WEDNESDAY, DEC. 9, 1925. f]f \ JyCL- _ Best >Ma.rkets NORTH QBGGS^ You Are Cordially Invited To Come To Greensboro s£*££*£€*£& REENSBORO Has not a single jealous thought. We want your city to grow and l*r jbj P thrive —and every otHer good city in these parts—will do everything possible to V Vj § help, because we realize that our prosperity is inseparably linked with yours. Acquaintance, co-operation and good-will are bound to develop this region into an ideal community. £§ Greensboro is just starting a "Trade at Home" movement, but this means, first of all, trading in North Carolina. We want our folks to favor local service-giving mer chants over far away houses, whose goods are no better and whose serv ice is not so good. We would like this principle to apply in every town in the Piedmont, Try your "home tow n" first. If you don't find what you want, then come to Greensboro, and you will be welcomed here. £§ Greensboro has fine stores, specialty shops, hotels, restaurants, theaters —leaders in all lines —second to none in the state —operated by progressive, accommodating merchants, carrying large and varied stocks of well chosen goods. It's worth a trip now to see the wonderfully attrac tive holiday displays. The roads are good. The distance short. We'll "bust" ourselves to make things pleasant for you and t\\e family. Come often to Greensboro. MERCHANTS' ASSOCIATION OF GREENSBORO \ GREENSBORO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE v BUY AT HOME If YourcMerchant ~ Does Not Have It> I $S> ! THE DANBURY REPORTER PAGE THREE