LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Mr. anil Mrs. M. O. Jones iv ttirned Thursday from Wilmingt > i where they accompanied I heir unci'', Samuel Wall, and Gid Tuttle, l«i the reunion of the old Confederal'. 1 veterans. Messrs. Wall and Tuttle are citizens of Pinnacle and Kin>; respectively. John M. Taylor, who has been ill for days, is undergoing trim ".went at the Memorial hospital in W in ton-Salem Mid shown improvement, it is lewd. Alex Rogers, one of the thrifty farmers of l'eters' ('re-'l: township, was here today, bringir.g abmg hi' last load of old wheat. Mr. R >gevs is a largo wheat grower ami he re ports that his crop this yea: is (inc. l>r Spottswood Taylor, a student the past two sessions at Johns Hop kins University, Baltimore, was notified the past week that he had been awarded a scholarship at the University on his record in the school the past year. This is thv ' second scholarship won by Mr. Ta.v- Vlot- since he entered the University. 1!. 1). Gentry joined his wi"' here Saturday. Mr. Gentry, who i* a civil engineer, has been woiking 'n Florida f>r some menths. Kliuo Petree, of Danbury, ami Ralph Tuttle, of Walnut Cove, tooK advantage of the excursion to Wash ington tlie past week. Dr. K. W. Dwell made a profes sional visit to Raleigh the past week. I torn unto Mr. and Mrs. N". K. Pepper. Tuesday morning, a girl. I)r. and Mrs. R. 11. Moretield i> turned Thursday from a visit to the parents of Mrs. Moretield in Haiti more. They made the trip by aut > mobile ami went up through the valley of Virginia,. visiting Sheiia'i doah Cavi ins, Natural Hridge, the iiatiicfich! of Winehe-ter ami oth r points of interest, and stopping i i Washington for a day or two. William Rhodes, of Snow reel; toweship. while visiting in Hanhiuy inday. was taken ill suddenly wi li something like cramp. Mr. Rhode spent the night with hi.- dauglit ■. Mrs. Otis I Ullioii. and ret time I home Tuesday much improved. J. 1. Owen, of Pilot Mt.. spent a day or two here this week with hi soil, l>r. K. \V. Owen. Horn unto Mr and Mrs. hum Booth at their home near Meadows, last week a baby girl. Paul Swanson, of Pilot Mt., and Bailey Owen, of Mount Airy, spen' Sunday here with Dr. F. W. Owen. Klder J. A. Fagg was here a few minutes today from \\ instoii-Salem. Three or four weeks ago Mr. Fagg , was here while famu vs were so discouraged over the drouth. He predicted rain soon and it came. Now, it is getting dry again, bit Mr. Fagg thinks there's no use worrying. The showers will come along in due time. He is well pleased with our prospect for -i good crop. 300,000 LICENSE TAGS ARE UNSOLD Onlv 11)0,000 Have Boon Pur hased: Absolutely No Ex tension After July 10th. Raleigh, June 3(l.—With only ten more days to go, 1500,0(10 motor ve hicle owners in North Carolina, out of a total of approximately 100,00. 1 today had not procured their i censes for the license year which begins tomorrow. A grace period ot ten days is allowed owners in which to buy licenses. Quite evidently, the motor vehicle bureau of the State Department of Revenue is in for a tremendous rush during these next ten days, and on owners who fail to get their new license plates by July 10 "penalties will positively apply, and notice is to that effect, to the end that cvVjf.v one may now understand the policy of the department in the ad- ministration of the motor vehicle • law," says a statement on the sub- J' ject issued today by Revenue Com missioner R. A. Dougt.ton. M S«« You Later." 5 REVIVAL BEGINS AT M. E. CHI RCIi I liev. A. L. Lucas, of Sparta, Is Assisting I'astor J. K. Hipp —Services At Night Only Have Been Announced. L" . „ A series of revival services were started in the M. I!, chuivh here Sunday morning 'y the Pastor 1 K. Ilipp, and on Monday Rev. A. !.. Lucas, of Sparta, Allvghnnv • un t. ty, arrived here to assist in the ser vices. Mr. Lucas is a forceful speaker and his sermons are being greatly enjoyed by the church goers here. The services will continue for some days yet, no definite date having lu'en fixed for the closing. The public is cordially invited t«> come out to the services. Services Friday night of this ' week will lie omitted on account of the play to be given by the Parent- Teacher Association. e Dirt Track Race Will Be Held In Mt. Airy Monday j n Some of the best known nut i [ racers on dirt tracks will compete ,1 for honors in the fifty mile race to K j be hold at Carolina-Virginia Fair Grounds in Mt. Airy July in con nection with the massive celebra tion planned for that day by tli ■ I Granite Citv. rile purse for this event will be | >'1.0(10 and already five well know l ; jdare dc\ il> of the dusty read have' : signified their intention .i' tryii • to knock the present re od for : e 1 ] row of ash cans. I ('.('. Gray, one of the eiot fa..:- 1 ous of the dirt track drivers. Kra c I • Perry. Duke, li.dy and a i.ng !. I who prefers |or Ivr identity to >• i main a mystery will i >ar m (■ i | the half mil • track i huudr ! II . .... tlilies (hiring the a.lentom staltin.: !at o'cloi k. The pit • re •.» : • ' I that they will attempt to break . |l';i "J. •> per hour. Ii T , .! I I rier to the ra e. a p: rade • | ailtoiuebjles will be i. !d with • '■• diver loving e-ip being i ri—eiied • I' , i the wiiiii'-r. i j HORS Wont Thrive On Pasture Alone 1 Raleigh, June 21. The growi i j ' who (iepi nds |:i pasture alone t : fatten his hogs will figure his pro- i 1 fits from the use of the hog. Rei - j ords kept oil several thousand head | properly fed during the past few months show conclusively that hog i- paid at least SI.OO per bushel abovo J: the market price for corn. How | i ever one can still drive through j '• North Carolina and see thousandsi ■ of hogs under-nourished and failing j t to gain in weight because the own- j '• ers are depending on pasture alone . i' for a large part of the feed. 1 W. W. Shay, exponent of wis" J i hog feeding in North Carolina and i promoter of countless hundreds of feeding demonstrations " on with' Tii'mjcrs by the county agents ol' j State College, states that th l hog j j market last month rem heel the | highest point in six years. r.-ceept during the inflation of wartime prices, hogs are in an exceedingly strong market position for the next live months and the hog-corn ratio is near the highest, on record. But ihe states, it is time now for hog ' - producers to hear in mind, the viol- 1 tent down-swing of prices that has I been caused in times past, by over- I expansion under similar price re i lationships. j Grading on the Danbury-Walnut Cove highway has almost reach* d . main street here, and a eonsiderabV* f part of the big fills at each end of t the new bridge have been put in. . WANTEW—Young men and women bookkeepers, stenogra phers and salesmen, learn in a, •jfew weeks in the oldest busi ly ness college in North Carolina's j ■ largest city Small fee, easy . terms. Board and room for , boys and girls in the dormi tory reasonable. HOWARD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 3m2ms Winstan-Sajem, N.C. "See You Later." r SAM HEATH VISITS STOKES i— _ j Buyer For Kxport Tobacco Co. .Reports (i'.inl Crops hi East ern Carolina and in Georgia —Good Seasons. Sam !'. Heath, buyer for the Kx port Tobacco Co., located at Green ville, N. ('., was a visitor here yes terday. shaking hands with iti»my of his friends in Stokes. Mr. Heath stated that the i bacco crop in the Greenville sectio'i was estimated by his company to IK 50 per cent, normal in piantity an I ! So per cent, in ouality. However, that section has recently had tine rains and the crop is expected to exceed the estimates given allow,' especially as to quality. The Georgia tobacco warehouses will open soon and Mr. Heath w.,1 buy the weed on the Valdosta mar ket for his company. He stater ; that reports furnished his companv; i indicate a good crop of tobacco in ! leorgia. Ice Cream Supper. There will be au ice cream sup- ! per at my filling station on Satur day night. July 'ird. A string hand; will furnish music. F.veryhod.v in vited. W. ROY COFF.R, "See You Later." ' I2J; Jar new and magical FUEL : more than gas. inc. It is a custom-built V: motor, hut endows ir with new lite and lunger life. : I hirst ot all, h.SSO is more powerful than any m| faSH leashes the latent power of your motor and Jets /t'QH 1 £JBB more than pick-up. It has the extra power that j ' mS'j ffSw! %^^ ena^'e you to take the long tough hills on HBfll fJ your favorite and most difficult hill. Feel ESSO I Ifijfcw M WdMJM' n\ l Mlt two cxtra cylinders in your engine. Judge it f «*)\ In' any standard of performance that you know, V, and then you will realize that we have not in | '% Red in Color. Packed with Power. Costs $c n:ure — - * "Standard" - *»*** " normal requirements Whet the consistent ESSO is manufactured to meet thfl use of EsSO gives following Special conditions: 1. All your motor's power —ami na ' or m °tors that knock, knocks. 2. For motors with excessive 2. Greater flexibility 3. For motors. 3. Freedom fr >m of choke—no 4. For which from loag no longer develop full 4. Quick 5. Instant pick-up —quick as a t c 11 e l , loads. 6. Speed and pull for the long h.-.rd hills. mm motor from which the driver demands extra power 7. New and longer life to the eng.nc. and performance. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (N.J.) THE DAXIUHtf REPORTER "SKK vor LATER" FRIDAY NIGHT J'lay T.. I>c (liven In S«li«>t.] ■ f injr Promises To ise (»(»»tl - Piedmont Springs On lustra Will Provide Jlllsy. "See 'i i l.ator," inusi al conic I,' in three u' - !s, to I it- presented liy Ideal t.:'• 111 iii the school huildinir Frida> •In promises to lie irood anil w. likely have large attend ance. Final hearsals are in progress now anil the hist touches heing jjiven. ■ that everything' will he in reailine- . The Piedmont Spring's orchestra will pla for the performance ami there will he 110 dull moments throughout the evening. The play starts at vno o'clock and will re quire two hours. The play is sponsored hy the Parent-Teacher Association and i given t' t tile henetit of the school, and it i.- hoped that it will have large patronage front the people .if this coianiunity. 1 Stokes Autos Worth More Than Schools Accord !-• to records compiled v. the Sta!i I'niversity the autonio Idles in Stokes are valued at $2. '210,000, 'idle tlie value if tr.ir school !!* • • r!y i- #2!"".000 only. FAR.MKRS ARE RELEASED FROM POOLING TOBACCO Judge .Meekins Signs Order Allowing Them To Stop .v!:.r.'t-; Deliveries of (he Weed, Thus Releasing the 3!f2ti (Top. AT WESTFIELD SATURDAY I'. M. Friends Churi h Will Have Hn tertainment and Serve Sup per—.Music I Iy Piedmont Springs Orchestra. Members and friends of the \\ -• field Quaker church Will five a ' enuirtipnincnt and siippijr at the ; church in W'estlield on Saturday afternoon, beginning at 12 o'clock I'. M.. and continuing 1 throughout the afternoon. The Piedmont Springs orchestra will furnish nntsic foi 1 the occasion. ' Supper will he -crved, i.n.-istin l ;' of fried chicken, sandwiches, stulFed eggs. cake, pie, cotfee, tea, et ' . f •> i jtlie small price of lifty cents. Kvoryone cordially invited fo| | come out and enjoj the nftcir. on | land at the same 'Jim a d a worthv ' cause. Mr. and Henry Sin'ton and child ren, of Winst on-Salem, are spend ing ti'.e -M.uaier at l'iiimoi\ ' Sprint's. I 1 -s. v.. i. ; . i PAGE FIVE I Kaleijrh, Jui.-- .Moihlhi- ■£ the Tl' -Mate I •i> I iro'.vei - operative Mark'?. .::>)• As.-o i- i will not lie r it'iiri-il 'ii deliver tl.i i" el'op. T". • i!• 1111 resjii. !- ity to tla* association in thi?- t . jra» 1 w;i. .ili'i! \vhen 1 "ili fill Jin'. I. .M. Meekins tonight - ■ 1 «n • l' releasing them. The organization's hoard vectors. in a meeting that . practically the . njire May, :> ditiu\ tu ! i.li ijr not to a; ;l from •Itldtfi Meek ill.-' reciv v 1 :■> , order. nameil the member- of it-> ex«"'Utive onui.ittf) to a ! .. a committee to co-operate with re« | ceivers. Singing the -wan of ' tranizaition tha luis (been ei■ 1 i i'l one legal controversy aft' . - 'other, during the live year. • i II xi-tt nee, the I ••a»-«l tonifrht : I a statement setting forth it- i\;.»••• -t I fur not taking an appeal, ani ai!- inir upon "ail friends of this ;.--o --• a'i"!: aiai if i .i-operativi marki*. • ing" to do everything possible, aa ■it !• the I i\'-l'ship, •» 111-Ill': 1 ' tho meinh. r- f :i. - a--iu : ation ; d hi'lp serve ! hi' T.i '•,-1 • i.f '.'li bel's i i" thi- ar.'i i "S, v.. I I.at«-i."