PAGE EIGHT 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 >oooooooooooo^ 1 Clothes That Fit Your Figure==j I Your Taste—Your Purse 1 f WINSTON CLOTH INfi CO. is the store S ' ■B® r ,or men Vn ; 0 va ' ue jjood appearance. We've 0 the kind ot clothes for the kind of man you $ W\ Vw/'*'wH are—from tin lowest ])riee that is dependable 0 fL , \j/ /JHPI—• 10 l - ie finest you might demand. Featuring (ioodmun k Stiss and Alco !> I^//'jm Clothes at=- : .I $3O. $35, $4O. $45 to $55 | Others. $18.50 to $25 ' V ;i " | / 0 'a ! H \T / C v . HA IS 1 FNr- Jb r 7 4" **> 0 /v 4 > 1 A pleasing as- v— \ X ;}\V /V.m r sortment of 'he •>. A i«'v \v .V vC- \V \ cleverest new 1/ *» * 0 i fm f 1 X shapes a.l d _ M % ■' ttSwJ V \\. 1 colors, made by (*. * K 0 lv \ ' I ,htl hat ~">v /\ $ •\ JLi ' m manufacturers. . , : ,✓ // \ v A r I * Priced- // rV 0 - v'h IP%# 33.1010 si ay | I w p 0 ■■ : y'A 1 V] $ N — V\ 1 \ 0 ' v« X \ 0 ( S s HIRTS I'ercales. S'lisettes, madras, and » broadcloths. in a wide ran ire of patterns. r> ____ Collar attach-d and reckhand styles ) 5l.(>() to 58.00 C • k.RCO.\IS I'IKS- B avs and Four-in Hands, a pattern V \ %• irie* r: • ti vive \ at.- w t > please •>%> • v taste. All of jrord «ni» lit v standard cf rrm-ss I lilorirß. stvle. materials, Priced ->oc to $'2.00 $ ''••V.-l I'A.I A MAS The kind that asye vou of" i , ~ c-iti.t'ortahle. restful niehts. II made ar d tO wo' cot U'i d and full \li size" to ."*7 •(> 1 WINSTON CLOTHING CO., hie. | "gl Al.I I Y WITH SKIIVICE" 0 J \\ J-'. K".IAK K iaCINH AKI»T OSCAR S«'OTT oooo >oooooo' • : 0000000000000000000000000-0000000000000 ~ • •. , /. -f> ~i ... , was l>K*smi with I" children— Luzabetn O. bovies s .• ! -J .la the eldi-M . |; _ \ !■ ,:••••!. •••». iy ' " infat Another .-»n, . f 1.1,..! 1- kill' ■! ill the w. rlii war. . j m(. ||, i' ~u , and a 11; .jiit• ■r, M.' :.i- 'lying later -'."h, i »'••'. ; ait. 1 at k-n - • ■ N'..v.'n,' •• 1 I'.: . inak- Mr- . yles ■ ■•' j •; n«*«l an J ■ lay >! arth tr-, T church -sh'' 1 i I'onsta: " ami 1 a i ihristia ;f«- ft irly childh \\ n hapily mat • • \\ a and di> : in f a jrl'•* • li •- Dceentlx-r This resurtvit n. 'OOOOO ooooo >oooooooo :>oooooooo A 0 0 .1 ...+ -vv\ • A V . %:.& t'- ■ :>■ v • 0 A ■ iVy .» ' r A • ' ' ' . jv. >• A • .V. • : w •: .o\V- 0 ■ ■■■ •' v 'i!. o j •■•Jlpy - :7:m s i a:. 1 . '•* "'.i?' 1 ' . fp-' •: »»>. 0 'p& ■ y a ■ -"V S 7jsi& V-.' n 4 k o a v> '•*; ■ ' • $ .* "" " ' jf' $ Ml': , 6 " . »• .• +**>■•» X > ~ r. .w-&. o ■ o ft ' . • 9 SKXI) V( H'R PHOTOGRAPH! Have them made now for Xmas. Winn did you last send your best friend your photograph? 0 Surely there is no better time than now to vi-it our studio. We o o are ready to show you the newest $ > styles at prices that are most o o reasonable. $ ! Russell Studio | o 418 Liberty St. $ $ Winston-Salem, X. C. 0 A 0 $ 19no ; i g 0 A ►ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooc THE DANBUR Y REPORTER Mr-. Hoy 11 - was uintmed f■ ■ r sev iml wick.- anil she bore hi r .-ickncy with thi- most ..f patience, bring perfectly resigned t• • thr will nf . ii•• i. She hail all the attention I>y !rii !;ii.> anil neighbors that niic tuuM w. -h for. Shi- was spoken -f in tin ■ ghost terms liy many. In thr death "f Mrs. Boyli's society has lost one of it~ brighest ji'Wi'ls and th«* home> nf it.- greatest joys. I"it Heaven has been encircled in that i- unerable ompany which has crossed the river •.i rest beneath the sha.i f th. beautiful tree.- Then i.- tin brigh ter spirit than Mrs. Wade 11. Royles, who left this earth for II aven on November 11, lirj.'i. The 1..• ;y i. now 1 resting in the cold grav. . hut her glorified spirit is with .le-us, the spirits nf the just lII.VV | RFEIT and an inunieralile com; ..■ y . : 'angels. '•Peaceful thy si! slum r. Peaceful in the • so low. Thou no more v our company, ( Th.>u no i:i"!. i songs ■hall know. > > 'let again w. i. pe to nn- ' thee > When 'I .i\ -of life are fled, *In II with joy t.. gi • t thee W 1 farewell tear i shed. \ fi.eral .service s were conduct } liev. 1„ \V. liutrows and th.' was laid to rest in the Mt. 1 cemetery amid a host of apathi/.ing friends and relatives. SCRiIiRI.F.R. Farmers should not lo- sight of the fact that while good to line to la" co is selling at very atisfactory pri es, the low grades are selling j very low—much below their real I value. At present prices .2 to $»! per hundred —farmers should pa -k it away and hold for higher prices. They have nothing to lose and a good chance of heavy gains by holding back these low grades from the mar ket. In six months time low grade tobacco may sell for .'Jin to $l5 per hundred—not an unreard of occur rence. The big tobacco , omphnies are making a killing in buying the ] low gradVs at present prices. The t wise farmer will hold them for bet ter prices.— Reidsville Review. Subscribe for the Danbury Reporter, $1.50 the year. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo>ooooooooooooo 0 $ 0 * £ X 0 Gorrell's Warehouse! 0 V o WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. > | Sells It Higher Every Hay ! f ==rsot lust some davs I $ 0 V Scores of Our Customers Are o Averaging o | ssoand 10 Per Hundred lbs. f | FOR THEIR ENTIRE LOAD OF \ 1 TOBACCO. y Bring us your next load, for we want o o every tobaeeo farmer in this section S o o 0 to get some of the big prices we are > 0 i V £ dealing out these days. GORRELL'S f o ALL THE TIME \ V 0 0 0 £ \ our friends, % f R. W. GORRELL, ! M. R. GASS, $ $ •' \V. R. JAMES. t y C 1 JIM BALL, Auctioneer. I 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 A oc 00000000000000000000000000000000000000 oooooooooooof/ I 300 SWEATERS, Latest Styles, 98c to $7 The BoylesCo, King, N. C. i I I . . Intermediate Class lias 2-'! Present The intermediate class of King Christian church met Saturday night , November 11, 1!'- '. at ■:-' o'clock at the horn • of their teach, r, Mrs. R. A. Ilelsabeck with :!!! pres . iiit 1* members and ."> visitors. A short program was rendered as fol " lows: Song by class "Where lie lead me I'll follow." Scripture reading Mrs. R. .t. IlelsalK-ck. The Lord's Prayer by class. lUict Anna Mae Fowler anil Oscar llauser, "Church in the Wildwood." Song by class "Take time to be 1b.1y." Then a short talk by Mrs. lb Is-; beck was enjoyed by the entire das-. 1 Hiring the busin ss session a cor responding secretary was elected. Following the business session a social hour was enjoyed. Punch and cake were served, after which we had 'a nmrshmallow toast. Next meeting to be held at the home nf the class president, Miss 1 lida N'ewsum. ONEIDA CAUDLE, Corresponding Secretary. The class yell of the School of | Experience is "Ouch!" Kenosha j (Wis.) News. Virginia Will Have j Limited Road Funds | Viri'ini.i will haw 1.7 |.",ooo f,,j new road i niist»*ii.■:ion ni I'.'lM, a.- I ('iircliiiir t• > tentative all'•ration.- an ! nouticed t his w. , k Ity tin- hurhway , commission of that stati'. 11l tile tentative allocation-* an nounced hy the eniiiinissi.'n no pro | vision is innilC' for the U'ytheville- Independence road which has hoen under considerabk' dis. ussion in this section lately. No funds ar* J provided either for \ irn'inia's pa>'t |of a bridge over the New ICiver be lt ween Virginia and North Carolina ! Just alx>ve Sparta on this same route. I iNi.oiHi is specified as allotted for tile building of a bridge a.Toss ti. New River West of tialax, i :• Ii- not set out whethi r m tv: this at a Jackson Ferry • ; :.t a ct .-in J iof 'he same river a f« v. mite- we I |"f .1.; kson Kerry, l! .1 , |;-.,n |-v, ,• • .is the plai .• spe.'ilii I • •. i r *ooooooooo'. ooooooooooooooooooooooo'o | Want your house f | to look like this? | | THAT'S EASY! | o r O *T (-.^ usc use j °. u 1 ? ii^ n r" o X | VICK'S PAINT STORE, Inc., | | T. B. VICK, Mgr. j g 436 Trade St., Winston=Salem, N.C. | oooocoooooooooooooooooooooooooo 0 WEDNESDAY. NOV. 18, 192. r > m ' ' he I' alley (lap road a branch of wiii' h g-'c- by (ialax. A coiiune! 1 ial body styled South-western Virginia, Inc., including a dozen or More ti«s, re i-ntly petitioned tne Virgina highway commission t i put a In 'dge across the New Rue- at Jick.M.n Ferry. Smi.imhi would li irdly !>e suf li ieiit for a coil, rote bridge mere, however. A hearing will lie held De cember ;• at Pulaski on the tentative allocations of funds in the Hristoi and Salem districts. In the allocations for the Salem district provision is nuu 1 -' for brild ing the fourteen mile link hetwei it Christianburg a..d F.llision on the Highway, w'nitli would complete this highway ;> ross Virginia.— Fx. Mr. and Mrs. .1. M. Sharp and Mi>- i.oii.i (ilideWell hiive been appointed legates by tloverilor McLean to at tend the I'an American Conmiercial t "lisrr. ss to lie held ill New York l>c ■ nib. r 1 1-17, inclusive.