WEDNESDAY. Jl'I.Y 7, IMS I LOCAL NEWS ITEMS A manlier of threshing machines started work in the county Monday and lhoy report excellent yields 01 wheal and rye. Pastor .J. K. Hipp, of the M. K. j church, is attending a District '«' ii-; ference of the church at Ixaksvillo- Spray. County Commissioner J. \\ilbam Morefield is rt'inodiling his lion.'.' at j Meadows and adding much to its attractiveness. Misses Klva Yeattes, of Greens boro, anl Allene Collins, of I'ran cisco, ami Glenn Forest and Frame Christian spent the fourth at Ashe ville, Hondersonvillo, Mowing Hock and others points in Western North Carolina. I lev. Jaci|U«'line Taylor preached i to a large congregation at Piedmont Springs Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Mesdames Jacob Fulton, of Wal nut Cove; E. I'. I'epper, of Danbury; William Jones, of Sutrolk, \ a., and Miss Luna Taylor, of Piedmont ( Springs, visited Hearing Gup to- , day. - Mr. John Lewis, of Stoneville, visited relatives here this week. Mrs. W. G. I'etre«; has been con- \ ▼lined to her home with illness thi* Wei k 1 if, J. W. Slate, of High Point, and a former county commissioner t>f Stokes, was here a short while Monday. Ralph Slate, of High Point, anl 1' .y Meadows, who are guests at Piedmont Springs, were visitors litre yesterday. Thurinan Martin and Wallae • Joyce, of Win-ton-Salem, spoilt the week end at their respective homes here. Mr.-. Fail Wall and children, of Winston Salem, spent Sunday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie A. Jenkins, of Winston-Salem, paid Paiihury a short visit yesterday. S. P. Christian, of We.-tfield, was 1 i re yesterday eiiroute to Danville, Ya.. on business. A foot washing will be held at ]J".k I but so Primitive Haptist _ -liurch, in Quaker Gap township, next Sunday. The usual large crowds were in attuidanco at the foot-washing at Piney Grove church Sunday. A number of mini.-ters took part in the services. 'OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ° " A I Grand Opening | I CRYSTAL BEACH f | "On the Dan" | S DANBURY, N. C. | |JULY 17=18, 1926 j S | J NOW OPEN FOR SWIMMING | 1 | FREE TO THE PUBLIC | | | S BAND MUSIC, | | ACQUATIC EVENTS, f I FIREWORKS. | I See future issues of The | I Reporter for program. | REVIVAL CLOSED HERE TUESDAY j Seven Additions To the M. K. Church Sunday Morning— I Uev. A. L. Lucas Returns To I i j Sparta. i The series of revival meetings ; which had boon going on here for ten days closed Tuesday night j Pastor J. E. Hipp was assisted in the meetings by Uev. A. L. Lucas of Sparta, who has returned to his home. The services were very much enjoyed hy the church-going people and it is felt hy these that imu.i good was accomplished. At the Sunday morning service ■ seven persons were baptised and I joined the M. E. church, , Majorities In Saturday's Primary Dearmin's majority, 22(5. Dunlap's majority, 49. Francis' majority, 327. Shelton's majority, 260. McGee's majority, 210. Piedmont Springs hotel is enjoy- 1 ing line patronage at this time, i Week end crowds are usually large. ' Week end crowds are unusually , large. j Miss Gladys Herd, of Martins ville, Ya., is the guest of Mrs. Otis 1 Dillion here this week. | Mrs. Jacob Fulton, Jr.. of Wal nut Cove, and guest, Mrs. Wm. Jones, of Si:(Folk. Ya.. spent Wed- 1 1 i nesda.v with Miss l.una Taylor at • ( . Piedmont Springs, I j Walter r.a'key, of l.awsonvill", ( was here today. bringing along a 1 load of fine peaches from his oivii t ; | ; "' L - ! . 1 All farm animals ?•«•••• i - .Is. I", (whets their appetites. -imitates j It he digestie glands and aid.- ;>> pre-J I venting digestive o t'.irki:\i ' Even |»igs nrust have a .-up) !y •' ji .• nio vigorous. ' | N'.iw cotton has a now pest, . •ed the cotton hopper, which his I done much damage in some of t . . » , 1 cotton states. Port tr lately the : i:- ' I sect has not yet begun ravages ■ in North Carolina. ij When treating hogs for cholera, [don't inject the serum and virus iv. i jto the hams, advise veterinarian-. •This often forms abscesses at the j point of injection. BIRTHDAY DINNER FOR N. S. JONES _ I Uelatiws and i*Yirn«ls (Vl«*brat«' i J1 is 71th Anniversary With (iood Dinner, Ktc. Rural Hull, July s.—The children and grand-children of Mir. and MrsJ i N. S. Jones gathered at the home on the fourth whi' • they wm - e ,t Sunday school and spread a beaut i-! ful table on the lawn. While they' were expecting to come home is 1 usual and prepare dinner, to their! surprise when they arrived, the j table was nicely tilled and the faini ly of children and grand-children were all there to greet them. !t was also the celebration of the T Ith 'birthday of Mr. Jones, j After dinner the family all sit around in a family circle and all enjoyed a family conversation for a few hours until a beautiful sliowjr 'came which lasted about thirty minutes, after which the table \v..s spread again and all seemed to en | joy the second occasion as well as the first. Those present were: Mr. a•"d Mrs. W. M. liurrow and family, of Rural Hull; Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Jones and family, of Wal .lit Vvo; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Newsoni and family, of Walioi Cov ; Mr. and Mrs. H. C. .lotie-i and family, rf King; Mr. iuid M• . R. Moser and family, of King; Mr. and Mrs. FrtttiK Edwards and faioilv, of Rural llal.: i ; 1 "Ssllpr new and magical FUEL ot! 'l et > |$ '' ' Jf I' niorc than pick-up. It has the extra power that any uvcr-s/ated tlie magical I RcJ in Color. Packed with rover. Cons jc more— > ' C,!,> '' "Stamford" W* ,- * Gasoline u normal requirements Whet the consistent r>SO is manufactured to meet the J 1 use of Esso gives t>^mr«Umii*« t t 1. All your motor's power —ami no I* Kr motors th-c kr.jck. ?! knocks. -• Tor motors with excessive > 1 2. Greater ; shifting. Hjß 3- For high compression motors. ( 3. Freedom frm of choke —no 4- For which from lo.ig \: crankcr no longer develop full / 4. Quick start — • power, j 5 . Ins,an, „a c, M m*. 6. Speed and pull for the long hard 6. For any motor from which the f demands extra power ) 7. New and longer life to the engine. ~ and performance. ( • | STANDARD OIL COMPANY (N.J.) > THE DANBURY REPORTER LAW'SONVILLE IIAS TERRIFIC STORM Tolmci o Uni'iis Arc UnroolV'l I!y Terrific Wind and Jlh« r Damage Done—Fine ltains and Crops. I A vi i y severe wind ami rain storm '• i-ited tlu' I.awsonville >«■ - tion I>i• t north "f Danbury Monda*' I aft.t'fiio when tin- roofs of three Itoliai ' u barns on the farm of ('lev- I , | j Lawfoi win- Mown oil'. Kran.v I IrfiwcoM lost the top of one to | lmeeo k-ini and it was r-|>ort■«! Uiat i his IV-Monro was damaged by the I high v ml. Corn was blown Hat on tlu l ground hut tol l to was too small to lie in j ured \■ ry much if any. No hai! was reported. Crops are fine. Baptising Sunday At Buck Island On Sunday morning: at the lSuck Island bridge, near Danbury, three person were baptised in Dan river. A large congregation was in attend- I ante. ; Mr. ami Mrs. Ira Watts and Misses I ; l'eulah ■ i!id Nannie Watts, of Wal i nut V ■ After > tijoying the day so nrtu h I!all dep;. •!• •• 1 for their homes, wish ' 1 iag thei many more happy years. :[ OXK I'RKSKNT. I )OIX> E ()\\ N ERS "OCT OF LITK" I _ Na.-h Says Tht re I- No Il« - course As the Law's Against 'J'he in— I'ay S'Jfl—Onlv Appeal Is To tliv Legislature. Kaleigh, July 7. Hodge automo bile owners and dealers aiv "out of luek" in their light against the 57.~>0 i State license increase because the law is against tinm. Assistant At tornev-Ceiii'ral Frank Nash said ( here today. j The North Carolina Automotive Trades, Association, purporting to represent UO.4IMU I lodge owners, ap pealed to the State Highway Com mission yesterday for support in it fight against the in rease, and when I TV • ' the Highway Commission de-lined ;to help, it announ I its purp«>-e to go to the Attorney-General in an 'ilf>rt to get him to reverse a form er opinion approving: the higher charge. Hut Mr. Nash said today that the automobile license law plainly . provides that only motor cars with a horse-power rating" of 21 or less i may be supplied with license tags ( for $12.50, and th> horsepower of the Dodge is admittedly a fraction in excess of 21 •> 'hat the license charge on it mil:' land at s'2n. j The Automotive 111«■ i- • ont« tid ed yesterday that 11 • e\..-- of horsepower was not in-■ • - than ',lm one-thousandths, but Mr. Nash c\- PAGE FIVE >' . . its it « \ irn- 1 !:• . • .1 i >imi)ii--inin r I ••■•ijrf.t . '.ihn ••!•!•!• • 1 the iii rea-ed thai', in !"'i!- to the iir-t rulii.i; the \tlurn y-tieneral, today - • ' another l t'i r iii tii«- Attonn y-t■■ ■ cnil cnllinjr attention to the j>roto«t of 'in li'i'ltrc owners and dealer-. But tin- po.-ition taken l»y Mr. Nash i.- that the !n--t«• -« imi-t In- «!ir > i to tin' I.i'ir.-iuUii'i which made th • law and win I: :t2« r.e .an change ■ Tin State will js • about £1 ."in.iMMI more in li-iir.i from tlx- increase, but Iliirliwa.v '•iiimK-iont r Joh.i Sjirunt Hill, who championed the t|U!M' of the Jif. .1 »• -* ;• nf - V( -I'd ay. declared the State would 10.-t in finitely more in ,'i.e di--at i.-i'ai of thi motor car owner-". I Strawberry jn-' a\ i s who wi.-h know how to control the di-ens ■ k; i a- j-uawberry leaf scor !i may have a co|>,v f technical bul letin 'Js re ently issued by the Kx periment Station a 1 State *"• ■ll* , tffe. WANTED—Young men and women bookkeepers, stenogra phers and salesmen, learn in i few weeks in (he oldest busi ness college in North Carolina's largest city Small fee, easy terms. Board and rooni for boys and girls in the tiormi torv reasonable. 'now A Hivs nrsiNEss COI.LEtiE. ,'!ni2rr.s Winston-Sajlem, N.C,