Volume 54 DEMOBRATIC MAJORITIES IN THE STATE ARE INCREASED j State Ticket and Senator Overman May Receive. Majorities Exceeding 100,000-Democrats Ap-j pear To Have Elected Congressmen In Every District Of State. Charlotte. Nov. 2.—With report# scattering ut best ami with aetual returns received from only approxi mately one-third of the state. North Hurolina today on the face of avail able returns apparently pave the Democratic state ticket and United States Senator Iwc S. Overman a majority in excess of 100,000 in the Ifeneral elections of today. At least nine of the state's ten Democratic congressmen were re elected. The early returns also indicated approval of the referendum measure providing a $2,000,000 bond issue for i» loan fund from which world war veterans may borrow to build homes, and the constitutional amendment providing for the state election board to declare election returns. TOBACCO IS MOVING RAPIDLY Some Farmers Have Sold F.n tiiv Crop and It Is Estimated That Nearly Half >f Hu> Weed In Stokes Has Been Marketed. Alex lingers was here Monday euroute to his hmnc in Peters Creek township and stated C at he had jusi finished selling his rop of tobacco, something over ten t ousand pounds being produced on his farm this year. Asked as to what per cent of the crop had been sold in his section Mr. Rogers stated that h" believed the farmers had less than half of the crop on hand now. Nearly all of them have sold some tobacco while a numhci of farmers including himself had fin ished selling. Good Progress Being- Made On Stokes Road The contractor started pouring concrete last week at the corporate limits of Walnut Cove for the hard surface road between Walnut Cove and Madison. The Madison end of this road is already completed as ,far as Dan river and only that sec tion between Walnut Cove and the river is to pour. The concrete bridge across the river was finished two weeks since, and the entire road will likely be finished by Christmas. Official Vote of Stokes County, November 2, 1926 — k Reg. Deeds! I Sheriff. County_Commissioner fl . solicitor. Senate~ Hou,e. . Clerk. i_ ■ , « 6• M . oS « o' « • ® *t a | ® Oi * * I ac; os a°*q•°! ! c 1 B f a -2 - § "8 II? a § • -3 2 JB V * 1111 - §M§ I 1 ? 11l ? J3 | I 5 >■ 3 3f 5? o I 2 £ £ II £ | > » PRECINCTS. | | J | jj J 1 I 1 I «1 h H ; "J_ J DANBURV 1? {IS 27 lit ||» « » 111 l S ll*B |S | >| *g '£ 1 'lt *8 HARTMAN ,£ 102 166 115 163 116 "0 115 IK lg I# , 12 g 6 24 92 89 94 22 18 i^ ?ine h hall *j » |? It St » « » ,g ,£i >« » t « «• ig » j« «» m {g |m }« «« is z»lg 15 las ra % ias s:g u>sg f 6 « |JS 177 i£ >63 I|7 166 »91 156 209 1« g> «• I & 99 165 [ ,66 2.1 234 .76 KING 142 224 169 228 160 224 168 201 n 25 gg 4, 64 18 |l2, 42 90 9( oo PINNACLE 17 si 27 86 23 90 -8 77 |o , w 103 18 84 87 88 210 414 .00 MIZPAH 83 ! 189 87 214 1 90 1 211 187 211 *j gg | 5( . g .83, 84 5. B. .n »I £ £I£I «■ » « g ™ »,2,£, &™ i« i» •«$ : »« t» f m r 4 ns ,-::—:zz:i»• . I'£ j ffi I l Si ; & Im |«• 2,7 ,m,>« ,« .« g ; "02 -« iOTSPBS* :: := }g ,£ ift l >£ \« .8 ft g g .g ;g « g ft \£ % | « fj w.^n^s y sxore. \|B {£ .'S :t£ &•« >f s '£ I JS Bnl I « 20 «mm us MOUNTAIN i°__ U l_ U - - - 2184 2452 2328 :'l '2 2090 2050 2190 [2602 2'>4'> 2604 ■ 2142 2517 '2268 2628 ' L>246 2613 r *- c. C. Campbell Loses Four Barns Tobacco \ V. Campbell, of rotors 'rook township, suffered a heavy loss Mon day night whon ono of his tohuooo hums in which four barns of leuf tobacco had boon paokod was burn oil. No tiro hud boon about tho barn and it is suspootod that it was sot on tiro. SNOW DEFEATED FOR STATE SENATE Surry Gives Him 25)7 Majority But {Stokes Overcomes This With 267 Majority For Mn guire. Attorney O. K. Snow, of Pilot Mountain, Democratic oandidato for tho Stuto Senate front Stokes and Surry counties, was defeated luos da.v by a majority of only sevont .• votes. Mr. Snow's homo county gave him a majority "f 2'.»7 votes, but Stoke.- piled up a majority of tin. against him, according to tho official count in the two counties, and his oppon ent. S. ». Maguire, is elected. Hallowe'en Party Hero Monday NijHit A crowd that tilled I (anbury's now school building auditorium attended it Hallowe'en party here Mondav night. A great many of those in attendance were dressed in fancy costumes and those in attendance appeared to enjoy the evening im mensely. A box supper, in which boxes of good things to eat were sold at auction was held and a nice little sum was realized front this for the school's treasury. Stokes Men Chosen Federal Court Jurors Jurors have just been drawn to serve in Federal court at both Win ston-Salem and Greensboro during the month of December. Three Stokes citizens were drawn for jury duty, as follows: J. H. Baker and W. G. Meadows, of Gcrmanton Route 1, and Elbert Rhodes, of Beaver Island township. Subscribe for the Reporter Danburv, N. C., Wednesday, Nov.i9-6 AUTO DEATH TOLL AMOUNTS TO 232 Automobile Fatalities ami Ser ious Accidents in The South and North Carolina Continue Unabated. Traffic took a totl of 2:12 dead and DIM injured persons in the 11 Southern states during the month of October. Purine the past week 72 persons were kille.i and :Ul> injured. In Soith Carolina t» were killed and 21 injured, reported hut there were perhaps a great number of accidents that never found their way to the public press. Music Club Meets. Written for The Reporter. The St. Cecelia Music Club met with Miss Nancy l.ee Dunlap on Wenesday evening, Oct. 2»lth. The Gorman Composer Handel was studied at this meeting with the following program: Club Song My club. Reading Life of Handel—Nancy l.ee Dunlap. Music notes -Frances Humphreys. Yocul duet—Miriam Hall and Nancy I«eo Dunlap. Reading. Handel's Musical Works, Myrtle I'riddy. (juarttto. Dla Campbell. I7fiv.;i lieth Martin. Francis Martin and Clifford King. Mm ic.tl Jokes—Mrs. B. !>• Het*ry. Duel Ellen I'rather Hall and K.~telle Humphreys. Vocal Solo Miriam Hall. He. Ration Clifford King, j'imo Solo, "t >bl Time Favorites." Ola ampltell, Elizabeth Martin, Mary Gentry, Miriam Hall, Myrtle I'riddy and Nancy l.ee Dunlap. Piano Solo Mrs. J. \\. Hall. Reading Miriam Hall. Song. "l.argo, by llnudel," —elub. The ilull heat'. welcomed F.d Taylor as a new member. During an informal social hour, It novelty contest was engaged in. Miss K.li/iibeth Martin and F.ilwin Taylor, each winning a prize. The hostess, assisted by M-ss Myrtle I'riddy and Mrs. B. D. Gen try, • rved a dainty salad course. The club adjourned to meet witb Miss Kiizabeth Martin November 12. Honor Roll For Academy School The following is the honor roll for the Academy school near I.aw lonville: Eighth grade—Gladys Ray. Sixth grade—Amah Bryant. Fifth grade—Helen Tucker. MRS. W. B. MOORE. Teacher. KING POPULATION IS GROWING Number of New Citizens Ar rived I'sist Week—Little (tirl Bitten By Madtlng Copper Still Found. King, Nov. 1. Mr. and Mrs. b. K. Pulliam, of 11 »»rh Point, spent Sunday with relatives here. I The following births were regis ' tereil here last week: Mr. and Mrs. Krnest S|»tinkle, a son, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. t'ook, a daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith, a son, Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Kirhy, a daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Coy Nanee, a son. j (). L Itains, is erecting a new store building on Kuilroad Street to take rare of his increasing produce business. I Mrs. A. F. Collins has returned from the Twin City hospital at Win ston-Salem, where she underwent an operation last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hutehins, of Winston-Sulem, spent Sunday with relatives and friends here. T. F. Newsum, who resides here, and owns it farm one mile south of here, found a twenty-Kalian eopper still on his farm last Friday. The still was brouKht here and turned over to deputy sheriff, A. 1.. H'tll. The still was not set up ready for use hut had apparently been hid in a thicket. Omar Pulliam. of Winston Salem, spent Sunday with relatives and friends here. Johnny Newsum, of Mount Airy, spent Sunday with relatives here, p. O. Hutehins, of Winston-Salem, wtts among the visitors here Nun day. ,1. M Alley ha> pur. hased front C. o, lloyles his home on west Main street. F.dwin Clark went to Winston- Salem on ti business trip today. James lloyles returned from th • tiilutdeo market tit V.Lmttun-Sutton today, lie states that there is the most tohaeeo on the nfarket that It* has siM'ii for u low? linu\ S. W. Pulliam returned to his home here today from Washington, where he aeeontpanieil his wife, who underwent an operation in the hpis copal last Thursday for her eyes. He states that Mrs. Pulliam is get tiiiK alonK as well as could he ex pected. Franeis, the small duughter of Mr and Mrs. F.lmer Hauser, was bitten by a small poodle dog,, belonging to Dr. K. M. C.riffln Saturday night The canine was killed and its hea! sent to Kuleigh for examination. A telegram was received today stat ing the dog had rabies. The chip: will start taking the pasteur treat jnent at once. REPUBLICANS ELECT ALL COUNTY OFFICERS FXCEPT REGISTER DEEDS Average Republican Majority Is Increased Over Two Years Ago—Heaviest Vote In History ot County Is Polled -Election Officials Met Here Thursday To Canvass \ ote. Amendments Are Defeated In Stokes Thf two amendments to the con stitution voted upon in the election Tuesday were defeated in Stokes hy small majorities, the one in regard to regulation of elections being de feated h.v only 2rt votes. The one authorizing the loaning of money to ex-soldiers lost out hy ll. r >. HAYES DEFEATED OVERMAN HY 470 Six Years Ago A. I'«. Holton Defeated Overman lit Stokes By A Majority of 085. Official returns here Tuesdu;, showed that Senator Overman was defeated in Stokes hy his opponent, Johnson .1. Hayes, hy 170 majority. Six years ago Senator Overman was defeated in Stokes hy his oppon ent. A. K. Helton, hy P7O majority. ; which indicates that Senator Over man i> hemming more popular in Stokes a- the years go hy. More New Arrivals In Stokes This Week Twit gills were horn unto Mi ami Mrs. tophus Jones, of 1-awson villi', this week. This is the set-on i time the couple have been presented with twins, the others, hoth girl.-, are two years old now. Mr. and Mrs. Ilassel Tilley. of Uawsonville. have a line new girl. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Nelson, of Peters t'leek, also have a nice new girl. Madison Attempting* To Get Electric Power Madison, Nov. I. If The South ern Power Company does not run its lines into Madison it will not he the town'* fault. At a mass meeting of citizens here Friday night a commit tee was appointed to confer with the power company and empowered to meet any reasonable requests the company might make. Stoncville is also interested in getting power front the same company. Subscribe for The Reporter and get the Southern Planter 1 year free. No. 2,842 I In the election Tuesday the Re ! publicans won all of tl«' county of tici's in Stokes except Register of Deeds, ami the Kepubliean majority ,vvas inereaseii over two yours ago Jiy vonsiiiorahly more than a hund red votes. For instance, two years ago the Republican majority for ' Governor was lU2, while this year the Republican majority for solici tor was MO, making a gain of DM . votes. John Taylor. Democrat, was elect ed Register of Deeds by a majority of :t2, while A. J. Kagg. was elected t'lerk of the Court by 482. J. Frank Dunlap, Republican, had a majority for Sheriff of 184. The majorities of the three Republican county com missioners ranged around 400. t on gressman Stedmun was defeated by :$?5 in the county. The varying ma jorities indicates much "scratching by both parties. On this page w 11 be found the nilirial vote as cast in Stokes att I tabulated by the county Board of Flections Tuesday. CONCERT AT WESTFIEUI) NOV. (> tiiiiU'oril College (llff 11« * > NV ill ltemler Kntertaining Pro grain In High School Audi torium. On Sat unlay night of this week, Nov. Hth. at 7: lf», th. Guilford Col lege Glee Club will give a concert in the auditorium of the Westlield high school building. The program will consist of solos, nuartettes, stunts, jokes, etc., and an evening of amusement and pleasure is promised all who attend. A small admission fee of 2- r > and 3.1 cents will be charged, which will go for the bene lit of the Westtteld school, and all are urged to attend Records secured by dairy exten sion specialists show that about five million dollars is being paid annual ly to farmers of North Carolina foi their milk products. This include! the milk supplied to the nine largi cities, the hutterfat supplied to I! creameries and the milk converte. into cheese in the mountains. Subscribe for the Reporter

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