WEDNESDAY. NOV. 18, 1925 * DR. J. A. TAYLOR Dental Surgeon is now located "t the Lawrence Hospital, Winston-alem, N. C. DR. H. E. BLACKBURN, Dentist Mercantile Building, next to post office. Walnut Cove. - - - N. C. JOHN 1). HUMPHREYS, Attorney-At-1 .aw DANBI'KY, - - N- c - Prompt attention to all business Will practice in all State courts. DR. H. G. HARDING Dentist KING. . - - N. C. Office hours: to 12 and 1 to 5 t - , J. W. HALL ■ Attorney-at-Law DANBL'KY, - - X- -'• Prompt attention to all business. Will practice in all courts. DR. J. L. PEGG, Palmer School Graduate Chiropractor Is permanently located at 202 Postoflice Building. WALNUT COVE, N. C. Consultation Free, Office Hours : 9A.M.t05 F. M. Other hours by appointment. DR. F. N. XOMLINSON Dentist WINSTON-SAI.EM, N. C. Offices: 2*J(i-221, Gilmer Building. Hours: 8:"0 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. FIIONES: Office 1"22 Residence 19SI-J L. W. BLACKWELL PINE HALL, N. C. Representing the Home of N. Y Which is better to have anrl not need it or need :t and nol A/ ve it ? T NSURANCE FIRE—AUTOMOBILE THEFT—BONDS EVERYTHING EXCEPT LIFE Let Me Write Your Wants. Blank Deeds, Blank Deeds In Trust and Blank C hattel Mort gages For Sale. Deeds 50c per dozen, Deeds in Trust 50c per dozen, Chatte Mortgages 25c per dozen. Sent us your order. We pay postage on all blanks. DANRURY REPORTER, Danbury, N. C. rl Weak In Back I and Sides I "Before the birth of my little girl," says Mrs. Lena Standi, of R. F. D. 2, Mat- m thews, Mo„ "I was so weak in my back and sides I could not go about. I was too (® weak to stand up or do any JS work. I felt like my back was coming In two. I lost (§; weight. I didn't eat any- (gfj thing much and was so rest- Sj less I couldn't sleep nirhts. (S0 "My mother used to take , ; For Female Troubles | bo I flfnt to (tot it. I lm- % •. \\' proved after my first bottle. Cardul Is certainly a great (g , help for nervousness and S : v '> v. weak back. I took six hot- ties of Cardul ntul by then 1 was well and strong, just lias flno fro,n thon 01 V Carilul % helped iwe so much." ■ Thousands of weak, suf ferine women have taken ■B© f'ardul, knowing that It had (f nK helped their mothers or their friends, and soon gained K strength and got rid of their p ■SIM -' ar( ' u ' B h you a ' ot S I'M A" Druggists' E .„J Seven Trapped 200 Feet Under Ground Trenton. Mo.. Nov. l.'J. Seven m.'ii were trapped more than 200 feet | under ground when a eave-in bloek ed the main entrance of the Trenton coal mine today. A large force of I miners immediately began work ' clearing tht> shaft but it was not ex- I pec ted they would get through until lat least o'clock tonight. J The entrapped men 'titei'ed a | lateral tunnel at the bottom of the j shaft before the cave-in occurred, land it was believed they were safe. | If Mitchell were a private, it would j he interesting to hear him hold forth j concerning sec on d lieutenant'•. Shreveport Journal. Me BULLS EYE ]Editor and Qenera!Manaqer WILL ROGERS j \ Anotlicr 4 'Bull" T*>urham ndvorti«r.j| I nv.*nt frv Will Roger's Zii'KtcM II (j I it's ;iml screen Mur ( anil Ifiblinis I • l| American huniori*t. More coming. Jl i I seo whore some of the I • ivi k -n Nations say they are eoitin ° I'l Nl) their debt to America, and all the Papers are all excited j about it. Hut the HULL'S FYK I is a I'apor that never misleads [ j our readers (either one of them). FUNDING a debt means about the same thing as having a fellow that has owed you for years,come , ; to you and say 'I am going to ; make arrangements to take up ' I that loan 1 owe you just as soon i as I can collect it from somefel | lows who owe me." So don't [' by any means »et FI NDING | mixed up with PAYING. The ! two have nothing in common. j These Nations are jtiot stalling j until another War conies along * ! and the first thing vou know our i 1 i • I i debt will be four Wars behind. II We have enough saved up to p fight again, but they are using it now to enforce Prohibition. Oh,yes,"BULL" DURHAM. 1 like to forgot to mention that. Well, that is what the Foreign Nations are paying us in. ) "BULL" DURHAM without % the DURHAM. i P. S. There is goinp to lie another j) piece in this paper soon. Look for it. & jw*v2 \ i ■' ' ——■ ■■ r 111-M ' -rwrmr-wml & |P% ' t Bun i DURHAM Guaranteed by | jfrHJfrieoAy* L/rfjTxtcr^,. I ,Me, "°" AT, ° | 111 Fifth Avenue, New York City THE DANRURY REPORTER I LETTER TO THE BUY= \ f INQ PUBLIC: | 5 o o I wish to state to my friends in Stokes o $ county that lam now in my new building, I o made of cement blocks, just north of Ry. o $ crossing on Walkertown road, Ogburn stat- o o ion. Here you will find a complete stock £ $ of groceries, notions and staple dry goods o o at rock bottom prices. When visiting Win- £ o ston-Salem to sell tobacco or on a shopping o > trip, stop with me. I can save you money \ o on any thing 1 am handling. Fat back o £ meat, flour, daisy middlings, wheat bran, o o feeds of every kind are my specialties. Let £ \ me serve you. o | JOHN Q. FULTON, I % \Vinston=Salem, N. C. \ 0 2-sptf o o o 0 0 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO France at first contracted her The next toll to be abolished from debt. Now she wants America to our roads is the death-toll.— contract it.—Winston-Salem Journal. Columbia Record. 00000000000000000000000000000000000 0 \ \ WE CAN MAKE ! 0 \ f Immediate Delivery f 0 g |of the Improved | x I ! Touring Car. ! o I ! Unloading Four | 0 o 1 carloads this week. | ! $ x o 0 X 0 j WALHUT COVE MOTOR CO., Inc. ! | Sales Lincoln=Ford=Fordson Service | 1 Walnut Cove, N. C. | I . 1 Don't hibble\rm be tween meals/ Next time you "feel faint" /y / and think you need just a "X //■,■/ bite-try WRIGLEY'S. Pj r/*/ It will allay your apparent aUmijjfh hunger, and thirst, and give on a genuine, healthy '('>' appetite. Then you'll he ready for your next regular incal, with a hearty rest. As a digestive aid and for clean teeth Never Give Up Hopes Fur the past three years I have suffered un told agonies, never seeing a well day, having a splitting headache almost every day. Could not eat anything without much discomfort. So nervous could not sleep at night and had gotten to the place where 1 had said that life to me was not worth living, as my hushand had spent more than a thousand dollars for medical aid and medicine without results, hut I finally consulted Dr. .1. L. Pegg. Chiro practor, who is now located in room No. 202. Postoffice Bldg., Walnut Cove, N.C., who very readily gave me encouragement and began adjusting me with almost unbelievable re sults. I can eat all I want of any kind of food without discomfort. Have gained fifteen lbs., free from nervousness, can do all my house work and sleep like a child, for which I can never be thankful enough to Dr. Pegg. My advice to those who are suffering from ill health is to see Dr. Pegg who will give you his most careful attention. Signed: MRS. E. Ci. HIiDHICK, 2t I homasville, N. C. Wants Highway To Guilford Battleground Greensboro, Nov. 13. "Untie'' .lot- Cannon, who for many years sat in ton press, as speaker of the house for a long, long time, will try to fret congress to pass a bill au thorizing const ruction of a national highway from Guilford College to Guliford Kattlc* Ground, S. W. H. Smith, local man, who would like to see the road built, said today. Mr. Smith is a warm friend of t!;• Illinois who he convinced to support this bill, which will introduced by Maj. Charles M. >'• man, rep'-'-eiuativo in the I) from th 'ifih North Carolina trict. 1 >iit "Cncle" Joe was ti"t ways in favor of doing something t"-■: Guilford. Mr. Camion actually voted agaii l the bill to r.iake (!uilf. rd llattb Ground a national park, but afte-- ward expressed regret that hi had done so, Mr. Smith said. The local man told of the move of the Cannon family from Guilford College community, while Joe i'an non was but a child. "Good-bye civilization." were the words spoken by his mother, Mrs Guilelina |Hil!ingsw>lrth Clumoti. when the covered wagon drew away from the old Cannon homestead, starting on the long trip to Illinois. | "Until' Joe" later t-•!! Mr. Smith NOTICE! I will meet the tax-payer- • \ Stokes county at tho totlowing ; times and places for the pur: >e collecting the 10_.> taxes. I Pinnacle, (IJank). Thursday. N.\ember 10, 1025, from 10 a. m. 1 to 3 p. m. Capella, Friday, November 2", 1025, trom 10 a. m. to 1- m. ! Mizpah, Friday, November 20. from 1 p. m. to 3 p. m. King, (Hank), Saturday, November 21, 1025, irom 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Germanton, (Bank), Monday, November 21, 1025, from 10 a. m. , to 3 p. m. F. S. Ross's store, Tuesday, November 24, 1925, from 10 a. m, ' to 12 m. |J. Wm. Morefield's store, Tut -day, November 24. 1025, from ( Ip.m. to p. m. (I. W. Hart and Son's store. Wednesday, November 2->, 10—•», from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Lawsonville, Thursday, Novttnber 20, 1025, 1•' a. m. to 12 m. K. M. Smith's store, Thursday. November 20, 1025, front I p. m. ti ■ p. m. Pine Ihi . Friday. Novembci 27. 1025. I'mm 10 a. m. to 3 p. in. Walnut ' at Farmers I'nion Hank .V Tn-t Co., Saturday, Noventin 1025. from 0 a. m to 3 p. nt. A. M. Si' store, M ay, N« vember 30. 1025. front 10 a. tr.. to 12 m. Sandy Ritli. nail's store), Mor.t.ay. November 30, 1025. fr ■ 1 p. m. to ■ Sandy Ridg 'b T. Shelton's store). Tiu ■ 'ay. December 1. 1025, from 1" to 12 m. .1 K. Ward's Ttu -day. Deember 1, 1025. t'rotn 1 p. nt. to 3 p. m. T. J. (Latin's st(: .Inesday, December 2. 1025, from 10 a. nt. to 12 nt. Marvin Flynt's stoi Wednesday, December 2, 1025, from 1 p. nt. to 3 p. ni. Dillard. (J. M. Fagg's "v). Thursday, December 3, 1025. from I 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Respectfully, J. FRANK DUNLAP, Sheriff. PAGE SEVEN j who is the present owner of tie- Cannon homestead—of this sad fare well. But Mr. Cannon made a trip back to his native home, after he had risen in the world. Mr. Smith show . Ed him around. "Now, don't you jH>ii!t out thinjrs to me.'' Mr. Can non saiil to Mr. Smith, "1 want to lind them as they were when 1 wa il hoy." He found the spring wher as a barefoot lad he carried many a bucket of water." The proposed road would «• >:t-• • i from Guilford Collejre through ti. ■ Guilford l.att!'' Ground t> the .-,t t' old Martinsville, four mil- - from ti: Mattlc Ground, where • i veil (i . - ernor Martin. It w •: i.ass ly lii|:' v ■ ii• • oak. the t• ■• . f which, - cordi:;ir to tradition. wa» ' : tten l>y t.l !ioi- , f | ~|'il i> lead. :• of tie !!•• • h .i:;- l.ef.i- the liattle of Gtiilf ird Court house. NOTICE. I'.v order i f the Superior Court of Stokes County, I will for ca.-h on the 7th day of Mecenther. l!''J.*, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. Hi. the following property: One Kurd Totirinjr Car. Model l'.'L'L'. I >rie l ord Totirinjr Car, Model ijio-,. Tiii- Nov. id., r llth. It'LT.. .!. I'. ITNI.AI'. Sheriff.