PAGE SIX o We still have plenty o o of good bargains in c slightly used o : ORGANS JW| J :Vkvs r:::v..v fro>n- ■ *uo up • ■I" •• ;.: , ' - . n •of womc pre.";:red ; > lake one !,>n>e v, ii!i ] on. e can pack it is: your Ford. $ o BOW EN PIANO CO. I 0 ; 1"r : i ■• Street N.-xr to IVstmliee. 0 £ WINSTON SAI.KM. • • NORTH CAROLINA $ X v • -■o>C>C>C'C , OOC > C-C". i I.utter Fr>m V. .1. Ryrrl.v ' • »!*. • t: " "A :i- A f ( I!". Till- writ •• ' I''' •. I \ I ■rs -i f. w ! • s. 1 lit - f ' .!, 'lt. trot ' futttn . ' ' I. IflllLT I * I •!' I . . * t tft for Economical Transportafion mjzm * This week marks the close err after feature found only on the greatest sales contest ever the finest quality cars. Give Hg| m^ nU^aCt^rer " Lr Sa^eSniCn ' help him win a valued prize. One of our men has probably quality car at a price you explained to you why owr can well afford. Let us show 2,000,000 buyers have you how easy it is to he chosen Chevrolet*, and has come the owner ot a new shown you Chevrolet featu re Chevrolet. STOKES MOTOR CAR CO., WALNUT COVE, N. C. Hat ' v r,!..iotU'o. ■ 1 ii,: ... • r the country come j •: a* •. ii' ate a hijrh Ii vt! of \• the same tinn* raise . ! . ••' i i- as »'c fan- th* V. Ki • \ saiil. "A pood :a> is t. f. Unveil liy a hotter m.w. .i!. , h si'i'ins tn bo th ■ nstts . f ■ n This optimis outlook -i . i ii '. hii\vovo ,, ■ t tu r.• ur . tr..rt-." ; M. A IV r. I'lV-i.lellt Mer • - I'M:- ■ \i iit i_' . Illitiiiis. ay>, . t ti • 1 ht. a if'i «i --\• r; > I" into* • t .V ... tiler* -111. ! • A.I ;! 1.1 vr ' 'i I '. ■ . t" i ■is : .. f,r I . THE DANBURY REPORTER accordingly. The most gratifying circumstance* of the more affluent period is that > f the natural out growth of sound readjustment an hcr.ce should ho •core lasting." Hen Johnson, I' inker, of Shrove port. f.ouisana, sad, "Our soot ion 01 tin* • • try is in hitter shape tha' it air time sinoo 1 and prosper i'y is . •. i - 'under 1 i • s than at ati> tin'.-' i' .. od many . ir, duo pri ■ fact f. ' agri-u!f.r Is I! «>ti\a!. • •.t. In u ■ i iut !• r ' ' ii• 1 I i»! '!.r U't nth- - • t I :HI st ■ It." •I. I ~l\\ ' !'. K nllnnii il! see a ir> '■ .I'd prosp« rit ( \ i'ii its stage ii...i : I tllo or t ; • ■ da! in iai • rg goods »\ •i r. I.iiw invent' • ■ i with sig ■if n isingi and 11. greate • ' niinr r f railway cats landed I our lii-" 'y. "The -t import iiit lenient !>rinniiiU '"tit the present i hoorf state nf a!V rs," says tin New Yn> Times, "is the return of agrioultur prosperity." As reviewed hy g \ernnient o!' rials who keep their tinners on t business pulse, ittdi- .itiolts are tl i general prosperity forecast aim . y.-ar ago has arrived. Mr. !•'. 11. (Jerry, chairman of t> I 'rd States Steel Corpnration, ir. an organisation of lu. men a few day- ago, said, I ;."U,, we are on til ■ f a gl'i it i i.i uf prosperity . . ond> •! - n* f- ii east.*ii '■ l'i il I-11-:: n : I hav. : : • • hdd !, a .d'is j.. . 1 ■ \. rah!' • 't> ; ' : 1.11 y »> •• ft! .i .t ■ i'■ I :•••!. • • ■ • tU • f' • . i 1 ■ \'i 1 - I d . • f pi • >'||, City . . i . !i|i I , ' :r> i if w c I. 'in ij* far and business with ri'tiewotl effort ■ -•.)•: I w • h .11 the i ff, '• i, \, i. Hi tony and wis ion \\ .an n i.-tor. I ig trust the farmers of this section may it put forward every effort possible to t come out with a good crop, thereby a! placing themselves in a position to reap their share of this prosperity. I'h' farmers who produce a Rood if quality next year will surely receive iri a good price. ,• I am of a pessimist it nature, \ hi :. e I w lid be till last person to • iki this forecast if 1 was not cor ; f • > v'• iiuid. I'l "t U'ulated I' i.'l'i'ii*ll ,\i >no]km it - I . j. , . • * *JS ••• . a a " Ii ('oil ■ ted '■!■ \- .1 It • . • laws, r. ■ ~• ■ ami-si cis. .e ' I"' a 11• 11 II . •:i • . I. • !'•: .. I "II gulate ■ :. I'II'.I IL ■ 1 • I'!., \i.r, an telephone system .. , n |,..|\ and eieet ric i ontpanies it vai ■ u- set ■ iiis f 'l.e country ar« ' fii 'ii"p. •I • - HI 11 i ,own localities I'll.a ai• (living cheaper ami more . ilicietit st rvico to a larger number "f people, than tt : 'phone ami ele. - tri light companies in any other part i f tile w.irhl ll.ej' an private '!y "| erated bit -lib. •■ » to public II gula; ."ii and I'.ntiol. This ty;> of imlu-tiy and -i ivico i- in .-trikitii, otitrast to unregulated go\eri.ini monopolies which ate authori/.ed bv foreign nations. l otitmetiting en nioii.■iulies win h are autllot i.'.t ii alld tolerated '> n for ign governments, not to gi\e b-•?- -r and cheat ii* -ervico t" tb.e con- I -in .iig iul !i. ti- a it ilt • ! nioiiop lv. b it to rotuii • v !'"| ; t pi 'tt - , tl,. I• ■ ■ iar ' "f tl" a. nopniy >, r-tary t.f «.•r. ■ t II .• rin a • ii 'ei • .ii a' I • , IVt • -jivan: i, . i ~| I. j.ird • itfn "ii'ipuli f ri. l i. ff • i—»: . I«" • .11 I tiller I'lA H 1.. 11 • t ' • •ri 'ii I • ' i • \ m- gitl Itvo'. • i li!u-;i ■. • i - i i• " i f r ..{ii lift '"I ' . >e, re' ..i > ' :n I ri.i tApie : i .f ~4- i • f i . t.:i". ;In i.a t Ii •:. i t" ' n.i wa- at tin ;t .It. try igl - . f,• ip. : ■ . . a p.' .'. i fo, their protlu and our investigation - how'etl the;. Could turn about per cent on the capital invested when r.iiihiT brings that price It i- toil.i. lover .Sl.tiii per poiii. I and pro'l'.i tittii 'is still lieing restricted. It is said, 'that the previous losses of the gmw- 1 lers must be recouped. Tile same j might be said of our wheat, cotton, joil and copper producers." A simi lar situation exists in the toffee nto - : opoly. No stronger argument could be ad vanceti again-t unregulated and ex 'elusive publit ownership of indu -- tries than the facts revealed by Secertary Hoover. W here such con-j dition- exist, the incentive of private initiative to lower costs and gi 'e , hotter service, and the protection af forded by duly authorized regular- 1 tory bodies to both consumer and pro j dueer, are entirely absent. Such ] monopoly whether in private hands or under public ownership, is a curse | to the consuming public. Wo do not want to build up Ameri- ! can industry by such methods. We ; have evolved a far superior system, j Where conditions indicate that com petition is not practical in some lino of business we need not fear a mon oply, because we have drawn the | tooth of monopoly by bringing it under public regulation. Foreign monopolies such as thus" commented upon by Secretary Hoov- | or will either bring about their own downfall, correct their unfair prac- | | ticos, or bo forced to submit to pub lic regulation. Industrial News Bu- j reatl. The Traffic Problem Deepens. A high-powered tar coming from • Charleston, whose driver was said to bo a garage employee came along at a high rate of s|>eed in an in- 1 toxicated condition, and while dodg ing a Ford car, ran Mrs. Cope land antl her little son. although they were on the extreme edge of thi road, and on the off side.— From n 1 news item in the Savannah Morning News. Ready to Abdicate He—'"The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world." She—"Then suppose you rule the world for a while. I'm tired."—Sea Bag (published on board U. S. S. i Oklahoma.) oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo | Latest Thing Out 0 0 £ :> received new ship ment oi pumps with or $ without buckles. 0 | Vel\ets, Patent I.eath ers and I ans 5 $3.85 to $8.85 0 _ 0 1 Simmons Shoe Store 111 Wjnston-Salem, N. 0. 6 CIIAKLIE SIMMONS, Mgr. 'oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I)ifVusive Concentration i The enthusiastic girl was thrilled win II she w:t- introduced to the fault hi - autl.' r at a dinner party. 1 She I" t !)• lime in starting a con versation t■.■ I letting him know that she wa- ■ "f the ket in -t admirers of I: - 1..-I -t book. " \ ■ ' I t no idea 111 ' \e|-y help ■' i! I e fi 11iiiI it. Mi I'rain!" she "I • I'd," l"e!.I it'll ! ■ .lit hot', "lli ay. limy I a I. • •., it I:;t t:tUr.l !•» •«• f ■: • ! I ■ " " ' .i 1 *- i I. . . i ■ ■ .i 11 oi •' . ..1 tl tla |ft ' ' tin "" a-I.ed th • utII. r. "• Mi," re; I. .i t ■ ciil, "li ■! s and if thing !" I'll ! "II t lit 'be. I rpliftiny: Thought While you were reading thi-. | Henry I "id made ten dollars. Har vard I.a 111 pot m. In Dutch Second-story Al —" 1 broke into a lawyer's home last night." Stick up Bill "How much did you lose?" Life. I 0000000000000000000000000000000000 j FINE FARM FOR | SALE! | THE J. J. MOSER HOMEPLACE | 5 Miles Northwest of Walnut Cove 1 Saturday, Dec. 12, | 0 At 10 O'clock, A. M. ? We will sell to the highest bidder at public auction this A good tobacco ;vud grain farm containing 150 Aires, .subdivided A intu two traits, to be offered separately and then us a whole. A The first trait has good 7-room house, feed barn, 4 tobacco 'A barns, base.nent and packhouat-; (food orchard. X The second t raet has good 5-room house, two tobacco barns | Q and Rood orchard. X Both tracts asv well watered, nlentifully timbered and has abundance of open land in fine state of cultivation. A This farm li s in the Rosebud section just 5 miles from Q Walnut i 'nve and in a .splendid community. A At .-ami- time we \>i!l utTer for sale the following personal A property: A Two good mules, one milch cow, wheat drill, two-horse A «ui;un and harness and full set farming tools, a large lot of Q corn and rough feed and all of the household and kitchen 0 furniture in the home. 0 A This sale is conducted for division of the estate of the late 6 J. J. Moser ami Mrs. J. J. Moser, deceased. A Terms to be announced day of sale. | HEIRS OF J. J. MOSER & WIFE > BY ERNEST W. MOSER, MGR. OF ESTATE. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo WEDNESDAY, NOV. 25, 1925 : GETS QUICK HELP FOB LUMBUGD P>aok at work ihroo days after simple limne treatment "Civr> nr r Stop 'hi- .vony!"— thai.-ai you rim th'; 11 \ in» you're suili rinjr wii h anj jciii,. \ . I'M i : r i P-li' Uly nnd c«>i ■••i' . « i'!i avi ry isipijjk'homu triMlMciit. '*l *.■;!. in !•>•! -,: ii 1 *ml»aß«."wril! t> C. 1.. Norr i' of !«'. 1 .iii]. s-o'a. "A fl'li 'ni i. ii 11.i•:ti• i it Noah's Lil :inf|.l, aii I afi> r u ' oar 'lav, I was alili' I■ i \ .tli\ a'lU. ... ' u* I ou. i . Afli r Ilil'iT iia;. I v..: alilr In go In work, at. I now I'm a ui.l as vr." | The r>'u.-oii t'at t'!aii's i.inimrnt I givn Hitch rP:nii rl ..iMi' r, 1 f i.-. that it I P'l.. right at tin- .-ausi- il ■. pain. It | simulates thr lirrulaiii i t.Tniighout i tin l plaiv wlwr" t■ pain i.-. ami dears , out tin' gitms that an causing it. Right away you iVt 1 r» li« f. Tin- I pain stops, and soon von arc fit us ' ever, lift a bottle today and have it jon hand. All druggists— cents.

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