PAGE SIX P'.tervst in poultry jjn>win.r h:»s Jul to tlu- orpush-ation nf several flinty poultry association.- i;i North C aro'iaa this year. Sw.r :he t>!11 r t»i a r:■ J". a : .;ilire u> ' -tart. I V'TW C or S\l V. Or IthA! EST v\ K. L . fl i\ ' t it ('I I I'lV I'l It.' S e- i ' i>t Si ike- 11>iu; 1 . \ . t !'t :: Inv i • tho 27! ; . > (K ! . 1 Oil 1. in t lu 1 Specall 1' .. ontnli : "Mr.*, i . \ enable. admir.N'ratrix . S Vo.ablo. and Mr.-. !••• \'et::i' io in hor i::div i.'. • i... . a >:i• • v. aga -t S. ii. V . a l ' i others." 1 wr! •!! : ,» «»i the promises in S k - e«H!!:i v, at public allot ,; i highest bidder f->r east). t ! 1 - SATI'KDA Y. DKl'. 11th. 102« i. 'iif hour 'f 11 o'clock, a. in., t e following traet of land in (J.iakor (i;»p township. Stokes e inty. N. being tho same trait of land convoyed l>y '/. T, Smith ami wife to S. Von a i' i ■ deed recorded in tl.e i • ■ the lies or ot 1 lit d* i'i 'ke- ('ountv. N. 1 in 1 >ok N . >'J, oau'* 1", describe. t w : '! >t „' n;:! . ..' a pos* n\ -• ,;'ip o:i Hi.' tvirth side >f tile « - o.r. e. . • . . •::«• T:l!ey lino, riim.itu? •. • i" 11. y line. I l-l 1 *'' • * 1;t • •• > ? *' •,, - .• 12 1-2 el,a:; - •.. a . nor h on said k::-. : ■ :-2 to a - .r . . K ii ■. v.. -t .. his 1 ' eh.-. a d.-jr.V' ■i. N i'i . 1 ' '-1 eI: >. to a .-' ak. •, \ i": .. . I i:e* • o '.. .' Ii t ii.- . reel: 1 i with ti • • I*, ok »' ii..-. ' .. V.i :• >ak titVip. (Vorge' . uest ■ line, fall live 2o ei t> .- a . i r.eai a -".a. 11 -' n• 111 i III!' . t »»* • 1 ' ' 1 « ' •. . - •1. ■ a*» i• • I a ' ■ 1 and i' will 1., sol 1 1 - in'--'. 'he > reek - '. • . : .ir ii:.'' ... : •n ' ■ ''' ' : •.-,U' .d t he. liiW i! i Ot ' p'\. • 1: o i, w r . f Mr-. Korsie V enable covers a sntall i . ia 'd. t : ■ : • t" a- • - of .-am.*, '• iia ilo land, coi> 'a. . ■' •• ral'ie i nantit. •••' '■ Idch i- very . • '■ ■ land also ha - "ti -am.. a • r ' • and ot hor huild ings. A.i.. jnrson desiring p■■ - a I farm, u ill do v - '•» S'.i!• '.'t tnosa e. Iha 'an • is ha i oiac.- * land. V- ■ ,v. . i: h. 102 i;. :: .v ivkxaijlk. v . ini:.. ' S. I'. Venahle. V ' • 1 1- e . At'l or Adm x NOTK'K O! K\l]( I TIO.N S \!.K. N- r i: Car..lna, St ikos County. In tho Superior Court. T. S. Burrow against E. S. Kdwards. P.y virtue of an execution di rected to the undersigned from the Superior court of Stokes county in the above entitled action, I will on— MONDAY, JAN. .1RI), 1927. at the hour of 1 o'clock, P. M.. at the court house door of said county, sell to the highest bid der, for cash, to satisfy said execution, all the right, title, and interest which the said E. S. Edwards, defendant, has in the following described real estate, to-wit: 23 acres, ad joining the lands of Ed Burrow, E. S. Edwards, Robert, James and William Edwards. This Dec. 6th, 1926. J. FRANK DUNLAP, Sheriff, NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE I NDKR DEED IN Till'ST. I'y virtue of the power of sale contained ni a deed in t i'llst eV'Clll'.'d (o !lli> c.l til;' 2'y ii ia,. i f May, IP2-'!. !iy .1. M. Leu is «i!. j u ifo, v. hich is ■ in toe lilio,- '-i •i' Kij,ii 1 i ; !>e» > i>i S; a. - \iiily. X. t . in hook \ 1 i-. page In I, in \ lii 1 p.','- i. '' »i debt ;. viv: '1 !'; - i ii' in t!:t• >i;ni •■ i s IS'li'.'in, 1 • ' l.i I »si i:k i'l Stokes ( u;\, v i:iv h ivtYivinv lien Ira ;. . default !ia\ vg i -I'M made i" tin- pa;. :. • ■ 111 o| .!t• •■' ai nwitirit >. an.l ;iit !. u;« " theivol having appiie.j 11» : 1 to tolVcloSe I: I' trust. ' u ill e\pose to public sail-, he highest bidder for ca>h a! ihr court house tloor in Dan bury. N mi THI'KSDAY. DEC. -JOth. at thi' hoar of 11 o'clock. a, ni., tin' land conveyed in thr •rust deed, to wit: 'T>eginning at a stake, west ide of Walnut Cove-Winston Salem r> ail. runs west with cross street. 100 f t .ot to a stake, theme south 100 feet •,> -lake, thellre eat 100 feet i C"\'e - Winstoi'.-Salem r> >a.!. ih. I.i e ii. : h along said road. to hcginni• >_r.being known a • t !:.• Wilder i ' and di\ is: ■, ■•i i■ >■ No. ii | in ii'.f plant ol il.- N'illiiL" *• t Siui\t•• iiiirji*. a• 1 i , - i .■ i. aiv >*i i; 41«* I at • •1. i:. l i. ii i ; a »iv !i• ,s .iSt •. The buildings on said i it av. >' ; • I hni! ii.cs. ai i an\ p-i i dc-irii;ir p.rii:a». \a!iial !e pr •p. rt . . v. ill d" w. i '• 1 a 1 ■ -air. 'i': i t i;.- 'J. I n i ay of N'i \ 1 N 1 '• I'KTKKK. T us't,-. Hi:- v \i i >i ini: \r.wsi *»i i. \\J ». ' I b'. \ i i't i' .(• order ot the superior louri foi cl*-r nth a ' ■ • "Uurai I ii.i I>ai , Ti i ..-all T Wall a! 1. I'.. Wall." author ie.ra" . v. v 1! i>'!) W . DI « . lllh. U»Jii, ■i 1 Jn\ link l\ M. " ' • i..-ar king >' •• -■ ' ■ thi- I ighes; hidiU :• on terms ot one-third cash, anil '• ■ Mail. .«■!• .i! . two tiiret • ill . •!' . • '■ . i; In »i«l ain! • '''l "* •d - ri:; for tin- - ■* n v ; • 1 * arid inifrr>?. I i' . .• . ! t - «. •- i- i - a• ■: (.••:!!/ in "l adk.; township, Stoki-s county. I " -'i i.; . ■ a.! .i n ■ j.'! K i Wh;ti-*> • • '!"!•• rin \ ' i'.uiti i .'•".id. a d n;i.~ >nutii dfjrrees lo.:,o rhaii:.- to a stone in i '.to: theiii-i' south L'l di'jrree-> •a-' i.1.'l chains to an iron s'akr ill sa: ! road the ford of ' ron ■ : run cn-ck: t hem e wit h ihe ni an iors of said creek S. i I ii v' minu:> > w« ~t ij.ilj chains to the center of t rei ; i.i rt h i> I a t'.aple. (od New.-om"- »rner: thence south li> deir. • •ast li'.mi cliains to an iron staki . • hence I'orth S(! iletr. • »-' Hi I .n.ite> wot 04.110 chains io a ■»' ne mi tin southeast cor ner of (ialatia .vrraveyard lot: " nortii 1 di-jjices 12 inin. >•:: t I chain- I" the northeast • '' i:er i f said jrravi'yai'd lot : 'in .ii' i.' i'th -(> dejrr»-.' .".o min. \\e.i 2.">0 chai is to the north v: st corner of said graveyard l l 'i ; thence north ! dejn'i'i's 12 minutes east 2i.xo chains to a stoiie in It. ('. White's corner in S. W. i'ulliam's line; thence north Xt> degrees east chains to a stone li. C. White's corner: thence north 17 deg. :)0 minutes west 40 links to a red oak: thence north 77 deg. east 7.6") chains to the begin ning. containing 102.11 acres, more or less." The hid will start at the price of $5,355.00. This 26th day of Nov., 1926. CHAS. R. HELSABECK and T. W. KALLAM, Comrs. Idec2w LOST—Shepherd dog, brown black, with white around neck. Named Sam. Liberal reward. THOS. J. EAST. Walnut C«ve, N. C.. R, 1. 24n3t Subscribe for the Reporter THE DANBIRV REPORTER COM MISSION KR'S SAKE. By virtue of authorih of a judgment of the Superior court nf Stokes county in a special proceeding entitled C. and \V. 1. Cordon. administrators of John W. Cordon dec M.. vs. Mami • Gordon. Clcmmie Smith. • t heirs at-lau of ,| ( ,n \\ . t lordon." we will sell t > the hiidn -t iiiddcr on the fo. 'wing term- to-wit: I casl: when sale i- c.»r.tirmed. !-."> P . |, 1 i'-T. 1-:; !>■ v. 1. I'fJS. \\ :h in !ore.»t on tlie deferred pay -1)I:CI:MIJKR 2.1K1>, I at 1 oYlock tils' second trac u :*• *in:i 11er .lesi I'ilin!, ai at J o'eioi-;.. the tirst trait rein alter iii'scrl.rd, the fo,lowing in'Si i'ibed real estate, to-'Ait: FIRST TRACT:—S2 I - acres, more i r less, ;nl.i>ininyr the la nits ot the old Lambert h plate, W. 11. Cordon esta'e, the T. M. I.awson estate, and iit hers in Stokes county. N I'., and more fully described in a deed Inm T. ,1. Cordon and wife to ,J \V Cordon, dated Jan. 'jr. 1010. which d-cd is reiored in the otlice of the Reg ister of Heeds of Stokes conn ty. North Carolina, in Book .">l, page "Ji»n, and being the John W. Con lon l:ome place. SKCOND TRACT: ( itain !! I acremore or 1 s. in towi -Kip. Stokes iiiiiM y. ad ioj. injr - J),, lands o; A. S. \'» riv • 11. S;.-Ila Katon. James I' l '! and ot her- a d mon fully 1 !•'> •"i 1 i i 1 a deed i I'o 1 .1. S. S.rt to Jni.i. i ii.rdnii, r, .nle.l in the otlice of the Register of !'• i> "f St . . ,nty. N. C., I!' 'k •*>'». | a>'e !'. to wh i. !'- ei'' 1U t hereby i>';.ili . !...*;! 1 to !:iai\e a> s e"> i*i I'ay ot!'".- at.'; - ; list ihe estate t •*' ' " U . iior. !■ n. iii ceas«-d. !'• wi d lie ,-i... J « • ' !■•'■ Il'' second trad :••• ' I ■ ?r... t tr,. > at "2 p. i ' • • N ' . 2:in;. I c. ' ! C(>RI >( I"-, - , ; I: ,d W. I. iit >RI)(I.\. (' ' :.m! -!• pliers. R. Bad.:.- . Al'y. N'T" K SAI.E Ol |.ANO. 1..!t 1 ai. by \ : rt tlie | 'p ' : :, .p :■ iperior (' ,:rt of ( il ! 'd ' p'.iid v. l.iade in the pe : . I procu 'ding entitled '"J. II M' re. a In.i: i-trat'.r of the • -1 a! i■ » p' J. ,d. (iaiit way, dec d., - Margaret lialloway others, the -aiue being upon tlie -pecial |pl"oe» rding docket '|i said emir the under.-igr.ed coi.itnis.-i .iier will or.■ - i>K KMBKR I.VHI. I'ljii, -1 " l'p ''.v.e of 11. H. James, in the |lea\ir Island township, on tlie premises hereinafter de -tribed at in::»«• A. M.. ofler I'll" sale ti: • lands hereinafter •'ex ribed. The said land will be subdivided and sold i pon the f'lllowii'ir terms. 10 percent on !he date of the sa'ti, 1"> percent nu confirma tion ot tiie -ale. the balance in tlire. annual iii.-tallnienis to due ! 2. and '■) years from ; ate ipt the deed. I !RM TRACT:— Beginning a; a maple and a.-iie on the branch, the north u'p'St corner of this tract; then ce running ea-t •">•"> pules to a while oak. the Wilson, now the Calloway corner, thence wtih Calloway's line 102 1-2 poles to a stake near big rock on branch, thence west 50 1-2 poles with John \V. Young's line (division line) to a corn er pointers, thence N. 102 1-2 poles crossing a ridge road to the beginning corner and con taining 33 12 acres, more or less. This being the J. Robt. Mitchell share in the division of his father's. Jas. H. Mit chell land conveyed to J. G. H. Mitchell Nov. 12th, 1892 by J. Robert Mitchell and his wife. SECOND TRACT:— Beginning at an iron stake in the center of Reed Creek in Berry's line, with his line north 8C Uegs. VV. 1071 feet to a atone his corner in Galloway's line, thence north -1 (legs, east, with Calloway's line, 18:58 feet to a large white oak. his corner, thence south 8"> deys. east 2.">'» feet to a la rye white oak near a spriny. 1 hence north 7 deys. east with his lino. llb"> feet to pine knot, tlu-nee south S! deys. east with J. 11. Wall's line, 810 feet to a small hick ory. Wall comer, in Galloway line, thence with Galloway line south 10 deys. west 71."> feet to a stone in bottom in Youny lince thence north 8'» deys. W. 08 feet to center of Reed Creek '.villi Co- rse of civek the follow i!iVT courses, south lo deys. I), '1! fett, south •">') deys. Wesi ! 1(5 tcci, south 7 (leys. east 17'.* feet, south."> 8 deys. west 102 teet, south 1"> deys. west 211 teet, south 02 (leys. 08 foot, south 'J7 deys. east 58 fee', 81 feet, south." 5 (legs, west 110 feet, south 28 (leys. wes' 17» feet, south 8 (leys, west 14>0 feet, south 8 deys. east 205 feet, south 27 (leys, east, 150 feet. S. l:{ (leys. W. 181 feet, south 22 (leys, west 210 feet to the heyinniny and containiny 01 acres, more or les- THIRD TRACT:— Beiny the tract of land d"- vised to I,tii y A. Robertson under will of Za. ln ry Wall, deceased, and divided aniony t !•' heirs at-law it beiny !•{ number i• >iir in >;{ d di\'i;*?on and b nndeil a.- lollows: Re yi'ininy at a sycamore tree on creek. Reaver 1.-!atid, theive .-outllWi -t !> c 1;>. 1,1 I(•»(., S. lo ! . L r ->. west 10 chs. ci'ossiny Reaver Island creek to a hiek •ry i. ;tr spring, theiiee w t -'s eh.-, tn Sav.i. \\ ebster corn «•" in llair.-toil's line, then ■ tmribeast 2i chs. to poplar on !, a>'l. ot I'.eaVel" Island creek, he'a '■ I:;» .-ail I i I'ei•! as : ' 111.i. • •• hcyimiiny and > o..'a:i Mi/ so re-, more i . Also i 1 )•;„ ! l.yiiiuii,/ a papa- i orner ■■ i. a branch, S'm!!i 12 (Ms. lo sioiie on side 1 ' * - mill r. ad, along said road southwestwanlh di rect inn 2o clis. to Sam. W. 1.- .- ter - u hit i»ak i• ■ r;r i,11 \. "i brain i., down said branch a- ii nieaialen 21 I-J •'li-. i;• •:::I hioise spring. east ' 1 11 ■ • 1 " beyiiiiii. c and ci,;- taiiiii y l.y otimat'iiii 2!>.5 ai res. nioie ur less, it beiny the same land conveyed to L. •M. Rii hardsell by I.iz.v Web sjer ol record of Reyistcr's of fice i ! Si(ikes cuinty, Mook ,'M, pace 5:»5. KOI RTII TRACT:— Reyimiiny at mouth of .Man uel s branch, runs alny south ern boundary oi lot number 2, K! 1-2 ells, to a stake on south side of road, thence following saal mad in southwestern di iect on chs. to stake on S. of road, we-t 12 chs, to rock pile old corner, thence north i."i deys. west !» chs. io a syca moi" on bank ot Reaver Island ( reek, soutiieast corner lot No. one, up said creek as it me anders to the beginning and containiny 2 acres, more or less. I 3I T?! TRACT:— Reyiniiiny at a sycamore on bank of Reaver Isiand Creek, southea.-t corner of Lot 1. thence west :!8 chs. to whi).' oak, Reid's line, south 5 eh-, to dogwood, thence east :{ 1-2 chains to stump, thence south 10 deys. east 12 chs. to rock, corner in branch, thence south 31 chs. on Hairston, now Gal loway's line. Sam. Webster's corner, thence northeast 27 chs. to poplar on Beaver Island Creek, thence up the creek to the beginning and containiny 80 acres, more or less. Being in Beaver Island township, and ■ lot number five in the Lucy Robertson land, adjoining Car oline F. Reid, A. H. Martin, ; Hairston, Galloway, et al. n /SIXTH TRACT:— li A tract of land located in Beaver Island township, Stokes county. North Carolina, and de scribed as follows: Adjoining the land of J. H. Mitchell. M T. Mitchell. Waller and Iv Mitchell, (i. W. Roberts, la'i purchase, et al. beginning at i white >ak in hank of branch then.'. l south l"> degs. east 01 Walter and Kd MiteheiCs lin -15 elis. to small beech itiii hickory in old line, thence eas; 2:'. 1-2 ehs. to stake. thence X I degs, east 10 chs. to pointers thence west on M. T. Mitclvll': line -I! chs. to beginninj: an; containing 128 acres, more oi less. Twenty acres to A. .M Mitchell and Turner Mitchell i included in this binindary, tha excepted from this leaves 10' aires. two acres sol l»y tic", Mitchell, now onvvei (dale of deed Oct. 18th, 1008,1 hy J. (!. H. Mitchell. SKVKNTH TRACT:— A tract ot land located ii Reaver Island township. Stoke, county, N. ('., adjoining tin lands of Wirt Mitchell, C,. W Roberts and others and bound cd as follows: Beginning at i white oak old corner, runnin*. west to L. T. Mitchell's line i!is. to chestnut oak. thence \ chs. to pointers, thence east 6 chs. crossing public road, t' a stake in (~ W. Huberts' line thence south on .-aid line chs. t■ i beginning and contain nig two acres, more or less. KKiUTM TRACT;— Beginning at a hiclviy. tin n ie we-! , poles to a white oak I lieni • north 2->l poles to poin f e>v. tlie'ic" east ,'!8 poles I. i" plar, thence X. si degs. {•; ■ I poles to ;i iiersimnion t I i'el're J-,. 1 ] pi, |(. > s to a (log wood. 11 rcilce so;;||j _?.">! pole t• •'! ■' beginning. containing 1 1•) ac.vs, til«>]*t t ; k* s, knuw; as : : ,■ U. \\'. Simpson old ho;m plai«, atijoiiiiiig ti c lands •! Ham .Miti hell, the Re. ,] pl ;Ut . desciiln . li. |.. Mart m • :hers ai:d being the lam; *oi v. vci| to .1. W. (lann Ic, deed execlit- I by ( . |J, Eel'gll son and T. 11. I'lMguson. e.\f :toiv ei ('.I!. Ferguson. dee'd. I eani g date Fel ruary 2(>th, I"' recorded in the nilice o! the Ib-gi.vt. r of |), fds of Stokes I i'inty. I >lK>|\ ."HI. page !:;2. A ntlier |nt i,i land consisting •i liii'i-e smaller traets i-oiiwv- I i>y ileed to ,|. \\\ (; ann | IV '• il. Mitchell, which deed- I far date i lie loth day of Xov., I !»•">. recorded. Stores county, in Hook No. 12. page 10!'. and -ai l lands are bounded as fol lows: Known as l.ot No. 1, in ihc division of tin- lands of Maries Duncan, deceased, and diotted to Caroline Reid, be- L'iniiing at a white oak, 11. n ales' corner, runs south 2(>l Miles to a post oak. W. J. Roh •rson's corner, thence E. ."is >oles to a stake, near a largo I'ock, thence south with >ai«l Ivoberson's line, 81 poles to a •take, tormerly Ilair-ion's cor ner, thence west "to poles to a lickory in said line, thence X. 251 poles to a dogwood, thence •I' P"!'•- to a persimmon tree. I!. I. Duncan's corner IheHi e \. :!} poles to pointers, i K. .">1 poles to the first ■t.c . n, containing 105 acre:, ■ or less. (Tract II.) I.e. ailing on a stump corner of ;bove tract, running east .".8 >oles to a hickory and pointers, north 12(5 1-2 poles to point ers in Scales' line, thence W. !8 poles to pointers, 11. Scales' •orner in the above tract line, thence south 126 1-2 poles to the beginning, containing 150 acres, more or less. Beginning at a stake. 16 links, E. of boulder, thence N. 35 1-2 (legs. W. 6.10 chs. to •; stake or stone and pointers, thence S. 5 5-8 degs. W. 1.61 :hs. to a stake, thence S. 84 3-4 iegs. E. 10.50 chs. to J. M. Galloway's line, thence north i 3 1-2 degs east, 10.20 chs. to the first station, containing 2.1 acres, agreeable to the survey made by S. B. Dameron, May 12, 1911. WEDNESDAY, DEC.- «. TRACT NO. MN'fi;- Ji A tract of land located iit Beaver Island township, lying 1 and being in the county of Stokes, and hounded as fol lows: Beginning at a sassa fras, now pointers in .Mitchell's line. thence with that line S. Ss 1-2 degs. oast, 25 1-2 chs., 11'tssing a branch to a red oak, now pointers, thence S. 1 dogs. W. II 1-2 chs. to a stake form erly poplar in Merry's line, thence S. St; dogs. K. 10 3-4 chs. to a hickory, thence N. 1 • legs. K. 11 ehs. to pointers, tornierly a red oak, thence N. 8(5 digs. K,3 1-2 chs. to a white oak. thence X. 1 3-4 degs. E. t 12 1-2 ihs. to an ashe, thence S. 25 1-2 degs. east, 13 3-4 chs. to a white oak, a division cor ner, Ruth and Alice Wilson's, thence south G 3-4 (legs, west, "' {l rock and pointers, tornierly a dogwood, thence S. HI 3-4 degs. east, 64 chs. to a pine, now pointers, it l>eing the beginning corner of Ruth Wil son s share in the division of the same, thence X. 4 1-4 degs. h. 37 1-2 chs. to pointers, for merly a red oak, thence S. 81) digs. I - .. 1(5 ihs. to a stake nea'*/ Sam. Webster's, thence north 1 (legs. E. 1S ihs. to pointers, tornierly a beech oak, John (iann's corner, tHence X. 8(5 (legs, west, in chs. to a white oak, \\ ilson's former corner, continuing west 37 chs. to a wild cherry, formerly a r- | '•iri, J. (i. If. Mitchell's corner, thence south 3-4 (legs, west, two ihs. to a white oak. fell down, thence X. XT degs. W. 1(5 '•lis. i• a stake in Wilkins's coiner line, now J. ;, |{ t j\jj. _ cheil's thence S. :: degs. \V. 12 cr.s. in a stake on the edge i.f K-f'-rk road. then.-e X. 87 dog..:. W ; -•"» elis, to a black gum, Mitchell's corner, thence S. I degs. W. 8 1-1 ihs. to a red oak in Mid-lit il's line, then «e s. ,x| :;.| ( |,.jr S- t . ast% j C | VJ "ii Mitchell's line to a rock and pointers, thence S. 3 1-2 degs. \\. _I chs. to a stake, former! a chestnut, thence S. degs. ea.-t .i 3-1 ihs. in pointers, » thence s. 3-1 degs. w. p; ].> ens. io the beginning, it being the land formerly owm,! |.y Kuth and Alice Wilson, an I containing 1127 acres TRAIT NO. !(»;_ A 11act ot land in Heaver !>liind township, beginning at a white oak, fell dwor,, (J. \y, Huberts' corner, thence X. si 1-2 (legs. West on Calloway's line 12 chs. to a tell down pop lar, (tullowny's corner, thence south I 1-2 degs. wVst 3.25 ehs. to a rock, thence north I 1-2 (legs, east 3.25 chs. to beginning and containing 3.jj acres, more or less, as surve.v ed by R. [». Clidewell in Nov 1913. TRACT XO. 11: A tract of land in Reaver Island township, Stokes coun ty. North Carolina, and de scribed as follows: Adjoining the land of John (•aim, J. M. Calloway and oth ers and beginning at a black gum, running with (lann's line to public road, 240 feet. * thence south we?! with road, J. M. Calloway's line, 309 feet, -*i thence with Calloway's line K. 255 teet to the beginning, and containing one acre, mocj r less. TRACT NO. 12:— Being tract No. 20 of the subdivision of the Reynolds Kalis lands, formerly owned by John M. Galloway, situated in Beaver Island township, Stokes county, adjoining the hnds of G. W. Hall and others, contain ing 77-80, more or less, and fully described on map of said property of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Stokes county, in Deed Book 71, page 539, to which refer ence is hereunto made for a full and complete description. ) J. H. MOORE, Commissioner. J. C. Brown, Atty.

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