PAGE FOUR Notice Of Sale Of Lend for laves -i . p: a!' s M l ' l ' .. .A . » ■ e 1 r l l v l liv i 1 1' i •>; .. PANlil'llV T »\\ NS'-UI 1 . V . 'J" l ' ;u i'i>. > i . i . 500 iU'ivs. "" /as .Mrs. A. M.. ne !.«t, - . i. \v„ at »■« s. . 2; m .. M's. .1. M.. 1" a.:v>. 3.M ... . Susie. 1 ;k re.* 1 : • : ii 22 in i'i s. > 1 - • . Mrs .1, !... m - ~»o : \\\. 0o su:> >'•» ...:■!(• a. . M - Annie Glenn. ::*» let, -Si N •. , '• ( ( \| oKKI>. ' . \ ■'» 1, r.s « 51 ' 0 j■ K; i A T '.vn-.U:'. . A * .. aav-. ,i: ' ■ •i j A.25 , -. 12 • V !•' I *.T a- •s. *.77 ' V . ... M 7 ;. >\s. !" Ml , . : - - .11 :uTe- I 'UKKK -\\ N.-'II: 1 t . \V . * ill : -. - • * • .-V I ». * , M , i> avt\>, 1". ' t. acres 70..m • M. 1 . "J" : • • 1 - .) ""' I w. * » v Mrs. w. v.. ■ 5 aav *. " ' S'.uhon, .1. l'. 80 I. s. I - .• ■ 'i'. T.. ! • : 1 , - u vv. i • . > • ! |ia;-(l. C. 27 a- res. !«• 25, W I iii♦'. iu '». - . —•* k. «•.. ' ... «•>;! • . • ? I . S. 1" . 11" ;.n -, - I - '. U. ii.. -S .1 \\\ •- . 151 aciv.s " i Will-am.-, John W.. acres, 20.75 " •-!, K. M.. 2«'« s. 3'- -I (iRF.D. '.I ..'s. Mary. .a . A. !\. l'.n a. .• K i M.'.r . Richard. 11-' a r . . .. re. S. I'.. a'*ivs. J 11.2 a QL'AKi-K C,\V TOWXSHIP. A .iivrs ll ', ii. (i. ami Mitch.-!!, N. 11., •!•) acres, 2-".,0 t A (Ur-i.n, U. (i.. 16:1 acres. - . joO.lO , iannett, Mr-. I.catuier.-'! 1 acr.'s, 15.*" r.a.nett, l.eamier, 18 acres, 2«'.ff) Iler.nett, ilu'.y, ■'>' acres, I 1.10 Bennett, 0. i' - .., .-1 acres, 11 Bowles, John, 50 acres. .'ll.ll I lit nth. {Jell, -lacrr.-, li.s^ Collins, A. J., •"> i a.Tes, 2">.0'l Caudle. J. W„ 57 a- res. 28.22 CV>k. Kufti.-, 10 acr.s, 07.11 1 ook, A. 11.. 50 acres, 20.2" halton. »Sc Norman, li:l acres, 55.01 Ka.-t, J. 11., :!1 acres, 27.5i Kast. Joel, 11 acres, • -•» 25.2 >' Kast, Mickey. 11 acres, 7.01, Elsie, Jane Lodge. 2 acres, 22.80 George, J. F., 1:36 acres, 71.88 | Granitte, Arthur, 103 acres, 61.55 Hall, W. L., 177 acres, 77.82 j Hall, A. J., 128 acres, 76.05 Hill, Mrs. Lillie, 115 acres, * 63.62 Holt, W. C., 4 acres, - .m 2.03 Jackson, Joshua, 68 acres, . 40.46 Jackson, B. D., 6 acres, " ... 6.41 THE PANBl'Utf REPORTER • S, ' S.'Vi •' M " ivs, :,2.7s ■ p. !•'.•; a. I!' .. . ;'st.>7 Lav - r. ■' ! . tiv:v. 11 .*»-> Lav.- m. «.!«••■:■>re. •~ ,,i res, 1.1 ; Main', W. It . T ,; :.v r.",8.1S .Marsha! . W. ! . acres, 14."9 M«>ra".. W. V.. 5" aeies. 27.3* Nelson. W. A.. If- acres, 11.6:5 Nelson. !'. I'cVi . , S .ii res, ", I.* Nunn. Susan. •' a-.' os, 1 !.8:> Nunn. Turn. '■ a.M.-. 2.30 I'age. N. K . acres, 11.11 I'yrtle, P.. *•::.« r--. , .>.77 liters. !>. S.. !■•! acres, .'18.77 Sheit' !1. Johll W. "S JUTI'S. 22 •>•' Taylor. s.. „ -1.17 1".11• k« r. (>. T *" iu !vs, Wna'-le. Mrs. S. !'. !«>-i i!a - 19.78 VeUaMc. S. I'.. dvcV.. 110 a> 2".0 i ' . I»r. ! . S.. 2* 1 acres, £.9* c OI.OREP . AKER OA?. la • (•!'!>. Amanda. 30 acre-. 1' Reyt.ol.!.-. R. !>.. 2S a*.res, 16.86 Smith. .1. (>. 1,. 2S acres, If.oo Shut'.. in'i rge. IS ai i'ts, li.t>4 Waugh. Cha'.ie, "2 .> res, 10.69 Zigiar. (is nr. •"i" acres. lb.o". U. It.. 12 ac res. 9.22 SNtiW CREEK t'lWNsHI!'. Av -. •!. . 1«>."» ai ivs, 31.54 ! Ilia's. l>aa . 01 a tv>. 22.5S 111- V t . .!. '.. a. res. 12.1'', (~i.« :\. It. M.. ticlVs ♦.'•1.02 |t -h; . It. A.- .. vs. 7.1* ! i- >ii ■ J. !:i . 2 1 ac ivs, S. l S I ■. .. W. i.. )7 i a> Tl s. i '.'.i v . v Fi ~ .1. V.. :'■> a. r. s. •;0.7"»| Ji'. - ...... i■. i 1.. :u ivs. 5.5 •• Have :i, 0. Ha vi..:. .10 a . 4.> I I Hi . .!. it . xi ; !■• - ::I.lS| I!;. •• . ■ . C.. 12* acres, 14.25! ' -. W. 11. A ;ivv 30. •. . u J9.51| ! ; ' •-1 . - :;i 70 1 Kait a;. 1 P.. a, as. 2".*7| \\ .. 7" acres. (i i 11 a ... a l .' i'i " 1 .!'• 1 M: .1 T.. .. 51 , 3 I.INt !•; ; •. , .\|. t ; t j,,.r. 1 ) ' !'•». U . 1 ... IVS, •"».*» ' . !... I 1 rti ft 2! .*•!.' It 1 .- a-.v. . 2.-2 anvs. 1 r*. 1 j It! -. !. a. !::7 a- iv-, - 17.■"»' j It: .. I. |I.- V-. 1 -a r >. lo.ns ' > .r'.li . . lll'llil ,J: i. I\.-, I 1 ..'2 I .* . . .!. I'.. tu.isj . C. 11.. I.v, acr«.*2.o^l Sn. W . !!.. 21 a-. i 12.27 J S» Wl7'", a . ■!.*..'.'2 S .5 M.. 51 aiiv.-, 2" .a. . !.. !... :>•; a. :• |.VS» Sjn W'i . :'2 ai) -». . 25.7"> \ i ao!i-. S. 1... 111 a i' - SH.i.i V ...!. Mrs. It. !.., i? . .. ivs, 05.1:; j C.. . Mi's. .! F... ! ' 12.1G; /. •!. A.. 1 15 11.5S ; , COLOKEP. _ _ Ai; . J. '•:!. 2t» a. --. 14.21 | Mai"..'. Wal'.i-r, 15' j. \ - •« 25.80! Ta' ;n.. >aiii, 15 avi't-s. 20.12 j I''ips. W. M., 01 a> ■ s 20.08 1 I MKAP( ■ W'S TOWNSHIP. Wfinu':. I.ini. 5o aciv». 11.2'' 1 llha kO'.irn, Mrs. S. M.. 120 acivs, 275.8S ■ Holes, Mrs. Ada. st» ... s ,''' lloli -, U. K., in aciv>. 9.3 v ! Carmii. ! at !. P. S.« .">1 .-. .'cs, 21.68' ( I'lcy. N. I*. I'Mi ari'i-«, "5,01 Cox. >. 1... 100 ;u IV-. 21.6-1 ('reus. Mi'-. Ella. ")u ', 11.05 Eaton. \V. H.. 88 arivs. f 51.60 Elippin. .1. A.. . 20.t»l Eulp. 11. A„ 2:»2 a.ivs. 06.60 (liven. O. P., 120 acres. 26.11 Hall. 11. C. (>.. 120 a- : s 47,43 Hampton, S. ;., 7(t .. •s, | 54.13 Kisor, P (>.. In aenv. 17.81 Lawson, M. F. Jc (J. U 10.10 Lewis, .J. P.. :',7 avivs, 25.06 MaOe. Ak'.x, 22 ants, 1 f 18.21 Merritt. Alex 2 acres. > -• 2.61 Meadows. O. Itoss. 70 a res, 51.00 Moran. Sam. 17 aire-. 11.41 Matthews, W. P., 52 a. res, 38.11 Nance, (!. W., 52 acre.-. 41.20 Norris. J. T., 10 acres. 3.17 Itiers«.n. James, It. WG2 acres, - 28.22 Rut ledge, T. J.. 45 acre-. 18,81 Slate. ( . E., . •»»■»-j~.r- v i 6.66 Slate. It. \\\, 62 acres. 37.41 Slate. J. W., » . 8.60 Smith. W ()., 24 acres. 21.14 Sizemore, T. V., 127 acres, 1 125.46 Sizemore, Mrs. Ellen J.. 50 acres, 20.20, Sizemore, A. B„ 136 acres, ' 33.41 Southern, T. A., 100 acres, ' 88.20 Southern, C. S., 52 acres, 23.57 Tuttle, Mrs. Hattie L., 35 acres, 42.25 Tuttle, Troy W., 63 acres, 42.70 7. •. . W. \V„ 125 ... -. 61.'' 1 \\\v. !•;. ioo acts. 131.67 CDl.dltEP. ,f. '. non. l.'ut'us, i>'ie lot. P3.(i,» Joy. e, H. E.. 32 acre.-. : > ' > - | 7 Pai y. Terry, one lot. Mooiv. Annie, one lot, 1-"™ YADKIN TOWNSHIP. Ad kins. V. E.. 10 acres. 16-20 Alexander tV; Curhy, 13 acres. 17.2 5 Allen, (t. M.. 1 acres and 13 lots, 85.47 Raker. J. 11.. 158 acres, 162.28 Raker. W. (). 72 acres. 00.07 Rennett, R. 1,., 02 acres. .">B.OO Rolejack, J. E.. 30 acres. 22.0!> Rowman. Mrs. P. It.. 12 acres, 10.06 Royles, R. It. Sr., 151 acres, 00.04 Brown, O. T., 75 acres, and 2 Kits, 52.10 Pray, A. M., 6 acres, 2.67 Burrow. W. W.. 71 acres, 43.76 Caudle, James It.. 1 k>t, 50.3'.! Cook. James M., 22 acres. 18.2'! Pavis. (>. A. & Petive, C. M., 2 lots, 2.8^ Flint. Pr. S S., 1 1 acres, 81.6(5 Cravitt. P. It.. ,".17 acres. 232.2f> (iravitt. T. A.. 115 acres. 74.00 (iravitt, (J. E.. 122 acres, 107.21 Ounter, P. W.. out lot, 11.27 Hall. Mrs. J. p., 06 acres, 65.80 Hall, A. L., 2 lots. 61.30 Hall. Miss Pearl. IS acres. 6.31 Mauser, S. A., dee d., 08 acres, 53.02 llartman. W. E.. 7 lots 36.26 Hooker. A. It.. 5 acres. 20.56 Hooker. P. J.. 124 105.03 llutchins. Mrs. C. W„ 12 acres, 15.68 Jones, C. ('., 1«> acres, 51.2.* Jones M. P., 3-1 acres. *. 27.46 Keijrer, Ellie, lt acres, 8.-If* Kin},' Manul'acturiiiK Company, 1 lot, 143.31 Kin}.'. W. S., P'laci'es, ,13.75 Pane. ,1. C.. I,* acres, 20.31 l.ane. Claude. 70 acres, 28.8't I.av-. It., 45 acres, 56.78 I .on}.'. It. K., 7S acres, ' 12.62 New - oiiie. S. W. 12 acres, - 10.17 Miikt.y.E. S., "2 ai res, ' ' 31.0il i'at-. P. E.. one lot. 4.55 l aee. Mrs. ltoOert 22 acres, 13.01 I'ariluetic llai*tman. We. F... 12 lots. ">.S'I I'ardue. T. F.. 0 lots. 12.4s Pettitt. N. T„ 0'» aei'es, and lots, 20.(i8 I'ulliam, Emma. 7 acres. 25.14 ftandleman, E. S.. 7•'» acres, • 64.7S Iteirsoii, James. 55 acres. 16.27 ltumley. William, ti acres. 7.71 Sams, Edgar. »"2 acres, 17.S San -. F., 1 I 1 acres. -3.21 Simmons, S. A., 5n acres, 11.5J Smith. 1.. P. iV E. W., S«i acres. -1 ♦>. 1 5 Smidi. Mrs. M. V.,3'.i acres, .. . 26.82 Smith, E. W., 25 acres, 27,8" Stone, O. It., 2'i acres, 21.07 Sullivan, W. A.. 120 acres, and 10 lots 251.52 Swift. I. \\. 47 acres, 23.51 Turpin, 11. P., 2> acres, ' 30.70 Tuttle, 11. 0., one lot, 17.53 Tuttle, W: 0„ ont lot, .... 3.08 Tuttle. W. P.. 58 acres, 50.49 Tuttle. J. W., 6 acres, 44.20 Wall. J. It., 106 acres. 118.50 Westmoreland, 11. F., 2 lots, .... .">5.11 White, A. P.. 10 acres , and one lot, 75.11 Smith, P. 1 500 acres, 34.9 > OOLOREP. King, It. P.. ont lot ....( 21.02 Kallam. York, 42 acres, , 18.73 Kallam. Alex, 70 acres, 9.85 SAI'KAT()WN TOWNSHIP. Adams. Mrs. M. E.. 23 acres, 40.90 Bowman, A. M, 140 acres, 100.82 Royles. El wood, 12 1-2 acres, 84.10 ! Burton, N. E., one lot, 9.38 Brown, Miss Elizabeth, 41 acres, 17.0,", Campbell, W. P., 48 acres, 3-1.92 Chapman. Mrs. Ethel. 2 lots, 23.38 Chilton. M. T.. 318 acres, 204.99 Cook. Mrs. Manervia, one lot, .... 4.65 Pavis, A. W.. one lot. 21.20 Podson. Walker and others, 84 acres, 20.56 Podson. J. E. and Willie P., one lot, 159.16 podson. J. E., one lot, 16,61 Purgins, Oeortte, 2"» acres, 10.72 Eye, Mrs. Jim. one lot, 13.32 Fulton. N. S., Administrator, 72.10 Fulp, M. T.. 88 acres, 33.56 Oery, W. 11., one lot, 14.44 I Oihson.W. 11.. 136 acres, 85.88 Oihson, Paris, 7"> acres, 32.31 Gilmer Brothers Company, 124.55 Hedgecawk, It. A., 1 acres, 85.17 James, J. E, 37.07 Johnson, Mrs. E. T. Heirs, 74 acres, • 36.10 Lewis, J. K.. one lot, 116.71 Manley, W. A., 5 acres, 24.08 Martin. W. J.. two lots, 28.20 Marshall, P. \V„ 48 acres. 1 .... 32.07 Middleton, L. B„ 68 acres, 27.25 Miller, Albert, 100 acres, 76.35 McGill, Mrs. A. H., 1000 acres, 369.10 Neil, W. A., 137 acres, 68.15 Paris M. 8., 75 acres, 1 67.95 j Petree, John D., 245 acres, 123.64 (Continued on page 6.) WKDXKSDAV. Jl'l-V H>2>

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