PAGE SIX i\ ■ K 4. '■ >1 Xi: . ■ ' S i,.iu v ~. !■ •• ! :l-aoy Krom >• \ iii r.i- n v: . 1' »rt;. St \on i'• ir i ■. .... I ■■ I i lay 1111.l V»1 t 1 .'lll l•: - v app: -opr-a: :>n > i:-_ shave.! i" h; IT counties that ivtiuiiv a tax rate nj i: i.i meet salary costs fei '!;» their -ci.>o!> for Th • special apportionment is in ail »! ' ' the ah.'iiiir fun of >' 101,101.'.'7, which goes to it i . ■ • . aid iviiii::> > tlnai'.t • ■ ftT th la-t V. ~|\ I', • ••i! that at! the ~ -!■ ..1 f: I ' t » ■ ! • £ \\ ':. 1!'. ' V•• • «i !•> ' v l'«av«i> i .»r . fu : . ■ -a:::, altii.ivrh. tiny .1-. t:: M r i* in 1 , e:-.-ary I' r the it )i'ir>\v t!ii' necessary am mts w . • approved ' • to • ontii :i. • a;'; •• piiation t'i IT . ountit's. fiiJ . ... [iQ ill Weak. Awmg fill j| WOM £ N should lake Oem Bi OIJ i ni . r.n [ft &s3fi"2 ftilic r-j iii! , l;;l bU oo>.. everywhere. 'i!j on,. . , Jjj pit MTk I*7¥>wf F% 1 ? ft, IP nA¥> I 1 Ffe i ili II s ¥ II »4 Pf wifa *J g3eAg&-j a«| a a a i 4 a" 1 b .3 n all a ' i iV sJiill iL? UL% & £%.&i£ %J' £& & Ul4 I ~ _ ESTABLISHED '1872 I THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED I il | IN STOKES COUNTY j. ' I' . ill [ The Paper That Will 1 !' 1 1 S T "♦ •| Carry Your Message f [I i To Stokes County's | jj ■ ? 22,000 Population! f I L JL ; j ] ADVERTISING RATES ARE REASONABLE I I i. v;:.;k m ,mk.> v V \!v> A K i'. v -> : i; r lguros Show i !»:.• tu, • i. mii A.'!'-.- iu Slat-* Carry $12.50 Lit'onso 1a..-- ! ; !aj S.-i. I7"».ol>i> T ! .i> x ar. 'I- T{cheap makes, according to the class •f ii plates, which v.-»e pur ■ hasetl at the automoh.le license I : e .!! !' the 1 >epart He: . of lie'. - i el:;;.' the past si seal year v ' eiiditlß May :11. Th- tabulation show-. that • > of the "'.H.D.'SS lit v!!-e» 1-i la t w . !'.- .if th.-*. Ihe te:..l tic in- ir i tru-. !«>, motor.a !■■». nilil ait ! T..! i- -. -l-:.-l. «. I t - au'."!iiolt!le alone t.ti"i,'.i«o licttnses were sel-i. •1" a J.Jitioit t- tl'.e v J."" c!.;. ■ ■ . i '• > i-. !.;.:i:« ay .. -. Stat. -f* t It-. \ pi. lies, it., i ...!- e!..iU* plates. A • '. f . eer.-.- phlti s will pi'.'ki ; !y It.- : ti'.n .nj; the y .-. .. ■■ «r ■ ' nuitc of the license h reau based on the 391(038 - : i.i -. i .ii. I 1- ■!'. court ope:.- ■ t>en - 1.--VO r.e\t Monthly a::-l • -ev,ral St -ke.- i itizc-n.- leave the Ill's. (•:' th • week t • appear there a - ii. - i fei.iiarr.-. wit: . , : FOR ©VEIS i YEAW3 haarlcrrs oil lias been a world wide rt medy for kidney, liver r.r.d bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbv.go r.r.d uric acici conditions. GOV® M MA AnL £ M OIL .•orrert internal tr-ui" ' v ; tnl 'j.-sjans. T'.irec si.*- -i. A ! ..r\ - is:.„ I:; ,i-t 3n the oriijinal f" - •- Goi.u J.T-.D.M., THE DANBURf REPORTER yi \ i ■:, ■■ {s v)! ■[; x HI'TEM HER i-Vr Sali' of ISriuht I.i Tc'tai' 'm lla.-UTn Nor; ( :ti lii.!—(:••• 1 Salos Iv ]U'l u l!. Kin-'.i' . ■' .'c t iv !.Ma i .. \\:.i It 'Usenu :i .-111 la!. 11, " ;.".!Ulal itljr lli t'day, voted i• tln- bright It market.- September I and hea' forecast* of good fall business. T m rap tobacco comn. :tee reporteii hail !>Olll unsiucs-ful in dcvisi means of keeping -« rap olf the ni; kc:-. .1. Kaglc-. of Wilson, v. elt president t succeed Geo P. Homing. Ki:i: ■»:. with G. S - .ih. (ii.-cnvdlc. a- \■ e prosid.■ a ! P. I!. Sugg. Kiitston, secret.. IV . ■ ,• elates .) i • !!••• f i'.." resetita!. . «... .- i I'. I• ar . f •!• ,Sk 1 i ia.v. '3SSSSBS3BBBB r\ w"-Ujs v , y it&Hlrn \ Night Coughing Relieved At Once W'. y suffer continually from a per «:=. aliening ninht cough \vh a you i" l set almost instant relief, at 1 t:!ly l>: ak the completely in :. I! ly a new method based on the la" . I. Ki:. ,'s Nov Ihscovery? !i. •• is na ihnii: y. >u simply tal o no ; . ml ul and I 'M it in > ar i: f. r i > i r -i) secotu!.* before i. v -..git, It ha:-, a d-'uiiie act. n. !tn tonlys lothes and heals irritation, 1 also rem. vesthc phlegm ando n •• i v !... iit! •. n rlCiinse of;. • . ■■■ As n result wen the worst »■ usually disappears cpaickly. ' r. K. Me v I'lscmcry is fir •. c!;. V 'lds, blolii iiliis p:s.i jc. vie, Fir.o for ch.Mren, . >o —noh . nifuldrugs. Veryeconomi oil,: is: one tea-puvniul. At :'l c id eruggiit.;. Ask for LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 1 j i •. 11 'M.nnel ..f tile State ! m>i! in r,' lir- week will go in • - Mi. N. t .. from Danhury ami i an engagement on Tuesday a' \t week. A bathing beach and dressing r ins will In' constructed at ome •i the liver here by .1 Frank Mar is. Work has already been star: «d on the project. . | (Juite a number of cit izc.'.is are «• x • >vted here Saturday night from all j sections of the county when it is hoped to get returns front the pri mary. Interest in the vote is in roasing da'ly and the citizens do not want to have to wait until Mon -1! .lay to know the result. Paul Fulton and .1. A. Weisiicr. alesmen for Walnut Cove's two j wholesale gr. .ry linns, were vi-- litors here \:• st• r.lay and today. Moir Smith, an employee of ti - e Ke-tli-r t'otis'iu.tion t 0., was Inir' :'irht liadlv I .~t nijrlit while crank jan cnirir.- at (lie bridge vlti. 'i i sin- compatij i ere. ':i:tf near l>an """ : bury. Mr. and Mi.-. W. I - '. I'- wles and ! >!••.- 'A (I I 1 '-on. of Walnut Com, wen' ir.nonu - the I'anbury visiters T'.u-ilay. GETS PICK HELP ! FPU LMMSO Back at work three days after simple home treatment ,: Givo mo relief! Stop this apony!"— that's all you can think of when you're suti'ering with any acute pain. And you ; an j;et relief—quickly and completely—with a very simple home treatmei t, "I was in lied with lumhngo/'vritrs C. L. Nortr.ataiy of Si. Paul, Minne s-ota. "A friend told me about Sloan's Liniment, and aft. r using it out day, I was a!.!,* to walk around lia hou.-e. Afi.-r three day:. 1 was able to go to work, and r.ow l';n as well t.or." The reason that Sloan's "ives such rem:'.rl;al-l;! r. li. f is that ii. gets right a! the ca-.ise of the pain. It stiinalates the circulrt'on throughout the :il ice v.liere the pain i.-. and clears out trie germs that are causing it. Kig'tt away you feel r.!i. f. The pa.n stops, and soon you are fit as i vr. U.t a bottle touay and I aveit on hand. All drug^uts—3s cent.-.. ! MOTORISTS MUST CAKUY CAIIL)^ This N For Purpose of liU'iiti- : Mention ot' Driver, Make of ( iir. KU\—Appeal To Of ficers. • i J line 1. Further cooper at ion on the part of nil police 'ollicers anil sheriffs in the state with ! the automobile license department - in the matter of ivi|itirinjr all mo- I torists to carry their identification - cards, containing their name, nuik • • {of car. license number and motor : - numlier, is being urged by 1,. S. > Harris, chief inspector of the Theft 1 - I'.ereau. The cards that will lie is- 1 '.-ued this year arc on a much bet . ter |iiali!y of cardboard, and th«- > size is such that it will be conven ient to carry in a bill fold and wal let. Heretofore, the majority of motor i.-ts have been caivles.-. in carr.vinu' their cards bei aii-i' 'hey are rarely 1 asked to prodi hi thelil. ll is |Uih necessary for them to carry them a. all, however, a ordinjr to M.'. ' Hani-, :i- a I rote, lion f r the in ii 'jvidisal motorists, and as a means of ~ enabliji;r the police and count} of tieers ir as.-i-tinir the state otlker in locating ami recovering stolon. automobiles j ! "Take, fi i' instance, an otVi. er i". " huntinsr down a stolen ear. The i ■ cense elates, very often, have b*en ' changed. and it becomes nei e>.-:>.i" to stop a number of cars. If the 'driver has his identification curd. jand the license number and enjrin -j j number on the card check with tho.-e «n the car. it immediately be . 'comes apparent to the officer, an I ! the driver is permitted to i I without further questioning, : "If, however, he does not have h.- . identification it may become very • embarrassing to him to explain, even tho the ear may be properly . his. Hence it is of the utmost im ' j ortar. e that drivers of all cars : generally be educated to the point where they realize the necessity for carrying cards at all times. It w'l save tie. in embarrassment and will materially assist the officers over state in their work. Jno. 1.. Christian, of Pinnacl>. and .larvis K. Smith, of Francisco, were among the visitors here Tues day. WEDNESDAY. JI'NE 2. men and women s>ooKkeepers, stenogra phers and salesmen, learn in >\ few weeks in Ihe oldest busi ness college in North Carolina's largest city Small fee, easv terms. Board and room for hoys and girls in the dormi tory reasonable. HOWARD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, :!m2ms Winston-Sajeni. N.C. K.'v. .lacnuelin Taylor, o 4 ' Win ston-Salem, has accepted the pas torate of the Presbyterian church here. Mr. Taylor arrived the past week and the people of Danbury and community welcome him. Ap pointments for services here and at other Presbyterian churches of the county will be announced next week ~The . BULL'S EYE Editor and Qenerat JAanaqer WILL ROGERS J y ) * Another"Bull" Durh.iiuncUcr || tUen.ent by Will KoK'Th, /Ip- II I 1 (rid Kollii niiiul screen Nt»r,nnd II || leading American humor i:i c. |l More coming. Wutcb for them. No Governorship For Mine My pood 01.l friend the Gov ernor of Oklahoma was in to sec me at the theatre the other night. 1 had ju-t had humorous mention as a candidate for position, as thev wanted to revive the Populist Party with me as the Standard j Hearer. \V ell. the Governor showed me what had happened to a friend of his who had been defeated for Gov ernor in oiir state, so he discouraged u me. I won't accuse him of doing it , purposely, hut he did. His triends campaign expenditures were as fol lows : "I kissed 6.000 bahies; helped 42 j voters thrash wheat; shook hands with the entire State; smoked 3,000 sacks of 'Bull' Durham; cut 22 cords of wood ; helped brand 8,000 i calves; spayed 4.000 of them; was | sprinkled 8 times in Methodist Churches; totally immersed in cold '• water in muddy creeks three times j by the Baptist; went to confession in every Catholic Town; paid dues j to 11 Synagogues; charter member I of the Holy-Rollers; listened to SilO get-together Kiawanis, Lions, and Rotary speeches; bought sheet and pillow slip in every Ku Klux Klan in the State; and then I was defeated. " 'Bull' Durham was my sole satisfaction not only during, but after election. It is the only thing that stayed with me." jzsijb P.S. There will be another piece in this paper soon. Look for it. f ' 99 BULL DURHAM Guaranteed by INconvonATlß j 111 Fifth Avenue, Nov York City