WEDNESDAY. JULY 7. i?2f, NEW HEADLIGHTS FOR AUTOMOBILES Gives Long Range Vision Without Glare—Being Per fected By General Electric j Engineers. A new type automobile headlighr, radically different from any now i:*. use. which will srive long rang-' without glare and illuminate the ditches alongside the road l>y a wid" side beam, lias been developed by V.*. D'Arcy Ryan, direeor of the General Electric Illuminating Kngi r.eering Laboratory. Mr. Ryan and his engineers have been studying and experinlentin ? far more than threee years on this i Jew liirht. Tests show that the new lights not only illuminate th" roadway exceptionally well fr p. distance of more than 200 feet so that a object in the road can h-> easily seen, but they illuminate the ditches on either side so that per sms in the auto can easily read v ad signs even when the front en ! of the car i> several feet past siicn signs. This backward light is o.v i.'f the unique featu es of the new r headlight. In rounding curves, particularly sharp ".urns, this wide side beam shows no to good advantage in keep ing a view of the ditch constant!*.* before the driver. Both in the laboratory and roa 1 tests, it. has been shown that these new lights will not cast a blinding glare in the eyes of drivers of car« ' ' ' ~ ';■••• • ■ ;•'■■■•?iS m a |i!||M p|l'n m gisg isy 12! IM! JI iyi #•* «' : i if PLa %# 111 F$P ffkiP P fVEAI V S| s Only performance can tell you 9 B;l| whether a car is built to deliver satisfaction, or whether something IB has been sacrificed to achieve the pi lure of a low first price. M Low price may interest you, but cnly when you drive an Oldsmo- |p M . bile Six can you realize how far an Bj§ Wbm . . lINf jkfl ; automobile so moderately priced ||i |l| can exceed your expectations. f|| feiips f s fe ' % m Ji® if s v. 9 rmw .rfTv ftlll PI - COACF^I pi --- ~ v h $9 F " ?' B; L -n N KA Na ||l| - p ' |i '■ it B| ' STOKES MOTOR CAR CO., jp B WALNUT COVE - N - c - v y'. IJ . | Wm 0 i M g %A A r 4 V'J J u 'I j$ •• • I *;J -4 feoffs *' P u » .r* P? # \ "' J* u '* 4 .¥m ■■■:. . • ;..., ■ •-. £& y*. • \ vtt- \. : sf •; ••.,'•'4 •i Sr^.v, , • ; iL& k, f * ■ \ - i l-M x:: 'w-'"- fl'."."-'. > "" ? '' K^'-vi/ '"'. '* tfUCUOTf.i* qgNg»M. MOTOR 9 ' V 'v ' I •vi W/( !:.;■' »; W'T : . & .' sV -K- 1 •••■ ■{ ■ ■•■•■ ..} —-"• ■ " •■ - ■■ ' • ■•' s -• «| ' nx:. ~ V - ••• •■ *• Xj S-. •\SS*- V,® t/• • .-/"■' . jii - s ,-i> -** > v*'Ai- " ' . •'*•"* •• * r rV -.• " •. v »y. • '., v: ' *'.«. f. v "* approaching from the o; p isite di rection. Another unit pie feature brought out in these tests is that the nearer one walked toward it the dimmer the lights seemed to jr". |ln these same tests, persons stan I- I ing three feet back of the lights and about live feet to either side if them could be easily seen by pe-- sons 100 feet in front, standing in 'the full illumination from the hea !- J lights. A sample road siirn, 20 fe t ito one side and live feet back of thj lights can be easily read by persons standing two or three feet back of I the lights although there is not a ( light source in the black painted 'laboratory searchlight range other j than the light from the headligh*.;. I In similar tests on the country high j ways at night this backward beam | I also illuminated the radiator, bu i-; per and front ends of the fore mud-1 guards of the car equipped with the new lights. This is of especial ad vantage to drivers of approaching j cars for if one headlight should >e out there would be no danger • f j mistaking the car for a motor cycle. The new lights are much different ' in appearance from other typ , They are scanely more than three inches in thickness including the projecting lens. The reflector an i 1 ns i-. sueh that the liu'lr. fro; on > 1 lamp, a standard 21 candlepower Mazda, casts a double crescent of light.—By I>. Wagoner. Gener.t! I F.iectric "o.. Schenectady, X. Y. I Miss Grace Taylor is the gue.-«t of ; Miss Kli.'.abeth !'->nrel it: Winston . Salem this week. • Old Auto Tags r A _• Expire Saturday ■, : L; ' -. ■' ./ (the .f tegs th: • yea. > ! •• >« - The time expires Saturday of this hind 1 •• year. Knoiigh in*. •• *. » week in which you can use the 1;»2.~> have • : s cure.! to jay vi-i - .- to automobile license tags on your ear. all t! • unties and owner.-. v. :il ! • After Saturday you are subject • > well ' theic cars pi > »-rly tag indicttnent if yuse your car gel ' ' • • running ".hem ou'.. „ . . . . * I n the Me| , b of Everyone j flfE take care of your needs, i : j.,' \ T ARS whatever they may be, \ j., Qp at any distance day or night. J I ,j You decide the amount you I wish to spend for a funeral, 4 according to your circum- \ 1 ; stances, and we give the \ (.■/-> - same dependable service and \ j ./. /V I OR:£ r\3L Uorrj& t . are f or every detail whether A you spend much or little. ( ?,. t; k.. \ '' ' ■• 120-124 SOOTM MAIN stftKT. | \ WINSTON-SALEM.N.C ) .:. • ■- •« * > ( i l TJJK I). vMH lIY liEPORTER Bi# isuvi Contract Let i est era ay itai 'itch, •' i; >. 1 :.t: :i • \v:« let yestetiay (>y th- St a* Highway • 'ommis.-i !\ ft a' > haril-.-ur f acini rou i . >i-j ai. i P'ir.t. Hajreiorn 1 ru •*.: >:■ ' ompany were the lowest bidders at $392 .01 It sii.t • 1 -a', v. st-k w'.!! begin immediuV-!;.' av i ui : x'.va will h.' on- ;f th •'•••-- r;u-i i" the 'ountry. Selling Much Land For Taxes In this |':'i w!! i; ■ t'.'.i' ad vi-rtiseiiv:-.t of naitty tra " - of lav. i for ta\-.i ::i S*.)kes vur.ty. If >;r name a-' ir th" ' ► - i . '.■ •■■> the Sh ♦r'.: r . (*onstat:! • Clove Lawsoti v/a* here a sh->r. v.• :. h»y L.i . ■ viil Si'lr.a Will • o (•■itr he»t fit*' i" I. ■ i ' -v 'til, ' >r a ft: h hopes t: able . . KJ . ' -• 1 "r" ir. u. f --.v New York City mc I @ %* **} |f* & f MfemxZ & * •sts 4 "**• • *L/a proaiiss s? fulfilled ••' - JIP r. n> .. _•» , .. an W_. : '»-./ , "''A.. gJagy te/r'?.- :'* i ; -.jpy E '. t •;/«.'• //;' v'. J ».' • ig&fZ] i a jiOUR-&i-;v.u-.-i v ; .-\ -. : V^7 — 1 't'i. ; -&,-,' r.L, f U ff SERVICE at The Charfei 'Villiam Store, _ meanj i. r cn'.y your orders oju rime, eve;, ' /.o, but more ... it means >tand ard qu.iicy merchandise pric :.l lov.'jr and lo iatUly. i hat i.i -he promise %ve main* a..a the promise we fuliill. A«k oav customers —there are many la your neighborhood, Then turn to the new car:!o;» Soda*/ tor Spring and Summer! See the ;;reat wealth of everything here far evvryboJ*. ThatisSEP.YICE. If yuu haven'; a .Mraloij, write for .i::; tC Ja . I: will be mailed at once -Vee and postp^U. THE CHAIILLS WILLIAM STORES, Inc. I>7o jif. \ .' Now York City lj '. 'u »v . ' : l ■ ■ . »'. I* »-4,u-»t /•>•* Cuialci; %*.>. 5 hd #?ore sufMei uiiih I Pure Paint It's the amount of lead in any paint that deternvnes its covering (hiding) capacity,—it's the quality of lead that measures it> length of life. Kurfees Vaint contains 20 to 40 percent more lead per .•.•.Hon. , Kurfees Pa'nt contain more KURH.I'.b square factor smrfac.'-protecrirr^ I l 'N AM i'.L value in every gallon, and g;ves Make your kitchen you more years of service in the furniture over iu-w ' i. . , with Kurfeos ;rli i '-'.lti IS iwu economy# dS a ™oir A t2bic a"i Ku f ftvs no "'>• the eh»irb, ITasy flov I ordiiKiiy kind, and n. is surpris- You can apply it. • i r .1 _ White and 20 colors. ! OH ,lttlc lt rcc l ulrt>s ro P ; i:»t * , T . j Let us figure your }**• ■, tjuan? '* ifs tor you and show you the beautitul color selections. , » KUJ jWs Make* a Paint for Ewry Purpose—Tfo Haw Thbm 'THIS IS FIX: CROi VKAR Siu.shir.e ami Showt*. A/e J}ii->sl':g All Sections c S'a: • N >\v—The Prospec. : T.. • .wr says it is a !•. iiv. !i i- .-»rl • f fclliW v.'r'O h«t.» r. " distillled from his mini u".;. fji'li "' far- about rvp.>- tr >r t *.i. ? : r)v. ,f l f.)r th*» • '.i- " t*?.'. l r» iw • -pv >v!riir thtt b-. -rfiw-r * ha: >•;; i I)-.- ir.t- I -S- Th was a dry -•..•!! into th» lat t>'c jiar*. f Juno, out :h- ->m:n a? th.- ia - fjund livMs w.'ll cuitivuV'J ar-j st::;- ■ ,-.>rn, *oUon a:vi ?■> ba ■/ vv awaiting tli- benetit; Th-.* i.-( if T.iu- day ovvr t-:.» State has been of the desirable com• I :t!:-rnat.- unshin.> a:'! sh .-v. - i :.!i • .(!•:> • f :h ■ Si ato '• a ch S* ite The I; ir.fcs of Stokes county are PAGE THREE