PAGE SIX I STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! I | - WANTTOR I | At J. C. JOYCE CLOTHING CO., Walnut Cove, N. C. j 1 Put on by THE FRANKLIN SALES COMPANY I —Hii'l l*"i Tlf —MfWCTHMWw.- . tn"^«—■—TTWITTIT—T i Styleplus Clothes. Overcoats, Boys' Suits, Pants, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Sweaters, 1 I Neck l ies. Collars, Underwear. Dress Shirts. Work Shirts, Dress and | 1 W ork Gloves. Pointree Trunks. Hand Bags and Suit Cases, and a lot of 1 3 other things not mentioned here. Come and get yours at a reduced price | f while they last. W'e can dress you from head to foot. 1 mrv-TT, •xan-rjzi. *i. 3r_ : tXi T T.Zr.'^T^SßfcußlSESitfrZglißKaS:iEsßT%Xm iglltlcaMEinMMMWaßßn SALE STARTS NOV. 21, "IT* | CLOSES DECEMBER sth, 1925. 1 StyleplusClothes This Is A Great Op= underwear $1.15 to $2.48 9 $25 Suits, now, $?0 pOrtUllity To Fit 100 Men's Suits, sold I M) $25 Up Yourself and tos si6tos2o I * 35 " " $3O Family io suits at $14.98 1 i rdllllly. Boys' Suits, J? 4 i \ •> » * • {'* Km , . „ r . . f $3.50 to $l5 I W 1 he winter season and the Christ / \ ~ , i> «■ A ti'» , ... . Hats, 98c to $,3.98 dj tOdt.s. v«% tq J .ill mas holidays are rapidly approaching; 1 ' ' a 'ii i '*• i t- * a Extra Pants, I */ , cm cs and you will need many articles listed c no ' «p , » >0 to SH; Shoes, $1.98 to $4.98 1 now going at here - ' Ai, - V n,t hu >' llo%v at home Extra Coats I I $4 to $7.50 whlk '«" ,ake " $4.08, $5.08,86.08 reduced prices. ~ Sweaters, no * 98c to $4.98 98c to $3,98 DOVT FORGET SALE STARTS NOV. 21. 1025 | | ot s| s oneSf at s|o J. C. JOYCtfCLQTHINQ COMPANY, North Carolina l SALE CONDUCTED BY FRANKLIN SALES COMPANY. THE DANBURY REPORTER WEDNESDAY, NOV. 18. 1925