IDNESDAY. I)IX. 8. 192«> fIbTiCE OF SALE OF LAN! BY TRUSTEE. [ By virtue of the power con ftained in a certain deed o! trust executed by Ida I'age am N. li. Page to tlif undersigiu trustee and recorded in book ; Deeds of Trust, Stokes county JKo. 72. paw !!'2, to sot ml - and interest, I will set for cash at public auction, •»i the old Mitchell home place Quaker (lap township. Stoke: county, said Mitchell honu place now owned by Mrs. Lillk Hill, sale to be in public roat in front of old Mitcliell heme on— TUESDAY. I)KC. IITIL I»2« a: the hour of 1 o'clock, I'. M. the following tract of land Fame bei'ig lot number 1. in the dixisi'.n of the I!. K. C >l!ci Hands, beginning on a l'oc 1 ; in J. M. Morelield's lino, thotav with ins line to L. W. Nuiin'.- line to a rock, thence with his line and A. N. Jones' line to a rock, thence with Bessie ('lif er's line to a rock in the brunch, thence with Sally Coffer's line to the beginning, containing '-'J uteres, more or les. T This Nov. Gth, 102(5. 1). C. TAYLOR, Trustee. O E Snow, Ally. NOTRE OF APPLICATION FOR I'AKDON. North Carolina, Stokes County. To Whom It May Concern: This is to notify you that I wi'l on the du.v of December, 1 apply to the Governor of North Carolina for a parole of John Hall. Convicted at the November term i the Sperior court of Stokes count,*, i N. 111-.", of ma ir laughter. If any one opposes tlr.s they \vi:l file in writing with the Commi. .-•ioit er of I'ardon* ;it It.iU ieh, N. ' .. or before the above date. This Nov. 'Jilth, t'.C'ii. V. HA1.1,. Wife of Appli -ant. ""DR. H. E. BLACKBURN, M Dentist ▼'Mercantile Building, next to postoflfice. Walnut Cove, - - - N. C. JOHN 1). HUMPHREYS, Attorney-A~y DAN BURY, - W. C. Prompt attent.on to all business Will practice in all State courts. DR. H. G. HARDING Dentist K INC, - - - N. C. Office hours: 9 to 12 and 1 to 5 J. W. H A L L Attorney-at-Law DANBURY, - - N. C. Prompt attention to all business. Will practice in all courts. DR. F. N. roMUNSON Dentist WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Offices: 220-221, Gilmer Building. Hours: 8:30 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. PHONES: 1 Office 1022 Residence 1984-J «>L. W. BLACKWELL FINE HALL, N. C. | EVERYTHING EXCEPT LIFE FIRE—AUTOMOBILE •Representing the Home of N. Y. INSURANCE Which is better to have and net need it or need it and not have it ? THEFT—BONDS Let Me Write Your Wants. ! Blank Deeds, Blank Deeds In Trust and Blank Chattel Mort gages For Sale. Deeds 50c per dozen, Deeds in Trust 50c per dozen, Chattel Mortgages 25c per dozen. Send ti® your order. We pay postage on all blanks. DANBURY REPORTER, Danbury, N. C. I 1 > NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND I NDER DEED OF Till'ST. l!y virtue of tho power oi I salt' contained in a cert::i'i deed I of trust to tin* undersigned • trustee executed on (lie Ist da\ 1 >l" May. 11)25, bv Manuel 1. • Hunter ami wife, Derllia Hun -1 t.r. to secure a note mad'. 1 I Wilson brothers, -aid «: •« I oi 1 trust being recorded in t!. of 1 lift* o! tin* Register ol Deed.; • t>t' Stokes eiunty. i:i bo>!. 7!, a! ' page 101, f v,ill sell on the ' premises in Stokes county, • Oil —■ DL( EMBFR 17TII. I!2J?, at Ihe hour of two o'clock'. ?). in., fcr cash, (ho lands therein described at public auction, the holder of said note having :t;>- p!ied to me to soil said land for I lie payment of said note be cause of . non-pay merit. said laud d Perilled as follow.- : "Lot No. I. Beginning at a Muck jack coni'T of loi No. )>, in Moivficld's lino, thence wen 1(! chs. and 25 links to a smail chestnut oak in Morefudd's line, tin nee south (50 chs. t.) corner in A. M, Stack's line, thence east with said line 1G tlis. and 25 links to corner of Lot No. in said line, thence north 150 chs. to the beginning, ! containing 100 acres, more or less. Being the land conveyed by Quincy McKinney and wife, I conveyed to Joe Nelson by deed : recorded in otlice of Register |of Deeds of Stokes county, in Hook 01, page :'>l 1. Also a pu'.- , lie cartway 11 feet wide to be i kept open to the public travel I o!' all persons." This Nov. 15th, 1021). (HAS. 11. lIKLSABECK, Trustee. NOTICE OF RK-SALE OF LAND CNDKR DEKD OF Till ST. Uy virtue of the lower of sali contained in a crtain deed of trust, bearing d;*.t" of Dee. 20, 1010, recorded in il*gi. ier's otlice. Stokes county, >'. ('., in Cook No. 00, page 575. ev.'i\,t ed by It. L. Wilkes his wife, M. A. Wilkes, to tlie un dersigned trustee to secure the payment of a debt of .$1200.00 and interest due to Cora Mur phy, and default having been made in the payment of said debt and the same being due and unpaid, and demand hav ing been made upon me to sell the lands therein conveyed to satisfy the terms of same, and under an order of re-sale rend ered in the above named mat ter by A. J. Fagg, C. S. ('., I will on— FRIDAY. DEC. .SRD. I)2(>, at the hour of two o'clock, P. M„ at the court house door in the town of Danbury, N. C., sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the lands conveyed in said deed in trust, which is described as follows to-wit: A certain tract of land lying and being in Stokes county, N. ('., and more particularly de scribed as follows: Beginning at a pine, runs south 80 degs. E. 17..">0 chs. to pointers, then ce south 1 1-2 degs. W. 21 chs, to a stake and pointers in Boyles' line, thence N. 8t degs. W. 20 chs. to a birch on the creek, thence up the creek, as it meanders 25.12 chs. to the beginning, containing 14 acres more or less. Bidding to begin at §2025, and sale subject to confirmation of the court. This Nov. 10, 1920. J. R. HALL, Trustee, j J. D. Humphreys Atty. Subscribe for the Reporter Fall Fertilizer For Cash We will sell grain guano at the lowest prices for cash only. Nothing will be charged. Save money by buying for cash. The crop of tobacco will be moving by time to sow and credit will be unnecessary, tf PEPPER BROS, j Subscribe for the Reporter 1 > NOTH'i: OF SAI.K OF LAND BY TRI'STKE. i ; I».v virtue of til'.! power con- I taiiicd in a certain deed of I trust exei ut •! by i.illa Hill and K. \V. Hill to the undersigned . trustee for the purpose of se (lirii'jr notes amo'inlitiK to $l, ' :?in.n."» and ii teres) deed trust heinjr recorded in !!>ok 7:2 pajre M) 7, I will sell for i a -Ii to 11 : • » highest ladder at p"Mic auc tion, on the p erni-: ; in er (.ap towns!' p, Siokes coun , ly. X. at tin old Mitchell liopie place :■ n:i I day mad. n f.sdav, m e. utii. ;!w;. iat t!ie hour of 2 o'clock I'. M.. , the following lands: j Tract adjoining J. ;. Mil- . chell, lleid I iili y, Sai'd*' I'or- ' , rest, and hounded as foilows: : f'ejrinninjr at rock and pointers, '•i. (I. Mitchell's corner, runs S. |5O dejrs. east, on his line, 1 I.ST ' chains to small white oak on |X. side of ridge road, cross jinjj Lynchburg road. thence j with meanders of ridge road J and with J (I. Mitchell's line ' |a southeast course 23.40 chains . jto black jack and pointers, in e! 00000 ,! | 'Wf Have Every x -jX rr £ Type of $ | Used FORD Car and f o Truck. 1 Prices from— I i $lO.OO to $300.00 I ; 0 t [ o And can offer attractive | : x 0 o terms to responsible $ ';o parties o - : | '!» I ! WALNUT COVE MOTOR CO., Inc. I | SALES—LINCOLN - ,?0&> /> - FORDSOH —SERVICE § o Walnut Cove, N. C. | j 'OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO N (> T ICE! Having qualified as executor of the estate if William 'i>x, late of Stokes county, North Carolina, this is in notify all persons holding claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned within twelve months from this date or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons owing said testate will make immediate settle ' ment. This Nov. 25th. 1 IiKORGE ('OI.I.INS, .Kx'r. of William Cox, deceased. j W. R. Padgett, Atty. ——————— • EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. J Having duly qualified as executor, j of the last will and to.-lament of II j P. I.awson, deceased, late of Stokes' ! ceunty, North Carolina, all persons owing his estate are requested t> J ] make immediate paynu nt, and all! [persons holding claims aganst his I estate, are hereby notified to pre j sent the same, duly authenticated.! . to the undersigned, for payment, on or before the first day of December,: 1'.127, or this, notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Madison, N. ('., Nov. 30th, EVERETTE I.AWSON, Ex'r. I of R. P. Lawson, deed. 1 THE EANJU'ItY REPORTER Napiers's !inc\ in rth J! dyjis. E. on his line, 127 i-2 chains to small I dark jxum, north G7 dejrs. E. on hi- line 7 1-2 chains to small whit" oak on south side of Lynchburg road, north 57 dejrs. wo.-- 1, cros. in# road ■'!" chains to pi»n». west B.2' ens. to white oak, N a piers old line, south west on lino 2!) chains to the containing !!."> acres, nxre or less. San:.' lan.l allotted to I ilia ,M■ 'chcll in division of her fatl.-. r's etalo. See IJoolc 5:5. pajrev •';!)!> and !00, Records Deeds Stoke..: county. This N v. Cth, 15)2(5. O. E. SNOW, Trustee. St:'>s-. rili I" .!• Tin 1 I! ;r an-1 '. ' '.ln- S' MI I lulitfi- ! ycu- fri . . APPLES Knit SALE O.N PETERS (REEK. Winesaps. Yorks. RlacMwif-s and Idm licit \\ii>s. Prices right Conic see them before buy in;/. miles west of Kive Korks. It. 1.. WAI.LEIt and (*. ). HANDY. Stuart, Nil., Nov. 192«. ldeelw Subscribe for the Reporter ) KXECTTOK'S NOTICE. , Having duly qualified as execut-J ors of thi- last will anil testanuni, ■ of Carland Smith, deceased, of Stokes county, .North Carolina, ill . persons owing his estate are re-, quested t" make immediate settle ment and all persons holding claims against his estate are hereby noti fied to present the same duly au thenticated, to the undersigned for payment, on o rbefore the 20th day , of Nov., 11*27, or this notice will In? pleaded in bar of their recovery, j This Nov. 10th, 11»20. M>. K. K. SMITH, Pilot Mtn., N. CV JAKVIS K. SMITH, Francisco, N.C. ! Executors of Garland Smith, dec'd. 'J. I>. llnmphrevs, Atty. for Kxrs. : as REAL ESTATE FOR | SALE BY OWNER. I I own live good farms, well > adapted for tobacco, cotton or : grain. located on highways and good roads. Will sell at sacri fice. Terms if desired. J. W. WELBORX, ■ .'lo Commercial Nat'l. ICank Itlde-, 2tnvlw High I'oint, N. C. 1 $1..'»0 buys the Reporter and The . Southern Planter one year. I VJTICE OF SALE OF I.AM) I N DER DEED. OF TKFST. I!y virtue of h" powi !• : sa'e contains! i;i ;i deed i • t:*Mt !•>.••«• i: 1• ! by!'. Martin aed wile, Rosa Lee Martin, in iiic tin the oth Februarv. li'lb, which is recordi i i■ 1 the 'tiii 1 >!' Reg: • i' ;).. -i. , t( !. i «»u:i ; , in !!"(•!•: i. i'Ji.T • '»'/•!, In *■ - ire '' c pa - menl >l" a c sum >;' mor.- y thvivin rit' - '"' 1 , (lihav i• been made in ti ■ payment •!' I in- note ;it nu.i nrit y ai ! the holder having applied in n, • t'i !ui i close i nt* i -'.''l i ! i I'IC for tl sat isf;;. tin!! , ,1* li .. debt, i will expose t• i !'t'*11'' -ale, l !.'(■ highest balder i'nr ih, ; the c.iiirt Iniii.-' :• in Dan -I'Ury, X. 'up FRIDAY. DEC. 2 nil. I2(i. at the hour of 1 o'clock, p. m. the tract of !a:i'l conveyed in lhe deed of t rust t »-v. ii: I/>[ So. si'Vrii. smail post oak "'i t lit- liank nf State line road, beginning at a md, running K. 27.2 chs. to small dogwood, thence S. 11.2 ills, to soui'wood corner, thence K. 7 chs. to post oak, corner, thence X. 2."> chs. ito small hickory on the hank of State Line Road, thence | southwest course as said road | meanders, .">8 chs. to beginning, known as the Filding Hall land, j This Nov. Ilth. 1926. i J. \V. HALL, Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND ; FN DEI) DEED OF Till'ST. j l!y virtue of the power of j sale contained in a deed of trust executed liy Louis Fn .1- ton, (unmarriedt to me on the 27i!i day of Mar-h, 192"). which lis recorded in the ollice of the I Register ol Deeds of S'.iki •», ;ci Hint y, in I look 72, pagi ifo secure iLi* payment of a | certain sum ef money therein! recited, default having been 1 made in the payira nt of the note at maturity the 1 holder having applied to nv.'' to foreclose the deed of trust J for the satisfaction of the debt, I I will expose to public sale, t«> j [the highest bidder for cash, a' the court house door in Dan— bury, X. ('., on— t FRIDAY. DEC. 2ITII. H>2»>. | ;it the hour of ' o'clock. I'. M.. 't!: • lands conveyed in the deed j .nt* trust to \ it: Containing 1:12 acres, i. ..v or less, adjoin , : ing the lai.n • of M. T. 'hilton., | R. I*, (ilidewcll, and •it Iters, and for full di script ion and bound-; ;aries see deed from A.M. Stack and wife to John E. Slate, re corded in the ollice of the Reg ister of Deeds of Stokes conn-I ty. X. C. This Xov. 17th. 102*1. J. W. HALL, Trustee. ADYERTISEMENT OF I.AM) SALE. Fnder and by virtue of the power of sale vested in the un-i dersigneil. in a deed of trust | executed Jan. i:», 1 D2">, by Ts.' F. Robertson, to secure the payment of a bond theifein mentlone 1, default having been made in payment of the same,!) the undersigned will on— DECEMBER IVHL 192 ii. at the hour of li>::l(i o'clock A. M., at the home of Hard James in Heaver {.-land township. Stokes county, Xorth Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder the following described real estate: He ing tracts numbers !\ 9, 10. 12. as shown in the sub- j division of the Reynolds and ( Ralls Farms, situated in Beav- , er Island township, Stokes | county, X. C.. being a part of the lands formerly owned by J. M. Galloway, as surveyed . and plotted by X. L. Hartgrove, i ('. E. which said map is record - ed in deed book No. 71, page, 539, in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Stokes county.: to which reference is hereby made for full and complete de-' script ion, said tracts contain- ! PAGE SEVEN ) ing :i Mai (if L i- :!.7 i s, more or le.s. J SANK OF MAD! ■ . NONCE M SALE Oi* I.AM) I \DED I>MI-;• > (iI TRI ST. H\ vil'l '.lf (!' * 111 j. ! - £ . s JJ i ! ' ;:| i|("i .r, ;( ( , f,i ? invi cxieuted i >y Roy J,■ i,•.uj . a;, i y., x , lc J.i-iitiill. ids . , . to 11V on the L'T'i. 'lav AI •. •, -? 1. . Iwhich is urdi iI jr. i} ;tJ oliiec id' llc.irjyli :' .i" |i, £ I S'likc s county. I • 72, pagf •*>!'}. in secure the jt;iy« 1 ■ > !»' 1 1 a i fi-t.iin .-..ti, i : , it !.i l i'itl 1 cril, I, i i ing been made !n the paym tit; (• i tin Hale at matnrity • •. .. !| illli l" \ .!,'■■ ;ij!i, ,| j, , j),, ; , t'■ ■ ■'. !•>-■« ih.' deed ol' trust foj* '' •' ' i s!;, l .'' i 11: l 11! ii: • • i. i. , ! . ill i .;I'i - ■ !• ii]j .-iilc. t i • libidder I'm* ui-h -it; • 1 (-"iirt house door jii i >an burv. N. on— i, niii)A>. i)!•:■. 2nil. D 121;. at Ihe hour of 1 o'clock. I'. M., ■' t hi> lands conveyed in the deed jot trttst to-wit: Beginning au a poplar, corner of Watson Col i litis* grant, now X. A. Martins jland, runs north on said Mar j tin's line to Camping Island j( reek to a large rock, thencd up said creek as it meanders to : the mouth of a branch which jruns between where J. P. and j William Nelson lived, thence up j said branch as it meanders to | its head near the ridge road, J thence due north to the top or | crc.-l dt the Sauratown moun tain, at a re k, thence east to !iii\e directly north of the be iginning poplar, thence south i iidlmg on .las, A. IVpptT tract; | .-.nil !hi' late Dr. ('. Poppet* |i'i the first -tation, aforesaid ! poplar. and Watson Collins* j corner, m • dei -I from An-h l-'ry : to I farm t I.ankford and others jvconled in the Register's office .of Stokes county, in Hook 11, ipage for further de scription, containing 1 12 acre-;, j more or less. This Nov. 17th. J. W. HALL, Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE OK LAND 1 CNDEIt DEED OF Tit IST | Hy virtue of the power of sale contained in a ccrt-si!. d >'d jof . 'list, bearing dai • of Jami 'ary 12. 11)21. rec r.' d in ' i> 1 office ''t' tlie Register of Deed-; ol Stokes C(e!:i y. v' 11. '•! • »i'. page 262. ev.e' uti d ■ v Henry (iiidewell and his wi: •. I.ilia ididewell. to .1. D. I! ;::i -phrcys, trustee. to sci tire ' 1 • payment of a debt of S."»;t2l. Jo, (lue to the Hank of Stoke.•» County iiml the same lu ing ti"W due and unpaid, and demand j being made upon me for that [purpose, air trding to the terms if said deed of trust 1 will se'l the second tract of land convi v ed therein to satisfy the terms of said deed in trust at public auction to the highest bidd.-r for cash, at the court house door in the town of Danbury. N. ('.. oil— MONDAY, DEC. 27T11, 1 !»-»•». at the hour of i 'dock, P. M,. which second tract is described as follows to wit: A certain tract (it land I;i.ig and being iir Mi'Kes county. North Car• >- lina. described as follows to wit : SECOND Tit ACT: This tract: contains 6:> acres, more or less, adjoins the lands of ('. 11. Shep pard. Will Wilson. S. I\ Tesh, Joe Kington and others, for ;t better description of this last named tract of land, see deed from James Hicks and wife, to Henry lllideweil, recorded in the office of the Register ol Deeds of Stokes county. N C.. in Book 61. page KIM. to which reference is hereunto made fov further description. This Nov. 22. 1926. J. D. HUMPHREYS, Trustee.. Subscribe for The Reporter and rvt the Southern Planter 1 year five.

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