisoner has *•"! been sentenced at this time and IV 'icing held in the county jail. The grand jury is composed of the following: S. L. Johnson, fore* j man; Joseph Slate, S. W, Green, j Peter Mounce, W. T. Tuttle, Edgar, George, H. 1,. Simmons, C, A. Wug oner, F. J. Vuden, J. M. Vernon, Willie G, Moere, O. T. Tucker, R. M. Jcssup, W. C. Joyce, S, F. Luw soti, Jesse E. Joyce, Farley Moser, and S. I'. Dennett. Cases heard by the court this week up to this time are as follows: Jno, W. Hall, manslaughter, verdict guilty. Judgment pending. John ('. Bailey, Sr., having liquor in possession, fined $25.00 and the cost. Noah Mabe, operating car v.h.'c intoxicated, verdict guilty. Judg , ment pending. Fd Hawkins and Jim Smith, affray. Fined $lO each and ore half cost each. Roy Gatuwood, manufacturing liquor, fined S2OO and the ivst. Matt Jones, manufactui.ng Minor, guilty. Judgment pending. Roy Willard, bigamy, Sentenced to two years on roads. Melvin Jones, trespa»-4, judgment 4 suspended on payment of coat. Odell Smith and Henry Flinchum, possessing liquor, fined SSO each and half cost each. Willie Hole, operating car while CHILD KILLED BY AUTOMOBILE In Harking Car King Citizen Caught Little Sou Between Automobile and Tree. King, Oil. 17.—Mr. Raleigh Me- Kniffht. of Dalton, anil Miss Hcssic Jones, of Advance, Davit- county, were married he re yesterday, Squire Squire Jas. It. Caudle officiated. 1 Mr, Albert Hutchins, of Winston- Salem, spent Sunday with his par ents on Hast Main street. The Moravian Ladies' Aid met with Mrs. S. \V. Pulllam on Thurs day afternoon at 2:30. The Aid hud heel) organized just a year. During the year they huve made s2ilU. IS of this amount $2:15,2S has lieen given I toward erecting the new Moravian {church here, leaving s2fi,2o in the treasury. The old officer* were re elected for another year. | The next meeting will he held with Mrs, Dr. (i. F. Stone anil the subject will he: "When sacred songs bring a blessing." Mr. Peyton Hulchlns, of Winston- Salem, spent Sunday with relatives here. Mr. Jake Ncwsum, in backing his automobile at his home Inst Thurs day, caught his little eight-year-old son between the car and a tree mash ing the little fellow, lie was carried Ito a Winston-Salem hospital where he died Friday. The interment was condu.'ted from Macedonia church Sunday afternoon at two o'clock. The parents are stricken with grief. AUTO TAGS~WILL > COST STATE LESS Saving of SO,OOO Kd'eitod By Using a Lighter Metal. Kalcigh, Oct. ID.- Hy subsltullng lighter metal, the state department will save $',1,001) In the purchase of ne\t year's supply of automobile HCCIIM' plates which were contracted for today by Commissioner It. A, Dougl'.ton. The new plates, which the slate will put on the market next May ami June for SllMiO a piece up, will cost the State 0. PI cents each. Thi plates in use for this year cost 8.,'1f cents. Next year's plates will In lighter but sufllciently durable ti withstand the wear to .vhieh they are subjected. The color of the new plates has not been decided upon. The order which Commissions Doughton gave to the Western IHs play company of St, Paul, Minn, calls for 17ft,000 tags. The tota supply at ll.tit cents a tag will cost #.'lD.7.'tr>, freight charges being in eluded. Automohil" owner* paj about $1,000,000 annually for li censes. The state invests the wholi amount, as well as several millioni yielded by the gasoline tax levy, it the sinking fund for the retiremen of highway bonds and for the muin tenunce of the state highway system I intoxicated, lined SSO and tost. | Fletcher Smith, assault, lined $"l ' and cost. I Vance Kill, possession of liquo J and carrying concealed wcpoii, Unci • | sr.O in each case and the cest. . Shep Webster and. Jim Smith , escaping from jail, prnyci for judg , ment continued upon payment o ■: cost. , Gilmer Young, nmnslauiditer, cull ed and failed. ; Max Samet, Juke Samet and Mor ris Samet, arson, case contnucd unti t next term of criminal coutl. Charlie Joyce, pleuils puilty o r operating car while intoxicated » Fined $20.00 and cost and to pa; to it. T. I'ridily $.'10.00 dupiugc to cut s James .McLaughlin pleads guilt; - to reckless driving. Judgment sus pended upon payment of cost on con . ditlon that h- pay to J. C. Smit t' and wife $50.00 for damages to cut Sum F. Corn, forcible trespasi ' trial in process. Quite a number of cases remnl ,'on the docket at this time and it i j likely that court will not adjour I before Saturday. | The civil term of Stokes COUJ t convenes here next Monday an j Judge A. M. Stack, of Monroe, i , expected to preside at that time. 1 The docket has no case* of ufcusui ! interest and I* of about the usut i! length. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday, Oct. 21, 1925 KU KLUX STAGED : PARADE AT KING i Witnessed H.v lireat Throng of , i People Who (lathered For Miles Around. King, Oct. 17.—The Ku Klux Klan 1 stageil a piuiile here last night lit , nine o'clock which was witnessed' i by hundreds of people from the i whole surrounding country. The j - crowd began to gather about ■ and in a short while the streets were j lined with people, t The great throng st ood In line on • Main street for more than two hours I waiting for the parade. The parades C formed in a vacant lot on West Main f ( street, near the residence of J. S. D. i Pull lam and marched down Main i! street, then along School street to I I the high school building, then hack - to the intersection of Main and De pot streets where the purmlers halt i ed and an address of welcome was t delivered by Dr. Frncst M. Griffin. C From here the paraders marched back to the place of starting where - tin l tiery cross was exhibited and H some appropriate talks made. Then the song. America, was sung after « which a short prayer was offered by • Dr. Griffin and the crowd was ills -1 missed. J POWER CO. BUYS HUGE'TURBINES ;! New Plant ""wilT" He 100,000 Horse-Power Instead of 80,- 000, As First Announced. Charlotte, Oct, 17. Officials of th» Southern Power Company Thurs i' day afternoon announced the letting of a contract for two 50,000 horse power steam turbines for the re cently announced new steam electric 1 plant of the company to the General f Fleet rie Company, of Schenectudy, i New York. ( j I Tills order is the llrst to be placed ! for the equipment for the huge new 'strain electric plant, plans for I which were determined .ipoii two _I or three weeks ago, at a conference jl | between the late James H, Duke, I vice-president, and 'hief Engineer W. S. l.ee, and Vice-President and General Manager ('has. 1. Hurkhold er, of the power company at Mr. Duke's summer home at Newport, y , It. I. ' It is interesting to note that the new plant is to lie of 100,000 horse ' power instead of 80,000 horse-power j as was originally planned, the ex-! ecutives of the company evidently ' deciding that a 100,000 horse-power 1 plant would lit better into the com -1 pleted Power system be'ter than • the so, Olio horse-power plant eon- I , sidered at llrst. ' | Negotiations are already in pro- H j cess for the other equipment and apparatus that will be necessary for I the proposed plant, which , it has • been announced, will lie of the most 1 ' | modern and efficient design, The ~ steam turbines ordered litis after noon will be among till largest ill machines of this kind in service in | the country, there being few steam ir plants utilizing machines of larger •d ' size or of this size. | The announccmunt made by the h, | officials of the Southern Power Com >. | puny is regarded as the llrst con ,f | crete evidence of the purpose of the IvariouH Duke enterprises to "carry |- on" us though the late chief Were 'still alive and in hurncss. r. | No one has doubted that it would il' lie otherwise, us Mr. Duke had made | the statement himself before his :>f death that hi* passing would in no d. | way affect tthe development plan iy ned for the the various enterprises in r, which he was interested. s y , Pastor A. J. Bowling "* i Goes To Dobson th i r. I Pastor A. J. Howling, who has is, served the Dunhury M. F. church i circuit the pust two years, has been in 1 assigned to the Dobson circuit. Mr. is Howling has accomplished much rti good on this circuit and the people | regret to see him and his family irt leave. They expect to go to Dobson fid next Monday. There will be no ser is vices at any of the churches on the Dunhury churgc next Sunduy. al —————— al Subscribe for the Dnnbury Reporter, $1.50 the year. SPEEDING UP THE COURT IS WRONG Jutlge Stack Says Dockets Can He Reduced if Citizens Func tion As True Americans. Winston-Salem, Oct. 17.—Judge A. IM. Stack, presiding over thi term of 'the superior court which closed this i afternoon, spoke to the court attend jants and to spectators early this af ternoon, regarding the congested court dockets throughout the state and he urged the good citizens of Forsyth and of other counties of the state to put their heads together and llnd a remedy. "The people criticise the officers for doing so and so," said Judge Stack, "but it makes no matter how good an officer i*, lie can't -In every thing." Judge Sta.'X then called at tention to those who complain of the manner in which officers conduct themselves sometimes, and yet they don't think it their duty and are ufruid to go on the witness stand and testify to it. "It is a mistake to critizc the courts and say that they are not functioning," said Judge Stack. "It is not the courts but in most in stances it is the public that is to blame." Judge Slack spoke of the high cost of courts, lie declared that the citizens should, if for no other rea son, take this into consideration, and for the sclllslt reason of saving their money, help enforce the law and put down lawlessness. "To bring down the court docket," said Judge Stack, "the courts should not lie speeded up, but rather the public should lie the true Americans they are supposed to be and aid in putting down crime." CHASE SUFFERING FROM INFLUENZA • University President Has No Alarming Symptoms. hnpel Hill, Oct. 21, Dr. 11, W. Chase, president of the t'diversity of North Carolina, is confined to his home with a slight attack of in floenza. lie went to lied yesterday. Dr. F, A. Ahcrnethy, university physician, who is attending him, said tonight that while President Chase's temperature was slightly higher than last night, he was "resting comfortably and there are no alarming symptoms," The uni versity president returned Sunday from Tennessee where he repre sented the university at the Van derbilt celebration. He was in his 1 office Monday hut went home early 1 in the afternoon, complaining of feeling ill. ; Attorneys Here At Court This Week Attorneys in attendance at Stokes , court in addition to members of the , local bar are, C. O, McMichacl, W, t It, Johnson Tom Knllnm, Winston , Salem; S. S, Alderman, Greensboro; , G. 1.. Jarvis, Walnut Cove; John p 11. Folger, D. 1.. Hlatt, Ml. Airy; W. R. Hndgctt, O, F. Snow, und (' , M. Hcrnard, Pilot Mountain; J. (' , Drown, Madison; J. C. Bower, I,ex . iiu'ton; F. C. Ilivens, of Mt. \iry: , M. 1.. Mott, of Winston-Sulcm i»m f others. Road To Campbell ' Put On State Map « Thus. J. George, of Stuart, Va., > who has been making a strong effort . for several years to secure u bettci i road between Dunhary and Stuart, stated yesterday that he bail definite information that the N. ('. highway commission had placed the Dnnbury- Campbell road on the State map unil , tlmt the State would tuke churgc of K this rond soon and maintain it foi , the entire distance from Danbury tn 1 the Virginia line, Mr. George stat ,_ ed that Virginia would :-oon build , the road from the Stoke* line ti j, Stuart, I Heredity Up to Date L , "Isn't that a lively child! Why | he's us spry ns u goat. I "That's only natural. His fathei and mother were both pedestrians.' —Life. I HOLDING STOKES COURT_FOR STACK! Kx-Judge Brock Commissioned by Telephone: Judge Stack | | to Attend Funeral of Friend —Death of S. Mclntyre. Judge A. M. Stack, who held last week's term of Forsyth superior court, wa» scheduled to preside over Stokes court at Danbury this week, lan early this morning he was ad vised of the sudden death of his long-time friend, Stephen Mclntyre, one of l.umhcrton's leading citizens. Desiring to attend the funeral ser vices, Judge Stack called up Gov. Mclx-un und asked if he would not' commission former Judge W. F, Hroek, of this city, to hold this' week's term of court In Stokes. Gov. 1 Mcl.ean readily assented and Judge Stack left for his home at Monroe. Later in the day he will go to Lum berton to remain for the funeral of his friend. Former Judg* l Hroek mo tored to Danbury to preside over the court. I 'l Judge Stack, before departing for ' I home dropped The Sentinel of- L I flee to say that he had enjoyed his ' week's visit to W'lnston-Salem im -1 intensely and that he hoped to be I able to return here soon and to 1 jnlngle with his old-time and newly formed friends. He stated that his ' son, 1.. P. Stack, who Is cngaiy i in business at New Haven, Conn., mar r rled a daughter of Stephen Mdn ' tyre, who has served several terms in the state legislature.— Winston Sentinel. I I NO I'OISON FOUND • IN WOMAN'S BODY Surgeon ti> Iteport Mrs. ltiddle Died of Acute Alcoholism. I .os Angeles, Oct, 21.-Chemical » analysis of the vital organs of Mrs. Craig Kiddie, Philadelphia society woman who died here Sunday night under circumstances resulting in a y police investigation, failed to disclose M any trace of poison. An official re . port to this effect was submitted late , today by the county chemist to the ( . district attorney's office ami to the ! county coroner. t , Deputy District Attorney Harold y, 1,. Davis announced that as far as his office was concerned, 'he investi |gutioii would lie dropped, while County Autopsy Surgeon A. F. Wag ner said that he would sign a cer tificate giving lacutc uleoiiolisni as the cause of death. Supreme Court to Hear f Tenth District Appeals Kalcigh, Oct. IS.-The North Car olina supreme court will begin its , eighth week of the fall term on Tues day, October 20. During the week it will hear appeuls from tin- loth judicial district. The following uppculs ate on the ' court calendar for hearings dm ng the week from the 10th district.; J State vs. Thompson. State vs. Berry. .' Allen \s. Armfleld. l-'urst vs. Merritt. Cook vs. Melinite. School Hook Department vs. Durham vs. Proctor. foiirud v«. Hoard of Education. McAdams vs. Cotton Mill*. Durham vs. Wright. P, FtoffVr is. Griffin et al. Garage and Car Are Destroyed Rural llall Oct. 10.—Ro«coe Tut r tie lost his garage and enr by fire one night last week. A stolen car was found a -hurt distance away and It Is prcMiaicil that the party , was trying to get gas and in some way accidental)' set fire to Mr. Tuttlc's property. The guilty party, according to latent reports, has not been ruptured. | Rev. J. E. Hipp To Serve Danbury y,' Rev. J. E, Hipp, of Dobson, wh hns been assigned to the Dunhury ?r charge of the M. E. church, will » ( arrive here with his wife Mondaj lto tuke charge of the work. No. 2,793 WALNUT COVE TO HAVE TRADE BODY Business Men of Town to Or- I gumze At Meeting On Wed nesday Night. Walnut Cow, Ort. 20. A chum* ber nf I'omnu'Pci' will In- organised I Wednesday night at the high school auditorium.. The meeting wus |MIHI polled from last Wednesday nijjht on account of heavy shower*. All who tire interested in tlu* develop nient of the town are urged to be present. A nunilier of s peer lies liuvo been arranged for. Several out-of town speakers are to be heard. I The streets and side-walks on High street are neuring completion. I A tucky party was given at th» i Walnut (love high school Saturday night. There was a large attend* nncc. i .Mr. anil Mrs, Harry Sanders, of South Walnut Cove, left Sunday for Asheville where they will spend the week. | Hob lli'dffi'cock, who is in the brick business at Klkin, wns a visit or in town Sunday. A Incur number of young people of toyvn attended the dance given Friday night at the eo-operntlve to bacco warehouse at Pilot Mountain. Vernon Johnson, who h.is been in the barber business here for the past live years, lins moved his shop just Iwlow the Itoilson hotel. A new tilling station ic being liuiit at the corner of the Winston-Salem highway and the (iermanton road. The home of Ira Fulp, south of town, was completed last week by Neal llrothers, contractors, A crash between two Ford cars occurred Saturday night here on the corner of Main and High streets. Minor injuries were received by the parties, whose names were not learned. Mr. iV Mrs. M. Wheeler, who were recently married, have returned from their trip to Washington and New York, The tobacco crop to be sold on the co-op market here is somewhat slow 1 about coming in, but a large por tion is expected to be on the market I the coming week. The recent rains tilled the Dan river at the hydro-electric plant, where some trouble was encountered ' during the summer with water ' shortage. I»r. J. L. P"::«, of Salisbury, was ' in town Motility. It is understood that he will luciit •• netv Mine time ' in the next few weeks to practice ' his profession, which is chiropractor. II >r. I'egg is a native of Ki rner«v!l ! e and has practiced in Salisbury for some time. • Mrs. Kugcnc Dodson has returned home after spending several weeks with her parents in the eastern part * of the state. The Itilly Sunday club was at k Stokcsbut'ir Methodist chureh Sunday it afternoon. A large delegation was pre i nt. Short talks were made by i' I'iugetie Vngler and other members ; of the party. I)r. Bynum Speaks Germanton P.-T. A. (lerniaiitoii, Oct. 20.—The Parent* : Teacher Association of (ieiiiuinton held their regular mcctinu Friday night. After singing and prajer, I>t*. W. 11. Hynum delivered a very , inspiring lecture on "The Rcli tioii of Health to Study," followed by a talk from Professor Stiadley on the subject of "Leisure Tin 1 A.- tivities for the Child." J Professor C, M. Felts led the round table discussion in which the - various interests and needs of the i* school were brought out. r The monthly meetings were an y nounced to be held on the second y Thursday night in each month, e A lavg" crowd is expected at the "• Lyceum program to be presented at '• the high school building Thursday ' night, October 22, at ft o'clock. | Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Heck, Jr., and John Christian, father of M»s. I Heck, are spending some time in y | Norfolk, Va. I Mrs. B. J. Savage has returned o from a visit to Walnut Cove, y | Misses Mary Taylor, Anna Ger- II t rude Foy, Ruth Westmoreland and y Ruth Petrei- were in the Twin-City | Saturday, shopping. >