WEDNESDAY. SEI'T 29. 192:» Fa!! Fertilizer For Cash We will st'il main at the lowest p'-k'e* I'or ca-h osdy. Nothing wiil charged. Savj money by buying for cash. The crop of tobacco wii! he moving by time to sow and credit will be unnecessary, tf PEPPER iiUOS. W'c now havi' :i ioni;i!vi•• line i f cuskots and loiiin.-!. '!!!:!, A. !•'. NKI.SOX !*• SON Pan'mry, N. Route 1. Jbr Econcnicc! V J>. - v" ""' 7 NOTICE. We have been short of cars but will now be able to deliver most any model of Chevrolet wanted. Ask for demonstra tion. f We have some bar gains in used cars. Wilson Motor Co. Authorized Chevrolet IVnleis f..r S'.ok> - bounty. Chevrolet Sales and Service, KING, N. C. tjium: -» -v*r.zv& * i-J-•-*-*»*- s»« DR. H. E. BLACKBURN, Dentist Mercantile Building, next to postotllec. Walnut Cove, - - • N. C. JOHN I). Ill'MPiiltE\S, Attornev- A*-* —v DAMILKY, . W. C. Prompt attent.on to all business Will practice in all State courts. DR. H. G. HARDING Dentist KlNti, - - - c - Office hours: 9 to 12 and 1 to 5 j. w. HALL Attorney-at-Law DANBUUY, - • N. C. Prompt attention to all business. Will practice in all courts. DR. J. L. PEGG, Palmer School Graduate Chiropractor Is permanently located at 202 Postoffke Building, WALNUT COVE, N. C. Consultation Free, Office Hours : 9A.M. to 5 P.M. 1 Other hours by appointment. DR. F. N. roMLINSON Dentist WINSTON-SAI.EM, N. C. Offices: 220-224, Gilmer Building. Hours: 8:30 a. m. to S:OCT p. m. PHONES: Office 1022 , Residence ISSI-J L. W. BLACKWELL ! I'INE HAM,, N. C. EVERYTHING EXCEPT LIFE FIRE—AUTO .>1011! LE Represent ins the Home of N. INSURANCE Which is better to have anil not need it or need it and noi have it ? THEFT—BONDS I Let Me Write Your Wants. Blank Deeds, Blank Deeds In Trust and Blank Chattel Mort- j gaffes For Sale. Deeds 50c per dozen, Deeds; in Trust 50c per dozen, Chattel j Mortgages 25c per dozen. Send us your order. We pay postage on all blanks. DANBURY REPORTER, Danbury, N. C. FOR G?SS .^.l^-Us haarlem oil has beon a world wide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditions. HAARLKW Oil. f S»jy. j*«J correct internal troubles -♦ msm Jm r \ Str.l U' f,ans. Thrc.' ri/#;:. r 'i t . i vim-; s. Ttv Cf'i Li«* LA.,'D KALE i'NDER DEED Oh TRCST. By \irtue of the power of sale ci i.iiiiued in a deed of tvust, bearing dale of August Hi. 1925, recorded in the oili • of tiie Register of Deeds c Stokes county, in book No. 72, page executed by Walter Martin and his wife, Iletti.' Martin, to the undersigned 15. E. Rogers, trustee, to secur. the payment of a debt of $50.00 and interest due to Andrew N'uiin, and default having been made in the payment of said debt and the same being du and unpaid, and request hav ing been made upon me by the owner of said debt for that purpose, I will under the tern's of saM deed of trust and in accordance with the stipula tions and conditions therein contained, on— SATI'RDA V. OCT. 2.rd. 702'*. at tiie com t h> door in t!v I 'wn ' i' Danbury. N. ('., at t'vj | hour of one o'clock p. m., •:! • at pt'.bli-* aiii i ion •' ■ land-s o>i. veyed in said de lin trust 'which are dc.-cribi foilo', . • 11-i : A i". iu t.'.i- hi! I !y:.' ; and I), ing in - c>iu' : aforesaid, and moiv particular ly described and d ine I as foi. lows: 1! iiig lot No. 1 i'l ti'.' di\ ision i f the lai; s of W. 1). Martin, deceased, allotted .Walter Martin, a.; appears of record in the rMLv of the P.e/- i.-ur of Deeds of S.'ckes county ni hook 1-'. pages :'O2-.'»05, in ;elusive to which reference is 1 hereunto made, bounded a; fel- I lows: Beginning at a hickory in Priddy's line on the w >st 'bank of Little Peters Creek, 1 running south degs. west 10 ichains to bunch of alders, then !co cast crossing said creek 19 ;! | 1 'chains to a persimmon bush in j JR. J. Martin's line, thence N.! j;> degs. east on Dower line 10 ! chains to a dogwood in Prid-i jdy's line, thence north 87 degs.; | west 19 ;! | chains to the begin-; jning, containing 10.2 acres, j more or less. This Sept. 14th, 1020. R. E. ROGERS. Trustee.' J. I). Humphreys, Atty. ! NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND. Pursuant to the provisions of deed of trust duly recorded Jin the Register of Deeds office of Stokes county in Book 71, page .">7O, executed on Jaiuiar ,* 21, 1021, by Hubert F. West- 1 moreland and wife, Lillian 15.! I Westmoreland, to the under-' ; signed Trustee, default been made in the conditions ni ■said deed of trust, we will sell |at public auction at the court; |house do>r in Danbury, X. jfor cash on - ' SATURDAY. OCT. 1(1. 1«>28, jat twelve o'clock noon the i lowing described property: Adjoining the lands of \V. A. [Sullivan and others, hounded and described as follows: j Beginning on an iron stake in E. F. Spainhotir's northeast corner, runs south •'»() deg. west j 2.lit) chains to a stone in road,] thence north 27 .''>-1 deg. west 1 4.1)1 chains to a stone; thencj | north .10 deg. east 2.2(» chains Ito a stone: thence south 30 deg. least to beginning, containing I one acre. See Book GB, page 101. This the 9th day of Septem ber, 1926. WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST COMPANY, Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE !!•' REAL EST \TP. I N!;!•:!{ DEED OP i ST. P> vie l i!e f ! !i«' power of :au eouiniii i in a • ii-»-. 1 of 'rust ;-\e ut I I-; A. .). 15rown and I)(>• ivie i'rnw.i, Id-, wife ■ t 1.1" Oil t; e I !> I: : of Aug; ■!. 102!. which h n ■■it I i:i th oliice "1 the Register ' l>e'. of Stokes cm unty, N. in bo 72. page 12'!, t. -oi ere the par - ment of a cei-i in . iof ni'ce t herein recited to ; :e Rank *• i" Si '!:es 1'• de!'aidt ha'-'imr been mad': in the payment of t'ie note at mater \ and t!•■■ ho!d r havinj; I ;•..* ire folo-;e the d» • ! ut tru t for the satisfaction of t'v debt, will expose to p. '.lie side, to t! • hit'he«t biddel for e.i 't :.t the 'eouithouse door in lie t««wn of Danbury, N. C., oil— SATI RDAV. OCT. .10. 1 i»2«". j'.t the hour of 1 o'clock, P. M., the lands conveyed in the deed f trest to-wit: i | I'ejrinning at the mouth of pipe branch, near the ford of the mountain creek, runs an .eastward direction up said '.-reek as it meanders 22 chain-* I oooooooooooooooooooooo'~>c>oooooc>ooooo 'I $ « IF YOU WANT A j I $50.00 KNOCK ! 0 c $ c A _ /\ { A \ "T 7 * *"»•" &•*-', 5 I, \ w-jr •."v. tv '"" v. T 1 ABO U 1 FOK li S I s XT* 1 4-1 ;; so market vour tobac- £ 0 - 0 0 0 co in we have it. You \ 0 c o will damage your good J | car more than the price \ |of a plug Ford. | ! WALNUT COVE MOTOR CO, Inc. f 0 SALES —LINCOLN - 3QSR V) - FBROSfIH —SERVICE | £ Walnut Cove, N. C. % 1 8 »oooooooooooooooooooc>ooooooo 000000 oo MALT FOR SALE CRUSHED BARLEY MALT,' | j One Hundred Pounds s;>.oo Hop Flavored Malt Syrup, £5.75 per dozen cans.. AMERICAN MALT CO., K).jn2ot Albermarle, N.C. BABY CHICKS FOR S \ E, Purebred En -1 'i linrmi strai'i White I.oirhiirii I».»'•>* t hicks, Ss.7"> I hundred postpaid. ISt'own l.enhoriis, S!0 hundred. Anconns, Sherr-;"d strain, best layers, Sit hundred. lthode Island Heds sn hundred. Plymouth Rocks, ?t1..">0 hundred. White Hocks, St.'l hundred. I All pood healthy strong purebred ! t!|icks guaranteed. We pay post age charges and guarantee live do livery. Take a statement from your post master. If any dead, we will replace them. THE DIXIE HATCHERY, 18auc10ws Tabor, N. C. FOR RENT—64-acre farm near Pine Hall. N. C. J. D. HUMPHREYS, Danbury, N. C., THE DANBt'RY REPORTER 1 o -I ni. • - 1 *'i\v I'l-wn ; 1 ■. ■ ro t(ii i a north 7cu gs E. with s. ad as h •- • (' cliaii '■ a > • • d, t he : in rih iv 1 ' 1-2 chain- Id pcif i.n Iho bail!; i l' l • mid, t : , pi it! !■ i;."> (it--.- \\ it h i :ii! ti .'!-i i iiai •> - > hunch !«'■)•: imnum -pj'nui - ! honeo i -*h 20 i-. i".. •"> I- 1 chains t pine, tlu'tii i- >o (!i ■ k. U '■ ' •.• ii»i ; to ;;-«»i:, ; /'ark •' ' i li• i", t!■.i w • • on l>i- ' !•; . a ' ' oiy, lh« ■ south !i 1-i ;i -. 1) a I.!.- m, !h i: i' i ! 2 chains; ' a hrau:°h, tl'ei. t! ;\vii c ran.-'i nm-lii •"» !« ■- • we-1 5 jo rii >k in s.i!l branch. >ue north dc; west !' -ai l I,ranch > 1-2 chf.tns lilt.' mountain nvek, thence i i said creek as it m- - anders iMi •'!•"> degs. west 2i chains i> a hend in said cr«'k thence !th 20 (legs. west u.t said ci'iv!; to the beginning, li) 1-2 : -tins, containing 8:5 i , acres, .re or less. The a'-iove land, lyiiiK and being in Quaker (ia - .- townshi i. Stokes county, X. ('. This nt. 21th, Hl2>. '. \y. HALF.. Trust!?.?. "WANTED—I.ivK energetic mao (with car) to represent The Winston-Salem .lourn;:l iu te'-ilory surrounding Oanbury. particulars address C'IIAS. i.. \DKIi. Circulation Manav. •' V. • •toii'Salem ,lour>iu!. Win ••i ir-'-'alem, N, ('. 1" Mtricn. ,: i :lie duly i i 1 a- i > i:ti .*•; a t rxcfutui- of .I' ll i S. lv I'u'iliani. ami, all r r n owing: his ( ."• do are r |i: t>»l to make im • i ,i -Mate settlement, and all per-ons h '''Hup claims against his estate ari' hereby untitled to present same duly authenticated for payment the undersigned on or before the 10th day of Sept., li*27, or this no tiie wit! be pleaded in bar of tr.eit recovery. King, X. 0., Sept. 8, T.'2t>. MRS. STACIE V. PULLIAM, Extrw i and LESTER PULUAM, Exr. of John S. I>. Pulliam, dee'd J. D. Humphreys, Atty. Ws: : n:no «'• r;-x-. u.k o: ?M;A?. : •. A •;. ' . - --I O. I* of - il; J- ( ■ . • • 1 • .J. (I , ■ •ha . ;■ , r \ , N'Mirno:. j■' • • r-: . i 1 ■ \' : • ->7 lit • s proi :: • - ' ! * iif>A\ . . ]•»;:• i v 1 I o'ci- i-oiisc i [. i i lVti.ii iry, X. (' !to Jhe highest hi -r i' u* i a-■ thai el'lai-i lr .." ;.n: 1 ly > and being i; • ker ire. ■ ■■•.. . .-•hiii, I-'li'ac.' • i-." ty, Xor . . Carolina, tiHj»•»-fn:' tlu !; ( j \\\ L. Hall. J. (i. I'.rds'ia-.v n: others and more partiiular!, t desi i-ihr ! as follows, to-wit: ■J inning at a ciicumh r tr • W. L. Hall's corner, run* S. 8 'degs. cast 2.« iT chains to a pint i, \V. 1.. liall's cormr; thence 81 degs. east. -.-hains to ■ stone; thence X. o ilegs. ! minutes ea ■, 2.'.!» cliains to pine; thence with the road 12.2 ( chains in a souihv-ns'.i-rly diroi b tion to the ford nf a cr-vk of said i reek, :t •' $ r«-ition 12.33 i-iia:-;.- t » a i.oil | tree, Braclshawjs cort r: : . 0 i. n . it' ... 0 ' : : ! •• » ■ o• ' " 6 i ; ■ ... i ■ 0 .. ... . 0 0' : ' ' Q i 11 • . t 0 ' ' • , ,v ' 0 a •»i .' ;i; j . ; • ) .' J h ■ 5 .li-matio i - f the H :■ ) 'l i'is S'l (!; i.. ,--'i I." .. 1J '. ? J. vi. r,K \I)SH \W. A. :• . l\ of J. E. Simmons, di ? Nf/ncK (»?•' s.M.i. or in: a ) kst.\t: i n i)i:ic !>kk!? i ) TKI'ST. y !>V \'l ' Oi tI •' p. >\ ,t ; } -a'" 1 comained i:i ;i d S ar.d S. I». Lluville hi- \\ it' / lime on .~»tii day >f .]• ii\ S 192!. villi : is recordc-i r lit i> oflice of ', c ilegiV-ter of I> ■ of Stokes County, X. C. i . 1 > y 72, pa;re lift, to secure 11:« pt > mem of a certain sum ? money therein recited to Th \ Hank of Stokes County, d b fault havinjr been made in ;' r payment of the note at niatu. ) ity and the holder having ai ) plied to me to foreclose th ? deed of trust for the satisfa y lion of the debt, I will expos > to piiljlie sale, to the highi - "(bidder for cash, on the pivn ;ises in the town of Walir Cove, X. C. on— . SATI HP \Y, OCT. Kith. l'Hlt . :ii the li.-mi' of 2 o'clock p. it the land, conveyed in tin- dec 1 of trust to-wit: •| Lots Xos. 17 and 18 of t! • A"-vie Ih'visi • i I-'.I'M I- A!'. ' ■ SC- •! :> ju r plat F. • • . sun r : . p . 1 Ut U. .' Stokes i '■ " s ' ei i .1 h Vx 1 72, ; This Sept. 11th, l!'»2f> J. W. 1T A 1.1 Tr N«: l it K. 11-.' in r dn!.\ -i. ' •! ;i :i. • tratiir ol' the «.-»ate nf' r .V ' ' l'e,V!l"ld*i. lie ea.-iil. ;; 11 is-r-.-; - ov; ■ iiiji his estate are rerun-lid to nia'% •' prompt settlement and, all per sons holding' claims against hi • * into are luivby notified to pivr-e'i - th" same duly authenticated, to th i undersigned for payment on or !>• J'lire the 22nd dav of Sept., 11'llT. o I : this. notice will he pleaded in ba . (>f their recovery. Madison, X. C r 11. :t, Sept. 22, 102»?. T. G. REYNOLDS, Admr. of Walter M. Reynolds, deci PAGE SEVEN si-:r.u "• :!K i .•( ■••• :••• ! ... -i \\. { »!• r ■ »!? ; .»-n I w . • ; N. . !)•■• PKACNKS. '■l '! iI ■ -!l i I !', ,|i ll . •• -'.•*' l I :• IJ:.- 1 . ! ( rat". M-nh [>,, it i'. i* ■ i i {. No'V . aitfl .■: ens'. l' Buy -I "ate I'wr \■ •r Sinn nine !'0 .!• '• •• f. • -y prio . t»s— ■.i:i.■;; • >k k ■ (.13 iilu'iirt i ,ii H,, .\t. , 1.1 l •1, ■' r_- 1.1. » t Nolict* To * -V , • ( ar'ilina, • ' ■ County. I?' ti; - Slips i . C Order Cur i'ublioation of Noti-.o i' Town >f Walnut Cove v.-. !y Miss Ruth Wiiosi. ais. i:i 'he ab ve en!iti-.'il aitio.'i it at l > ;»i*lr.*r to t! ■ com t tij "ii ailidavit '*|.i]. that M>- Uu 4 'i e » Wilson, Miss Alice Wilson, K. Sl r. WiL-ai!. ['. Tl. W;|...;i. - !'. li Wilson. Mis.- A > s 11. ''' J. li. Wilson I>r. William \Yi ! - il i son. Mrs. Ellon .J armwife -'Spencer James, a::-' Spi h. -• r "; James and Samuel 11. Wil- ". '■'' defendants in this cans. , ar-i •'j* 1 non-re.-i,out s of this S'at. a*:«'l'i- a!!' !' due i';li;.'( bo : . I'd 'i. r. in. and ear;! 1 !»•? p. - na", - h -it i -1f * „ ■ • > , • { . \ ■ i !i•(. niiu ■ V i i•'t ' ' T " ■ | . ]>', * »T i . . !•••■' i' ' . ■ \ • '• ; I'll* t 1 Jin : • i 5. tnev fail to appear and . . • r 'or demur t • said p ii io ■ c 1 y 1 In- 1 h day of " 1 O'Jd. ih" dem;> : 'i {he petitio!i will !»e - r rant. ; 'j This Sept. 13th, 1928. I A. J. FAiiC. y I Clerk Superior Court. Ie i , 1.1 . - \OTKT: or S\I,K OF UF.M. FM'ATK. Isy virtue "I tin 4 * v i' •! "t .-ah; contained in a •!> . of H' t rest executed t> nn i.> 1 . l-'iilk and wife. Kl.'xai cth V .said deed ill in:-' i:>: * 'alO .'-'nl - Ffl'i'iar.\ 1. !'• -I. «ii«i iv- corde! in > ::Kof th UejJ> li iliT ni' Peed.- ct" S'olieS C'>ll.!« t\. N ('.. in I took papv •"» 1". , I will ollVr f«>r salt* to t :u* 1 iirh - est liiddor for cash to sati.-fv • four notes secured by said deed '!' trust, in w!:ie': d. fault lias been made as ' o the ii»i« r ->1 or t>. any part of the principal, ■ r sATi unAV. ocr. ?»rn. iv:«; ••! at tlio li»■'»:• of "J: '• i' M„ til" 1 conrt li ■ ' v r P. • « hury. C. t!..> f r '.v'njr • r '■ ' v • > ' y • ' i » 1 ' • » S » '•! • v .i» ' i ■ ■ to a !» : • ! »!th ice N. 62 d •• ; :U."> chs. io a .cake. tlii v . ■ ■ . • - I lack in- ! . 1 * . " : 12 ' ■ i'.'jn, K. 2.7.') to Spair.-li oak, tlier.i o v -i f. Tlint- on M. - »• Kinney's a >1 1»> !«• s 'i:i- '. clis. to a .- tone, Riser's en:i 1 , thence S. with Riser's 'inc. •>t l ii . to a ro k pile, theacii lie K. with the top of the mountain "• If. "o oh*. to a pine, t'vnce I\. oi- 1• j chs. t i tl.f Scirinni; 1 ; , can taining i>5.06 acrfs, more or M M SS. This Si i> 4 . 7. i'. li'). ' J F. HAP. i .PvOVr. J. | Trustee.