DANBURY REPORTER Volume 54. WHAT EDUCATION ! DOES FOR FOLKS; i And It Is Not Confined Merely.' To Gleanings From Text-1 Books. ! The Manufacturers Record recent*! ly carried an article which has ' thi• sounds of th> pres.* under the I caption. "What Kdueation Ones." Tli:. article. setting forth tin- whore-j fur-' nt' industrial development i>sj New Kngland, naturally raises th"j qm-tion. "What i* education?" The j art I le follows: "1 have listened with jrreat in -1 ter -t to the men front Alabama an 1 other southern states who have toll • it' the vastness of their mineral ami timber and agricultural possibilities. ! enjoyed the enthusiastie story V!"i'ado, its wondet ful mountaii s treat mineral wealth and its superb elii. ale. I listened with rapt at -lir' >!i t" wi::;t the spoVe.-rs.m fi-nn I ti>" t had to -ay a!' Hit that iV nsa'.i land. And yet. m.v ft lend.- . I t" t• •iI you iha: in N . i'l'itr lar.-i \\e have none of the i sural ail .stagi . We are witiiot a fer til> -oil, we are witho.'.t eoal and ii ne; we are with>>i' the many intagi which ail >t'i i stall's in:.-ale of New Knglaii I have ii; i-o. ! *l l l We have S ii>o|i the! | 11■,t! ft un Alaliatna an I lis - Vir ginians. the pig iron Iron P tt bssrgh and Birmingham, and cotton! It*, i Hie whole south down to T-\s.s; we have tak n th" lumber an . the timber front the - m.-i with wh h to build our faetor.es, >ve haw equipped them with machinery i ni tie out of the steel from nth I we have imported our food-1 stuiTs from the west with whieh to, :fe d our people. And yet on this | artiiical foundation we have devel- | nj. d a business inter est whieh it;! proportion to population surpasses that of any other section of Ameri ca. We have no natural advantage.-, but we have taken our brains and our brawn and we have technically trained them and made our man- | pi v.vr greater than the |*>wer of nnt tral resources." ("arolinians think of education its i be 'a- something picked up at school i only. Te hni.itl training i thej kir.d of education that made New j Kvghsssd, and at picent • • tir schoo's i have little relation to this training,] nthv.' than to givi reading and writ-, ing. i'.nd the means of acquiring j skill at some trade. Kducation, in | the sense of vocational training, is not peculiar to classical scholars. In fact, it is rarely found among them. Its so far its it prevails with us, it is picked up and cultivated its 1 the school of experience. There was a dairyman who could ssot write his name. He cannot read j the label on a milk bottle. Yet, j he has come from nothing to a j dairy business which gives him a gross income of $l,OOO per month. His holdings are valued at s>oo,ooo. This illiteia'f is educated. He has I the k.nd tl at has mad'! New F.ng-1 land is ?« : r the Carnlinas, attd j in fact the kind that is supporting all other brands of the product called education. He is educated to i do a definite job.—Ex. RAY JOHNSON WITH WACHOVIA j Chairman Forsyth Board Com-1 miasioners and Native j Stokes County Man Takes New Position. Ray Johnson, well known as 1 real estate broker, Chairman of the Board of Forsyth County Commis sioners, and native Stokes county citizen, has joined the business staff of the Wachovia Bank and Trust company in the capacity \of trust officer with management of real estate. He will enter upon his work March 1. SCHOOL PATRONS HAVE MEETING Talks Made By Prof. Gibson' and Others—Valentine Con-J tests and Prizes Awarded—| Tempting Refreshments Ser ved. One of the most interesting meet-! ings of the Parent-Teacher Associa tion for the school year was held in the school building here Monda> isight. The meeting was opened with tile singing of "America," by the audi ence. after which interesting talks in connection with school work we«v made bv Principal K. •!. (Jibson, Mrs. 11. 11. I .cake. Rev. 11. W. Hudspeth, Rev. W. J. Hackney. Mrs. ' .1. S. Taylor and Mrs. .1. W. Hall. A nailing ots Valentine Day wss then given by Mrs. N. K. IVpper. l'he malt, i' of securing a drive way from ihe street I • tise s.'ho ! !ind.ii m v-" wa.. 1 is ussed and the ful ' lowiivt named per ons were appoin.- ii 1 a a I'oiuniittee I" .-ecure tlsi - nsil'-h needed ssdditiuli: Rev. ii. W. Iluilspi lis. S. A. Klin, hum and \. K. Pepper. Mi . .1 S. Taylor. Mr . -I. !•'. Mar tin and Ms.-. -I W. Hall w.:v i.— as a program consmittee foi' lit' j next meeting. j After 11 v ' I'U.-.ine-- session it j social h°nr followed in honor of th teachers and several Valentine con tests were engaged in. The object of one of these was to write .is | many words as possible out of the i word Valentine. Miss Minnie Floia j was the sucessful contestant and i was awarded a nice piize for her ! skill. j The next contest was shooting 1 I arrows from a bow at a heart pin- _ | net! against a board. This game was indulged in by a large number of those present and was apparent -' ly greatly enjoyed. Rev. .1. N\ . j Hackney and Messrs. .1. NN. Lssckey , and R. M. Smith tied for the prize offered, while Messrs. \N. ('. Moore ! and -I. T. I.awson were close sec onds of the tiio. In the drawing j Mrs. A. .1. Pritsgle won the prize for j the ladies side, while Rev. Ms* | Hsu kuey was sucessful among the ' men j At the conclusion of the contests I refreshments, consisting of sand j | wi'. he.-, cakes, chocolate, coffee, etc., i were served by Mi sdaiues N. K. a.id j K. P. Pepper ssssd Mrs. NV. K. .Joyce. A MEND STOKES ROAD ACT Bill Introduced By Representa tive Boyles Monday May Place Road Work In Hands ! of County Commissioners. I j Representative C. O. Boyles. of I Stokes, introduced a bill in the House of Representatives Monday to amend the Stokes county road act of 11123, this being the act estab ' lislsing a county highway commis sion. j While the provisions of the bill j introduced by Representative Boy i les are not given in the newspaper reports, it is unofficially reported that the bill provides for dissolving the county road board and placing | the county's road work in the hands j of the county commissioners. j Former Stokes Lady Dies At Stokesdale Mrs. Elizabeth Powell, wife ol' Charlie Powell, who was a daughter of the late J. C. Flynn, of Pine Hall, died at her home in Stokesdale Fri day of last week. The deceased, who was aged 40 years, is survived by her husband and two children. Mrs. Powell was a sister of Frank M. Flinn, of Leaksville. Mrs. A. J. Fagg visited relatives in Winston-Salem this week. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday, Feb. 16, 1927 REAL ESTATE i FIRM CHARTERED C. E. Davis, H. It. McPherson ( and Others Are Incorporat-1 I ors—Mrs. Kothrock Will Undergo Operation News' of Walnut Cove. Walnut Cove, Foil. lii. A chart er has recently linn issued lor a. real estate company here which will ileal in ai! kimls of real estate. Th l ' ■ incorporators are: I'!. Davis, 11. 1 It. Mcpherson and others. This is a much needed enterprise here and 1 this is one of the finest points for ! such an undertaking. It is predicted ' ' that the new company will do a sue- ? cessful husiliess. 1 ' Among the out-of-town people at tending' the funeral of .1. I!. Wood- I rutf here Saturday were: .Mr. and ' Mrs. C. 11. Davis, 11. 11. Davis. Mr. \ and Mrs. I'. 11. Ijinvillc. Mr. and > Mis. K. D. Matthew- and Mis. .1. ' 'O. Kult'in. (■:' Winston Salem; Mr. : a' ! Mr . ll'i' i. I,.iiiliei'ioii. of Madi- ' son: Mand K. I'. Pepper. Slientl' •I. F. 1 >1I;iia;nf Danbury: Mi s l.aura (few-, i.f It'i hiuond. \a. Mi.-. A. T. Kotiirock returne 1 ( Sunday from a stay of several days a! a Win n.n Salem hospital. Shi' will retina in a short time for -ui >j era' ion. t •I. 11. \ iss. .lac.ili Fulton and (i. 1.. Jarvis made a pleasure trip to Raleigh last week. I.ittle Miss Mary l.ou Brown en- ( tertained quite a number of her little friends at a party Monday af ternoon at the home of her aunt. Mrs. W. H. Sanders, in South Wal i nut Cove. Delightful refreshments ■ were served. 1i Mrs. Sanders Ricrsoti, Jr., of Ml.' i Airy, is visiting relatives here this week. ' John ISurton spent a day or two' . l in I.eaksville on business the past | week. Ml*. George Fulton and Mrs. I'. . W. Davis were shopping in the Twin . Citv today. . - - - - ! . NO SALES AFTER FRIDAY, MARCH 1! Farmers Crjred To (Jet lie mainder »»t* Tobacco Crop T i ,j Market As Early As I'os-' silile—Average Past Week •; Was 517.00. I I' . i Tobacco warehousemen at Win ston-Salem announce tiiat there w;i i positively lie no tobacco sales till • ' after Friday. Maivh 11th. which is j only about three weeks from thi. '! time, and farmers are urged to | 'prepare the remainder of their, i I crops for market at once. l.ast week the Winston-Salem j market sold a little more than t • | million pounds of the weed for an ■ average price of $17.00 per hundred i • pounds. Funeral J. B. Woodruff Held Saturday I Funeral services for J. B. Wood ruff. who died last Wednesday at r his home in Walnut Cove, were held I Saturday morning at 11 o'clock at the home. The services were in charge of Rev. Mr. Marshall, of M'. Airy, Rev. O. E. Ward and Rev. It. B. Crowder. Burial followed in the Walnut Cove cemetery. A large crowd attended the scr- vices and there were many beautiful ' | floral tributes from admiring j' * ( 1 friends and relatives. Quite a nuni- j f ber of out-of-town people were in • attendance. • Preaching' Sunday At 1 Peter's Creek Church Elder J. A. Joyce will preach at Peters Creek Baptist church next Sunday. Feb. 20th, at two o'clock, s The public is cordially invited to at tend SCHOOLS CLOSE IN I MARCH AND MAY! Group Commencements To 15" Held March 25 To iJO—At tendance Since liei£inning of Year Best In History. i Supt. of Schools ('arson stated yesterday that the short tcr.n schools of the county would elme around March 2."ith, while tin- 1n.,.- term or high schools would continue until about May atli. The attendance iir the . . Iiool:. especially since the beginning of tin new year, has been tin best in the history of the county, Mr. ("arson said. Me attributes this largely to the good weather. Group commencements will be held at King, Reynolds and Sand.' It dge schools March 2"'th to .".tub, while the county comm. nceine it will be hell! May "eh to loth. D» • ni'.e dates will be lived a iittif !. • i more information in regard ' • th" conunenceiuents w d be ui• ■»i. this paper. The program !''>i tie' coup me meiicenients a.- arranged I y Supt. 'til on follow-: Mutming Program. !♦ :-"!0 A. M. Song—The Old N ntii S ate. Invocation. Contest—High School Ciaiie->. Recitation. Declamation. Spelling. Con test —(iramtnar Grade.*. Recitation. Declamation. Spelling. Song—Onward Christian Soldiers, j % 1 Presentation of Spelling t'crtin-1 rates, Attendance Certificates. Announcements. Awarding of prizes. Lunch. Athletic Contest—(Boys over four teen.) Tug O'War Five boys. Running l'mad Jt.mr.. Jliph Jump. One hundred yrd -h. Relay Race I'.'O yard- F >ur boys. Athletic Contest—(Boys under four teen.) Fifty Yard Dash. Running Broad Jump Potato Ita e. Athletic ('ontest— (Girls.) Potao Ra e. ' Throwing Basket Ball. (•roups will be composed of tic. same schools as in reading circle work. Winners will represent th -ir respective groups in county com-. ' mencement. j If you care to make suggestions as to adding other contests, please !do so at once. Former Stokes Man Dies In Winston-Salem Winston-Salem, Feb. 14.—.lames L. Tilley, 22 years old, died Sunday afternoon at 1:1 •> o'clock at the home, near Ogburn Station. Funeral services will be held Tuesday after noon at 1:110 o'clock from Brown Mountain Baptist church. Mr. Tilley is survived by his wid-, ow, who before marriage was Miss i Eva Ward; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Tilley; three brothers. Rector Tilley, of Walnut Cove; Oscar Tilley. of Covel, W. Va., and Lespie Tilley, of Winston-Salem; four sisters, Mrs. Nannie Coins, Mrs. Mattie Hodge, Mrs. Delia Cox and Miss Ludie Tilley, all of \\ in j ston-Salem. Lions Kill Deer. Approximately 600 lions in Cali fornia kill 30,000 deer yearly, or twice the number killed by hunter?., Extermination of the animal is dif ficult because it can not be traped or poisoned.—Ex. J. G. Bradshaw was here from Moore's Springs today. AFFIRMATIVE'S i! WON IN DEBATE) Held In Court House Here Eri- ( day Night Subject Was) Effect ot Divorce Laws. J I- ■ ! ; ( iti::ens of Danbury and enm n unity indulged in a fornial debate ! i:i the court hou. e here Friday nig!*: I when the subject discu- -ed V.a . "Ri.-olv.d, That more evil than I benefit results from lav.- permitting divorce." The j u-!v - rendered a 1 unoniinous verdict in favor of t!i • 1 afUrinative side. The occasion proved to be a I very interest inn one and was large- 1 l.v attended. The debate was ar- ' ranged by Mrs. A. J. Fagg. of Dan- . bury, and proceeds arising from the stile nf ti kets has been donated ' i : the school work here, a ni ■ litrj • MU I being realized. Speaking on th • •itl'.rmative . ■:' ilie one i..n ,ver.■: Mi- J. \V. Hall, Re\. U. J. 11,, | i,, , . Me --r . M. 'I. .lon. and .laii'i- .1 c> i . 1 l'he negative side was represented •' by Mr- J. Snot layb.r. Mi M n' I Ib■ia. it v. 11. W. IJ ip. I and M I I 'lllo Petrel-. i Prof. It. J, Gibson acted chairman ■ during til debate, while the judg- 1 were Di it. 11. M-i. j. S i:id * Messrs. S. A. Flin hum and J. 'i. ' Bradshaw. A string baud secured from Win ' ston-Salem furnished music thru- ; out the evening. I I i Meeting Of Music On Feb. 10th 1 The senior denartment of the , ! , ' j music club met February 10th with . , F.dwin Taylor. ; ( | Otlicers for the club were re-elect 'i d as follows: Nancy l.ee Dunlap, president; Obi Campbell, vice-presi ii«-nt: Mary Hackney. secretary; Elizalu-th Martin, treasurer. It was decided that a special program would be given in the near future for the benefit of the public. The following program was given: Club Song. Reading Milium Hail Duel Mvrtlc Priddy and Ma"y Hackney. Reading France II umphiv. 1 'net Miriam II di and Nan •. j l.ee Dunlap. ' Reading Nancy I.ee Dunlap. i'iano I iiiet M rs. .). \\. I lad an 1 Mar: lla kne\. Quartet Kli/ab :h M it in. I Mil Campbell. Mabel llud.-peth an.l • Mary Hackney. Bake Dat Chicken Pie Ol.i Campbell. Raymond Hackney. Mer lin Hudspeth and ClitTord King. Piano Solo- Mrs. J. W. Hall. I'kulala Solo—Clifford King. After the program delicious re freshments were served. SECRETARY CLUB. Atty. J. L. Roberts Is Building - A Mill J. L. Roberts, popular attorney, j of Madison, was a business visitor | Jin Danbury Friday. Mr. Roberts is J ' not discontinuing the practice of | law by any means but he is prepar ing to go into the flour mill busi- ' ness as a "side line." He has re-, cently completed a good building in Madison and has purchased neces- ' sary machinery for building a first class roller mill. He hopes to have j the mill in operation within a few months. Jno. M. Taylor Will Build Fish Pound I John M. Taylor, native Danbury citizen, was here from Winston- Salem Saturday. Mr. Taylor is mak- I ing preparations to build a fish ; pond on one of his farms just south of Danbury. He expects to let con i tract for the construction of a darn in a few days. No. 2,854 KING VACANT LOT $lOO FRONT FOOT Contract Awarded For Several New Buildings—News Items From Stokes Town. King. Feb. il Th>- I.si«lit*.-* A.I Shi iety .if tin- .M 'l'aviiin rhur 'i In-11l tli' ir regular monthly meeti* .r Tlnir.-da> afternoon at L 2:"0 at th * li'iitv ■ Mi . i. K. Stut i on tt'ii>i Main ••vt. Tin' devotional v\er- I - Will- I I•!..:•• ted liy the pre.- (ii'nt. Mr.-. S. W I'uliiam. T'.i • story nf Naomi and Ii• 11 h were r • lated liy Mrs I!. F. I'uliiam. At thii close of tin I>n-iill--- meeting :v delightful social half hour \va .ioyeil, during whi h the h-1« • > served l.ll ion- refreshments. Th • society will HUM! with Mr.-. C. S. Newsum next month. Mr. ami Mrs. >. I. Ham-. j-1.-t ri timed fr in a t*•;;t to Nev York. Tii. K . -•• I»r.ia h.ii pur, ha • n ■ . .-,! S. U. full am a 1.. ion Nor hi»« ii• t mi. ; for \vlii■ . th"; I aid i n.- Iki.-.ili i! o per froi foot. This property adjoii s the l it at tin- i-on.iT of Main anil Dei)*' Street- and was purchased t.. gi\ • them room for their ne-.c huildint.. V.hi ii i- t.i he ere-ted. They hav • let the contract to Fowler-Jones Co., uf Pilot Mtn., for tlie erection of this new building which will be tw.i stories ahove the ground with .i basement. Prosed hriek will he use I in its eonstruetion and it will !>• modern in every way with steam heat and sewerage Already a fori • of men have gone to work tearing down the old Butner building which stands on the site. About thirty days will be required to remove the old building, at which time work on the new building will be commenced and the contract calls for complet ion in ninety days from that date. li. I!. Help is preparing to ereet a new store building on his lot on east Main street which he rcently 1 purchased from ). T. Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. Finest Smith, whj reside just w'c-t of town, are th.* glad parents of a new baby girl. .1. li. Cook, wh.' holds a position ! with the Southern Railway Con ! pany. -pent Sunday with hi- fami!/ I ::i Walnut Hil!-. ; Rev. Kdward I'rewer, of Winston- Salem. dellivered a very interesting sermon at the King Moravian , ihureh Sunday. Tin home of Mr. and Mrs. Clad" Tedder was made happy Saturday by the arrival of a new baby gir'. Miss Geneva Shore, of Winston Salem, was among the visitors here i Sunday. A. S. Francis has let the contract > I to Fowler-Jones Co. for the erect ion of a new home on the site in j Pilot View where his resideiv _> i burned recently. Miss Crysel Caudle, of Winston - i Salem, spent Sunday with her par jents in Walnut Hills. I Harvey Pulliam has removed his ! family here from High Point and j will make this their future home. Capt. C. J. Kirby, who holds j position with The Southern Rail | way Co., spent Sunday with his family in Walnut Hills. Mr. and Mrs. H. Spainhour spent i Sunday with Mrs. Spainhour's par | ents at Mizpah. The Illinois Watch Co., of Spring field, 111., is presenting through E. , P. Newsum, the local jeweler here, a nice Lincoln medal to the student in the King high school who writes the best essay on Abraham Lincoln. The presentation will be made on t Lincoln's birthday. B. L. Manning, of Winston-Salem, ! was here today attending to some j business matters. C W. Patterson, of Pilot Mtn., is among the business visitors here to day.