PAGE SIX LOANS AVAILABLE QUICKLY FOR FARM PURPOSES MONEY M AY HE BORROWED FOR THE PURPOSES AS FOLLOWS:— 1. To purchase land. 2. To buy implements. such as farm machinery, wajrons. tools, etc.. etc. .*!. To purchase fertilizer. 4. To purchase livestock. To provide and repair banding's. (>. To provide improvement-. such as fencing*, drain ing. tiling, clearing', etc.. etc. 7. TO PAY DEBTS. File your application \ and be ready for next ap praisal of land, which ( i be within a reasonably short time. Applications an acceptable every day in the year; but if application is made in time to catch the next appraisal, a loan may be cured quicker. The cost is very small compared to the length of time the loan may run. If you have a loan, you have a rig- t to sell, pay off the loan, or in any manner trans fer the land on which there is a Farm Loan. For further informal : on. call or see— H. R. MCPHERSON, Secretary-Treasurer. Stokes County National Federal Farm Loan Association, Farmers Union Hank & Trust Co.. WALNUT O>YE. X. C. )]>er Bids F« >r State I!'!'') Auto License Tairs . II ' !.' 'P. . •:! if . • .1- • ; i - ft ■ f . k: i th • !• \v . J)t'fi»!'" 1 ' 1'" >-' i' * M .000 1 • • .. ; !*- •!• t hi* V :' . ' , !•_ 7. V •• to th.« f r a ■ »000000000" oc> >ooo 0 0 0 4 S2 08 t: ■fx _ o 1 Vv Si/e o V* ' 1 04x80 o / '** . Y ' 0 \ \ Special $ . \ •« Purchase I " '\ , . • ■ 5: \ - Never before / i s ha , e we had ' . the values j in blankets. A v "* " * COME and _ " i look them £ £ v« *" . -"X'N • » » ' over. Direct > 0 r .-1 J from the 0 0 • - v w -- ' mill 0 0 m,n ' 0 0 0 NEW ARRIVALS f 0 In Ladies' and Misses' hats, Sweaters, I'nder- 0 wear, Caps. Ladies' and .Misses' Coats. Shoes $ 0 and Oxfords. All goods are cheaper this sea- o 0 son. O 1 | SHORE MERCANTILE COMPANY | |F. E. Shore, Mgr., = King, N. C. | -XXXXXX>O^/>oooooooooooooooXXi>ooooooo ' The Shift of Preachers f !l Me! : r* iif ■li il.lM ll f •'. • ■ fails it: I u. |>r- .i •' :h«t - i i n I'ut i.- ail ' lire.-. I • I 111 >ll* I > ali\ i li- t' : it. pn| ';lar. Ti. f M• * i.•«ii- ; |»;t tali-nt i- - '■ ■' •ill I'litrivjr.f ai. in ti,. lit-. Hofir" I r T'-:r' •t • i-ut'.'t he in . ■ .-tT'.rt at uniTn-- 't: ;ir 1 the ••' >• '• • THE DANBIIIY REPORTER i Will li Ho A 1 Smith'.' Ti.' iinli. .it;. 11> por.t t.. ih«- nonii • nation ..f (Jov. Al Smith by the next 1 1 • f:I: !• i 1 ■ iII\ • I!T' 11. M Adoo 'also in iln' »"intr. ' ut Smith nun-h stronger man than McAdoo th a wry ntu h more attractive ■ r»i>nal:i y. iiu i ■■r 1 ;i- i. . ■ ■rn,.r t' Vu \ n. ha- !••'•!' a- n irageous ■ : officii • ;i- ! ".at »i' ( hai!. K\ ans ghe>, \\!.•. sw. pt intii •; itional r l»y :iiat t• .rl. Hut Smith is amdicapped by tin' fait ti .: In' is i uft man ar.d i Catholic. There art' intelligent "iithi-rn nun wi.. think ut'! say that Smith will ■ airy the -••ini south noiwithstamiii g his dampness and his religion. If he can do this hi -lands a good chance of winning fur in- i.s popular in tiir must populous sections f thi I'nited States including hi- wn gp at state which lie will carry by a nuliion ma jority. Hut w>- !• >t believe that hi- will carry tin • i:«l south. There jis in this -• of the c ountry a law ami : y growing element who an i> to ,ast off the party collar. I ■ it manufacturers, for inst ti onu what ri'.-tivi- under I'i ii • • rule ami are waiting for 01 • \i use to land in 'lie Kcpuh li imp. The number i f men is growing. Party shililiolths for very little with these vot- They care nothing for Smith's in or his views on prohibition. ■ > are interested only in financial li. ii'S and they believe th Uepubl ans are sounder on the nioiiey (jues 'ion than the Democrats. There is another and a much larger i lenient 1 who are sincere and earnest opposers i of the lii|Uor traffic. Thi'si men and Women will not vi.te for a wet can didate. They cannot h* .- ired into voting against their con i> n-es on | account of the "nigger." That day j has passed. Then there i the re- i ligious element. The south is the most religious section of the United i States and of the world. They have j nothing personal against Al Smith 1 but they don't like his religion. Call I 'it narrowness, bigotry, igi iini-e orj ! what you like, but that fi l ling is deep and strong. The nomination of Smith will rend the solid south in twain. If the convention ignores the sentiment of our people and puts Smith on us anyhow he might carry Maryland and Louisana, but the rest of the south would send him up salt j river.—Charity and Children. Fertilizer For Tobacco Recommended By Committee. Kaleich, ),t. :!•'>. Fortilizers for tobacco will receive fore attention next spring due to recent agitation about tlif list' of Muriati- of Potash in MIIIII 1 mixtures. A few years ago. thi- Tobacco P.ranch Station at Ox ford fouiitl that muriate of potash would cive as nooil yields as the • '»'• monly used sulphate of potash, hut the S" at ion would not recommend the •ise of muriate unqualifiedly because the ehlorine eoittained in the mater ial injured the burning: quality of the weed. I!e. atise "f ri'.-viit agitation of the Dr. W. A. tiaruer of ti - ' 1 I'nited Slate- lieparini.nt "f Acri> uhure. I K. (I. Moss, of (Kfoid Station. 1". |!.j llutchcrson, of Virginia mid 1.. (i. Willis, . H. Williams ami W. F. I'ate, of Ha 1 »iv 1-.1011 of Agronomy at | State 'ollej;e held a meeting: at the College and agreed on eertain rei - j ommeiidations which they could make to iol.ii.M u rowei - foe this r.cxt year.' For bright t" in die I'iedmont section it was avnid tha* an s-.!-;! or a 10-1-1 fertilizer was about thei right mixture. I i tin coastal plain section the committc- recommends •an s-l-l fertilizer with tlii nitroir. n I reduced about one per nut where sandy loam soils contai: consider- ; able organic matt.r. Where the soils are very sandy, tile potash should be increased - t• • •'! per cent, j For sections wile-■ s.uid-drown is prevalent, it is reeoinm ndi d that the fertilizers carr\ .it leas', t . . per cent of Matrnesia. This may derived from sul)!iate of po' i- :i;icn -f|i, dolomitii limestone or other material , 'arrvinir magnesia available to the plant. From Sud to IL'OII pounds of f •■• I- 1 IZel per acre should be Used in til. drill at, or just before, tram-plant inc. The phosphoric acid should • de rived from acid phosphate. The I potash should be from si.lp' "f pota.-h-macnesia, muriate i f . . *.-t~h r sulphate of potash but the fertili zer should not contain more than ■ne unit of chiloriiie for two unit of potash. This means that not over half of the potash should ionic from j Aim iate. Tile Committee also air teed that 1 f-r the ammonia, in the coa tal plain' I :ecti-»n. one-half should • onie froin! orcanie sources pn fciabl;. ~,tt n sei d meal, tankage or ti -is scrap and j the otl.i i half from the ir.organii I . ouives of nit rat ■ of soda and sill- Piedmont Warehouse j ! Market Report: ! 0 X A v Y OOOOOOOOOOOOO (> o 0 o Prices have been very o o strong this week on good o o and medium tobaccos==but I o a little weaker on the very & > common grades. " o 0 The Imperial were strong= S > er this week on their types== i £ h»t it is still a little early o £ to sell your good dark to= 2 £ bacco. Some types of red I $ tobacco are selling well. S > It is to your interest to S J sell your tobacco at PIED= o MONT and one trial load o g will convince you of this. o > We can truthfully say, we o g have sold for more new cus= o g tomers this year than ever o before, for the same period o of time. There must be a o g reason. Come to see us I g and you will find out why. I $ Trusting to see you with 1 your next load of tobacco. o o > Your friends, ■ | FRANK and HARRY DAVIS. | , ' >OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0 v 0 9 0 $ 0 | I HOLLINGSWORTN DRUG COMPANY | | The Rexall Store, ! | Blue Ridge Hotel Bldg., f if Mount Airy, N. C. I ■A S !8 t 0 0 '•> 0 0 1$ -loet2w W •00000000000000000000000000000000000 phnte of ;t in nit >ll i«i. At least half of the nitroneii >h->nli come from nit rati- of soda. For tin l i'iriimont section, one- , third of the ammonia should come from organic sources, [):• ?ferably . ( fottonsi ii meal, tankage or fish j scrap and two-t hir«!s froh' nitrate of j j soda or sulphat" of a'nm-u.ia anil at, | least half of :hr inorpanr nitrojrin should ronii' from nitrate .if soda, j j A- to liming, tin- i-.• mill■ tvc- i omnicnded that l->!■ mi:i.- linu- In* the only 1 ii- usnl on britrh: tobacco | lands for the control of saivi-drown. I It also recommended that til - ap plication of this lime le limited to ! till- anii-'iiit necessary for supplying the majrnesia needed to control the trouble. ) , "It i- sinru'ested," .-a;. I lat co.n mittee report, "that an bwtis.l ap-. jih ation of in- ton per aire of line- j ly irniurd dolomitic limestone be I I ad. asli .i over the entire area at I 1 • ist f. n- month- in advance of j !.I 'tii.i: Thereafter, on soil- sliow inx a i -pon-e t . the triatmnt, an I appli ati-n of l.iioo pounds may lie' ' l l o.'el. .i-ti d iii th fall in prepara tion for tohair , the following year, ! provided the rotation doe- not i all i for tohareo on the land oftener than j every thil l year. Whin- tobacco is jirroun ofti -tier than this, ,t is reeom ; nii-iu-d that only .".on pounds per acre 'ln- Used 111 the drill liefof.' planting." . Subscribe fur the Danbury ' Reporter. .51..11 l the year. WEDNESDAY. OCT. 2s. 1925 I The Height of Diffusion | Six quarts of oil will cover only a i square mile of sea. Hut have you ever let a sardine tin drip on your i white flannel trousers at a picnic? j The Continent. j\Ve Wonder How- Many He'll Make j Clarence Bishop is preparing to make molasses, he will make them lathi s farm near here.—Pries Branch Items in the Jonesburg (Mo.) Jour nal. Promotion "The boss offered nie a sort of partnership in the linn todav." i "No" i "Yes he said if I didn't take an interest in the business, he'd can me." New York American. j Scientific Salesmanship Canvasser—"lines your husband play golf?" I.ady- "Yes." anvasser "Then, I'm sure you will lie interested in tthis set of thirty-eight volumes I am selling; im will help you to while away mar.'jr a lonely hour." Collier's. "I very conu-dian believe.-.- in gags," say-, a writer. I'nfortunately, how ever, very few wear them.— Punch.