PAGE FOUR STATE NOW RANKS FOURTH In Hvtiro-KUvtrif I'owvr N' rt :t Carolina Fork's to tin' Foiv. Surpassing All States Saw New York. California a' 1 n. \ If. Nov. \ Jnia now rank* f ■ :n • '..u . f :'a • ' -Mr iiydr. i k'i trie iwii. :i . a! , f .. : |,t ii hi '-i r. u.T in ;.-e, .. - l ■!•>!:: . • till' ft i t lit IVII I", of til- I S. L. ! >c- .(! - :rvc> oil Till •a. ; city f ua 1 r wheels installed in : ! tn: - • f " ll l\ p. it' in fi u>;' - '().ii,,s,oiml horsepower, ill :'i a-.- of S'M.oOO of • \i r li' pi r ccf ••••• r .!•>! th« iri >• to i!a* r. ■ developed water power New Yore hoi'sept wer. I .ilif 'n ia and W'a.-h -int'i !! ' 1 w. u ' Maiiv oni! \\\ i a'tcr this stati. «'f tl., n a-, n•* i ii fir the nation ;• :- '.it • * por oont was in electrii : uMa utility and only one per vent .a the manufa ' ,;r:n>r plants. The report p ints out that it i the power development in the Middle Mia:". Si ;th Atlanti and Ka.»t I S'i.; - h ( i r.trtil -t.iio that prmr ii •» if mi>-t rapidly, and New Knjr land's ri ativc standing continues to liei-ri . . Tla '"'iruri- fir N rt!i t 'aro. ::;i a ativi ■ f .1 -ti ady •OOOOOC Vv>000000'>00000C>C"; 'OOOOOOOOO 0 > X "Exclusive St\ Ics for the E\clu>i\e Set" ! Brotan I 0 0 West Fourth Street, v \ \\ inston=Salem. N. t. 1 SPECIAL SALE I I 0N ! ! Coats, Dresses j J and Hats 0 ; 50 Coats 50 Coats I | $39.50 $89.50 I 1 values values \ 0 at at o ! $25 $59.50 ! 1 ! ? s % 75 Coats Latest Styles, I o values up Colors and % to $139,511 Materials \ | Special CQQ C(i Featuring the ])o7.t)v New ,;| ares 0 > \ 0 % % All Hats and Dresses % j SUBSTANTIALLY f | REDUCED. | o 0 \ Make Our Store Headquarters when % X in Winston=Salem. % ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo* !evi lopmont >f additional power to nu.'t thi- in,-reused industrial de nial!.is, according to tlu- report, there ire w installed in thi.- state lt'S,- 100 • lore horsepower than wire ava a': 'o last year. . .it vng tiio relation of hydro elect r> •wer to textile mattafa.tu'v and oi' !'.dustries in the Piedmont territory, which in-, hides inujortant sections . Smith Carolina, the I Vires aii more important. In connect with the report of '.!»•• survi'y it • tvstintr to noli general imi - given to water | wi r develop] in Western N nh Carolina i > recent water •ow.-r i-i'iifeivilie f, Vsheviiie, when a tentative ri ■ 'hi pow er survey heimr 10 1 y the government on thi.' Fit ! ; ..j riv ii and its triinitaries w:.- Cuticcrning the Tonnes livir »urve> whieh in !u l.'s ia 1 it Itroad, the s'ato depart ntt n*. l'i o'ogy has the following to -a\ . "It contemplate the* dewlopnunt igh di ■ aim rosi rio'rs of it ■ arii - it' :!i 'l'i lint sar i: v, r a- : fiv'i till ! ■ tnt t" vie .c of regulating the flow of the lYnnes a navigalio stream capable • f the year round. Such a pro • -of ii a si.'.e a- practical- I a!.;, .-.ah tli - - the po-- - \ of a g. i vert •• •• t appropria • ■ make • i r The state air v (joi'S ' -ay that private . . !al nr:- - ' to help, and de . ; •• - that wi! draw iruiustrie wi • w .••!: make the freight trat! '• a . ;a> for the dov -1- opnn !'. ' :.; •!! to the water power • w I l o produced. I IH-ilti "Ho ri the number f farms t- . ■ .'untid for in part by thi f. • - tie of them woii too po ii • ; 1 a flivver. I ton Trai THE DANBURY REPORTER ' TORUTO SALES STOP WEDNESDAY Tobacco Market Will I>o CKtsv.l Next Thursday. Friday an.l Saturday For Thanksgixing. Announcement i- mailt* !>y the superintendent of tobacco sales ;it Winston-Salem that the toba .-co s wao houses the I v. *ll i lose in X'. Wednesday nigh* '■ Thanksgi. in r and will not reopen until Monday, j Novi inl't r UOtli. t . I r Mime days sales have 1 u t-ii x tiv:ml\ large and piices remain about tin' averaging arc: n.t , >iin *t i!i cents p» r pound. Tlu- I tt*r grades ait bringing fairly sa i- factoi> pri t-s but poorer grades .it« r nut I>i - injjriii»r their worth. farm. i -ay. \\\ X. Reynolds 1 'ndonvont Operation V\ V I!* ynolds. will known i - Zen . f Winston-Salem, who recently wont i . I'ultiniore hospital f-n troatniriit. i::i-i>• r*\• ■ *i: an opors c i*•?! last wt't'k. II -i • ■ .i;ti>n is rt'pi •! • to I'f satisfactory. Protect Farm Machineiy From The Weather : Farm machinery and implom ■ nts • will In- ;SIMI vi-r\ little in the :iold " from now until in\t spring, so, pat thom away under shelter and in good ropair. thus saving tinio and ni.-in y p next spring. "I'ut tho machinery and imple mi nts in an implement shod i r in sunn outbuilding un tho farm whore thoy will IK- protected from tho rains .iinl snows of tin- winter,"' says I'. F. Wiavi-r, farm engineer of tin- 1» - lartmen: of Agronomy at Stati «'ol ■ ir. I'M f • • n st. rin g. however, Kan •r all dirt and mud, i sp. rially : irts n.'t painted. i "lean • ft' the ■ glit i ar' - and i o\. r t ln i.i w .1 , .a* y i • .it i.f grease. Tin- wil > • 11 t rusting. S..MK • itve il'.iMur ) 11*.■ winter jrivt tin- painted piirts a! • r > .it a'.d tag i!.«•>.* | art - ■ wi' • 11. .. 1 ivp'a .tig." ' T will mean tiger lift- and > more trtiiiont results from tho ma > . 1'. .!.• . stat.-- I'ri f. Wt a \ ir. ! W- .• i" linly dei;'t fav. i* tin- whi >• ! i nir ! -t in tin- enlightened com -1 monwoalth, but wo eomo into con* •t a t :* il [..pie >..|': 'times v.11.i «i | wi-h ...I 111 I ai e. Ohio Sta' .!•. iriia'. NOTICE. AI.F OF LAM) BY EXECFTOR. !!>■ virtue id' tin- power mn 'a •: u • i in I lie last will and 1 csta ■ I-'.' i>i the late A:;.lt r.- »n, dtv'd. I will «*11 at public aueti>n t• the highest iiidder. mi Ihe premises, at Elizabeth Anderson's old home place in Quaker (Jap township, Stokes County, X. ('., on— SATt'RDAY. DEC. 1!>TII. 1925. at 1 o'clock p. m., the following real estate, the old home place of Elizabeth Anderson adjoin ing Pete King, Tom King, Wm. Beasley and others, described as follows: Beginning at maple A. M. \ King's corner, runs North 23 :l ». E. with A. M. King's line 24.18 chains to rock in road, North 30 j W. 2.30 chains to rock in old road, North with Tom King's line 19.75 chains to rock pile, West 20.33 chains to rock Wm. Beasley's line. North his line 12 chains to rock his corner, E. with Nunn's line 38.20 chains to O. King's line South 15 West 2u,38 chains to rock and poii tcrs O. C. King's corner, E. I' tio chains to persimmon tree, Smith's corner. South 21'., W. I chains to stake. South 36 iks, to maple hush, Curtis >mith's corner. South 53 E. 6,7ti chains to stake in old road, and thence with the old road as it meanders crossing the creek and running with old mad and the old line a south we-: course to the beginning, containing 123.17, acres, more or less. Terms:—One-third cash, bal ance equal payments in one and ' two years. Interest on defer | red payments ami same secured , by deed of trust on the land. > At same time I will sell for > cash, some rent corn and some > other property. • This November 14th, 1925. SEYMORE OWENS. | Executor of Elizabeth Ander > son. deceased, Westfield, N. C., i R. F. D. No. 1. • O. E. Snow, Attorney, ' Pilot Mtn„ N, 9- THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION I Finds Nation Prosperous. State I Moving Forward and the People at Peace. Nov. 14. (ieverncr Me- I.i an, | roi laiminjr Thanksjrivinjr for ; Thursday. \oveml>er 2«i. finds the na tion pros pi i*i'tis, the state point; for ward and a | tuple disagreeing in . opinion settlintr their disputes in a 1 "spirit of brotherly love." The trood predistinarian of tho mansion is speakintr days liefore the i!ai tist iV.ate convention, several mouths after tho atritation anioiipst tho statesmen. For every adversity ho has seen a spiritual equivalent. Today's proclamation is a spiritual utterance. It reads: 1 Tho governor's proclamation fol lows : "To the people of North ('arwlina: "Custom and the prateful heart .if America have sanctioned the setting j apart of one day in each year for ' the specific purpose of rendering thanks to Almighty (Sod for his blessings to mankind. "This beautiful and time honored practice had its beginning when America was a weak and struggling nation. It has been followed regularly and consistently, as we I have prospered and grown great. "In response to the action of the I President of the I'nited States, and in thorough conformity with the in clination of our own people, I, Angus \\ . McLean, Governor of North Caro lina, do hereby proclaim and ,«et apart Thursday, November i!»t, as Thanksgiving day and call upon the people of North Carolina to dis pense with their labors and to publii • !y assemble to return thanks to Good f. r the many benefits we have enjoy, id at his hands during tlie past twelve months. "As a llati- II we Live prospered: a- a state w have gone forward. Wlul" ilitrereiices of opinion have arisen among is. tiny were ■ f such ti'.at could In- settled ill the *-it of bi'othi rly loVe. We are ast near, r I the goal ill spiritual attainim lit; tin soothing hand of an uiisei n but over seeing wisdom has guided u-: l r-i'lierhood i- a tiling talked of and striven f"i* as never before. Ma terially, we have gained much. Our etrorts to ntili.e the things that (Soil has given us for the betterment f ' . 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 • 0 t Piedmont Warehouse! 0 0 f Market Report: | 0 . 0 v ooooooooooooo £ 0 0 0 0 |0 0 0 Sales were very large last week S o and with prices better than at o o any time during the season. S jo 0 .0 0 $ We sold lots of tobacco in the 60's £ and 70's and some as high as 95c. £ o o lO . 0 o We are working harder than ever * ) c $ for our customers and friends, s> 'x y o because we realize they need it. o o Try PIEDMONT with your next o o load and see if you do not like \ o o 0 your prices and the service you o o o ' get in selling your tobacco. £ o o o We are working for your interest o o all the time, and the highest dol- 0 o lar for vour tobacco. c ■o . o 0 0 0 COME TO SEE l\S. \ X o > $ 0 > 1 Your friends, $ J FRANK and HARRY DAVIS. f . $ Winston-Salem, N. C. £ J t &oooooooooooooooo 000000000000000000000000 o 00000000000 SPECIAL NOTICES ! If you have a threshing math inc. a steam engine, a milch cow, a mule or anything imaginable to sell let a little ad in the columns below lind you a buyer. On the other hand, if you want to buy anything or if you have lost anything let an ad lind it for you. The Reporter wants this little department used freely and it will be of great benefit to our patrons. O0000000000000000v)00000000000000000' AGENT WANTED—IN DAN HI KY TERRITORY. Sworn proof of $75.00 a week. 81..VJ an hour for spare lime. Intro ducing Finest Guaranteed Hos iery. 12t> styles and colors. I.ow prices. Auto furnished. No capital or experience neces sary. N iI.KNIT HOSIERY CO. Dept. A-.'{> Greenfield. Ohio. It FOR RENT—A two-room brick building on Main Street at Walnut l ove. Will rent for any length of time. Write or see G. 1). WATKINS, Lawsonville. N. C. 14nov4tv FARM FOR SALE OR RENT— -2' 2 miles of Troy. N. C. Good roads. good school and churches. Adapted to Corn, cotton, wheat, oats and tobacco. G. W. MOR RIS. Troy. N. C. !Snov2w humanity have boon signally blosso i humanity have been signally blessed. No adversity has eonu> to us thai >iil not have a spiritual equivalent. "For all those things nnd for other blessings too numerous to mention, let us humbly and heartily give thanks to Almighty God. "I suggest to the minister* of re ligion in North Carolina to I'ssemhle their people for public worship; and, where it is practicable, I s iggost community gatherings, where all the people, forgetting creed and schi-n . may meet and, in a civic as well a in a purely religious way, pay de vout homage to tin- one without whom none of us tan enjoy happi -11- and prosperity." Drink Milk One reason wh> people aiv using more milk is In au.-e they ar learn ing its true food value. The fa'ts have heen worked out by the I'tlited States Department of Agriculture, by the State e\| erinicnt stations, and in various public and private labora tories, and th. • facts have been car ried to our people, on the farms and WEDNESDAY. NOV. 18. 1923 FOR SALE—I 7 1-2 acres of land 11 miles from Winston- Salem. N. ('.. 2 miles of Walker town. two sand-clay road fronts. 2 tobacco barns, good feed barn, good tenant house, good timber and plentv of wood. See GEO. E. DAVIS, at (>.'{."» North Trade Street. Winston-Salem. N. C. 2Soct Iw WHRAT WANTED—The Dan hury Roller Mills will pay J? 1.00 per bushel :'or wheat, and can use about one thousand bushels now. FOR SALE On reasonable terms about 1 1-2 acres of land near tar road 1 mile above King. N. C. This property has small house and partly timbsf ed. If interested write W. SAIMV King. N. C. 11 Nov2w ! in the cities, by means of publi.-n -, tions and through the activities of I extension workers. In this connection one type of extension work that ha- • had great influence in bringing about , increased consumption of milk do ( serves special mention, and that in the milk campaigns that have beet* . conducted in many cities and conn , ties in different parts of the country. Where these have been properly ad vertised, thoroughly organized, and , well conducted, with an efficient fol low-up they have resulted in an in creased milk consumption of fpoti Id to 2"» per cent over a long period of time; Sometimes the effects have been very marked over a pori«e. .f several year-'. The skin that many a young r\,*i loVs to touch these days is the r skin. Arkansas iazatte. It hardly seems possible, but n. • r of the friction in the Balkans seems, to bo caused by (iroecc.— Anierii i! Lumberman. It may !«• Jim's turn next to r>:;i for governor of Texas for the vindi cation of Ma. Arkansas (ia/.ett i I .

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